public List <Tile> FindPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos) { Tile startTile = generator.TileFromWorldPoint(startPos); Tile endTile = generator.TileFromWorldPoint(endPos); List <Tile> openSet = new List <Tile>(); HashSet <Tile> closedSet = new HashSet <Tile>(); openSet.Add(startTile); while (openSet.Count > 0) { Tile currentTile = openSet[0]; foreach (Tile t in openSet) { if (t.fScore < currentTile.fScore || t.fScore == currentTile.fScore && t.hScore < currentTile.hScore) { currentTile = t; } } openSet.Remove(currentTile); closedSet.Add(currentTile); if (currentTile == endTile) { ReconstructPath(startTile, endTile); return(path); } List <Tile> neighbours = generator.GetNeighbours(currentTile); foreach (Tile neighbour in neighbours) { if (neighbour.tileType == TileType.Type.ROCK || closedSet.Contains(neighbour)) { continue; } int newGScore = currentTile.gScore + GetDistance(currentTile, neighbour); if (newGScore < currentTile.gScore || !openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { neighbour.gScore = newGScore; neighbour.hScore = GetDistance(neighbour, endTile); neighbour.parent = currentTile; if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { openSet.Add(neighbour); } } } } return(null); }
public override int DoLogic() { float trueSpeed = btree.btRuntimeBlackboard.blackboard["TrueSpeed"]; if (hungerManager.closerFood == null || path != null && path.Count == 0) { path = null; btree.btRuntimeParams.boolParams["WanderingEnabled"] = true; return((int)Result.FAILURE); } // Move towards the closest food in the view field if is reachable bool targetMoved = false; if (path != null) { Tile closerFoodTile = ground.TileFromWorldPoint(hungerManager.closerFood.transform.position); if (closerFoodTile != path[path.Count - 1]) { targetMoved = true; } } if (path == null || targetFood != hungerManager.closerFood || targetMoved) { // Find a path to the closer food and disable wandering behaviour targetFood = hungerManager.closerFood; Vector3 closerFoodPos = targetFood.transform.position; path = aStar.FindPath(go.transform.position, closerFoodPos); currentIndex = 0; if (path.Count <= 0) { // Already reached destination return((int)Result.SUCCESS); } currentTile = path[currentIndex]; btree.btRuntimeParams.boolParams["WanderingEnabled"] = false; } else { // Actual movement following the path found if (go.transform.position == currentTile.tilePosition) { if (currentTile == path[path.Count - 1]) { // Destination reached path = null; return((int)Result.SUCCESS); } else { currentIndex++; currentTile = path[currentIndex]; } } go.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(go.transform.position, currentTile.tilePosition, trueSpeed * 1.65f * Time.deltaTime); } // Keep moving return((int)Result.FAILURE); }
public override int DoLogic() { // Escape in the opposite direction of the threat incoming float trueSpeed = btree.btRuntimeBlackboard.blackboard["TrueSpeed"]; float threatDist = btree.btRuntimeBlackboard.blackboard["ThreatDistance"]; // Check in a range equals to the threat distance to get the direction Collider2D threat = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(go.transform.position, threatDist, LayerMask.GetMask("Dinosaur")); Vector3 threatDir = (threat.transform.position - go.transform.position).normalized; Vector3 threatDirRotateLeft = (Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 115) * -threatDir).normalized; Vector3 threatDirRotateRight = (Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -115) * -threatDir).normalized; Debug.DrawRay(go.transform.position, -threatDir); Debug.DrawRay(go.transform.position, threatDir); Debug.DrawRay(go.transform.position, threatDirRotateLeft, Color.yellow); Debug.DrawRay(go.transform.position, threatDirRotateRight,; if (targetTile != null) { // Keep moving to the target tile if (go.transform.position == currentTile.tilePosition) { if (currentTile == path[path.Count - 1]) { // We have reached the safe place path = null; targetTile = null; btree.btRuntimeParams.boolParams["GoingSafe"] = false; btree.btRuntimeParams.boolParams["Escaping"] = false; } else { currentIndex++; currentTile = path[currentIndex]; } } go.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(go.transform.position, currentTile.tilePosition, trueSpeed * 1.8f * Time.deltaTime); } else { // Select a random tile at the opposite direction Tile[,] grid = ground.tiles; Tile myTile = ground.TileFromWorldPoint(go.transform.position); List <Tile> selectedTiles = new List <Tile>(); int neighbourX; int neighbourY; for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++) { for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++) { neighbourX = myTile.xPos + x; neighbourY = myTile.yPos + y; if (x == 0 && y == 0 || neighbourX < 0 || neighbourX >= ground.columns || neighbourY < 0 || neighbourY >= ground.rows) { // Avoid our tile and those one that go outside the grid continue; } if (Random.value >= 0.5 && selectedTiles.Count < 5) { selectedTiles.Add(grid[neighbourX, neighbourY]); } } if (selectedTiles.Count == 5) { break; } } while (targetTile == null && selectedTiles.Count > 0) { targetTile = selectedTiles[selectedTiles.Count - 1]; if (targetTile.tileType != TileType.Type.ROCK && targetTile.tileType != TileType.Type.HOME) { Vector3 tileDir = (targetTile.tilePosition - go.transform.position).normalized; float dotThreatTile = Vector3.Dot(-threatDir, tileDir); if (dotThreatTile > Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * 115)) { // Good tile for escaping break; } } // The tile selected isn't eligible targetTile = null; selectedTiles.RemoveAt(selectedTiles.Count - 1); } if (targetTile != null) { Debug.DrawLine(go.transform.position, targetTile.tilePosition, Color.cyan); btree.btRuntimeParams.boolParams["GoingSafe"] = true; btree.btRuntimeParams.boolParams["Escaping"] = true; Debug.Log( + " is escaping!"); path = aStar.FindPath(go.transform.position, targetTile.tilePosition); currentIndex = 0; currentTile = path[currentIndex]; } } // We return always success because we want to save our life return((int)Result.SUCCESS); }