        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the grouped results.  Returns null if the
        /// number of groups collected is &lt;= groupOffset.
        /// <para>
        /// <b>NOTE</b>: This collector is unable to compute
        /// the groupValue per group so it will always be null.
        /// This is normally not a problem, as you can obtain the
        /// value just like you obtain other values for each
        /// matching document (eg, via stored fields, via
        /// FieldCache, etc.)
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TGroupValue">The expected return type for group value</typeparam>
        /// <param name="withinGroupSort">
        /// The <see cref="Sort"/> used to sort
        /// documents within each group.  Passing null is
        /// allowed, to sort by relevance.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="groupOffset">Which group to start from</param>
        /// <param name="withinGroupOffset">
        /// Which document to start from within each group
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxDocsPerGroup">
        /// How many top documents to keep within each group.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fillSortFields">
        /// If true then the Comparable values for the sort fields will be set
        /// </param>
        public virtual ITopGroups <TGroupValue> GetTopGroups <TGroupValue>(Sort withinGroupSort, int groupOffset, int withinGroupOffset, int maxDocsPerGroup, bool fillSortFields)
            //if (queueFull) {
            //System.out.println("getTopGroups groupOffset=" + groupOffset + " topNGroups=" + topNGroups);
            if (subDocUpto != 0)
            if (groupOffset >= groupQueue.Count)
            int totalGroupedHitCount = 0;

            FakeScorer fakeScorer = new FakeScorer();

            float maxScore = float.Epsilon; // LUCENENET: Epsilon in .NET is the same as MIN_VALUE in Java

            GroupDocs <TGroupValue>[] groups = new GroupDocs <TGroupValue> [groupQueue.Count - groupOffset];
            for (int downTo = groupQueue.Count - groupOffset - 1; downTo >= 0; downTo--)
                OneGroup og = groupQueue.Pop();

                // At this point we hold all docs w/ in each group,
                // unsorted; we now sort them:
                ITopDocsCollector collector;
                if (withinGroupSort == null)
                    // Sort by score
                    if (!needsScores)
                        throw new ArgumentException("cannot sort by relevance within group: needsScores=false");
                    collector = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(maxDocsPerGroup, true);
                    // Sort by fields
                    collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(withinGroupSort, maxDocsPerGroup, fillSortFields, needsScores, needsScores, true);

                for (int docIDX = 0; docIDX < og.count; docIDX++)
                    int doc = og.docs[docIDX];
                    fakeScorer.doc = doc;
                    if (needsScores)
                        fakeScorer.score = og.scores[docIDX];
                totalGroupedHitCount += og.count;

                object[] groupSortValues;

                if (fillSortFields)
                    groupSortValues = new IComparable[comparers.Length];
                    for (int sortFieldIDX = 0; sortFieldIDX < comparers.Length; sortFieldIDX++)
                        groupSortValues[sortFieldIDX] = comparers[sortFieldIDX][og.comparerSlot];
                    groupSortValues = null;

                TopDocs topDocs = collector.GetTopDocs(withinGroupOffset, maxDocsPerGroup);

                // TODO: we could aggregate scores across children
                // by Sum/Avg instead of passing NaN:
                groups[downTo] = new GroupDocs <TGroupValue>(float.NaN,
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the grouped results.  Returns null if the
        /// number of groups collected is &lt;= groupOffset.
        /// <para>
        /// <b>NOTE</b>: This collector is unable to compute
        /// the groupValue per group so it will always be null.
        /// This is normally not a problem, as you can obtain the
        /// value just like you obtain other values for each
        /// matching document (eg, via stored fields, via
        /// FieldCache, etc.)
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TGroupValue">The expected return type for group value</typeparam>
        /// <<param name="withinGroupSort">
        /// The <see cref="Sort"/> used to sort
        /// documents within each group.  Passing null is
        /// allowed, to sort by relevance.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="groupOffset">Which group to start from</param>
        /// <param name="withinGroupOffset">
        /// Which document to start from within each group
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxDocsPerGroup">
        /// How many top documents to keep within each group.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fillSortFields">
        /// If true then the Comparable values for the sort fields will be set
        /// </param>
        public virtual ITopGroups <TGroupValue> GetTopGroups <TGroupValue>(Sort withinGroupSort, int groupOffset, int withinGroupOffset, int maxDocsPerGroup, bool fillSortFields)
            //if (queueFull) {
            //System.out.println("getTopGroups groupOffset=" + groupOffset + " topNGroups=" + topNGroups);
            if (subDocUpto != 0)
            if (groupOffset >= groupQueue.Size())
            int totalGroupedHitCount = 0;

            FakeScorer fakeScorer = new FakeScorer();

            float maxScore = float.MinValue;

            GroupDocs <TGroupValue>[] groups = new GroupDocs <TGroupValue> [groupQueue.Size() - groupOffset];
            for (int downTo = groupQueue.Size() - groupOffset - 1; downTo >= 0; downTo--)
                OneGroup og = groupQueue.Pop();

                // At this point we hold all docs w/ in each group,
                // unsorted; we now sort them:
                ITopDocsCollector collector;
                if (withinGroupSort == null)
                    // Sort by score
                    if (!needsScores)
                        throw new ArgumentException("cannot sort by relevance within group: needsScores=false");
                    collector = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(maxDocsPerGroup, true);
                    // Sort by fields
                    collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(withinGroupSort, maxDocsPerGroup, fillSortFields, needsScores, needsScores, true);

                collector.Scorer     = fakeScorer;
                collector.NextReader = og.readerContext;
                for (int docIDX = 0; docIDX < og.count; docIDX++)
                    int doc = og.docs[docIDX];
                    fakeScorer.doc = doc;
                    if (needsScores)
                        fakeScorer.score = og.scores[docIDX];
                totalGroupedHitCount += og.count;

                object[] groupSortValues;

                if (fillSortFields)
                    groupSortValues = new IComparable[comparators.Length];
                    for (int sortFieldIDX = 0; sortFieldIDX < comparators.Length; sortFieldIDX++)
                        groupSortValues[sortFieldIDX] = comparators[sortFieldIDX].Value(og.comparatorSlot);
                    groupSortValues = null;

                TopDocs topDocs = collector.TopDocs(withinGroupOffset, maxDocsPerGroup);

                // TODO: we could aggregate scores across children
                // by Sum/Avg instead of passing NaN:
                groups[downTo] = new GroupDocs <TGroupValue>(float.NaN,
                maxScore = Math.Max(maxScore, topDocs.MaxScore);

             * while (groupQueue.size() != 0) {
             * final OneGroup og = groupQueue.pop();
             * //System.out.println("  leftover: og ord=" + og.groupOrd + " count=" + og.count);
             * totalGroupedHitCount += og.count;
             * }

            return(new TopGroups <TGroupValue>(new TopGroups <TGroupValue>(groupSort.GetSort(),
                                                                           withinGroupSort == null ? null : withinGroupSort.GetSort(),
                                                                           totalHitCount, totalGroupedHitCount, groups, maxScore),