private static void DrawMenuDisplay() { //& Draws the menu display // Draws the buttons from the system GUILayout.BeginVertical(, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); GUILayout.Label(SYSTEM_CMD_MENU,"centerLabel"), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(20)); systemCmdScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(systemCmdScroll, GUILayout.Height(DebugHandler.devWindow.Rect.height * 0.3f)); foreach (ConsoleButton button in GuuConsole.buttons.Values) { if (GUILayout.Button(button.Text)) { GuuConsole.ExecuteCommand(button.Command, true); } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); // Draws the buttons from the users GUILayout.BeginVertical(, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); GUILayout.Label(USER_CMD_MENU,"centerLabel"), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(20)); usedCmdScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(usedCmdScroll, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); foreach (ConsoleButton button in GuuConsole.customButtons.Values) { if (GUILayout.Button(button.Text)) { GuuConsole.ExecuteCommand(button.Command, true); } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
//+ INPUT CONTROL internal override bool OnProcessInput(EventModifiers mods) { if (Event.current == null) { return(false); } switch (Event.current.keyCode) { // Closes auto complete if open and ESC is pressed case KeyCode.Escape when autoComplete: autoComplete = false; return(true); // Submits the input of the console if ENTER/RETURN is pressed case KeyCode.Return: case KeyCode.KeypadEnter: GuuConsole.ExecuteCommand(input.TrimEnd(' ')); input = string.Empty; currHistory = -1; completeIndex = 0; autoComplete = false; return(true); // Toggles the auto complete if CTRL+Space is pressed (CMD for mac) case KeyCode.Space when mods == EventModifiers.Control || mods == EventModifiers.Command: CheckChanges(); removeLastSpace = true; if (acCache.Count == 0) { return(true); } autoComplete = true; return(true); // Executes auto complete when TAB is pressed without modifiers case KeyCode.Tab when mods == EventModifiers.None && autoComplete: input = input.Substring(0, input.Length - acSelection.Length) + acCache[completeIndex]; moveCursor = true; return(true); // Changes the history if the UP ARROW was pressed case KeyCode.UpArrow when !autoComplete && GuuConsole.history.Count > 0: currHistory = currHistory == -1 ? GuuConsole.history.Count - 1 : currHistory > 0 ? currHistory - 1 : currHistory; input = GuuConsole.history[currHistory]; moveCursor = true; return(true); // Changes the history if the DOWN ARROW was pressed case KeyCode.DownArrow when !autoComplete && GuuConsole.history.Count > 0: if (currHistory == -1) { return(true); } currHistory = currHistory < GuuConsole.history.Count - 1 ? currHistory + 1 : -1; input = currHistory == -1 ? string.Empty : GuuConsole.history[currHistory]; moveCursor = true; return(true); // Changes the auto complete selection if UP ARROW was pressed case KeyCode.UpArrow when autoComplete: completeIndex = completeIndex == 0 ? acCache.Count - 1 : completeIndex - 1; acScroll.y = 25 * completeIndex; return(true); // Changes the auto complete selection if DOWN ARROW was pressed case KeyCode.DownArrow when autoComplete: completeIndex = completeIndex == acCache.Count - 1 ? 0 : completeIndex + 1; acScroll.y = 25 * completeIndex; return(true); // Anything else default: return(false); } }
//+ INTERACTIONS internal void Execute() { GuuConsole.ExecuteCommand(Command, true); }