}//缩略显示 protected void Grid_MeasAppliance_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { GridView theGrid = sender as GridView; // refer to the GridView int newPageIndex = 0; if (-2 == e.NewPageIndex) { TextBox txtNewPageIndex = null; GridViewRow pagerRow = Grid_MeasAppliance.BottomPagerRow; if (null != pagerRow) { txtNewPageIndex = (TextBox)pagerRow.FindControl("textbox"); // refer to the TextBox with the NewPageIndex value } if (null != txtNewPageIndex && txtNewPageIndex.Text != "") { newPageIndex = int.Parse(txtNewPageIndex.Text) - 1; // get the NewPageIndex } } else { newPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; } //Grid_Post.DataBind(); if (BlInto_S_Search == true) { BindGrid_MeasAppliance(Condition); } else { BindGrid_MeasAppliance(""); } newPageIndex = newPageIndex < 0 ? 0 : newPageIndex; newPageIndex = newPageIndex >= Grid_MeasAppliance.PageCount ? Grid_MeasAppliance.PageCount - 1 : newPageIndex; Grid_MeasAppliance.PageIndex = newPageIndex; Grid_MeasAppliance.DataBind(); }//翻页
private void BindGrid_MeasAppliance(string Condition) { Grid_MeasAppliance.DataSource = measApplianceL.Select_MeasApplianceMan(Condition); Grid_MeasAppliance.DataBind(); }//计量器具检验列表Grid_MeasAppliance