public GridCoordinate DetermineTargetCoordinate()
            GridCoordinate coord;
            IGridSquare    square;
            bool           freeGridSquareFound = false;

            /* Check status of all grid squares */
            for (int i = 0; i < opponentGrid.Size; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < opponentGrid.Size; j++)
                    if (opponentGrid.Squares[i, j].Status == GridSquareStatus.Untouched)
                        /* Break out of loop */
                        freeGridSquareFound = true;

            if (freeGridSquareFound == false)
                /* no free (=untouched) grid square found */
                throw new ApplicationException("Computer has shot all cells in grid");

                /* Generate a random grid coordinate */
                coord  = GridCoordinate.CreateRandom(opponentGrid.Size);
                square = opponentGrid.GetSquareAt(coord);
            }while (square.Status != GridSquareStatus.Untouched);
        private void AssertRandomCoordinateCreation(int gridSize)
            GridCoordinate coordinate = GridCoordinate.CreateRandom(gridSize);

            Assert.That(coordinate.Row >= 0 && coordinate.Row < gridSize, Is.True,
                        $"For a grid of size {gridSize}, the row must be greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than {gridSize}");
            Assert.That(coordinate.Column >= 0 && coordinate.Column < gridSize, Is.True,
                        $"For a grid of size {gridSize}, the column must be greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than {gridSize}");
        public void CreateRandom_ShouldBeRandom()
            int            gridSize           = 1000;
            bool           isRandom           = false;
            GridCoordinate previousCoordinate = GridCoordinate.CreateRandom(gridSize);
            int            numberOfTries      = 0;

            while (numberOfTries <= 15 && !isRandom)
                GridCoordinate newCoordinate = GridCoordinate.CreateRandom(gridSize);
                if (newCoordinate != previousCoordinate)
                    isRandom = true;

                previousCoordinate = newCoordinate;
            Assert.That(isRandom, Is.True);
        /// <summary>
        /// Randomly generates an array of possible ship segment coordinates for the kind of ship.
        /// This method can be used to position a ship at random on a grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridSize">The coordinates will be within this grid size</param>
        /// <param name="allowDeformedShips">
        /// If false (=default), the coordinates will be horizontally or vertically aligned and will touch each other.
        /// If true, the coordinates will touch each other, but may possibly not be aligned (this is an EXTRA).
        /// </param>
        public GridCoordinate[] GenerateRandomSegmentCoordinates(int gridSize, bool allowDeformedShips = false)
            bool outOfBounds = true;

            while (outOfBounds)
                GridCoordinate   generatePosition  = GridCoordinate.CreateRandom(gridSize);
                GridCoordinate[] output            = new GridCoordinate[Size];
                Direction        generateDirection = Direction.CreateRandomly(allowDeformedShips);
                output[0] = generatePosition;
                for (int i = 1; i < Size; i++)
                    output[i] = new GridCoordinate(output[i - 1].Row + generateDirection.YStep, output[i - 1].Column + generateDirection.XStep);
                outOfBounds = GridCoordinateArrayExtensions.HasAnyOutOfBounds(output, gridSize);
                if (!outOfBounds)