public StoreScreen() { background = Game1.Instance.gameContent.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/store_screen"); sideBG = Game1.Instance.gameContent.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/store_side"); buttons = new List<GuiButton>(); abilities = new List<IAbility>(); pitButton = new GuiButton(new Vector2(200, 100), "Sprites/pit_button", 48, 48, 0); pitButton.Enabled = true; spikeButton = new GuiButton(new Vector2(156, 172), "Sprites/spikes_button", 48, 48, 1); spikeButton.Enabled = false; spikeButton.Cost = 50; spikeButton.Click += new GuiButton.ClickHandler(buyAbility); spikeButton.Hover += new GuiButton.HoverHandler(showCost); lionButton = new GuiButton(new Vector2(248, 172), "Sprites/lion_button", 48, 48, 2); lionButton.Enabled = false; lionButton.Cost = 80; lionButton.Click += new GuiButton.ClickHandler(buyAbility); lionButton.Hover += new GuiButton.HoverHandler(showCost); crocButton = new GuiButton(new Vector2(202, 250), "Sprites/CrocButton", 48, 48, 3); crocButton.Enabled = false; crocButton.Cost = 130; crocButton.Click += new GuiButton.ClickHandler(buyAbility); crocButton.Hover += new GuiButton.HoverHandler(showCost); nukeButton = new GuiButton(new Vector2(202, 350), "Sprites/nuke_button", 48, 48, 4); nukeButton.Enabled = false; nukeButton.Cost = 250; nukeButton.Click += new GuiButton.ClickHandler(buyAbility); nukeButton.Hover += new GuiButton.HoverHandler(showCost); gameButton = new GuiButton(new Vector2(550, 550), "Sprites/button", 193, 25, 0); gameButton.Enabled = true; gameButton.ChangeScreens += new GuiButton.GuiHandler(changeScreens); gameButton.Hover += new GuiButton.HoverHandler(gameButton_Hover); buttons.Add(pitButton); buttons.Add(spikeButton); buttons.Add(lionButton); buttons.Add(crocButton); buttons.Add(nukeButton); abilityDesc = new List<string>(); abilityDesc.Add("Pit:\n\nDig a hole and send the\nzebras to their doom."); abilityDesc.Add("Spikes:\n\nLay a bed of spikes to\nimpale the creatures inflicting\nsome damage."); abilityDesc.Add("Lion:\n\nUnleash the fury of a lion to\nmaul down the zebras."); abilityDesc.Add("Crocodile:\n\nSend the zebras to a deathroll\nas they enter the maw of\nthis creature."); abilityDesc.Add("Nuke:\n\nEradicate the zebra race as\nwe know it."); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++) { if (buttons[i].Enabled) { buttons[i].Click += new GuiButton.ClickHandler(addAbilityToBar); buttons[i].Hover += new GuiButton.HoverHandler(changeText); buttons[i].Drag += new GuiButton.DraggingHandler(dragging); buttons[i].Drop += new GuiButton.DropHandler(dropping); } } input = new StoreInput(buttons); }
private void Initialize() { buttonCreate = new GuiButton() { Size = new Vector2(130, 10), Location = new Vector2(0, 10), Text = "New Game" }; buttonCreate.OnClick += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(button_OnClick); AddControl(buttonCreate); GuiPanel panel = new GuiPanel() { Size = new Vector2(110, 10), Location = new Vector2(20, 30) }; label = new GuiLabel() { Size = new Vector2(0, 0), Location = new Vector2(0, 0), Center = true, Text = "", Color = new Vector4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1) }; panel.AddControl(label); AddControl(panel); buttonGenerator = new GuiButton() { Size = new Vector2(10, 10), Location = new Vector2(0, 30), Text = "=" }; buttonGenerator.OnClick += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(buttonGenerator_OnClick); AddControl(buttonGenerator); DataBind(); }
public InventoryScreen(string inventoryFont) { // Set the font for the inventory this.inventoryFont = inventoryFont; // Add some buttons to add / delete from player inv GuiButton buttonAddSword = GuiButton.createButtonWithLabel(new Point(0, 300), "Add Sword", "testure", "font"); buttonAddSword.ClickHandler = () => inventory.addItem(Item.getItem("sword")); addElement(buttonAddSword); GuiButton buttonAddPotion = GuiButton.createButtonWithLabel(new Point(buttonAddSword.Bounds.Right + 16, buttonAddSword.Bounds.Top), "Add Potion", "testure", "font"); buttonAddPotion.ClickHandler = () => inventory.addItem(Item.getItem("hpPot")); addElement(buttonAddPotion); GuiButton buttonRemoveSword = GuiButton.createButtonWithLabel(new Point(buttonAddSword.Bounds.Left, buttonAddSword.Bounds.Bottom + 16), "Remove Sword", "testure", "font"); buttonRemoveSword.ClickHandler = () => inventory.removeItem(Item.getItem("sword")); addElement(buttonRemoveSword); GuiButton buttonRemovePotion = GuiButton.createButtonWithLabel(new Point(buttonAddPotion.Bounds.Left, buttonAddPotion.Bounds.Bottom + 16), "Remove Potion", "testure", "font"); buttonRemovePotion.ClickHandler = () => inventory.removeItem(Item.getItem("hpPot")); addElement(buttonRemovePotion); }
public AbilityBar(int x, int y) { abilityList = new List<IAbility>(); abilityList.Add(new Pit(new Vector2(0, 0))); abilityList.Add(new Spike(new Vector2(0, 0))); abilityList.Add(new Lion(new Vector2(0, 0))); abilityList.Add(new Croc(new Vector2(0, 0))); abilityList.Add(new Nuke(new Vector2(0, 0))); abilities = new Dictionary<int,IAbility>(); position = new Vector2(x, y); bar = Game1.Instance.gameContent.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/abilitybar"); button1 = new GuiButton(new Vector2(300,550), "Sprites/button_template", 48, 48, 0); button1.Enabled = true; button2 = new GuiButton(new Vector2(348, 550), "Sprites/button_template", 48, 48, 1); button2.Enabled = true; button3 = new GuiButton(new Vector2(396, 550), "Sprites/button_template", 48, 48, 2); button3.Enabled = true; button4 = new GuiButton(new Vector2(444, 550), "Sprites/button_template", 48, 48, 3); button4.Enabled = true; buttonList = new List<GuiButton>(); buttonList.Add(button1); buttonList.Add(button2); buttonList.Add(button3); buttonList.Add(button4); }
/** * Creates a new ModalList state. * * @param title Title to display at top of list * @param objects A list of objects that will be selected from * @param canCancel If true a cancel button is included which will close the window and return a null result */ public ModalOptionListState(string title, List <T> objects, bool canCancel = true) : base(title) { GuiListBox <T> ListBox = new GuiListBox <T>(10, 10, Window.Width - 20, Window.Height - 80); foreach (T item in objects) { ListBox.Add(item); } GuiButton ConfirmationButton = new GuiButton("OK", 120, 30); ConfirmationButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { Result = ListBox.Selected; Close(); }; GuiButton CancelButton = new GuiButton("Cancel", 120, 30); CancelButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { Result = default(T); Close(); }; Window.Add(ListBox); Window.Add(ConfirmationButton, -20, -20); if (canCancel) { Window.Add(CancelButton, 20, -20); } }
private void picMain_MouseDown(object eventSender, MouseEventArgs eventArgs) { Program.Log.LogDebug("picMain_MouseDown {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eventArgs)); GuiButton Button = ResolveMouseButton(eventArgs); var X = eventArgs.X; var Y = eventArgs.Y; // 押されたマウスボタンの種類&カーソルの座標を記録 GUI.MouseButton = Button; GUI.MouseX = X; GUI.MouseY = Y; if (GUI.IsGUILocked) { return; } if (Button == GuiButton.Left) { GUI.PrevMapX = GUI.MapX; GUI.PrevMapY = GUI.MapY; GUI.PrevMouseX = X; GUI.PrevMouseY = Y; IsDragging = true; lastDraggPoint.X = X; lastDraggPoint.Y = Y; } }
public MenuScreen() { heroList = new List <Creature>(); baddudes = new List <Creature>(); CreatureStats heroStats = new CreatureStats(100, 5, 0.5); hero = new Hero("tester", heroStats); CreatureStats baddudeStats = new CreatureStats(100, 5, 0.1); baddude = new Enemy("tester", baddudeStats); baddudes.Add(baddude); heroList.Add(hero); newBattle = new Battle(heroList, baddudes); OngoingBattles.ongoingBattleList.Add(newBattle); // Add the Exit button GuiButton buttonExit = new GuiButton(new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), "testure"); buttonExit.ClickHandler = kill; addElement(buttonExit); // Add an Inventory button GuiButton buttonInventory = new GuiButton(new Rectangle(300, 0, 32, 32), "testure"); buttonInventory.ClickHandler = () => ScreenManager.Instance.selectScreen("inventory"); addElement(buttonInventory); // Set the font font = "font"; }
private void createGUI() { GuiButton stopButton = new GuiButton(890, 870); stopButton.OnClickEvent += new GuiButton.ClickEventHandler(stopButton_OnClickEvent); this.addActor(stopButton); turnButton = new GuiButton(890, 10); turnButton.OnClickEvent += new GuiButton.ClickEventHandler(turnButton_OnClickEvent); turnButton.setImage("Images\\turndwarf.png"); turnButton.setImageActive("Images\\turndwarf_a.png"); this.addActor(turnButton); GuiButton dwarf = new GuiButton(20, 0); dwarf.receivesInput(false); dwarf.setImage("Images\\dwarf.png"); this.addActor(dwarf); GuiButton troll = new GuiButton(20, 70); troll.receivesInput(false); troll.setImage("Images\\troll.png"); this.addActor(troll); dwarfScore = new GuiText(90, 0); dwarfScore.setText("32"); this.addActor(dwarfScore); trollScore = new GuiText(90, 70); trollScore.setText("32"); this.addActor(trollScore); }
public void displayWin(SIDE type) { String str = "Dwarves win!"; String img = "Images\\dwarfbig.png"; if (type == SIDE.TROLL) { str = "Trolls win!"; img = "Images\\trollbig.png"; } GuiText text = new GuiText(300, 300); text.setText(str); text.setFontColor(Color.Black); text.setFontSize(75); text.receivesInput(false); this.addActor(text); GuiButton image = new GuiButton(400, 500); image.setImage(img); image.receivesInput(false); this.addActor(image); }
private void buttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (sender is Button) { Button b = sender as Button; GuiButton gb = guiController[b.Name] as GuiButton; foreach (string functionName in gb.GetEventHandlers("onclick")) { this.executioner.ExecuteFunction(functionName, gb); } } } catch (Exception x) { //ZeusDisplayError formError = new ZeusDisplayError(x); //formError.ShowDialog(this); if (logger != null) { logger.LogException(x); } } }
public SelectPartyState(bool allowCreateParty = false) : base("SelectPartyState") { Util.Assert(CoM.CharacterList != null, "Select Party State requires character list to be created before initialization."); _allowCreateParty = allowCreateParty; GuiWindow window = new GuiWindow(GuiPartySpan.WIDTH + 40, 400); window.WindowStyle = GuiWindowStyle.Titled; window.Background.Sprite = ResourceManager.GetSprite("Gui/InnerWindow"); window.Background.Color = Colors.BackgroundGray; window.Title = "Select Party"; Add(window, 0, 100); partyList = new GuiScrollableArea(100, 100, ScrollMode.VerticalOnly); partyList.Align = GuiAlignment.Full; window.Add(partyList); GuiWindow buttonsWindow = new GuiWindow(500, 80); buttonsWindow.Y = (int)window.Bounds.yMax - 5; Add(buttonsWindow, 0); GuiButton BackButton = new GuiButton("Back"); buttonsWindow.Add(BackButton, 0, 0); BackButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { Engine.PopState(); }; }
// Loading the content and setting up said content public void LoadContent(ContentManager Content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) { backgroundManager.LoadContent(Content, graphicsDevice, @"Backgrounds\Clouds\Cloud-Blue-1", @"Backgrounds\Clouds\Cloud-Blue-2"); HeaderFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\StartMenuHeaderFont"); HUDFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\HUDFont"); HeaderPosition = new Vector2(Game1.ViewPortWidth / 2 - (HeaderFont.MeasureString("Levi Challenge").X / 2), Game1.ViewPortHeight / 20); MadeByPosition = new Vector2(10, Game1.ViewPortHeight - HUDFont.MeasureString("Made by Nathan Todd").Y); boxHeaderLine = new GuiBox(new Vector2(Game1.ViewPortWidth / 2 - (float)((HeaderFont.MeasureString("Levi Challenge").X * 1.3) / 2), Game1.ViewPortHeight / 6), (int)(HeaderFont.MeasureString("Levi Challenge").X * 1.3), 2, 0, Color.White * 0.4f, Color.White, graphicsDevice); btnNewGame = new GuiButton(new Vector2(Game1.ViewPortWidth / 2 - 168, Game1.ViewPortHeight / 4), 336, 69, 0, Color.Black * 0.3f, Color.YellowGreen * 0.3f, Color.White, Color.White * 0.6f, "New Game", @"Fonts\StartMenuButtonFont"); btnContinue = new GuiButton(new Vector2(Game1.ViewPortWidth / 2 - 168, Game1.ViewPortHeight / 4 + 69), 336, 69, 0, Color.Black * 0.15f, Color.YellowGreen * 0.15f, Color.White, Color.White * 0.6f, "Continue", @"Fonts\StartMenuButtonFont"); btnOptions = new GuiButton(new Vector2(Game1.ViewPortWidth / 2 - 168, Game1.ViewPortHeight / 4 + 138), 336, 69, 0, Color.Black * 0.3f, Color.YellowGreen * 0.3f, Color.White, Color.White * 0.6f, "Options", @"Fonts\StartMenuButtonFont"); btnExit = new GuiButton(new Vector2(Game1.ViewPortWidth / 2 - 168, Game1.ViewPortHeight / 4 + 207), 336, 69, 0, Color.Black * 0.15f, Color.YellowGreen * 0.15f, Color.White, Color.White * 0.6f, "Exit", @"Fonts\StartMenuButtonFont"); guiSystem.Add(boxHeaderLine); guiSystem.Add(btnNewGame); guiSystem.Add(btnContinue); guiSystem.Add(btnOptions); guiSystem.Add(btnExit); guiSystem.LoadContent(Content, graphicsDevice); guiSystem.ButtonIndexUpdate(0); }
public OverlayMainMenu() { // Quit button buttonQuit = new GuiButton(new Rectangle(new Point(0, MaxOfEmpires.ScreenSize.Y - 200), new Point(300, 200)), "TitleScreen/QuitButton"); buttonQuit.ClickHandler = () => { buttonQuit.Visible = false; buttonSure.Visible = true; }; addElement(buttonQuit); // Are you sure? button buttonSure = new GuiButton(buttonQuit.Bounds, "TitleScreen/AreYouSureButton"); buttonSure.ClickHandler = () => { MaxOfEmpires.Quit(); }; buttonSure.Visible = false; addElement(buttonSure); // Settings button buttonSettings = new GuiButton(new Rectangle(new Point(0, buttonQuit.Bounds.Y - 150), new Point(300, 200)), "TitleScreen/SettingsButton"); buttonSettings.ClickHandler = () => GameStateManager.SwitchState("settingsMenu", true); addElement(buttonSettings); // Start button buttonStart = new GuiButton(new Rectangle(new Point(0, buttonSettings.Bounds.Y - 150), new Point(300, 200)), "TitleScreen/StartGameButton"); buttonStart.ClickHandler = () => GameStateManager.SwitchState("economy", true); addElement(buttonStart); // Set everything to the center of the screen CenterElements(); }
public ModalDecisionState(string title, string text) : base(title) { GuiLabel Text = new GuiLabel(10, 10, text, (int)Window.ContentsBounds.width - 20, (int)Window.Height - 20 - 70); Text.TextAlign = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.WordWrap = true; GuiButton YesButton = new GuiButton("Yes", 120, 30); YesButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { Result = true; Close(); doYes(); }; GuiButton NoButton = new GuiButton("No", 120, 30); NoButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { Result = false; Close(); doNo(); }; Window.Add(Text); Window.Add(YesButton, -20, -20); Window.Add(NoButton, 20, -20); }
public BankState() : base("Bank") { GoldTransfer = new GuiGold(); MainWindow.Width = 600; MainWindow.Height = 450; BankGoldLabel = new GuiLabel(0, 0, "Gold:"); MainWindow.Add(BankGoldLabel, 20, 20); BankGoldValueLabel = new GuiLabel(0, 0, ""); BankGoldValueLabel.DragDropEnabled = true; BankGoldValueLabel.ForceContent(GoldTransfer); MainWindow.Add(BankGoldValueLabel, 100, 20); InHandGoldLabel = new GuiLabel(0, 0, "In Hand:"); MainWindow.Add(InHandGoldLabel, 20, 50); InHandGoldValueLabel = new GuiLabel(0, 0, ""); MainWindow.Add(InHandGoldValueLabel, 100, 50); DepositButton = new GuiButton("Deposit"); MainWindow.Add(DepositButton, 20, 80); Inventory = new GuiItemInventory(300, 330); MainWindow.Add(Inventory, 200, 10); DepositButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { Character.GoldInBank += Character.GoldInHand; Character.GoldInHand = 0; }; RepositionControls(); }
public OverlayEconomyState() { // Add the end turn button buttonEndTurn = GuiButton.createButtonWithLabel(MaxOfEmpires.overlayPos.ToPoint(), "End turn", null, "font"); addElement(buttonEndTurn); // Add a label showing whose turn it currently is labelCurrentPlayer = GuiLabel.createNewLabel(new Vector2(buttonEndTurn.Bounds.Right + 2, buttonEndTurn.Bounds.Top + 2), "Current player: ", "font"); addElement(labelCurrentPlayer); // Add a label telling the player how much money they have labelPlayerMoney = GuiLabel.createNewLabel(new Vector2(labelCurrentPlayer.Bounds.Left, labelCurrentPlayer.Bounds.Bottom + 5), "Money: 0G", "font"); addElement(labelPlayerMoney); labelPlayerMoneyPerTurn = GuiLabel.createNewLabel(new Vector2(labelCurrentPlayer.Bounds.Left, labelPlayerMoney.Bounds.Bottom + 5), "Money per turn: 0G", "font"); addElement(labelPlayerMoneyPerTurn); // Add a label telling the player how much population they have labelPlayerPopulation = GuiLabel.createNewLabel(new Vector2(labelCurrentPlayer.Bounds.Left, labelPlayerMoneyPerTurn.Bounds.Bottom + 5), "Free Population: 0", "font"); addElement(labelPlayerPopulation); // Add labels for unit stats listArmySoldiers = GuiList.createNewList(new Point(labelPlayerMoneyPerTurn.Bounds.Location.X, labelPlayerPopulation.Bounds.Bottom + 5), 5, new List <GuiElement>(), 300); listArmySoldiers.addElement(ElementArmySelection.CreateBuildButton(Point.Zero, "1", null, null)); // Add this so that the size is calculated correctly addElement(listArmySoldiers); buildingInfoPosition = new Point(buttonEndTurn.Bounds.Left, listArmySoldiers.Bounds.Bottom + listArmySoldiers.MaxHeight + 5); // Remove this label so that it doesn't display bullshit :) listArmySoldiers.removeElement(0); }
public EmptyPlanetView(Action onColonizationChange) { this.onColonizationChange = onColonizationChange; this.Background = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.PanelBackground, 6); this.Position.FixedSize(360, 116); this.title = new GuiText { Margins = new Vector2(8, 4), TextColor = Color.Black, TextHeight = 12 }; this.title.Position.WrapContent().Then.ParentRelative(-1, 1).UseMargins(); this.AddChild(this.title); this.colonizeButton = new GuiButton { BackgroundHover = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonHover, 9), BackgroundNormal = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonNormal, 9), Padding = 10, Margins = new Vector2(8, 8), TextColor = Color.Black, TextHeight = 12, ClickCallback = colonizeButton_Click }; this.colonizeButton.Position.FixedSize(88, 88).ParentRelative(-1, -1).UseMargins(); this.AddChild(this.colonizeButton); }
public DebugMenuState() : base("DebugMenu") { GuiWindow window = new GuiWindow(400, 500, "DEBUG"); Add(window, 0, 0); int buttonIndex = 0; GuiButton testSerializationButton = new GuiButton("Serialization", -1); window.Add(testSerializationButton, 0, 50 + 40 * buttonIndex++); GuiButton ResetButton = new GuiButton("Reset", -1); ResetButton.ColorTransform = ColorTransform.BlackAndWhite; ResetButton.Color = new Color(1f, 0.4f, 0.3f); window.Add(ResetButton, 0, 50 + 40 * buttonIndex++); testSerializationButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { testDataSerialization(); }; ResetButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { CoM.ConfirmAction(performGameReset, "Are you sure you want to reset the game?"); }; window.Add(Util.CreateBackButton(), 0, -10); }
public void Execute(ActionContext context) { Console.WriteLine("Button press action execution"); GuiSession session = context.GetSession(); GuiButton button = (GuiButton)session.FindById(path); button?.Press(); }
/** Creates and returns a button that pops the state */ public static GuiButton CreateBackButton(string caption = "Back") { GuiButton result = new GuiButton(caption); result.OnMouseClicked += delegate { Engine.PopState(); }; return(result); }
public void DesiredSizeShouldBeEmptyByDefault() { var availableSize = new Size2(800, 480); var context = Substitute.For <IGuiContext>(); var button = new GuiButton(); var desiredSize = button.GetDesiredSize(context, availableSize); Assert.That(desiredSize, Is.EqualTo(Size2.Empty)); }
public bool ButtonPressByID(string strControlID) { GuiSession SapSession = getCurrentSession(); GuiButton button = (GuiButton)SapSession.ActiveWindow.FindById(strControlID, "GuiTextField"); button.SetFocus(); button.Press(); return(true); }
public void LoadContent(ContentManager Content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) { btnControlUp = new GuiButton(new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - 25, 10), 50, 50, 0, Color.Black * 0.3f, Color.YellowGreen * 0.3f, Color.White, Color.White * 0.6f, Game1.MoveUpKey.ToString(), @"Fonts\StartMenuButtonFont"); btnReturn = new GuiButton(new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - 168, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 + 69), 336, 69, 0, Color.Black * 0.3f, Color.YellowGreen * 0.3f, Color.White, Color.White * 0.6f, "Return", @"Fonts\StartMenuButtonFont"); guiSystem.Add(btnControlUp); guiSystem.Add(btnReturn); guiSystem.LoadContent(Content, graphicsDevice); guiSystem.ButtonIndexUpdate(0); }
/** Create global controls */ private void CreateControls() { OptionsButton = new GuiButton("Options"); OptionsButton.OnMouseClicked += delegate { if (!(CurrentState is SettingsMenuState)) { PushState(new SettingsMenuState()); } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initialise les composants de l'interface graphique. /// </summary> void CreateGui() { m_modeButton = new GuiButton(m_baseControler.EnhancedGuiManager) { Location = new Point(0, 0), Title = "Land", Size = new Point(150, 25) }; m_modeButton.Clicked += OnChangeMode; }
public UnitStatus() { this.Background = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.PanelBackground, 6); this.Position.FixedSize(360, 50); this.shipCount = new GuiText { Margins = new Vector2(8, 4), TextColor = Color.Black, TextHeight = 12 }; this.shipCount.Position.WrapContent().Then.ParentRelative(-1, 1).UseMargins(); this.AddChild(this.shipCount); this.movementInfo = new GuiText { Margins = new Vector2(0, 4), TextColor = Color.Black, TextHeight = 12 }; this.movementInfo.Position.WrapContent().Then.RelativeTo(this.shipCount, -1, -1, -1, 1).UseMargins(); this.AddChild(this.movementInfo); this.doneButon = new GuiButton { BackgroundHover = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonHover, 9), BackgroundNormal = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonNormal, 9), Padding = 6, Margins = new Vector2(0, 4), TextColor = Color.Black, TextHeight = 12, Text = textFor("UnitDone").Text(), ClickCallback = this.unitDone }; this.doneButon.Position.FixedSize(80, 40).ParentRelative(0, 1).UseMargins().StretchBottomTo(this, -1); this.AddChild(this.doneButon); this.armorInfo = new GuiText { Margins = new Vector2(15, 4), TextColor = Color.Black, TextHeight = 12 }; this.armorInfo.Position.WrapContent().Then.RelativeTo(this.doneButon, 1, 1, -1, 1).UseMargins(); this.AddChild(this.armorInfo); this.shieldsInfo = new GuiText { Margins = new Vector2(0, 4), TextColor = Color.Black, TextHeight = 12 }; this.shieldsInfo.Position.WrapContent().Then.RelativeTo(this.armorInfo, -1, -1, -1, 1).UseMargins(); this.AddChild(this.shieldsInfo); }
public override void Init(Game game) { base.Init(game); loading = false; //Button zum erneuten spielen GuiButton start = new GuiButton("Restart", Width / 2 - 50, Height / 2, 100, 20) { Background = Color.White }; start.OnClick += (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) => { if (loading || !start.OnHover(e)) //nur ausführen wenn auch über dem Button { return; } //In einem neuen Thread, damit die Form nicht hängt new Thread(() => { loadingText = "Loading"; loading = true; game.LoadIngame(hard); //Laden des IngameSpiels game.SetScreen(null); //Setzten des Ingame-Fokuses }).Start(); }; //Erstellen eines Buttons für das Beenden des Spieles GuiButton quit = new GuiButton("Quit", Width / 2 - 50, Height / 2 + 30, 100, 20) { Background = Color.White }; quit.OnClick += (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) => { if (loading || !quit.OnHover(e)) { return; } Application.Exit(); }; //Ob der Modus Hard aktiviert werden soll GuiCheckbox box = new GuiCheckbox("Hard", false) { Position = new Vector(Width / 2 - 50, Height / 2 - 30), Size = new Vector(100, 20) }; box.OnClick += (object sender, MouseEventArgs args) => { hard = box.State; }; Components.Add(box); Components.Add(start); Components.Add(quit); }
public bool ButtonPressByID_Using_MainWindowName(string MainWindowName, string strControlID) { GuiSession SapSession = getCurrentSession(MainWindowName); //SapSession.SuppressBackendPopups = true; GuiButton button = (GuiButton)SapSession.ActiveWindow.FindById(strControlID, "GuiTextField"); button.SetFocus(); button.Press(); //SapSession.SuppressBackendPopups = false; return(true); }
public MultiplayerServerSelectionState(GuiPanoramaSkyBox skyBox) : base() { _skyBox = skyBox; CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _listProvider = GetService <IListStorageProvider <SavedServerEntry> >(); Title = "Multiplayer"; TitleTranslationKey = "multiplayer.title"; Footer.AddRow(row => { row.AddChild(JoinServerButton = new GuiButton("Join Server", OnJoinServerButtonPressed) { TranslationKey = "", Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(DirectConnectButton = new GuiButton("Direct Connect", () => Alex.GameStateManager.SetActiveState <MultiplayerConnectState>()) { TranslationKey = "", Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(AddServerButton = new GuiButton("Add Server", OnAddItemButtonPressed) { TranslationKey = "selectServer.add" }); }); Footer.AddRow(row => { row.AddChild(EditServerButton = new GuiButton("Edit", OnEditItemButtonPressed) { TranslationKey = "selectServer.edit", Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(DeleteServerButton = new GuiButton("Delete", OnDeleteItemButtonPressed) { TranslationKey = "selectServer.delete", Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(new GuiButton("Refresh", OnRefreshButtonPressed) { TranslationKey = "selectServer.refresh" }); row.AddChild(new GuiBackButton() { TranslationKey = "gui.cancel" }); }); Background = new GuiTexture2D(_skyBox, TextureRepeatMode.Stretch); }
public ProfileSelectionState(GuiPanoramaSkyBox skyBox, Alex alex) { Alex = alex; _skyBox = skyBox; ProfileService = GetService <IPlayerProfileService>(); Title = "Select Profile"; Background = new GuiTexture2D(_skyBox, TextureRepeatMode.Stretch); base.ListContainer.ChildAnchor = Alignment.MiddleCenter; base.ListContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; Footer.AddRow(row => { row.AddChild(_addBtn = new GuiButton("Add", AddClicked) { }); row.AddChild(_editBtn = new GuiButton("Edit", EditClicked) { Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(_deleteBtn = new GuiButton("Delete", DeleteClicked) { Enabled = false }); }); Footer.AddRow(row => { // row.ChildAnchor = Alignment.CenterX; row.AddChild(_selectBtn = new GuiButton("Select Profile", OnProfileSelect) { Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(_cancelBtn = new GuiButton("Cancel", OnCancelButtonPressed) { }); }); if (_defaultSkin == null) { Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture); _defaultSkin = new Skin() { Slim = true, Texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture) }; } Reload(); }
private void AddButtonToPanel(GuiButton guiButton, Panel panel) { if (guiButton != null) { panel.AddUiObject(guiButton); } else { SendDebugMessage("The button was null"); Debug.WriteLine("The button was null"); } }
public void DesiredSizeShouldBeTheSizeOfTheBackgroundRegion() { var availableSize = new Size2(800, 480); var context = Substitute.For <IGuiContext>(); var backgroundRegion = MockTextureRegion(); var button = new GuiButton { BackgroundRegion = backgroundRegion }; var desiredSize = button.GetDesiredSize(context, availableSize); Assert.That(desiredSize, Is.EqualTo(backgroundRegion.Size)); }
private void showCost(GuiButton b, ButtonArgs args) { currentText = abilityDesc[args.AbilityID] + "\n\nAbility Cost: " + b.Cost + " Store Points\n"; }
private void addAbilityToBar(GuiButton b, ButtonArgs args) { // This function would fetch the ability in general list and add it to the instantiated bar of the gamescreen Console.WriteLine("AbilityID: " + args.AbilityID); }
private void buyAbility(GuiButton b, ButtonArgs args) { if (Game1.Instance.StorePoints >= b.Cost) { Game1.Instance.StorePoints -= b.Cost; b.Enabled = true; b.Click -= buyAbility; b.Hover -= showCost; b.Click += new GuiButton.ClickHandler(addAbilityToBar); b.Hover += new GuiButton.HoverHandler(changeText); b.Drag += new GuiButton.DraggingHandler(dragging); b.Drop += new GuiButton.DropHandler(dropping); } else { currentText = "Not enough store points!"; } }
private void changeScreens(GuiButton b) { //Game1.Instance.ScreenManager.currentScreen().Block = true; //Game1.Instance.ScreenManager.currentScreen().Pause = true; //Game1.Instance.ScreenManager.popScreen(); Game1.Instance.ScreenManager.currentScreen().Pause = true; Game1.Instance.ScreenManager.pushScreen(new GamePlayScreen()); }
private void dragging(GuiButton b, ButtonArgs args) { skillDragged = args.Dragged; draggedImage = b.ButtonImage; }
private void changeText(GuiButton b, ButtonArgs args) { b.FrameID = new Vector2(1, 0); currentText = abilityDesc[args.AbilityID]; }
// ***************************************************** // UpdateTouchedButtons - update UI buttons behind touch collider // ----------------------------------------------------- private void UpdateTouchedButtons() { if (mTransFlag && !mTransFlagLast && mTransTransform) { mTouchedButton = null; Vector3 theViewportPt = RayCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(mTransTransform.position); Ray theRay = RayCamera.ViewportPointToRay(theViewportPt); RaycastHit theRayCastHit; mCollider.enabled = false; if (Physics.Raycast(theRay, out theRayCastHit, 100)) { GuiButton theButton = theRayCastHit.collider.GetComponent<GuiButton>(); if (theButton != null) mTouchedButton = theButton; } mCollider.enabled = true; // send OnMouseDown message if (mTouchedButton != null) { mTouchButtonViewportPt = theViewportPt; mTouchedButton.SendMessage("OnMouseDown"); } } if (mTouchedButton != null) { if (mTransFlag && mTransTransform) { Vector3 theDiff = mTouchButtonViewportPt - RayCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(mTransTransform.position); if (mFingerOverMap.Count != 1 || theDiff.sqrMagnitude >= (UIBUTTON_VIEWPORT_DIST * UIBUTTON_VIEWPORT_DIST)) { // send OnMouseExit message -VM mTouchedButton.SendMessage("OnMouseExit"); mTouchedButton = null; } } else { // send OnMouseUp message mTouchedButton.SendMessage("OnMouseUp"); mTouchedButton = null; } } }
private void gameButton_Hover(GuiButton b, ButtonArgs args) { b.FrameID = new Vector2(1, 0); }
// ***************************************************** // SetTouchedButton // ----------------------------------------------------- public void SetTouchedButton(GuiButton inButton) { mTouchedButton = inButton; }
private void dropping(GuiButton b, ButtonArgs args) { Rectangle box = new Rectangle(Mouse.GetState().X - 24, Mouse.GetState().Y - 24, 48, 48); GuiButton abilityBarButton = Game1.Instance.GameAbilityBar.abilityButton(new Point(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y)); if (abilityBarButton != null) { skillDragged = args.Dragged; if (box.Intersects(abilityBarButton.BoundingBox)) { Console.WriteLine("Collided"); Game1.Instance.GameAbilityBar.setAbility(args.AbilityID, Game1.Instance.GameAbilityBar.AbilityList[args.AbilityID]); Console.WriteLine(args.AbilityID); abilityBarButton.AbilityID = args.AbilityID; abilityBarButton.ButtonImage = b.ButtonImage; } } else { skillDragged = false; } }
void HandleButton(GuiConfigDB conf, GuiButton gbtn) { if (!Buttons.ContainsKey( { // create a new empty button AddButton(, new ctlImageButton()); Buttons[].BringToFront(); } ctlImageButton butt = Buttons[]; // butt.Visible = true; butt.Visible = gbtn.visible.GetIfExplicit(true); butt.GuiAnchor = gbtn.dock.GetIfExplicit(butt.GuiAnchor); butt.Gapx = gbtn.x.GetIfExplicit(butt.Gapx); butt.Gapy = gbtn.y.GetIfExplicit(butt.Gapy); butt.Width = gbtn.w.GetIfExplicit(butt.Width); butt.Height = gbtn.h.GetIfExplicit(butt.Height); butt.StyleName =; butt.OnClickCallback = gbtn.onClickCmd.GetIfExplicit(butt.OnClickCallback); GuiControlStyle bstl = conf.GetControlStyle(butt.StyleName); if (bstl != null) { butt.GLVisible = bstl.glMode; } if (gbtn.image.IsExplicit()) { butt.GLImage = gbtn.image; butt.Image = conf.GetImage(gbtn.image, null); } butt.CheckImage = conf.GetImage(gbtn.checkImage, butt.CheckImage); // add the ability to add buttons in various named parents // this will allow adding buttons to toolbar from plugins if (gbtn.action.IsExplicit()) { string action = gbtn.action; if (action.Contains("remove")) // this handles removing a control from it's parent { // remove this control from it's parent if (butt.Parent != null) { butt.Parent.Controls.Remove(butt); butt.Parent = null; } } else if (action.Contains("addto")) // this handles adding a new control to a parent control { // Get the name of the parent string parentname = gbtn.parent; if (gbtn.parent.IsExplicit() && (parentname != null) && (parentname.Length != 0)) { //find the parent if (Controls.ContainsKey(parentname)) { Control ctlParent = Controls[parentname]; ctlParent.Controls.Add(butt); } else { DebugLogger.Instance().LogWarning("Button parent not found: " + parentname); } } } } }
// ***************************************************** // Reset // ----------------------------------------------------- public void Reset() { // cleanup for (int i = 0; i < mTouchCurFlags.Length; i++) { mTouchCurFlags[i] = false; mTouchLastFlags[i] = false; } mFingerOverMap.Clear(); mFingerOverMapCountLast = 0; mTransFlag = false; mTransFlagLast = false; ResetMomentum(); // reset touched button if (mTouchedButton != null) { mTouchedButton.SendMessage("OnMouseExit", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); mTouchedButton = null; } }
public void RotatePiece(GuiButton button, INVENTORY_PHASES phase) { }