    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        using (GroceryStoreSimulatorContext context = new GroceryStoreSimulatorContext())
            lblOrderInfo.Text += "" + "Order Number: " + ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.OrderNumber;

            foreach (var product in ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.ShoppingCart)
                var productInDB = context.Product.Include(x => x.Name).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == product.Key);
                //todo - add actual product names
                lblOrderInfo.Text += "<br />" + "Item: " + productInDB.Name.Name.Trim() + "  -  Quantity: " + product.Value;
            lblOrderInfo.Text += "<br />" + "Total Order Cost: $" + Math.Round(((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.TotalOrderCost);
        //Reset the session variable now that the order is placed.
        ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation = new OrderInformation();
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Make sure the instance of our session variable isn't null. Make a new one if it is.
     ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation = ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation ?? new OrderInformation();
     using (GroceryStoreSimulatorContext context = new GroceryStoreSimulatorContext())
         //Get store statuses.
         var storeStatuses = context.StoreStatus.ToList();
         //Get all store statuses that can't be ordered from.
         var unavailableStoreStatusIds = storeStatuses
                                         .Where(x => x.IsClosedForever || !x.AcceptingOnlineOrders)
                                         .Select(x => x.StoreStatusID);
         //Get stores
         var storeSelectionOptions = context.Store.ToList();
         //Get store history, join/include store status, group by store
         var storeHistory = context.StoreHistory
                            .Include(x => x.StoreStatus)
                            .GroupBy(x => x.StoreID);
         //Go through every store group in store history
         foreach (var storeHistoryRow in storeHistory)
             //Get the newest store history record in a store group in order to determine the store's current status.
             var newestStoreHistoryRecord = storeHistoryRow
                                            .OrderByDescending(x => x.StoreHistoryID)
             //Check if the store is currently unavailable to order from and remove it from the selection list if it is unavailable.
             if (unavailableStoreStatusIds.Contains(newestStoreHistoryRecord.StoreStatus.StoreStatusID))
                 var storeToRemove = storeSelectionOptions
                                     .FirstOrDefault(x => x.StoreID == newestStoreHistoryRecord.StoreID);
         //Set the store to be the visible option for stores, set the id to be the value of the option, and bind the data to the select box.
         lbxSelectStore.DataValueField = "StoreID";
         lbxSelectStore.DataTextField  = "Store";
         lbxSelectStore.DataSource     = storeSelectionOptions;
    protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        /*************************************    Loyalty Number Validation.     ***************************************/
        //Keep track of if the entire section is complete and valid.
        bool isSectionComplete = true;

        // Do not allow loyalty number to be left blank.
        if (tbxLoyaltyNumber.Text.Length == 0)
            lblLoyaltyWarningEmpty.Visible = true;
            isSectionComplete = false;
        //Else reset the visibility of the warning
            lblLoyaltyWarningEmpty.Visible = false;

        //Check if the input is a number(double)
        double number           = 0;
        bool   isLoyaltyANumber = false;

        if (!lblLoyaltyWarningEmpty.Visible)
            // Try and convert loyalty number to a double.
            isLoyaltyANumber = Double.TryParse(tbxLoyaltyNumber.Text, out number);
            if (!isLoyaltyANumber)
                lblLoyaltyWarningNaN.Visible = true;
                isSectionComplete            = false;
                lblLoyaltyWarningNaN.Visible = false;
        //Else reset the visibility of the warning.
            lblLoyaltyWarningNaN.Visible = false;

        //If the loyalty number passed the previous two checks, we need to make sure the loyalty number is valid in the DB.
        if (!lblLoyaltyWarningEmpty.Visible && !lblLoyaltyWarningNaN.Visible)
            //open DB connection
            using (GroceryStoreSimulatorContext context = new GroceryStoreSimulatorContext())
                //default value
                bool isLoyaltyUsable = false;
                //get all loyalty numbers from the DB and include their status
                var loyaltyNumbers = context.Loyalty
                                     .Include(x => x.LoyaltyStatus)
                //Loop through each loyalty number
                foreach (var loyaltyNumber in loyaltyNumbers)
                    //If the loyalty number in the DB matches the loyalty number entered, and the loyalty number is active, and the loyalty number can place online orders, mark it as a usable #.
                    if (loyaltyNumber.LoyaltyNumber.Trim().Equals(number.ToString()) &&
                        loyaltyNumber.LoyaltyStatus.IsActive &&
                        isLoyaltyUsable = true;
                //Tell the user if their loyalty number was valid or not.
                if (!isLoyaltyUsable)
                    lblLoyaltyWarningBadLoyaltyNum.Visible = true;
                    isSectionComplete = false;
                    lblLoyaltyWarningBadLoyaltyNum.Visible = false;
        //Else reset the visibility of the warning
            lblLoyaltyWarningBadLoyaltyNum.Visible = false;

        /*************************************    Store Select Validation.     ***************************************/

        ListItem selectedStore = lbxSelectStore.SelectedItem;

        //Check if a store was selected, give a warning if not.
        if (selectedStore == null)
            lblWarningStore.Visible = true;
            isSectionComplete       = false;
            lblWarningStore.Visible = false;

        /*************************************    Populate Products Selection.     ***************************************/
        //Make sure the entire previous section was complete and valid first.
        if (isSectionComplete)
            //Open DB connection and populate products.
            using (GroceryStoreSimulatorContext context = new GroceryStoreSimulatorContext())
                //Web forms didn't like looking into a class's property that contained a different class for databinding, so lets make our own class out of the products!
                var products = context.Product
                               .Include(x => x.Name)
                               .Include(x => x.Brand)
                               .Include(x => x.Container)
                List <ProductNameSelectList> productNameSelections = new List <ProductNameSelectList>();
                foreach (var product in products)
                    productNameSelections.Add(new ProductNameSelectList(product));

                lbxSelectProduct.DataValueField = "ProductID";
                lbxSelectProduct.DataTextField  = "VisibleOptionText";
                lbxSelectProduct.DataSource     = productNameSelections;
            //Make new section visible
            divBodyHidden.Visible    = true;
            lblHeading3.Visible      = false;
            lblLoyaltyNumber.Text   += tbxLoyaltyNumber.Text;
            lblSelectStore.Text     += selectedStore.Text;
            tbxLoyaltyNumber.Visible = false;
            lbxSelectStore.Visible   = false;
            btnSelect.Visible        = false;
            break1.Visible           = false;
            break2.Visible           = false;
        //Else, reset the next section to be not visible.
            divBodyHidden.Visible = false;
    protected void btnSubmitOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //If the cart isn't empty, start to save to DB
        if (((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.ShoppingCart.Any())
            //Set session storeid and loyalty number
            decimal totalOrderCost = 0;
            ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.StoreId       = int.Parse(lbxSelectStore.SelectedItem.Value);
            ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.LoyaltyNumber = double.Parse(tbxLoyaltyNumber.Text);

            //Open DB connection and save the order.
            using (GroceryStoreSimulatorContext context = new GroceryStoreSimulatorContext())
                int loyaltyId = 0;
                var loyalties = context.Loyalty.ToList();
                foreach (var loyalty in loyalties)
                    if (double.Parse(loyalty.LoyaltyNumber.Trim()) == ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.LoyaltyNumber)
                        loyaltyId = loyalty.LoyaltyID;
                //create record to be put in DB
                TableOrder tableOrder = new TableOrder()
                    LoyaltyID       = loyaltyId,
                    DateTimeCreated = DateTime.Now,
                    OrderStatusID   = context.OrderStatus.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsOpen).OrderStatusID,
                    StoreID         = ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.StoreId
                //Save to DB
                var tableOrderSaved = context.Entry(tableOrder);
                //Save the inserted record Id as the order number
                ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.OrderNumber = tableOrderSaved.Entity.OrderID;
                //Save each product attached to the order as a record in the order details table
                foreach (var product in ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.ShoppingCart)
                    decimal totalCost = 0;
                    totalCost       = context.Product.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == product.Key).InitialPricePerSellableUnit *product.Value;
                    totalOrderCost += totalCost;
                    TableOrderDetail tableOrderDetail = new TableOrderDetail()
                        OrderID   = tableOrderSaved.Entity.OrderID,
                        ProductID = product.Key,
                        Quantity  = product.Value,
                        TotalAmountChargedToCustomer = totalCost
            //Redirect to order confirmation
            ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.TotalOrderCost = totalOrderCost;
        //Else there was nothing in the cart, show the warning
            lblWarningEmptyCart.Visible = true;
    protected void btnAddProductToOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //tracking variable for both inputs
        bool isValidProductAndQuantity = true;

        //Check for a selected product
        ListItem selectedProductLbxItem = lbxSelectProduct.SelectedItem;

        if (selectedProductLbxItem == null)
            lblWarningProduct.Visible = true;
            isValidProductAndQuantity = false;
        //Reset warning visibility
            lblWarningStore.Visible = false;

        //Check to make sure quantity is a number and isn't empty.
        if (tbxSelectQuantity.Text.Length == 0)
            lblWarningQuantityEmpty.Visible = true;
            isValidProductAndQuantity       = false;
            lblWarningQuantityEmpty.Visible = false;

        //Validate quantity is an integer and not equal to 0
        int quantity = 0;

        if (!lblWarningQuantityEmpty.Visible)
            //Check for quantity being an integer and != 0
            bool isQuantityAnInt = int.TryParse(tbxSelectQuantity.Text, out quantity);
            if (!isQuantityAnInt || quantity <= 0)
                lblWarningQuantityNaN.Visible = true;
                isValidProductAndQuantity     = false;
            //Reset visibility
                lblWarningQuantityNaN.Visible = false;
        //Reset visibility
            lblWarningQuantityNaN.Visible = false;

        //If product is selected and quantity has a valid value, add it to your shopping cart and display that to the user.
        if (isValidProductAndQuantity)
            int selectedProductId = int.Parse(selectedProductLbxItem.Value);
            //If the user has already selected that product, add the quantity to the existing quantity
            if (((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.ShoppingCart.ContainsKey(selectedProductId))
                ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.ShoppingCart[selectedProductId] += quantity;
                ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.ShoppingCart.Add(selectedProductId, quantity);
            //show the user whats in their cart
            lblCurrentShoppingCart.Text = "";
            //Reset empty cart warning if you add a product to the cart.
            lblWarningEmptyCart.Visible = false;
            using (GroceryStoreSimulatorContext context = new GroceryStoreSimulatorContext())
                foreach (var product in ((global_asax)this.Context.ApplicationInstance).orderInformation.ShoppingCart)
                    var selectedProduct = context.Product.Include(x => x.Name).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == product.Key);

                    lblCurrentShoppingCart.Text += "<br />" + "Item: " + selectedProduct.Name.Name.Trim() + "  -  Quantity: " + product.Value + " - $" + product.Value * Math.Round(selectedProduct.InitialPricePerSellableUnit, 2);