/// <summary>
        /// Gets the new value of the property which will be passed
        /// into the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell which has been changed.</param>
        private object GetNewPropertyValue(GridCellChangedArgs cell)
            VariableProperty property = properties[cell.ColIndex];

                // Parse the new string to an object of the appropriate type.
                object value = ReflectionUtilities.StringToObject(property.DataType.GetElementType(), cell.NewValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                // Clone the array stored in the model. This is necessary
                // because we need to modify an element of property.Value,
                // which is a shallow copy of the actual property value.
                Array array = Clone(property.Value as Array, property.DataType.GetElementType());

                // Resize the array if necessary.
                if (cell.RowIndex >= array.Length)
                    Resize(ref array, cell.RowIndex + 1);

                // Change the appropriate element in the array.
                array.SetValue(value, cell.RowIndex);

                if (!MathUtilities.ValuesInArray(array))

            catch (FormatException err)
                throw new Exception($"Value '{cell.NewValue}' is invalid for property '{property.Name}' - {err.Message}.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the new value of the cell from a string containing the
        /// cell's new contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell which has been changed.</param>
        protected virtual object GetNewPropertyValue(IVariable property, GridCellChangedArgs cell)
            if (typeof(IPlant).IsAssignableFrom(property.DataType))
                return(Apsim.Find(property.Object as IModel, cell.NewValue));

            if (property.Display != null && property.Display.Type == DisplayType.Model)
                return(Apsim.Get(property.Object as IModel, cell.NewValue));

                if (property.DataType.IsEnum)
                    return(VariableProperty.ParseEnum(property.DataType, cell.NewValue));
                    return(ReflectionUtilities.StringToObject(property.DataType, cell.NewValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
            catch (FormatException err)
                throw new Exception($"Value '{cell.NewValue}' is invalid for property '{property.Name}' - {err.Message}.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when user clicks on a file name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void OnFileBrowseClick(object sender, GridCellChangedArgs e)
            // todo - add file extension paramter to display attribute?
            IFileDialog fileChooser = new FileDialog()
                Action           = FileDialog.FileActionType.Open,
                Prompt           = "Select file path",
                InitialDirectory = e.OldValue

            if (properties[e.RowIndex].Display.Type == DisplayType.DirectoryName)
                fileChooser.Action = FileDialog.FileActionType.SelectFolder;
                fileChooser.Prompt = "Select a folder";

            IGridCell cell     = grid.GetCell(e.ColIndex, e.RowIndex);
            string    fileName = properties[e.RowIndex].Display.Type == DisplayType.FileNames ? string.Join(", ", fileChooser.GetFiles()) : fileChooser.GetFile();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName) && fileName != e.OldValue)
                e.NewValue = fileName;
                OnCellsChanged(sender, new GridCellsChangedArgs(e));
 private void CheckRowCount(GridCellChangedArgs change)
     while (change.RowIndex >= table.Rows.Count)
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when user clicks on a file name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void OnFileBrowseClick(object sender, GridCellChangedArgs e)
            IFileDialog fileChooser = new FileDialog()
                Action           = FileDialog.FileActionType.Open,
                Prompt           = "Select file path",
                InitialDirectory = e.OldValue
            string fileName = fileChooser.GetFile();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName) && fileName != e.OldValue)
                e.NewValue = fileName;
                OnCellValueChanged(sender, new GridCellsChangedArgs(e));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the lengths of all array properties. Resizes any
        /// array which is too short and fills new elements with NaN.
        /// This is needed when the user enters a new row of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell"></param>
        private List <ChangeProperty.Property> CheckArrayLengths(GridCellChangedArgs cell)
            List <ChangeProperty.Property> changes = new List <ChangeProperty.Property>();

            foreach (VariableProperty property in properties)
                // If the property is not an array or if it's readonly,
                // ignore it.
                if (!property.DataType.IsArray || property.IsReadOnly)

                // If the property is the property which has just been
                // changed by the user, ignore it - we don't want to
                // modify it twice.
                if (property == properties[cell.ColIndex])

                // If the property value is null, ignore it.
                Array arr = property.Value as Array;
                if (arr == null)

                // If array is already long enough, ignore it.
                int n = arr?.Length ?? 0;
                if (n > cell.RowIndex)

                // Array is too short - need to resize it. However,
                // this array is a reference to the value of the
                // property stored in the model, so we need to clone it
                // before making any changes, otherwise the changes
                // won't be undoable.
                Type elementType = property.DataType.GetElementType();
                arr = Clone(arr, elementType);
                Resize(ref arr, cell.RowIndex + 1);

                // Unless this property is thickness, fill the new
                // values (if any) with NaN as per conversation with
                // Dean (blame him!).
                if ((elementType == typeof(double) || elementType == typeof(float)) &&
                    property.Name != "Thickness")
                    object nan = null;
                    if (elementType == typeof(double))
                        nan = double.NaN;
                    else if (elementType == typeof(float))
                        nan = float.NaN;

                    for (int i = n; i < arr.Length; i++)
                        arr.SetValue(nan, i);

                changes.Add(new ChangeProperty.Property(property.Object, property.Name, arr));