private const int MaxFieldId = 536870911; // 2^29-1 static GrpcMarshaller() { // var baseType = typeof(T).BaseType; if (baseType != typeof(object)) { RegisterSubType(typeof(T)); } if (typeof(T).IsGenericType) { foreach (var argType in typeof(T).GenericTypeArguments) { GrpcConfig.Register(argType); } } }
private static void RegisterSubType(Type type) { if (GrpcConfig.IgnoreTypeModel(type)) { return; } var baseMetaType = GrpcConfig.Register(type.BaseType); // need to generate predictable fieldIds, allow specifying with [Id(n)] or use MurmurHash2 hash function % 2^29-1, var idAttr = type.FirstAttribute <IdAttribute>(); var fieldId = idAttr?.Id ?? Math.Abs(unchecked ((int)MurmurHash2.Hash(GetTypeName(type)))); fieldId = fieldId % MaxFieldId; if (fieldId == default || (idAttr == null && fieldId < 50)) // min = 1, avoid hash conflicts with real field ids { fieldId += 50; }