private int GetColumnBestHeight(GridBand column, int width, DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject app) { GridBandInfoArgs ex = null; BandedGridViewInfo viewInfo = GridView.GetViewInfo() as BandedGridViewInfo; viewInfo.GInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex = new GridBandInfoArgs(null, viewInfo.GInfo.Cache); try { ex.InnerElements.Add(new DrawElementInfo(new GlyphElementPainter(), new GlyphElementInfoArgs(viewInfo.View.Images, 0, null), StringAlignment.Near)); ex.SetAppearance(app); ex.Caption = column.Caption; ex.CaptionRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(width - 10 * DpiXRel), 1000); } finally { viewInfo.GInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); } GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); grInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache; int Height = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.Caption); return(Height); }
private void BtnRename4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GraphicsInfo gi = CmbGraphics4.SelectedItem as GraphicsInfo; gi.Name = TxtGName4.Text; UpdateGraphicsNames(gi); }
private List <GraphicsInfo> CreateGraphicsInfo(ZebraGraphics graphics, Dictionary <PrintType, string> imageInfo, CardSide side) { List <GraphicsInfo> graphicsInfoList = new List <GraphicsInfo>(); foreach (PrintType type in imageInfo.Keys) { graphics.Initialize(0, 0, OrientationType.Landscape, type, -1); if (type == PrintType.Overlay && imageInfo[type] == null) { GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo = new GraphicsInfo { Side = side, PrintType = type, GraphicType = GraphicType.NA }; graphicsInfoList.Add(graphicsInfo); } else { byte[] imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(imageInfo[type]); graphics.DrawImage(imageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, RotationType.RotateNoneFlipNone); graphicsInfoList.Add(BuildGraphicsInfo(graphics.CreateImage(), side, type)); } graphics.Clear(); } return(graphicsInfoList); }
protected Preprocessor( NodeDataProvider dataProvider, GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo ) { this._dataProvider = dataProvider; this._graphicsInfo = graphicsInfo; }
/// <summary> /// Data grid preprocessor dialog. /// </summary> public DataGridPreprocessorDialog( NodeDataProvider dataProvider, GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo ) : base( dataProvider, graphicsInfo ) { }
protected int[] GetCharWidths() { GraphicsInfo info = new GraphicsInfo(); info.AddGraphics(null); int[] widths = DevExpress.Utils.Text.TextUtils.GetMeasureString(info.Graphics, Text, Appearance.Font); info.ReleaseGraphics(); return(widths); }
private void CmbGraphics4_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { GraphicsInfo gi = CmbGraphics4.SelectedItem as GraphicsInfo; TxtGName4.Text = gi.Name; CompositeTable.SetGraphicsbank(3, ProjectController.GraphicsManager.GraphicsBanks[gi.Bank]); PtvTileSelector.UpdateSelection(); LblHexGraphics4.Text = "x" + CmbGraphics4.SelectedIndex.ToHexString(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializing object GraphPreprocessorDialog. /// </summary> public GraphPreprocessor( NodeDataProvider dataProvider, GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo ) : base( dataProvider, graphicsInfo ) { }
/// <summary> /// Rdlc preprocessor dialog. /// </summary> public RDLPreprocessorDialog( NodeDataProvider dataProvider, GraphicsInfo graphics ) : base( dataProvider, graphics ) { }
public static Assembly CreateAssembly(string type, string subtitle) { if (type == "KUKA KR180") { KUKAKR180Info info = new KUKAKR180Info(); = Experior.Core.Assemblies.Assembly.GetValidName("KUKA KR180 "); return(new KUKAKR180(info)); } else if (type == "Man1" || type == "Man2") { GraphicsInfo info = new GraphicsInfo(); = Experior.Core.Assemblies.Assembly.GetValidName(type + " "); info.GraphicsName = type; info.Category = "Man"; info.height = 0; return(new Graphics(info)); } else if (type == "Text") { Catalog.Logistic.Basic.TextBitmapInfo info = new Logistic.Basic.TextBitmapInfo(); = Experior.Core.Assemblies.Assembly.GetValidName(type + " "); return(new Catalog.Logistic.Basic.TextBitmap(info)); } else if (type == "3D Text") { TextLabel3DInfo tInfo = new TextLabel3DInfo(); = Experior.Core.Assemblies.Assembly.GetValidName(type + " "); return(new TextLabel3D(tInfo)); } else if (type == "Logo") { DematicLogoInfo logoinfo = new DematicLogoInfo(); = Experior.Core.Assemblies.Assembly.GetValidName("DematicLogo "); return(new Dematic_Logo(logoinfo)); } else if (type == "Box") { DematicBoxInfo boxInfo = new DematicBoxInfo(); = Experior.Core.Assemblies.Assembly.GetValidName("Box "); return(new DematicBox(boxInfo)); } else if (type == "Image") { GraphicsInfo ImageInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); ImageInfo.GraphicsName = @"C:\tesco logo.png"; return(new Graphics(ImageInfo)); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Get size in milimetrs for report size. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Tuple <float, float> GetSizeInMillimetrs() { int scrollWidth = SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth; GraphicsInfo gi = Preprocessor.GraphicsInfo; Size ownerSize = gi.Size; var currentTuple = new Tuple <float, float>( ((float)(((ownerSize.Width - scrollWidth - 4) / gi.DpiX) * 25.4)), ((float)((ownerSize.Height / gi.DpiY) * 25.4)) ); return(currentTuple); }
private bool IsButtonRect(Point point, GridColumn column) { GraphicsInfo info = new GraphicsInfo(); info.AddGraphics(null); GridViewInfo viewInfo = view.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo; GridColumnInfoArgs columnArgs = viewInfo.ColumnsInfo[column]; Rectangle buttonRect = CalcButtonRect(columnArgs, info.Graphics); info.ReleaseGraphics(); return(buttonRect.Contains(point)); }
/// <summary> /// Html preprocessor dialog. /// </summary> public HtmlPreprocessorDialog( NodeDataProvider dataProvider, GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo, XslPreprocessManager preprocessManager ) : base( dataProvider, graphicsInfo ) { this._pathToHtml = GetDbfsFolderName(); this._preprocessManager = preprocessManager; }
private GraphicsInfo BuildGraphicsInfo(ZebraCardImageI zebraCardImage, CardSide side, PrintType printType) { GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo = new GraphicsInfo { Side = side, PrintType = printType, GraphicType = zebraCardImage != null ? GraphicType.BMP : GraphicType.NA }; if (zebraCardImage != null) { graphicsInfo.GraphicData = zebraCardImage; } return(graphicsInfo); }
private int GetColumnBestHeight(GridBand column, int width /*, GridBand parent_column*/) { /*GridBandInfoArgs ex = null; * * if (parent_column == null) * ex = viewInfo.BandsInfo[column]; * else * ex = viewInfo.BandsInfo[parent_column].Children[column]; * * GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); * grInfo.AddGraphics(null); * ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache; * bool canDrawMore = true; * Size captionSize = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.Caption); * Size res = ex.InnerElements.CalcMinSize(grInfo.Graphics, ref canDrawMore); * res.Height = Math.Max(res.Height, captionSize.Height); * res.Width += captionSize.Width; * //res = viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.Column.CalcBoundsByClientRectangle(ex, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, res)).Size; * grInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); * return res.Height;*/ GridBandInfoArgs ex = null; BandedGridViewInfo viewInfo = GridView.GetViewInfo() as BandedGridViewInfo; viewInfo.GInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex = new GridBandInfoArgs(null, viewInfo.GInfo.Cache); try { ex.InnerElements.Add(new DrawElementInfo(new GlyphElementPainter(), new GlyphElementInfoArgs(viewInfo.View.Images, 0, null), StringAlignment.Near)); ex.SetAppearance(GridView.Appearance.BandPanel); ex.Caption = column.Caption; ex.CaptionRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, 1000); } finally { viewInfo.GInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); } GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); grInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache; Size captionSize = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.Caption); return(captionSize.Height); }
private int GetColumnBestHeight(GridViewInfo viewInfo, GridColumn column) { GridColumnInfoArgs ex = viewInfo.ColumnsInfo[column]; GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); grInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache; bool canDrawMore = true; Size captionSize = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.GetCaption()); Size res = ex.InnerElements.CalcMinSize(grInfo.Graphics, ref canDrawMore); res.Height = Math.Max(res.Height, captionSize.Height); res.Width += captionSize.Width; res = viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.Column.CalcBoundsByClientRectangle(ex, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, res)).Size; grInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); return(res.Height); }
private int GetColumnBestHeight(DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn column) { try { DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.ViewInfo.GridViewInfo viewInfo = GridView.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo; GridColumnInfoArgs ex = null; viewInfo.GInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex = new GridColumnInfoArgs(viewInfo.GInfo.Cache, null); try { ex.InnerElements.Add(new DrawElementInfo(new GlyphElementPainter(), new GlyphElementInfoArgs(viewInfo.View.Images, 0, null), StringAlignment.Near)); ex.SetAppearance(GridView.Appearance.HeaderPanel); ex.Caption = column.Caption; ex.CaptionRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(column.VisibleWidth - 10 * DpiXRel), 1000); } finally { viewInfo.GInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); } GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); grInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache; Size captionSize = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.Caption); bool canDrawMore = true; Size res = ex.InnerElements.CalcMinSize(grInfo.Graphics, ref canDrawMore); res.Height = Math.Max(res.Height, captionSize.Height); res.Width += captionSize.Width; if (viewInfo.Painter != null) { res = viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.Column.CalcBoundsByClientRectangle(ex, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, res)).Size; m_dictColumnHeight[column.Name] = res.Height; return(res.Height); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyLocalizer.XtraMessageBoxShow("В программе произошла ошибка. Описание: " + ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return(-1); }
void CalcMessageBounds() { int messageTop, messageLeft, messageWidth, messageHeight; messageTop = Spacing; messageLeft = (icon == null) ? Spacing : (this.iconRectangle.Left + this.iconRectangle.Width + Spacing); int maxFormWidth = this.MaximumSize.Width; if (maxFormWidth <= 0) { maxFormWidth = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width; } int maxTextWidth = maxFormWidth - Spacing - messageLeft; if (maxTextWidth < 10) { maxTextWidth = 10; } GraphicsInfo ginfo = new GraphicsInfo(); ginfo.AddGraphics(null); SizeF textSize = GetPaintAppearance().CalcTextSize(ginfo.Graphics, labelText, maxTextWidth); ginfo.ReleaseGraphics(); messageWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(textSize.Width); int maxFormHeight = this.MaximumSize.Height; if (maxFormHeight <= 0) { maxFormHeight = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height; } int maxTextHeight = maxFormHeight - Spacing - ButtonsLayouter.ButtonHeight - Spacing - messageTop - SystemInformation.CaptionHeight; if (maxTextHeight < 10) { maxTextHeight = 10; } messageHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(textSize.Height); if (messageHeight > maxTextHeight) { messageHeight = maxTextHeight; } messageWidth = messageWidth < memoWidth ? memoWidth : messageWidth; this.messageRectangle = new Rectangle(messageLeft, messageTop, messageWidth, messageHeight); }
private void CalcMessageBounds() { int y = Spacing; int x = (this.Message.Icon == null) ? Spacing : ((this.iconRectangle.Left + this.iconRectangle.Width) + Spacing); int width = this.MaximumSize.Width; if (width <= 0) { //width = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width; width = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width / 2; } int num6 = (width - Spacing) - x; if (num6 < 10) { num6 = 10; } GraphicsInfo info = new GraphicsInfo(); info.AddGraphics(null); SizeF ef = this.GetPaintAppearance().CalcTextSize(info.Graphics, this.Message.Text, num6); info.ReleaseGraphics(); int num3 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)ef.Width); int height = this.MaximumSize.Height; if (height <= 0) { height = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height; } int num8 = ((((height - Spacing) - this.buttons[0].Height) - Spacing) - y) - SystemInformation.CaptionHeight; if (num8 < 10) { num8 = 10; } int num4 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)ef.Height); if (num4 > num8) { num4 = num8; } this.messageRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, num3, num4); }
private int GetColumnBestHeight(GridViewInfo viewInfo, GridColumn column, int height) { GridColumnInfoArgs ex = viewInfo.ColumnsInfo[column]; if (ex == null) { viewInfo.GInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex = new GridColumnInfoArgs(viewInfo.GInfo.Cache, null); try { ex.InnerElements.Add(new DrawElementInfo(new GlyphElementPainter(), new GlyphElementInfoArgs(viewInfo.View.Images, 0, null), StringAlignment.Near)); if (viewInfo.View.CanShowFilterButton(null)) { ex.InnerElements.Add(viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.FilterButton, new GridFilterButtonInfoArgs()); } ex.SetAppearance(viewInfo.PaintAppearance.HeaderPanel); ex.Caption = column.Caption; ex.CaptionRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, column.Width - 20, 17); } finally { viewInfo.GInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); } } GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); grInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache; bool canDrawMore = true; Size captionSize = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.GetCaption()); Size res = ex.InnerElements.CalcMinSize(grInfo.Graphics, ref canDrawMore); //res.Height = Math.Max(res.Height, captionSize.Height); res.Height = height; res.Width += captionSize.Width; //res = viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.Column.CalcBoundsByClientRectangle(ex, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, res)).Size; //res =new Size(180, 33); grInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); return(res.Height); }
protected void colorPickEdit1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { var edit = (ColorPickEdit)sender; var viewInfo = (ColorEditViewInfo)edit.GetViewInfo(); var info = new GraphicsInfo(); info.AddGraphics(e.Graphics); var color = edit.Color.IsEmpty ? Color.White : edit.Color; using (var brush = new SolidBrush(color)) { info.Cache.FillRectangle(brush, viewInfo.ContentRect); } if (edit.Color.IsEmpty) { using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(135, 146, 159))) { info.Cache.DrawString("Default", DefaultFont, brush, viewInfo.ContentRect); } } info.ReleaseGraphics(); }
private void ReadFrom(BinaryReader br) { var result = new GraphicsInfo(); // 1. Bitmap result.GraphicsImage = (Bitmap)SerializationHelper.ReadImage(br); // 2. Transformation matrix var elements = (float[])BinarySerializer.DeserializeByReader(br); result.Transform = new Matrix(elements[0], elements[1], elements[2], elements[3], elements[4], elements[5]); // 3. Meta result.OriginalVisibleClipBounds = new Rectangle(br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32()); result.TransformedVisibleClipBounds = new RectangleF(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); result.PageUnit = (GraphicsUnit)br.ReadInt32(); result.Resolution = new PointF(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); GraphicsInfo = result; }
private void UpdateGraphicsNames(GraphicsInfo gi) { bool reselect = false; int index = 0; index = CmbGraphics1.Items.IndexOf(gi); reselect = CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex == index; CmbGraphics1.Items.RemoveAt(index); CmbGraphics1.Items.Insert(index, gi); if (reselect) { CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex = index; } index = CmbGraphics2.Items.IndexOf(gi); reselect = CmbGraphics2.SelectedIndex == index; CmbGraphics2.Items.RemoveAt(index); CmbGraphics2.Items.Insert(index, gi); if (reselect) { CmbGraphics2.SelectedIndex = index; } index = CmbGraphics3.Items.IndexOf(gi); reselect = CmbGraphics3.SelectedIndex == index; CmbGraphics3.Items.RemoveAt(index); CmbGraphics3.Items.Insert(index, gi); if (reselect) { CmbGraphics3.SelectedIndex = index; } index = CmbGraphics4.Items.IndexOf(gi); reselect = CmbGraphics4.SelectedIndex == index; CmbGraphics4.Items.RemoveAt(index); CmbGraphics4.Items.Insert(index, gi); if (reselect) { CmbGraphics4.SelectedIndex = index; } }
private int[] GetValuesWidths(Font font, string[] values) { GraphicsInfo info = new GraphicsInfo(); info.AddGraphics(null); int[] widths = new int[values.Length]; int separatorWidth = GetSeparatorWidth(font, separatorChar, info.Graphics); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length - 1; i++) { widths.SetValue(DevExpress.Utils.Text.TextUtils.GetStringSize(info.Graphics, values[i], font).Width + separatorWidth, i); } widths.SetValue(DevExpress.Utils.Text.TextUtils.GetStringSize(info.Graphics, values[values.Length - 1], font).Width, values.Length - 1); info.ReleaseGraphics(); return(widths); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public RobotGameGame() : base() { // Set to window title name Window.Title = "Robot Game"; // Initialize a graphics information GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); #if XBOX graphicsInfo.screenWidth = (int)ViewerWidth.Width1080; graphicsInfo.screenHeight = (int)ViewerHeight.Height1080; #else graphicsInfo.screenWidth = (int)ViewerWidth.Width720; graphicsInfo.screenHeight = (int)ViewerHeight.Height720; #endif // Set to shader info graphicsInfo.pixelShaderProfile = ShaderProfile.PS_2_0; graphicsInfo.vertexShaderProfile = ShaderProfile.VS_2_0; // Must be call in this constructor ChangeGraphics(graphicsInfo); }
private void CmbGraphics1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Full) { if (CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex > 252) { CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex = 252; return; } } else if (SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Half) { if (CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex > 254) { CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex = 254; return; } } GraphicsInfo gi = CmbGraphics1.SelectedItem as GraphicsInfo; TxtGName1.Text = gi.Name; CompositeTable.SetGraphicsbank(0, ProjectController.GraphicsManager.GraphicsBanks[gi.Bank]); if (SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Full) { CmbGraphics2.SelectedIndex = CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex + 1; CmbGraphics3.SelectedIndex = CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex + 2; CmbGraphics4.SelectedIndex = CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex + 3; } else if (SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Half) { CmbGraphics2.SelectedIndex = CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex + 1; } PtvTileSelector.UpdateSelection(); LblHexGraphics1.Text = "x" + CmbGraphics1.SelectedIndex.ToHexString(); }
private int GetColumnBestHeight(GridViewInfo viewInfo, GridColumn column) { GridColumnInfoArgs ex = viewInfo.ColumnsInfo[column]; if (ex == null) { viewInfo.GInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex = new GridColumnInfoArgs(viewInfo.GInfo.Cache, null); try { ex.InnerElements.Add(new DrawElementInfo(new GlyphElementPainter(), new GlyphElementInfoArgs(viewInfo.View.Images, 0, null), StringAlignment.Near)); if (viewInfo.View.CanShowFilterButton(null)) { ex.InnerElements.Add(viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.FilterButton, new GridFilterButtonInfoArgs()); } ex.SetAppearance(viewInfo.PaintAppearance.HeaderPanel); ex.Caption = column.Caption; ex.CaptionRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, column.Width - 20, 17); } finally { viewInfo.GInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); } } GraphicsInfo grInfo = new GraphicsInfo(); grInfo.AddGraphics(null); ex.Cache = grInfo.Cache; bool canDrawMore = true; Size captionSize = CalcCaptionTextSize(grInfo.Cache, ex as HeaderObjectInfoArgs, column.GetCaption()); Size res = ex.InnerElements.CalcMinSize(grInfo.Graphics, ref canDrawMore); res.Height = Math.Max(res.Height, captionSize.Height); res.Width += captionSize.Width; res = viewInfo.Painter.ElementsPainter.Column.CalcBoundsByClientRectangle(ex, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, res)).Size; grInfo.ReleaseGraphics(); return res.Height; }
public GraphicsInfoController(MainForm topform, GraphicsInfo item) : base(topform, item) { Data = item; }
internal static void DebugGraphics(GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo) { using (IViewModel vm = ViewModelFactory.FromGraphics(graphicsInfo)) ViewFactory.ShowDialog(vm); }
private bool IsButtonRect(Point point, GridColumn column) { GraphicsInfo info = new GraphicsInfo(); info.AddGraphics(null); GridViewInfo viewInfo = view.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo; GridColumnInfoArgs columnArgs = viewInfo.ColumnsInfo[column]; Rectangle buttonRect = CalcButtonRect(columnArgs, info.Graphics); info.ReleaseGraphics(); return buttonRect.Contains(point); }
public GraphicsInfoController(MainForm topform, GraphicsInfo item, FileController targetFile) : base(topform, item, targetFile) { Data = item; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a view model for a <see cref="Graphics"/> from arbitrary debug information. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphicsInfo">The debug information for a <see cref="Graphics"/>.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="IViewModel"/> instance that represents a view model for a <see cref="Graphics"/>.</returns> public static IViewModel FromGraphics(GraphicsInfo graphicsInfo) => new GraphicsVisualizerViewModel { GraphicsInfo = graphicsInfo };