protected void PopulateGridview(List <InvoiceItems> list) { string method = "populateGridview"; //object[] objPageDetails = { Session["currPage"].ToString(), method }; try { GrdInventorySearched.Visible = true; //Binds returned items to gridview for display GrdInventorySearched.DataSource = list; GrdInventorySearched.DataBind(); //grdInventorySearched.PageIndex = 0; } //Exception catch catch (ThreadAbortException tae) { } catch (Exception ex) { //Log all info into error table ER.CallLogError(ex, CU.employee.intEmployeeID, Convert.ToString(Session["currPage"]) + "-V3.2", method, this); //Display message box MessageBoxCustom.ShowMessage("An Error has occurred and been logged. " + "If you continue to receive this message please contact " + "your system administrator.", this); } }
protected void BtnInventorySearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Collects current method for error tracking string method = "BtnInventorySearch_Click"; object[] objPageDetails = { Session["currPage"].ToString(), method }; try { if (txtSearch.Text != "") { lblInvalidQty.Visible = false; GrdInventorySearched.DataSource = ITM.CallReturnInvoiceItemsFromSearchStringForSale(txtSearch.Text, objPageDetails); GrdInventorySearched.DataBind(); txtSearch.Text = ""; } } //Exception catch catch (ThreadAbortException tae) { } catch (Exception ex) { //Log all info into error table ER.CallLogError(ex, CU.employee.intEmployeeID, Convert.ToString(Session["currPage"]) + "-V3.2", method, this); //Display message box MessageBoxCustom.ShowMessage("An Error has occurred and been logged. " + "If you continue to receive this message please contact " + "your system administrator.", this); } }
protected void BtnClearSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string method = "BtnClearSearch_Click"; //object[] objPageDetails = { Session["currPage"].ToString(), method }; try { GrdInventorySearched.DataSource = null; GrdInventorySearched.DataBind(); } //Exception catch catch (ThreadAbortException tae) { } catch (Exception ex) { //Log all info into error table ER.CallLogError(ex, CU.employee.intEmployeeID, Convert.ToString(Session["currPage"]) + "-V3.2", method, this); //Display message box MessageBoxCustom.ShowMessage("An Error has occurred and been logged. " + "If you continue to receive this message please contact " + "your system administrator.", this); } }
protected void GrdInventorySearched_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { //Collects current method for error tracking string method = "GrdInventorySearched_RowCommand"; object[] objPageDetails = { Session["currPage"].ToString(), method }; try { Invoice invoice = IM.CallReturnCurrentInvoice(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["invoice"].ToString()), objPageDetails)[0]; lblInvalidQty.Visible = false; int index = ((GridViewRow)((LinkButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer).RowIndex; int quantity = 1; string qty = ((TextBox)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[2].FindControl("quantityToAdd")).Text; if (qty != "") { if (int.TryParse(qty, out quantity)) { quantity = Convert.ToInt32(qty); } } int currentQty = Convert.ToInt32(((Label)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[2].FindControl("QuantityInOrder")).Text); if (quantity > currentQty || quantity < 1) { lblInvalidQty.Visible = true; } else { #pragma warning disable IDE0017 // Simplify object initialization InvoiceItems selectedSku = new InvoiceItems(); #pragma warning restore IDE0017 // Simplify object initialization selectedSku.intInventoryID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); selectedSku.intInvoiceID = invoice.intInvoiceID; if (!IIM.CallItemAlreadyInCart(selectedSku, objPageDetails)) { double discount = 0; string discountAmount = ((TextBox)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[5].FindControl("txtAmountDiscount")).Text; if (discountAmount != "") { if (double.TryParse(discountAmount, out discount)) { discount = Convert.ToDouble(discountAmount); } } selectedSku.fltItemDiscount = discount; selectedSku.varItemDescription = ((Label)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[3].FindControl("Description")).Text; selectedSku.fltItemRefund = 0; selectedSku.fltItemPrice = double.Parse(((Label)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[4].FindControl("rollPrice")).Text, NumberStyles.Currency); selectedSku.fltItemCost = double.Parse(((Label)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[4].FindControl("rollCost")).Text, NumberStyles.Currency); selectedSku.bitIsDiscountPercent = ((CheckBox)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[5].FindControl("chkDiscountPercent")).Checked; selectedSku.bitIsClubTradeIn = ((CheckBox)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[6].FindControl("chkTradeInSearch")).Checked; selectedSku.intItemTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(((Label)GrdInventorySearched.Rows[index].Cells[7].FindControl("lblTypeIDSearch")).Text); selectedSku.intItemQuantity = quantity; //add item to table and remove the added qty from current inventory IIM.CallInsertItemIntoSalesCart(selectedSku, invoice.intTransactionTypeID, invoice.dtmInvoiceDate, Convert.ToInt32(DdlShippingProvince.SelectedValue), objPageDetails); IIM.CallRemoveQTYFromInventoryWithSKU(selectedSku.intInventoryID, selectedSku.intItemTypeID, (currentQty - quantity), objPageDetails); invoice = IM.CallReturnCurrentInvoice(invoice.intInvoiceID, objPageDetails)[0]; //Set an empty variable to bind to the searched items grid view so it is empty GrdInventorySearched.DataSource = null; GrdInventorySearched.DataBind(); Session["currentInvoice"] = invoice; //Recalculate the new subtotal UpdateInvoiceTotals(); } else { MessageBoxCustom.ShowMessage("Item is already in the cart. Please update item in cart or process a second sale.", this); } } } //Exception catch catch (ThreadAbortException tae) { } catch (Exception ex) { //Log all info into error table ER.CallLogError(ex, CU.employee.intEmployeeID, Convert.ToString(Session["currPage"]) + "-V3.2", method, this); //Display message box MessageBoxCustom.ShowMessage("An Error has occurred and been logged. " + "If you continue to receive this message please contact " + "your system administrator.", this); } }