    void sendMessage(string gstrType, Vector3 positionChange, Quaternion rotationChange, float scaleChange)
        GstrMessage gstr = new GstrMessage();

        gstr.name        = objName;
        gstr.gstrType    = gstrType;
        gstr.posChange   = positionChange;
        gstr.rotChange   = rotationChange;
        gstr.scaleChange = scaleChange;
        //transfer to holo axis
        //gstr.pos = new Vector3(gstr.pos.x, gstr.pos.z, gstr.pos.y);
        string message = JsonUtility.ToJson(gstr);
        //await UDPCtrl.SendMessage(message);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Vuforia.DefaultTrackableEventHandler.findMarker && UDPController.msgReceived)        //
            var headPosition  = Camera.main.transform.position;
            var gazeDirection = Camera.main.transform.forward;

            //RaycastHit hitInfo;

            //if (Physics.Raycast(headPosition, gazeDirection, out hitInfo))
            gstrMessage = JsonUtility.FromJson <GstrMessage>(UDPController.message);
            gstrType    = gstrMessage.gstrType;

            if (gstrType == "dragging")
                positionChange         = gstrMessage.posChange;
                Box_Transform.position = positionOrigin + positionChange;
                Debug.Log("dragging to " + positionChange);
            else if (gstrType == "rotating")
                rotChange = gstrMessage.rotChange;
                Box_Transform.localRotation = rotOrigin * rotChange;
                //Box_Transform.Rotate(rotChange.x, rotChange.y, rotChange.z, Space.World);
                Debug.Log("rotation change:" + rotChange);
            else if (gstrType == "pinching")
                scaleChange = gstrMessage.scaleChange;
                Box_Transform.localScale = new Vector3(scaleOrigin.x * scaleChange, scaleOrigin.y * scaleChange, scaleOrigin.z * scaleChange);
                //var finalScale = Mathf.Clamp(scaleOrigin * scaleChange, minScale, maxScale);
                //Box_Transform.localScale = new Vector3(finalScale, finalScale, finalScale);
            UDPController.msgReceived = false;