    private void OnOrbClick(GridOrb orb)
        //find connected orbs
        List <GridOrb> orbs = new List <GridOrb>();

        orbs = GetConnectedOrbs(orb, orbs);

        if (orbs.Count >= 3)
            //Increase score
            Score = Score + 10 * orbs.Count;
            //Set dead orb locations for destroying random orbs
            //Vector2Int[] deadOrbLocations = new Vector2Int[NumOrbsToKill];
            //for (int i = 0; i < NumOrbsToKill; i++)
            //    GridOrb orbToKill = orbs[Random.Range(0, orbs.Count)];
            //    deadOrbLocations[i] = new Vector2Int(orbToKill.Column, orbToKill.Row);
            //Destroy remaining connected orbs
            foreach (ManaOrb connectedOrb in orbs)

            //Add dead orbs for random placements
            //foreach (Vector2Int location in deadOrbLocations)
            //    CreateDeadOrb(location.x, location.y);

            //Kill the clicked orb
            CreateDeadOrb(orb.Column, orb.Row);
            //Fill gaps
    private void PlaceOrb(int col, int row, GridOrb orb)
        //Set orb transform
        RectTransform orbRect = orb.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        orbRect.sizeDelta     = new Vector2(OrbSize, OrbSize);
        orbRect.localPosition = CoordinatesToLocal(col, row);
    private void MoveOrb(int oldCol, int oldRow, int newCol, int newRow)
        //Orb found, drop it in here
        GridOrb orb = GridOrbs[oldCol, oldRow];

        GridOrbs[newCol, newRow] = orb;
        orb.Column = newCol;
        orb.Row    = newRow;
        PlaceOrb(newCol, newRow, orb);
        //Empty previous slot
        GridOrbs[oldCol, oldRow] = null;
 private List <GridOrb> GetConnectedOrbs(GridOrb orb, List <GridOrb> orbs)
     //Check above
     if (orb.Row + 1 < height)
         GridOrb upOrb = GridOrbs[orb.Column, orb.Row + 1];
         if (upOrb != null && !orbs.Contains(upOrb) && upOrb.OrbTypeID == orb.OrbTypeID)
             //If the orb matches and is not already in the list
             //Add it and all of it's connected orbs
             orbs = GetConnectedOrbs(upOrb, orbs);
     //Check Right
     if (orb.Column + 1 < width)
         GridOrb rightOrb = GridOrbs[orb.Column + 1, orb.Row];
         if (rightOrb != null && !orbs.Contains(rightOrb) && rightOrb.OrbTypeID == orb.OrbTypeID)
             //If the orb matches and is not already in the list
             //Add it and all of it's connected orbs
             orbs = GetConnectedOrbs(rightOrb, orbs);
     //Check Below
     if (orb.Row > 0)
         GridOrb downOrb = GridOrbs[orb.Column, orb.Row - 1];
         if (downOrb != null && !orbs.Contains(downOrb) && downOrb.OrbTypeID == orb.OrbTypeID)
             //If the orb matches and is not already in the list
             //Add it and all of it's connected orbs
             orbs = GetConnectedOrbs(downOrb, orbs);
     //Check Left
     if (orb.Column > 0)
         GridOrb leftOrb = GridOrbs[orb.Column - 1, orb.Row];
         if (leftOrb != null && !orbs.Contains(leftOrb) && leftOrb.OrbTypeID == orb.OrbTypeID)
             //If the orb matches and is not already in the list
             //Add it and all of it's connected orbs
             orbs = GetConnectedOrbs(leftOrb, orbs);