public static int DetermineMobileNotoriety(Mobile source, Mobile target, bool useVengeance) { BaseCreature bc_Source = source as BaseCreature; PlayerMobile pm_Source = source as PlayerMobile; Mobile m_SourceController = null; BaseCreature bc_SourceController = null; PlayerMobile pm_SourceController = null; BaseCreature bc_Target = target as BaseCreature; PlayerMobile pm_Target = target as PlayerMobile; Mobile m_TargetController = null; BaseCreature bc_TargetController = null; PlayerMobile pm_TargetController = null; if (bc_Source != null) { m_SourceController = bc_Source.ControlMaster as Mobile; bc_SourceController = bc_Source.ControlMaster as BaseCreature; pm_SourceController = bc_Source.ControlMaster as PlayerMobile; } if (bc_Target != null) { m_TargetController = bc_Target.ControlMaster as Mobile; bc_TargetController = bc_Target.ControlMaster as BaseCreature; pm_TargetController = bc_Target.ControlMaster as PlayerMobile; } ArenaController fromArenaController = ArenaController.GetArenaAtLocation(source.Location, source.Map); ArenaController targetArenaController = ArenaController.GetArenaAtLocation(target.Location, target.Map); if (fromArenaController != null && targetArenaController != null && fromArenaController == targetArenaController) { if (fromArenaController.m_ArenaFight != null) { if (fromArenaController.m_ArenaFight.m_FightPhase == ArenaFight.FightPhaseType.Fight) { if (fromArenaController.m_ArenaFight.m_ArenaMatch != null) { ArenaMatch arenaMatch = fromArenaController.m_ArenaFight.m_ArenaMatch; if (ArenaMatch.IsValidArenaMatch(arenaMatch, null, false)) { PlayerMobile rootPlayerFrom = null; PlayerMobile rootPlayerTarget = null; if (pm_Source != null) { rootPlayerFrom = pm_Source; } if (pm_Target != null) { rootPlayerTarget = pm_Target; } if (pm_SourceController != null) { rootPlayerFrom = pm_SourceController; } if (pm_TargetController != null) { rootPlayerTarget = pm_TargetController; } ArenaParticipant fromArenaParticipant = fromArenaController.m_ArenaFight.m_ArenaMatch.GetParticipant(rootPlayerFrom); ArenaParticipant targetArenaParticipant = fromArenaController.m_ArenaFight.m_ArenaMatch.GetParticipant(rootPlayerTarget); if (fromArenaParticipant != null && targetArenaParticipant != null) { if (fromArenaParticipant.m_FightStatus == ArenaParticipant.FightStatusType.Alive && targetArenaParticipant.m_FightStatus == ArenaParticipant.FightStatusType.Alive) { ArenaTeam fromTeam = null; ArenaTeam targetTeam = null; foreach (ArenaTeam team in arenaMatch.m_Teams) { if (team == null) { continue; } if (team.Deleted) { continue; } ArenaParticipant participant = team.GetPlayerParticipant(rootPlayerFrom); if (participant != null) { fromTeam = team; } participant = team.GetPlayerParticipant(rootPlayerTarget); if (participant != null) { targetTeam = team; } } if (fromTeam != null && targetTeam != null) { if (fromTeam == targetTeam) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } if (fromTeam != targetTeam) { return(Notoriety.Enemy); } } } } } } } } } //Berserk Creatures if (bc_Source != null && (source is BladeSpirits || source is EnergyVortex)) { if (bc_Source.ControlMaster != null && pm_Target != null) { //Blade Spirits + Energy Vortexes Can Freely Attack Their Control Master Without Causing Criminal Action if (bc_Source.ControlMaster == pm_Target) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } if (bc_Source.ControlMaster != null && bc_Target != null) { //Blade Spirits + Energy Vortexes Can Freely Attack Other Followers Of Their Control Master Without Causing Criminal Action if (bc_Source.ControlMaster == bc_Target.ControlMaster) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } if (target is BladeSpirits || target is EnergyVortex) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } //Staff Members Always Attackable if (target.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (m_TargetController != null) { //Creature Controlled By Staff Member if (m_TargetController.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Enemy of One if (pm_Source != null && bc_Target != null) { if (!bc_Target.Summoned && !bc_Target.Controlled && pm_Source.EnemyOfOneType == target.GetType()) { return(Notoriety.Enemy); } } //Justice Free Zone if (SpellHelper.InBuccs(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewOrcFort(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewCrypts(target.Map, target.Location)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Grey Zone Totem Nearby if (GreyZoneTotem.InGreyZoneTotemArea(target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Hotspot Nearby if (Custom.Hotspot.InHotspotArea(target.Location, target.Map, true)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Player Notoriety if (pm_Target != null) { //Friendly if (pm_SourceController != null) { if (pm_SourceController == pm_Target) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } } //Murderer if (pm_Target.Murderer && !pm_Target.HideMurdererStatus) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } //Criminal if (pm_Target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } //Perma-Grey if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_Target.PermaFlags.Contains(source)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (pm_SourceController != null) { //Target is Perma-Grey to Source Creature's Controller if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_Target.PermaFlags.Contains(pm_SourceController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } //Guilds //TEST: GUILD /* * Guild sourceGuild = GetGuildFor(source.Guild as Guild, source); * Guild targetGuild = GetGuildFor(target.Guild as Guild, target); * * if (sourceGuild != null && targetGuild != null) * { * if (sourceGuild == targetGuild || sourceGuild.IsAlly(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Ally; * * else if (sourceGuild.IsEnemy(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Enemy; * } */ //Creature Notoriety if (bc_Target != null) { //Friendly if (m_TargetController != null) { //Target is Source's Controller if (source == m_TargetController) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } } if (m_SourceController != null) { //Source is Target's Controller if (m_SourceController == bc_Target) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } } //Murderer if (bc_Target.IsMurderer()) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } if (pm_TargetController != null) { if (pm_TargetController.Murderer) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } } if (bc_TargetController != null) { if (bc_TargetController.IsMurderer()) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } } //Criminal if (bc_Target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } if (pm_TargetController != null) { if (pm_TargetController.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } } if (bc_TargetController != null) { if (bc_TargetController.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } } //Perma-Grey if (pm_TargetController != null) { if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_TargetController.PermaFlags.Contains(source)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (pm_SourceController != null) { //Target is Perma-Grey to Source Creature's Controller if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_TargetController.PermaFlags.Contains(pm_SourceController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } } //Housing if (CheckHouseFlag(source, target, target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Aggressor: Source to Target if (CheckAggressor(source.Aggressors, target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(source.Aggressed, target) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Aggressor: Source Controller to Target if (m_SourceController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(m_SourceController.Aggressors, target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(m_SourceController.Aggressed, target) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Aggressor: Source to Target's Controller if (m_TargetController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(source.Aggressors, m_TargetController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(source.Aggressed, m_TargetController) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Aggressor: Source Controller to Target's Controller if (m_SourceController != null && m_TargetController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(m_SourceController.Aggressors, m_TargetController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(m_SourceController.Aggressed, m_TargetController) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Player Followers: If A Player or Any of Their Followers Have been Aggressed or Barded, the Player and All Other Followers Can Attack the Aggressor PlayerMobile pm_Player = null; if (pm_Source != null) { pm_Player = pm_Source; } if (pm_SourceController != null) { pm_Player = pm_SourceController; } if (pm_Player != null) { if (pm_Player.AllFollowers.Count > 0) { //Any of the Player's Other Followers foreach (Mobile follower in pm_Player.AllFollowers) { BaseCreature bc_Follower = follower as BaseCreature; if (bc_Follower == null) { continue; } //Follower Has Been Aggressed/Aggresor to Target if (CheckAggressor(bc_Follower.Aggressors, target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(bc_Follower.Aggressed, target) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Follower Has Been Aggressed/Aggresor by/to Target's Controller if (m_TargetController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(bc_Follower.Aggressors, m_TargetController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(bc_Follower.Aggressed, m_TargetController) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } } } //Ships: Players and Creatures Friendly to a Ship Can Freely Attack Non-Friendly Mobiles on their Ship BaseShip sourceShip = null; if (bc_Source != null) { if (bc_Source.ShipOccupied != null) { sourceShip = bc_Source.ShipOccupied; } } if (pm_Source != null) { if (pm_Source.ShipOccupied != null) { sourceShip = pm_Source.ShipOccupied; } } if (sourceShip != null) { BaseShip targetShip = null; if (bc_Target != null) { if (bc_Target.ShipOccupied != null) { targetShip = bc_Target.ShipOccupied; } } if (pm_Target != null) { if (pm_Target.ShipOccupied != null) { targetShip = pm_Target.ShipOccupied; } } //On Same Ship if (sourceShip != null && targetShip != null && !sourceShip.Deleted && !targetShip.Deleted && sourceShip == targetShip) { bool sourceBelongs = false; bool targetBelongs = false; //Source Belongs n the Ship if (sourceShip.Crew.Contains(source) || sourceShip.IsFriend(source) || sourceShip.IsCoOwner(source) || sourceShip.IsOwner(source)) { sourceBelongs = true; } //Source's Owner Belongs on the Ship else if (bc_Source != null) { if (m_SourceController != null) { if (sourceShip.Crew.Contains(m_SourceController) || sourceShip.IsFriend(m_SourceController) || sourceShip.IsCoOwner(m_SourceController) || sourceShip.IsOwner(m_SourceController)) { sourceBelongs = true; } } } //Target Belongs On The Ship if (sourceShip.Crew.Contains(target) || sourceShip.IsFriend(target) || sourceShip.IsCoOwner(target) || sourceShip.IsOwner(target)) { targetBelongs = true; } //Target's Owner Belongs On the Ship else if (bc_Target != null) { if (m_TargetController != null) { if (sourceShip.Crew.Contains(m_TargetController) || sourceShip.IsFriend(m_TargetController) || sourceShip.IsCoOwner(m_TargetController) || sourceShip.IsOwner(m_TargetController)) { targetBelongs = true; } } } //Target May Be Freely Attacked on Ship if (sourceBelongs && !targetBelongs) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } //Polymorph or Body Transformation if (!(bc_Target != null && bc_Target.InitialInnocent)) { if (target.Player && target.BodyMod > 0) { } else if (!target.Body.IsHuman && !target.Body.IsGhost && !IsPet(bc_Target) && !TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //If somehow a player is attacking us with their tamed creatures, and their creatures are flagged to us but the player isn't //if (pm_Source != null && pm_Target != null) //{ // if (pm_Target.AllFollowers.Count > 0) // { // //Any of the Player's Other Followers // foreach (Mobile follower in pm_Target.AllFollowers) // { // int notorietyResult = Notoriety.Compute(source, follower); // //Enemy Tamer Adopts Notoriety of Their Creature (Anything other than Innocent) // if (notorietyResult != 1) // { // foreach(var aggressor in source.Aggressors) // { // if (aggressor.Attacker == follower) // return notorietyResult; // } // } // } // } //} return(Notoriety.Innocent); }
public static int DetermineMobileNotoriety(Mobile source, Mobile target, bool useVengeance) { BaseCreature bc_Source = source as BaseCreature; PlayerMobile pm_Source = source as PlayerMobile; Mobile m_SourceController = null; BaseCreature bc_SourceController = null; PlayerMobile pm_SourceController = null; BaseCreature bc_Target = target as BaseCreature; PlayerMobile pm_Target = target as PlayerMobile; Mobile m_TargetController = null; BaseCreature bc_TargetController = null; PlayerMobile pm_TargetController = null; #region UOACZ if (UOACZRegion.ContainsMobile(target)) { if (pm_Target != null) { UOACZPersistance.CheckAndCreateUOACZAccountEntry(pm_Target); if (pm_Target.IsUOACZUndead) { if (pm_Source != null) { if (pm_Source.IsUOACZHuman) { return(Notoriety.Enemy); } if (pm_Source.IsUOACZUndead) { if (pm_Target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } } return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (pm_Target.IsUOACZHuman) { if (pm_Source != null) { if (pm_Source.IsUOACZUndead) { return(Notoriety.Enemy); } } if (pm_Target.m_UOACZAccountEntry.HumanProfile.HonorPoints <= UOACZSystem.HonorAggressionThreshold) { return(Notoriety.Enemy); } if (pm_Target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (pm_Source != null) { return(Notoriety.Innocent); } return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } if (bc_Target != null) { if (bc_Target is UOACZBaseUndead) { UOACZBaseUndead bc_Undead = bc_Target as UOACZBaseUndead; if (bc_Undead.ControlMaster == source) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } if (pm_Source != null && (bc_Undead == UOACZPersistance.UndeadChampion || bc_Undead == UOACZPersistance.UndeadBoss)) { if (pm_Source.IsUOACZHuman) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } } return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (bc_Target is UOACZBaseWildlife) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (bc_Target is UOACZBaseHuman) { UOACZBaseHuman bc_Human = bc_Target as UOACZBaseHuman; if (source is UOACZBaseWildlife || source is UOACZBaseUndead) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (pm_Source != null) { if (pm_Source.IsUOACZUndead) { if (bc_Human == UOACZPersistance.HumanChampion || bc_Human == UOACZPersistance.HumanBoss) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } #endregion if (bc_Source != null) { m_SourceController = bc_Source.ControlMaster as Mobile; bc_SourceController = bc_Source.ControlMaster as BaseCreature; pm_SourceController = bc_Source.ControlMaster as PlayerMobile; } if (bc_Target != null) { m_TargetController = bc_Target.ControlMaster as Mobile; bc_TargetController = bc_Target.ControlMaster as BaseCreature; pm_TargetController = bc_Target.ControlMaster as PlayerMobile; } //Berserk Creatures if (bc_Source != null && (source is BladeSpirits || source is EnergyVortex)) { if (bc_Source.ControlMaster != null && pm_Target != null) { //Blade Spirits + Energy Vortexes Can Freely Attack Their Control Master Without Causing Criminal Action if (bc_Source.ControlMaster == pm_Target) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } if (bc_Source.ControlMaster != null && bc_Target != null) { //Blade Spirits + Energy Vortexes Can Freely Attack Other Followers Of Their Control Master Without Causing Criminal Action if (bc_Source.ControlMaster == bc_Target.ControlMaster) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } if (target is BladeSpirits || target is EnergyVortex) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } //Staff Members Always Attackable if (target.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (m_TargetController != null) { //Creature Controlled By Staff Member if (m_TargetController.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Consensual PvP if (pm_Source != null && pm_Target != null) { //Duel if (pm_Source.DuelContext != null && pm_Source.DuelContext.StartedBeginCountdown && !pm_Source.DuelContext.Finished && pm_Source.DuelContext == pm_Target.DuelContext) { return(pm_Source.DuelContext.IsAlly(pm_Source, pm_Target) ? Notoriety.Ally : Notoriety.Enemy); } } //Enemy of One if (pm_Source != null && bc_Target != null) { if (!bc_Target.Summoned && !bc_Target.Controlled && pm_Source.EnemyOfOneType == target.GetType()) { return(Notoriety.Enemy); } } //Justice Free Zone if (SpellHelper.InBuccs(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewOrcFort(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewCrypts(target.Map, target.Location)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Grey Zone Totem Nearby if (GreyZoneTotem.InGreyZoneTotemArea(target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Hotspot Nearby if (Custom.Hotspot.InHotspotArea(target.Location, target.Map, true)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Player Notoriety if (pm_Target != null) { //Friendly if (pm_SourceController != null) { if (pm_SourceController == pm_Target) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } } //Murderer if (pm_Target.Murderer && !pm_Target.HideMurdererStatus) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } //Criminal if (pm_Target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } //Perma-Grey if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_Target.PermaFlags.Contains(source)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (pm_SourceController != null) { //Target is Perma-Grey to Source Creature's Controller if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_Target.PermaFlags.Contains(pm_SourceController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } //Guilds //TEST: GUILD /* * Guild sourceGuild = GetGuildFor(source.Guild as Guild, source); * Guild targetGuild = GetGuildFor(target.Guild as Guild, target); * * if (sourceGuild != null && targetGuild != null) * { * if (sourceGuild == targetGuild || sourceGuild.IsAlly(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Ally; * * else if (sourceGuild.IsEnemy(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Enemy; * } */ //Creature Notoriety if (bc_Target != null) { //Friendly if (m_TargetController != null) { //Target is Source's Controller if (source == m_TargetController) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } } if (m_SourceController != null) { //Source is Target's Controller if (m_SourceController == bc_Target) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } } //Murderer if (bc_Target.IsMurderer()) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } if (pm_TargetController != null) { if (pm_TargetController.Murderer) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } } if (bc_TargetController != null) { if (bc_TargetController.IsMurderer()) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } } //Criminal if (bc_Target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } if (pm_TargetController != null) { if (pm_TargetController.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } } if (bc_TargetController != null) { if (bc_TargetController.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } } //Perma-Grey if (pm_TargetController != null) { if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_TargetController.PermaFlags.Contains(source)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (pm_SourceController != null) { //Target is Perma-Grey to Source Creature's Controller if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.ClassicMode && pm_TargetController.PermaFlags.Contains(pm_SourceController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } } //Housing if (CheckHouseFlag(source, target, target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Aggressor: Source to Target if (CheckAggressor(source.Aggressors, target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(source.Aggressed, target) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Aggressor: Source Controller to Target if (m_SourceController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(m_SourceController.Aggressors, target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(m_SourceController.Aggressed, target) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Aggressor: Source to Target's Controller if (m_TargetController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(source.Aggressors, m_TargetController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(source.Aggressed, m_TargetController) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Aggressor: Source Controller to Target's Controller if (m_SourceController != null && m_TargetController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(m_SourceController.Aggressors, m_TargetController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(m_SourceController.Aggressed, m_TargetController) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //Player Followers: If A Player or Any of Their Followers Have been Aggressed or Barded, the Player and All Other Followers Can Attack the Aggressor PlayerMobile pm_Player = null; if (pm_Source != null) { pm_Player = pm_Source; } if (pm_SourceController != null) { pm_Player = pm_SourceController; } if (pm_Player != null) { if (pm_Player.AllFollowers.Count > 0) { //Any of the Player's Other Followers foreach (Mobile follower in pm_Player.AllFollowers) { BaseCreature bc_Follower = follower as BaseCreature; if (bc_Follower == null) { continue; } //Follower Has Been Aggressed/Aggresor to Target if (CheckAggressor(bc_Follower.Aggressors, target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(bc_Follower.Aggressed, target) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Follower Has Been Aggressed/Aggresor by/to Target's Controller if (m_TargetController != null) { if (CheckAggressor(bc_Follower.Aggressors, m_TargetController)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckAggressed(bc_Follower.Aggressed, m_TargetController) && useVengeance) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } } } //Boats: Players and Creatures Friendly to a Boat Can Freely Attack Non-Friendly Mobiles on their Boat BaseBoat sourceBoat = null; if (bc_Source != null) { if (bc_Source.BoatOccupied != null) { sourceBoat = bc_Source.BoatOccupied; } } if (pm_Source != null) { if (pm_Source.BoatOccupied != null) { sourceBoat = pm_Source.BoatOccupied; } } if (sourceBoat != null) { BaseBoat targetBoat = null; if (bc_Target != null) { if (bc_Target.BoatOccupied != null) { targetBoat = bc_Target.BoatOccupied; } } if (pm_Target != null) { if (pm_Target.BoatOccupied != null) { targetBoat = pm_Target.BoatOccupied; } } //On Same Boat if (sourceBoat != null && targetBoat != null && !sourceBoat.Deleted && !targetBoat.Deleted && sourceBoat == targetBoat) { bool sourceBelongs = false; bool targetBelongs = false; //Source Belongs n the Boat if (sourceBoat.Crew.Contains(source) || sourceBoat.IsFriend(source) || sourceBoat.IsCoOwner(source) || sourceBoat.IsOwner(source)) { sourceBelongs = true; } //Source's Owner Belongs on the Boat else if (bc_Source != null) { if (m_SourceController != null) { if (sourceBoat.Crew.Contains(m_SourceController) || sourceBoat.IsFriend(m_SourceController) || sourceBoat.IsCoOwner(m_SourceController) || sourceBoat.IsOwner(m_SourceController)) { sourceBelongs = true; } } } //Target Belongs On The Boat if (sourceBoat.Crew.Contains(target) || sourceBoat.IsFriend(target) || sourceBoat.IsCoOwner(target) || sourceBoat.IsOwner(target)) { targetBelongs = true; } //Target's Owner Belongs On the Boat else if (bc_Target != null) { if (m_TargetController != null) { if (sourceBoat.Crew.Contains(m_TargetController) || sourceBoat.IsFriend(m_TargetController) || sourceBoat.IsCoOwner(m_TargetController) || sourceBoat.IsOwner(m_TargetController)) { targetBelongs = true; } } } //Target May Be Freely Attacked on Boat if (sourceBelongs && !targetBelongs) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } } //Polymorph or Body Transformation if (!(bc_Target != null && bc_Target.InitialInnocent)) { if (target.Player && target.BodyMod > 0) { } else if (!target.Body.IsHuman && !target.Body.IsGhost && !IsPet(bc_Target) && !TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(target)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } //If somehow a player is attacking us with their tamed creatures, and their creatures are flagged to us but the player isn't //if (pm_Source != null && pm_Target != null) //{ // if (pm_Target.AllFollowers.Count > 0) // { // //Any of the Player's Other Followers // foreach (Mobile follower in pm_Target.AllFollowers) // { // int notorietyResult = Notoriety.Compute(source, follower); // //Enemy Tamer Adopts Notoriety of Their Creature (Anything other than Innocent) // if (notorietyResult != 1) // { // foreach(var aggressor in source.Aggressors) // { // if (aggressor.Attacker == follower) // return notorietyResult; // } // } // } // } //} return(Notoriety.Innocent); }
public static int CorpseNotoriety(Mobile source, Corpse target) { if (target.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } Body body = (Body)target.Amount; BaseCreature cretOwner = target.Owner as BaseCreature; if (cretOwner != null) { //TEST: GUILD /* * Guild sourceGuild = GetGuildFor(source.Guild as Guild, source); * Guild targetGuild = GetGuildFor(target.Guild as Guild, target.Owner); * * if (sourceGuild != null && targetGuild != null) * { * if (sourceGuild == targetGuild || sourceGuild.IsAlly(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Ally; * * else if (sourceGuild.IsEnemy(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Enemy; * } */ if (cretOwner.IsLoHBoss() || cretOwner.FreelyLootable) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckHouseFlag(source, target.Owner, target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } int actual = Notoriety.CanBeAttacked; if (target.Kills >= Mobile.MurderCountsRequiredForMurderer || (body.IsMonster && IsSummoned(target.Owner as BaseCreature)) || (target.Owner is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsMurderer() || ((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsAnimatedDead))) { actual = Notoriety.Murderer; } if (DateTime.UtcNow >= (target.TimeOfDeath + Corpse.MonsterLootRightSacrifice)) { return(actual); } Party sourceParty = Party.Get(source); List <Mobile> list = target.Aggressors; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { if (list[i] == source || (sourceParty != null && Party.Get(list[i]) == sourceParty)) { return(actual); } } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } else { if (target.Kills >= Mobile.MurderCountsRequiredForMurderer || (body.IsMonster && IsSummoned(target.Owner as BaseCreature)) || (target.Owner is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsMurderer() || ((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsAnimatedDead))) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } if (target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } //TEST: GUILD /* * Guild sourceGuild = GetGuildFor(source.Guild as Guild, source); * Guild targetGuild = GetGuildFor(target.Guild as Guild, target.Owner); * * if (sourceGuild != null && targetGuild != null) * { * if (sourceGuild == targetGuild || sourceGuild.IsAlly(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Ally; * * else if (sourceGuild.IsEnemy(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Enemy; * } */ if (target.Owner != null && target.Owner is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)target.Owner).AlwaysAttackable) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckHouseFlag(source, target.Owner, target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (!(target.Owner is PlayerMobile) && !IsPet(target.Owner as BaseCreature)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } List <Mobile> list = target.Aggressors; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { if (list[i] == source) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } if (SpellHelper.InBuccs(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewOrcFort(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewCrypts(target.Map, target.Location)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (GreyZoneTotem.InGreyZoneTotemArea(target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Hotspot Nearby if (Custom.Hotspot.InHotspotArea(target.Location, target.Map, true)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (target.IsBones) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } }
public static int CorpseNotoriety(Mobile source, Corpse target) { if (target.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } #region UOACZ if (UOACZRegion.ContainsItem(target)) { PlayerMobile pm_Owner = target.Owner as PlayerMobile; BaseCreature bc_Owner = target.Owner as BaseCreature; if (pm_Owner != null) { UOACZPersistance.CheckAndCreateUOACZAccountEntry(pm_Owner); if (pm_Owner.IsUOACZUndead) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } if (pm_Owner.m_UOACZAccountEntry.ActiveProfile == UOACZAccountEntry.ActiveProfileType.Human) { if (pm_Owner.m_UOACZAccountEntry.HumanProfile.HonorPoints <= UOACZSystem.HonorAggressionThreshold) { return(Notoriety.Enemy); } if (pm_Owner.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } } if (bc_Owner != null) { if (bc_Owner is UOACZBaseUndead) { if (bc_Owner.ControlMaster == source) { return(Notoriety.Ally); } return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (bc_Owner is UOACZBaseWildlife) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (bc_Owner is UOACZBaseHuman) { return(Notoriety.Innocent); } } return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } #endregion Body body = (Body)target.Amount; BaseCreature cretOwner = target.Owner as BaseCreature; if (cretOwner != null) { //TEST: GUILD /* * Guild sourceGuild = GetGuildFor(source.Guild as Guild, source); * Guild targetGuild = GetGuildFor(target.Guild as Guild, target.Owner); * * if (sourceGuild != null && targetGuild != null) * { * if (sourceGuild == targetGuild || sourceGuild.IsAlly(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Ally; * * else if (sourceGuild.IsEnemy(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Enemy; * } */ if (cretOwner.IsLoHBoss() || cretOwner.FreelyLootable) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckHouseFlag(source, target.Owner, target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } int actual = Notoriety.CanBeAttacked; if (target.Kills >= 5 || (body.IsMonster && IsSummoned(target.Owner as BaseCreature)) || (target.Owner is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsMurderer() || ((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsAnimatedDead))) { actual = Notoriety.Murderer; } if (DateTime.UtcNow >= (target.TimeOfDeath + Corpse.MonsterLootRightSacrifice)) { return(actual); } Party sourceParty = Party.Get(source); List <Mobile> list = target.Aggressors; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { if (list[i] == source || (sourceParty != null && Party.Get(list[i]) == sourceParty)) { return(actual); } } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } else { if (target.Kills >= 5 || (body.IsMonster && IsSummoned(target.Owner as BaseCreature)) || (target.Owner is BaseCreature && (((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsMurderer() || ((BaseCreature)target.Owner).IsAnimatedDead))) { return(Notoriety.Murderer); } if (target.Criminal) { return(Notoriety.Criminal); } //TEST: GUILD /* * Guild sourceGuild = GetGuildFor(source.Guild as Guild, source); * Guild targetGuild = GetGuildFor(target.Guild as Guild, target.Owner); * * if (sourceGuild != null && targetGuild != null) * { * if (sourceGuild == targetGuild || sourceGuild.IsAlly(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Ally; * * else if (sourceGuild.IsEnemy(targetGuild)) * return Notoriety.Enemy; * } */ if (target.Owner != null && target.Owner is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)target.Owner).AlwaysAttackable) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (CheckHouseFlag(source, target.Owner, target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (!(target.Owner is PlayerMobile) && !IsPet(target.Owner as BaseCreature)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } List <Mobile> list = target.Aggressors; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { if (list[i] == source) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } } if (SpellHelper.InBuccs(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewOrcFort(target.Map, target.Location) || SpellHelper.InYewCrypts(target.Map, target.Location)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (GreyZoneTotem.InGreyZoneTotemArea(target.Location, target.Map)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } //Hotspot Nearby if (Custom.Hotspot.InHotspotArea(target.Location, target.Map, true)) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } if (target.IsBones) { return(Notoriety.CanBeAttacked); } return(Notoriety.Innocent); } }