public void Seeing()
        RaycastHit2D hit = DrawRaycast();

        if (hit.collider != null)               // The enemy saw something in the player layer (Must be the player)
            state = GroundEnemyState.ATTACKING; // Starts attacking
        else if (state == GroundEnemyState.ATTACKING)
            state = GroundEnemyState.WAITING;
    public void Listening()
        detectorResult = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(transform.position, detectionRadius, layerMask); // If the player is inside of the 5 radius circle he will be detected by the enemy

        // Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position, detectionRadius); // Debug listening area

        if (detectorResult != null && state != GroundEnemyState.ATTACKING) // The Enemy heared something and is not attacking
            state = GroundEnemyState.WAITING;                              // Is waiting for the sound source to approach
        else if (state == GroundEnemyState.WAITING)
            state = GroundEnemyState.MOVING;