public Task <GroupMessagesChatLogModel> PersistChatGroupMessage(GroupMessagesChatLogModel model)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        private async Task SendGroupMessageHandler(StudentParentAssociationModel model, string personUniqueId, string translatedMessage, string translatedSubject, string englishMessage, string englishSubject, string staffName, string studentName, string studentUniqueId, Guid queueId, string LanguageCode)
            string           ErrorMessage = string.Empty;
            ChatLogItemModel resultModel  = new ChatLogItemModel();

                // Based on current specification the message should be persisted in the chat log
                // and then to the preferred method of contact.
                // Fall back logic: Try to send to "preferred method of contact" if none is defined fall back to email.
                resultModel = await PersistMessage(new ChatLogItemModel
                    SenderTypeId      = ChatLogPersonTypeEnum.Staff.Value,
                    SenderUniqueId    = personUniqueId,
                    RecipientUniqueId = model.Parent.ParentUniqueId,
                    RecipientTypeId   = ChatLogPersonTypeEnum.Parent.Value,
                    // By default we should mark them as read in the chat log.
                    RecipientHasRead       = true,
                    EnglishMessage         = $"{englishSubject}: {StripHTML(englishMessage)}",
                    StudentUniqueId        = studentUniqueId,
                    TranslatedMessage      = LanguageCode != "en" ? $"{translatedSubject}: {StripHTML(translatedMessage)}" : null,
                    TranslatedLanguageCode = LanguageCode != "en" ? LanguageCode : null

                var subjectToSend = LanguageCode != "en" ? translatedSubject : englishSubject;

                var messageMetadata = new MessageAbstractionModel
                    SenderName                  = staffName,
                    SenderUniqueId              = personUniqueId,
                    RecipientUniqueId           = model.Parent.ParentUniqueId,
                    RecipientEmail              = model.Parent.Email,
                    RecipientTelephone          = model.Parent.Telephone,
                    RecipientTelephoneSMSDomain = model.Parent.SMSDomain,
                    Subject      = subjectToSend,
                    BodyMessage  = LanguageCode != "en" ? translatedMessage : englishMessage,
                    AboutStudent = new StudentMessageAbstractModel
                        StudentUniqueId = studentUniqueId,
                        StudentName     = studentName
                    DelivaryMethod = model.Parent.ParentAlert.PreferredMethodOfContactTypeId.Value,
                    LanguageCode   = LanguageCode

                //Should use the provider for the Preferred Method of contact by parent
                var messageProvider = _messageProviders.SingleOrDefault(x => x.DeliveryMethod == messageMetadata.DelivaryMethod);

                await messageProvider.SendMessage(messageMetadata);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                var chatLogModel = new GroupMessagesChatLogModel
                    GroupMessagesLogId = queueId,
                    ChatLogId          = resultModel.ChatId,
                    Status             = GroupMessagesStatusEnum.Sent

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
                    chatLogModel.Status       = GroupMessagesStatusEnum.Error;
                    chatLogModel.ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage;
                    await _communicationsRepository.PersistChatGroupMessage(chatLogModel);

                    throw new Exception(ErrorMessage);

                await _communicationsRepository.PersistChatGroupMessage(chatLogModel);