/// <summary>
        /// Randomizes the location of each of the value tiles and the empty space
        /// </summary>
        private void RandomizeTiles()
            _isPuzzleSolved = false;
            List <Point> tempCoords = new List <Point>(_coords);

            Random rand = new Random();

            foreach (MyTextView view in _tiles)
                int   randIndex = rand.Next(0, tempCoords.Count);
                Point randLoc   = tempCoords[randIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(randLoc.Y);
                GridLayout.Spec         colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(randLoc.X);
                GridLayout.LayoutParams randLayoutParameters = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                randLayoutParameters.Width  = _tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParameters.Height = _tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParameters.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                view.XPos = randLoc.X;
                view.YPos = randLoc.Y;
                view.LayoutParameters = randLayoutParameters;

            _emptyLocation = tempCoords[0];
        private void randomizeMethod()
            Random    myRand         = new Random();
            ArrayList copyCoordsList = new ArrayList(_coordinatesList);

            foreach (MyImageView any in _tilesList)
                int   randIndex   = myRand.Next(0, copyCoordsList.Count);
                Point thisRandLoc = (Point)copyCoordsList[randIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec          = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.Y);
                GridLayout.Spec         colSpec          = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.X);
                GridLayout.LayoutParams randLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                any.xPos = thisRandLoc.X;
                any.yPos = thisRandLoc.Y;

                randLayoutParams.Width  = _tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParams.Height = _tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                any.LayoutParameters = randLayoutParams;
            _emptySlot = (Point)copyCoordsList[0];
        public void TextTile_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
            if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                MyImageView thisTile = (MyImageView)sender;
                Console.WriteLine("\r tile is at: \r x={0} \r y={1}", thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);

                float xDif = (float)System.Math.Pow(thisTile.xPos - _emptySlot.X, 2);
                float yDif = (float)System.Math.Pow(thisTile.yPos - _emptySlot.Y, 2);
                float dist = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(xDif + yDif);

                if (dist == 1)
                    Point curPoint = new Point(thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);

                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(_emptySlot.Y);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(_emptySlot.X);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams newLocParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    thisTile.xPos = _emptySlot.X;
                    thisTile.yPos = _emptySlot.Y;

                    newLocParams.Width  = _tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocParams.Height = _tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                    thisTile.LayoutParameters = newLocParams;
                    _emptySlot = curPoint;
        private void randomizeMethod()
            // 16 tiles.
            //16 locations.
            //go through tiles in order
            //assign a random coord to them.

            Random myRandom = new Random();

            foreach (ImageView any in tilesArr)
                int randomIndex = myRandom.Next(0, coordsArr.Count);

                Point newRandCoord = coordsArr[randomIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec randomRowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(newRandCoord.X);
                GridLayout.Spec randomColSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(newRandCoord.Y);

                GridLayout.LayoutParams randGridParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(randomRowSpec, randomColSpec);

                randGridParams.Width  = tileWidth;
                randGridParams.Height = tileWidth;

                any.LayoutParameters = randGridParams;

        private void RandomMethod()
            ArrayList tempCoords = new ArrayList(coordsTile);

            Random random = new Random();

            foreach (MyTextView any in tileArr)
                int randomIndex = random.Next(0, tempCoords.Count);

                Point thisRandomLocation = (Point)tempCoords[randomIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec rowSpec  = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandomLocation.Y);
                GridLayout.Spec collSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandomLocation.X);

                GridLayout.LayoutParams randomLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, collSpec);

                any.xPos = thisRandomLocation.X;
                any.yPos = thisRandomLocation.Y;

                randomLayoutParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                randomLayoutParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                randomLayoutParams.SetMargins(6, 6, 6, 6);

                any.LayoutParameters = randomLayoutParams;


            emptyTile = (Point)tempCoords[0];
        private void randomizeMethod()
            ArrayList tempCoords = new ArrayList(coordsArr);

            Random myRand = new Random();

            foreach (MyTextView any in tilesArr)
                int   randIndex   = myRand.Next(0, tempCoords.Count);
                Point thisRandLoc = (Point)tempCoords[randIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.Y);
                GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.X);

                GridLayout.LayoutParams randLayoutParam = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                any.xPos = thisRandLoc.X;
                any.yPos = thisRandLoc.Y;

                randLayoutParam.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParam.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParam.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                any.LayoutParameters = randLayoutParam;

            emptySpot = (Point)tempCoords[0];
        private void RandomiseTiles()
            Random    randomiser    = new Random();
            ArrayList copyCoordList = new ArrayList(coordList);

            foreach (MyTextView tile in tilesList)
                int   randIndex          = randomiser.Next(0, copyCoordList.Count);
                Point randomisedLocation = (Point)copyCoordList[randIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec        = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(randomisedLocation.X);
                GridLayout.Spec         colSpec        = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(randomisedLocation.Y);
                GridLayout.LayoutParams randTileParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                //keep location of tile
                tile.coordX = randomisedLocation.X;
                tile.coordY = randomisedLocation.Y;

                randTileParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                randTileParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                randTileParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                tile.LayoutParameters = randTileParams;
            emptySpot = (Point)copyCoordList[0];
        private void RandomizeTiles()
            ArrayList tempCoords = new ArrayList(coordsArray);             // 16 elements
            Random    myRand     = new Random();

            foreach (MyTextView any in tilesArray)              // 15 elements
                int   randIndex   = myRand.Next(0, tempCoords.Count);
                Point thisRandLoc = (Point)tempCoords[randIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec         = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.Y);
                GridLayout.Spec         colSpec         = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.X);
                GridLayout.LayoutParams randLayoutParam = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                any.xPos = thisRandLoc.X;
                any.yPos = thisRandLoc.Y;

                randLayoutParam.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParam.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParam.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                any.LayoutParameters = randLayoutParam;


            Console.WriteLine("\r\r\r\r there are: {0} elements left", tempCoords.Count);
            emptySpot = (Point)tempCoords[0];
        private void randomizeMethod( )
            Random myRandom = new Random( );

            foreach (ImageView any in tilesArr)
                int randomIndex = myRandom.Next(0, coordsArr.Count);

                Point newRandCoord = coordsArr[randomIndex];

                GridLayout.Spec randomRowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(newRandCoord.X);
                GridLayout.Spec randomColSPec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(newRandCoord.Y);

                GridLayout.LayoutParams randGirdParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(randomRowSpec, randomColSPec);

                randGirdParams.Width  = tileWidth;
                randGirdParams.Height = tileWidth;

                any.LayoutParameters = randGirdParams;

        void TouchTile(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
            if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                MyTextView tile = (MyTextView)sender;

                Console.WriteLine("tile is at x={0}, y={0}", tile.coordX, tile.coordY);

                //calculate distance between empty spot and the touched tile
                float xDif     = (float)Math.Pow(tile.coordX - emptySpot.X, 2);
                float yDif     = (float)Math.Pow(tile.coordY - emptySpot.Y, 2);
                float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(xDif + yDif);
                //tile next to empty spot
                if (distance == 1)
                    Point                   currentPoint      = new Point(tile.coordX, tile.coordY);
                    GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec           = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.X);
                    GridLayout.Spec         colSpec           = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.Y);
                    GridLayout.LayoutParams newLocationParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);
                    tile.coordX = emptySpot.X;
                    tile.coordY = emptySpot.Y;

                    newLocationParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocationParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocationParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);
                    tile.LayoutParameters = newLocationParams;
                    emptySpot             = currentPoint;
        private void MakeTiles()
            tileWidth = gameViewWidth / 4;

            tilesArray  = new ArrayList();
            coordsArray = new ArrayList();

            int counter = 1;

            #region MyRegion
            for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++)
                for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++)
                    MyTextView textTile = new MyTextView(this);

                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(h);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(v);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    //	 0 1 2 3 v/x
                    // 0 T T T T
                    // 1 T T T T
                    // 2 T T T T
                    // 3 T T T T

                    textTile.Text = counter.ToString();
                    textTile.TextSize = 40;
                    textTile.Gravity  = GravityFlags.Center;

                    tileLayoutParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                    textTile.LayoutParameters = tileLayoutParams;

                    Point thisLoc = new Point(v, h);

                    textTile.xPos = thisLoc.X;
                    textTile.yPos = thisLoc.Y;

                    textTile.Touch += TextTile_Touch;



        private void tileMakerMethod()
            // know the grid size ... gridSize
            // know the tile width and height
            //know where to place tile in grid layout
            //know which image to display on tiles

            tileWidth = screenWidth / gridSize;
            System.String imageName;

            int imgNumber = 0;

            for (int h = 0; h < gridSize; h++)
                for (int v = 0; v < gridSize; v++)
                    ImageView imgTile = new ImageView(this);

                    Point thisCoord = new Point(h, v);

                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisCoord.X);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisCoord.Y);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    tileParams.Width  = tileWidth;
                    tileParams.Height = tileWidth;

                    if (imgNumber == gridSize * gridSize / 2)
                        imgNumber = 0;

                    imageName = imgsArr[imgNumber] as string;
                    int resId = Resources.GetIdentifier(imageName, "drawable", PackageName);

                    imgTile.LayoutParameters = tileParams;




            // have an array of all tiles
            //ORDERED from 0 to gridsize X gridSize
            // and have an array of all coords.
        private void tileMakerMethod( )
            tileWidth = screenWidth / gridSize;

            System.String imageName;

            int imgNumber = 0;

            for (int h = 0; h < gridSize; h++)
                for (int v = 0; v < gridSize; v++)
                    ImageView imgTile = new ImageView(this);

                    Point thisCoord = new Point(h, v);

                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(h);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(v);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    tileParams.Width  = tileWidth;
                    tileParams.Height = tileWidth;

                    if (imgNumber == gridSize * gridSize / 2)
                        imgNumber = 0;

                    imageName = imgsArr[imgNumber] as string;
                    int resId = Resources.GetIdentifier(imageName, "drawable", PackageName);

                    imgTile.LayoutParameters = tileParams;




 private GridLayout.LayoutParams GetTileLayoutParams(int x, int y, int colWidth)
     GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec          = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(x);
     GridLayout.Spec         colSpec          = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(y);
     GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec)
         Width  = colWidth - 20,
         Height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent
     tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);
        private GridLayout.LayoutParams GetTileLayoutParams(int x, int y)
            // Create the specifications that establish in which row and column the tile is going to be rendered
            GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(x);
            GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(y);

            // Create a new layout parameter object for the tile using the previous specs
            GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);
            tileLayoutParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
            tileLayoutParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
            tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);
        private void TilesMethod()
            tileWidth = viewGameWidth / 4;

            tileArr    = new ArrayList();
            coordsTile = new ArrayList();

            int counter = 1;

            for (int rows = 0; rows < 4; rows++)
                for (int colls = 0; colls < 4; colls++)
                    MyTextView txtTile = new MyTextView(this);
                    txtTile.Text = counter.ToString();
                    txtTile.Gravity  = GravityFlags.Center;
                    txtTile.TextSize = 30;

                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec  = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(txtTile.xPos);
                    GridLayout.Spec collSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(txtTile.yPos);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, collSpec);

                    tileLayoutParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(6, 6, 6, 6);

                    txtTile.LayoutParameters = tileLayoutParams;


                    Point point = new Point(colls, rows);

                    txtTile.xPos = point.X;
                    txtTile.yPos = point.Y;

                    txtTile.Touch += TxtTile_Touch;




        private void MakeTiles()
            tileWidth = gameViewWidth / 4;
            int tileCount = 1;

            for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++)
                    MyTextView      tileText = new MyTextView(this);
                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec  = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(row);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec  = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(col);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);
                    tileText.Text = tileCount.ToString();
                    tileText.TextSize = 40;
                    tileText.Gravity  = GravityFlags.Center;

                    tileLayoutParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                    tileText.LayoutParameters = tileLayoutParams;

                    //save coordinates of tile
                    Point tileLocation = new Point(col, row);

                    //remember the position of the tile
                    tileText.coordX = tileLocation.X;
                    tileText.coordY = tileLocation.Y;

                    tileText.Touch += TouchTile;

                    tileCount = tileCount + 1;
        private void TxtTile_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
            if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                if (tileArr.Contains(sender))
                    MyTextView thisTile = (MyTextView)sender;

                    float xDifference = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.xPos - emptyTile.X, 2);
                    float yDifference = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.yPos - emptyTile.Y, 2);

                    float distanceXY = (float)Math.Sqrt(xDifference + yDifference);

                    //Tile can move
                    if (distanceXY == 1)
                        //Memorize where the tile use to be
                        Point currentPoint = new Point(thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);

                        //take the empty tile
                        GridLayout.Spec rowSpec  = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptyTile.Y);
                        GridLayout.Spec collSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptyTile.X);

                        GridLayout.LayoutParams newLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, collSpec);

                        thisTile.xPos = emptyTile.X;
                        thisTile.yPos = emptyTile.Y;

                        newLayoutParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                        newLayoutParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                        newLayoutParams.SetMargins(6, 6, 6, 6);

                        thisTile.LayoutParameters = newLayoutParams;

                        emptyTile = currentPoint;

                    //#region Test positions touch tile and empty tile
                    //Console.WriteLine($"tile position\nx: {thisTile.xPos}\ny: {thisTile.yPos} ");
                    //Console.WriteLine($"empty tile position\nx: {emptyTile.X}\ny: {emptyTile.Y} ");
        void TextTile_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
            if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                if (tilesArr.Contains(sender))
                    MyTextView thisTile = (MyTextView)sender;

                    Console.WriteLine("Tile Position X:{0} -- Y:{1}", thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);
                    Console.WriteLine("Empty Position X:{0} -- Y:{1}", emptySpot.X, emptySpot.Y);

                    float xDif = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.xPos - emptySpot.X, 2);
                    float yDif = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.yPos - emptySpot.Y, 2);

                    float dist = (float)Math.Sqrt(xDif + yDif);

                    if (dist == 1) // si es verdadero, puede mover
                        // memoriza donde estaba el tile
                        Point curPoint = new Point(thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);

                        // mueve el tile al lugar vacio
                        GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.Y);
                        GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.X);

                        GridLayout.LayoutParams newLocParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                        thisTile.xPos = emptySpot.X;
                        thisTile.yPos = emptySpot.Y;

                        newLocParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                        newLocParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                        newLocParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                        thisTile.LayoutParameters = newLocParams;

                        // el vacio se mueve donde estaba el tile que tocamos
                        emptySpot = curPoint;
        // function that executes when the tile is touched
        void TextTile_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
            if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                MyTextView thisTile = (MyTextView)sender;

                // just write the position of the tile in the Xamarin console, to see each tile when moves
                Console.WriteLine("\r tile is at: \r x={0} \r y={1}", thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);

                // compute the distace between the tile which was pressed and the empty space
                float xDif = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.xPos - emptySpot.X, 2);
                float yDif = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.yPos - emptySpot.Y, 2);
                float dist = (float)Math.Sqrt(xDif + yDif);

                // if the tile was near the empty space
                if (dist == 1)
                    // memorize the current position of the tile
                    Point curPoint = new Point(thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);

                    // we want to put the tile on the place of the empty space
                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.Y);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.X);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams newLocParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    // the tile moves in the empty space
                    thisTile.xPos = emptySpot.X;
                    thisTile.yPos = emptySpot.Y;

                    // we set the appearance of the tile
                    newLocParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                    thisTile.LayoutParameters = newLocParams;

                    // the empty place goes where was the pressed tile before
                    emptySpot = curPoint;
        private void MakeTiles()
            _tileWidth = _gameViewWidth / 4;
            int counter = 1;

            for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++)
                for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++)
                    MyTextView textTile = new MyTextView(this);

                    GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec          = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(h);
                    GridLayout.Spec         colSpec          = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(v);
                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);
                    Point thisLoc = new Point(v, h);

                    tileLayoutParams.Width  = _tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.Height = _tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                    textTile.Text     = (counter++).ToString();
                    textTile.TextSize = 40;

                    textTile.Gravity = GravityFlags.Center;

                    textTile.LayoutParameters = tileLayoutParams;
                    textTile.Touch += TextTile_Touch;

                    textTile.XPos = thisLoc.X;
                    textTile.YPos = thisLoc.Y;
        private void randomizeMethod()
            // take a helper to created random number
            Random myRand = new Random();

            // store a copy of the coordinates list
            ArrayList copyCoordsList = new ArrayList(coordinatesList);

            // take each tile (in the variable any) and shuffle it to a new position
            foreach (MyTextView any in tilesList)
                // take random coordinates where to put this tile (tile any)
                int randIndex = myRand.Next(0, copyCoordsList.Count);
                // and store the coordinates in a variable (which is a point in space)
                Point thisRandLoc = (Point)copyCoordsList[randIndex];

                // create a new tile (which is a 1 x 1 part of the whole grid)
                GridLayout.Spec         rowSpec         = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.Y);
                GridLayout.Spec         colSpec         = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(thisRandLoc.X);
                GridLayout.LayoutParams randLayoutParam = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                // also keep the location of the tile any
                any.xPos = thisRandLoc.X;
                any.yPos = thisRandLoc.Y;

                // set the appearance of the tile to look similar
                randLayoutParam.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParam.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                randLayoutParam.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                // set the tile position to be the new shuffled position
                any.LayoutParameters = randLayoutParam;

                // remove the coordinate, so we can't use it anymore for another tile

            // we have deleted 15 out of 16 tiles, so the remaining one is the one that is empty
            emptySpot = (Point)copyCoordsList[0];
        // x=2, y=3
        // x=3, y=3

        private void TextTile_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
            if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                MyTextView thisTile = (MyTextView)sender;

                Console.WriteLine("\r\r\r this tile is at: \r x={0} y={1}", thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\r\r empty tile is at: \r x={0} y={1}", emptySpot.X, emptySpot.Y);

                float xDiff = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.xPos - emptySpot.X, 2);
                float yDiff = (float)Math.Pow(thisTile.yPos - emptySpot.Y, 2);
                float dist  = (float)Math.Sqrt(xDiff + yDiff);

                if (dist == 1)
                    // tile can move
                    // memorize where the tile used to be
                    Point currPoint = new Point(thisTile.xPos, thisTile.yPos);

                    // now take the tile to the empty
                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.Y);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(emptySpot.X);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams newLocalParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    thisTile.xPos = emptySpot.X;
                    thisTile.yPos = emptySpot.Y;

                    newLocalParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocalParams.Height = tileWidth - 10;
                    newLocalParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                    thisTile.LayoutParameters = newLocalParams;

                    emptySpot = currPoint;
        private void TextTile_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
            if (!_isPuzzleSolved)
                if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                    MyTextView thisTile = sender as MyTextView;

                    //determine if the square that was clicked is next to the open space
                    if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((thisTile.XPos - _emptyLocation.X), 2) +
                                  Math.Pow(thisTile.YPos - _emptyLocation.Y, 2)) == 1)
                        //save the location of the clicked button before moving it to the location that the empty square occupies
                        Point currentPoint = new Point(thisTile.XPos, thisTile.YPos);

                        GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(_emptyLocation.Y);
                        GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(_emptyLocation.X);

                        GridLayout.LayoutParams newLocParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                        thisTile.XPos = _emptyLocation.X;
                        thisTile.YPos = _emptyLocation.Y;

                        newLocParams.Width  = _tileWidth - 10;
                        newLocParams.Height = _tileWidth - 10;
                        newLocParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                        thisTile.LayoutParameters = newLocParams;
                        //move the empty square to the location originally occupied by the tile
                        _emptyLocation = currentPoint;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\r\r\rThis tile is at ({thisTile.XPos},{thisTile.YPos})");
        public GridLayout AddFriendLayout(int givenID, byte[] pictureCode, string username, string message)
            //TODO: Add Binding programmatically
            this.CreateBindingSet <FriendlistUI, FriendlistFragmentViewModel>();

            GridLayout.Spec gridColumn = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(16, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);
            GridLayout.Spec gridRow    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(16, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);

            GridLayout.LayoutParams gl = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(gridRow, gridColumn);

            GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(Context);

            gridLayout.LayoutParameters = gl;

            /* gridLayout.Orientation = GridOrientation.Horizontal;
             * gridLayout.Id = givenID;*/

            GridLayout.Spec imageColumn = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);
            GridLayout.Spec imageRow    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);

            GridLayout.Spec usernameColumn = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);
            GridLayout.Spec usernameRow    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);

            GridLayout.Spec messageColumn = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);
            GridLayout.Spec messageRow    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, GridLayout.BaselineAlighment);

            GridLayout.LayoutParams usernameLayout = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(usernameRow, usernameColumn);
            usernameLayout.SetMargins(256, 32, 0, 0);

            GridLayout.LayoutParams messageLayout = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(messageRow, messageColumn);
            messageLayout.SetMargins(248, 112, 0, 0);

            GridLayout.LayoutParams imageLayout = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(imageRow, imageColumn);
            imageLayout.SetMargins(48, 32, 0, 0);
            imageLayout.Width  = 196;
            imageLayout.Height = 196;

            ImageView imageView = new ImageView(Context);
            Bitmap    bmp       = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(pictureCode, 0, pictureCode.Length);

            imageView.LayoutParameters = imageLayout;

            TextView usernameView = new TextView(Context);

            usernameView.Text = username;
            usernameView.SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Px, 64);
            usernameView.LayoutParameters = usernameLayout;

            TextView messageView = new TextView(Context);

            messageView.Text = message;
            messageView.SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Px, 48);
            messageView.LayoutParameters = messageLayout;

            gridLayout.AddView(imageView, imageLayout);
            gridLayout.AddView(usernameView, usernameLayout);
            gridLayout.AddView(messageView, messageLayout);

        // method to create the grid layout
        private void makeTilesMethod()
            // the grid is 4 x 4 -> the width of a tile is a quarter of the width of the grid
            tileWidth = gameViewWidth / 4;

            // create a counter to keep in mind the number of the tile
            int counter = 1;

            // initialize the lists for storing the coordinates of the tiles
            tilesList       = new ArrayList();
            coordinatesList = new ArrayList();

            // we need to create all 16 tiles, they being placed on 4 rows and 4 columns
            for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
                for (int column = 0; column < 4; ++column)
                    // we want to make a tile and add it in our main layout
                    MyTextView textTile = new MyTextView(this);

                    // we want to put a tile on the row 'row' and column 'column'
                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(row);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(column);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    // print the number of the tile on it
                    textTile.Text = counter.ToString();
                    textTile.TextSize = 40;
                    textTile.Gravity  = GravityFlags.Center; // put the text in the center of the tile

                    // set the width and height of the tile
                    tileLayoutParams.Width  = tileWidth - 10; // (-10) for visibility
                    tileLayoutParams.Height = tileWidth - 10; // (-10) for visibility
                    tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);  // for making a nice looking contour

                    // make the changes in the actual textTile
                    textTile.LayoutParameters = tileLayoutParams;

                    // keep the coordinates of a tile (as a point in space, where the X coordinate is the column and Y coordiante is the row)
                    Point thisLocation = new Point(column, row);
                    // add the coordiante of this point in the coordinatesList
                    // add the tile in the list, to use it later

                    // remember the position if the tile
                    textTile.xPos = thisLocation.X;
                    textTile.yPos = thisLocation.Y;

                    // assign a method to execute when we toch the button
                    textTile.Touch += TextTile_Touch;

                    // add the tile in the main layout

                    // increase the counter to the next number
                    counter = counter + 1;

            // remove the 16th tile -> tilesList start from the position 0 (not 1 as expected), so the 16th element is on the position 15
            // remove the 16th tile also from our list
        public static View Create(Context context)
            GridLayout p = new GridLayout(context);

            p.UseDefaultMargins = true;
            p.AlignmentMode     = GridAlign.Bounds;
            Configuration configuration = context.Resources.Configuration;

            if ((configuration.Orientation == Android.Content.Res.Orientation.Portrait))
                p.ColumnOrderPreserved = false;
                p.RowOrderPreserved = false;

            //FIXME https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14210
            GridLayout.Spec titleRow    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0);
            GridLayout.Spec introRow    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(1);
            GridLayout.Spec emailRow    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(2, GridLayout.Baseline);
            GridLayout.Spec passwordRow = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(3, GridLayout.Baseline);
            GridLayout.Spec button1Row  = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(5);
            GridLayout.Spec button2Row  = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(6);

            GridLayout.Spec centerInAllColumns    = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, 4, GridLayout.Center);
            GridLayout.Spec leftAlignInAllColumns = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, 4, GridLayout.Left);
            GridLayout.Spec labelColumn           = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(0, GridLayout.Right);
            GridLayout.Spec fieldColumn           = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(1, GridLayout.Left);
            GridLayout.Spec defineLastColumn      = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(3);
            GridLayout.Spec fillLastColumn        = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(3, GridLayout.Fill);

                TextView c = new TextView(context);
                c.TextSize = 32;
                c.Text     = "Email setup";
                p.AddView(c, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(titleRow, centerInAllColumns));
                TextView c = new TextView(context);
                c.TextSize = 16;
                c.Text     = "You can configure email in a few simple steps:";
                p.AddView(c, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(introRow, leftAlignInAllColumns));
                TextView c = new TextView(context);
                c.Text = "Email address:";
                p.AddView(c, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(emailRow, labelColumn));
                EditText c = new EditText(context);
                c.InputType = Android.Text.InputTypes.ClassText | Android.Text.InputTypes.TextVariationEmailAddress;
                p.AddView(c, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(emailRow, fieldColumn));
                TextView c = new TextView(context);
                c.Text = "Password:"******"Manual setup";
                p.AddView(c, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(button1Row, defineLastColumn));
                Button c = new Button(context);
                c.Text = "Next";
                p.AddView(c, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(button2Row, fillLastColumn));

        private void makeTilesMethod()
            _tileWidth = _gameViewWidth / 3;

            int    counter    = 1;
            string imgsource  = "piece" + counter;
            string fullsource = "Resource.Drawable." + imgsource;

            _tilesList       = new ArrayList();
            _coordinatesList = new ArrayList();

            for (int row = 0; row < 3; ++row)
                for (int column = 0; column < 3; ++column)
                    MyImageView ImageTile = new MyImageView(_context);

                    GridLayout.Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(row);
                    GridLayout.Spec colSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(column);

                    GridLayout.LayoutParams tileLayoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, colSpec);

                    //ImageTile.Text = counter.ToString();
                    //ImageTile.TextSize = 40;
                    //ImageTile.Gravity = GravityFlags.Center;

                    if (counter == 1)
                    else if (counter == 2)
                    else if (counter == 3)
                    else if (counter == 4)
                    else if (counter == 5)
                    else if (counter == 6)
                    else if (counter == 7)
                    else if (counter == 8)

                    tileLayoutParams.Width  = _tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.Height = _tileWidth - 10;
                    tileLayoutParams.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

                    ImageTile.LayoutParameters = tileLayoutParams;

                    Point thisLocation = new Point(column, row);

                    ImageTile.xPos = thisLocation.X;
                    ImageTile.yPos = thisLocation.Y;

                    ImageTile.Touch += TextTile_Touch;


                    counter += 1;