        public async Task <IActionResult> grantGroupManager([FromBody] GroupAdminSummary groupManagerSummary)
            // ensure requestor has system admin permissions
            if (!await _securityHelper.IsSysAdmin())
                return new ObjectResult("Access Denied, requestor is not a system administrator")
                           StatusCode = 403

            ScampUser tmpUser = await _userRepository.GetUserById(groupManagerSummary.Id);

            bool doingAdd = tmpUser == null;

            // if we're doing add operations
            if (doingAdd)
                // build new document
                tmpUser = new ScampUser()
                    Id   = groupManagerSummary.Id,
                    Name = groupManagerSummary.Name

            // do validation
            // https://github.com/SimpleCloudManagerProject/SCAMP/issues/196

            // set budget info
            if (tmpUser.budget == null)
                tmpUser.budget = new ScampUserBudget();
            tmpUser.budget.unitsBudgeted = groupManagerSummary.unitsBudgeted;
            tmpUser.budget.EndDate       = groupManagerSummary.endDate.Date.AddMinutes(1);

            // save changes
            if (doingAdd) // create user
                await _userRepository.CreateUser(tmpUser);
            else // else must be update
                await _userRepository.UpdateUser(tmpUser);

            return(new ObjectResult(null)
                StatusCode = 204
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get()
            // only system admins can access this functionality
            if (!await _securityHelper.IsSysAdmin())
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(403)); // Forbidden
            List <GroupAdminSummary> rtnView = new List <GroupAdminSummary>();

            // get group managers
            List <ScampUser> mgrList = await _settingsRepository.GetGroupAdmins();

            // build the return set
            foreach (ScampUser usr in mgrList)
                // get groups user controls budget of
                var groupList = await _groupRepository.GetGroupsByBudgetOwner(usr.Id);

                // calculate total amount of user's budget that has been used across all groups
                long totUsed = 0; // initial total used of users allocated budget
                foreach (var group in groupList)
                    // get group's budget state
                    var groupBudget = await _volatileStorageController.GetGroupBudgetState(group.Id);

                    if (groupBudget != null) // if we found budget state
                        totUsed += groupBudget.UnitsUsed;

                // build summary view object
                GroupAdminSummary newAdmin = new GroupAdminSummary()
                    Id                = usr.Id,
                    Name              = usr.Name,
                    unitsBudgeted     = usr.budget.unitsBudgeted,
                    endDate           = usr.budget.EndDate,
                    totUnitsUsed      = totUsed,
                    totUnitsAllocated = usr.budget.Allocated,
                    totGroups         = groupList.Count
                rtnView.Add(newAdmin);  // add it to the collection

            // return list
            return(new ObjectResult(rtnView)
                StatusCode = 200