public void RenderFromInMemoryGraph() { const string graph = @"digraph G { node [style=filled, shape=rect] # Nodes ""String age"" -> ""Int64.Parse()"" -> {""Int64"", ""Collector""} # Formatting ""String age"" [color=green] ""Int64"" [color=""#9fbff4""] ""Int64.Parse()"" [shape=invhouse] ""Collector"" [color = ""#c361f4""] { rank=same; ""Int64.Parse()"", ""Collector""} }"; var graphViz = new GraphViz(); byte[] result = graphViz.LayoutAndRenderDotGraph(graph, "png"); Approvals.VerifyBinaryFile(result, ".png"); }
public void RenderFromGraphInFileToFile() { string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "RenderFromGraphInFile.png"); const string graph = @"digraph G { node [style=filled, shape=rect] # Nodes ""String age"" -> ""Int64.Parse()"" -> {""Int64"", ""Collector""} # Formatting ""String age"" [color=green] ""Int64"" [color=""#9fbff4""] ""Int64.Parse()"" [shape=invhouse] ""Collector"" [color = ""#c361f4""] { rank=same; ""Int64.Parse()"", ""Collector""} }"; string inputFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ""); File.WriteAllText(inputFilePath, graph); var graphViz = new GraphViz(); graphViz.LayoutAndRenderDotGraphFromFile(inputFilePath, outputFilePath, "png"); Approvals.VerifyFile(outputFilePath); }
public void RenderError() { const string graph = @"invalid"; var graphViz = new GraphViz(); graphViz.LayoutAndRender(null, graph, null, null, "svg"); }
private void spitOutGraph() { routesGraph = new GraphViz(); pathsGraph = new GraphViz(); addToGraph(mR0, routesGraph, pathsGraph); var str = routesGraph.ToString(); var str2 = pathsGraph.ToString(); }
private static void VerifyAsRenderedGraph(IGraphNode input, string format) { var dotGraph = DotGraph.DotGraph.FromPipeline(input); var graphViz = new GraphViz(); graphViz.Config.TreatWarningsAsErrors = true; var output = graphViz.LayoutAndRenderDotGraph(dotGraph.ToString(), format); Approvals.VerifyBinaryFile(output, "." + format); }
private void addVariable(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var newDialog = new FunctionsDialog(); newDialog.ShowDialog(); if (newDialog.DialogResult == true) { booleanFunctions.Add(newDialog.Result, ""); } ReloadFunctions(sender, e); wiringDiagram.WithGraphAttributesOf( RankDir.TB, Font.Name("Arial"), Font.Size(55)) .WithNodeAttributesOf( Shape.Ellipse, Color.Black); wiringDiagram.Containing(DotBuilder.Statements.Node.Name(newDialog.Result)); // to get the raw dot output var dot = wiringDiagram.Render(); // to render to a file stream var graphviz = new GraphViz(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin", OutputFormat.Png); GraphViewer.Source = null; System.GC.Collect(); System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); File.Delete(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Graphs", "wiringdiagram.png")); var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Graphs", "wiringdiagram.png"); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { graphviz.RenderGraph(wiringDiagram, stream); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; bitmap.StreamSource = stream; bitmap.EndInit(); GraphViewer.Source = bitmap; stream.Close(); } }
private void addToGraph(TestRoute mR0, GraphViz graph, GraphViz pathsGraph) { graph.Add(mR0.GetName()); graph.SetGroup("level" + mR0.Level, mR0.GetName()); foreach (TestRoute next in mR0.NextRoutes) { graph.Connect(mR0.GetName(), next.GetName()); addToGraph(next, graph, pathsGraph); } foreach (TestPath path in mR0.Paths) { pathsGraph.SetGroup(mR0.GetName(), path.GetName()); var left = path.LeftParralel as TestPath; if (left != null) { pathsGraph.Connect(path.GetName(), left.GetName()); } var right = path.RightParralel as TestPath; if (right != null) { pathsGraph.Connect(path.GetName(), right.GetName()); } foreach (TestPath next in path.NextPaths) { pathsGraph.Connect(path.GetName(), next.GetName(), new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "style", "bold" } }); left = next.LeftParralel as TestPath; if (left != null) { pathsGraph.Connect(path.GetName(), left.GetName(), new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "style", "dotted" } }, overwrite: false); } right = next.RightParralel as TestPath; if (right != null) { pathsGraph.Connect(path.GetName(), right.GetName(), new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "style", "dotted" } }, overwrite: false); } } } }
public static void Run(IExample ex, int numero) { string path = @"c:\lammesoftHSM_Examples"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } CSharpGenerator x = ex.Generator(); x.Nom = "lammesoftHSM.examples.ExampleEx" + numero; x.Path = path; x.GenerateCode(); GraphViz.ToGraphviz(dot, x.Nom, x.Path, x.level1, true, x.Startup, 10); }
public void RenderWithWarningAsException() { const string graph = @"digraph G { node [style=filled, shape=rec] # Nodes ""String age"" # Formatting ""String age"" [color=green] } "; var graphViz = new GraphViz(); graphViz.Config.TreatWarningsAsErrors = true; graphViz.LayoutAndRender(null, graph, null, null, "svg"); }
public void RenderWithWarning() { const string graph = @"digraph G { node [style=filled, shape=rec] # Nodes ""String age"" # Formatting ""String age"" [color=green] } "; const string expectedOutput = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""no""?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"" """"> <!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.43.20200408.0903 (20200408.0903) --> <!-- Title: G Pages: 1 --> <svg width=""80pt"" height=""44pt"" viewBox=""0.00 0.00 80.00 44.00"" xmlns="""" xmlns:xlink=""""> <g id=""graph0"" class=""graph"" transform=""scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 40)""> <title>G</title> <polygon fill=""white"" stroke=""transparent"" points=""-4,4 -4,-40 76,-40 76,4 -4,4""/> <!-- String age --> <g id=""node1"" class=""node""> <title>String age</title> <polygon fill=""green"" stroke=""green"" points=""72,-36 0,-36 0,0 72,0 72,-36""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""36"" y=""-14.3"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">String age</text> </g> </g> </svg> "; var graphViz = new GraphViz(); byte[] result = graphViz.LayoutAndRender(null, graph, null, null, "svg"); string output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, output); }
public void RenderToOutputWithNonDefaultLayout() { const string graph = @"digraph G { node [style=filled, shape=rect] # Nodes ""String age"" -> ""Int64.Parse()"" -> {""Int64"", ""Collector""} # Formatting ""String age"" [color=green] ""Int64"" [color=""#9fbff4""] ""Int64.Parse()"" [shape=invhouse] ""Collector"" [color = ""#c361f4""] { rank=same; ""Int64.Parse()"", ""Collector""} }"; const string expectedOutput = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""no""?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"" """"> <!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.43.20200408.0903 (20200408.0903) --> <!-- Title: G Pages: 1 --> <svg width=""200pt"" height=""171pt"" viewBox=""0.00 0.00 200.39 171.23"" xmlns="""" xmlns:xlink=""""> <g id=""graph0"" class=""graph"" transform=""scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 167.23)""> <title>G</title> <polygon fill=""white"" stroke=""transparent"" points=""-4,4 -4,-167.23 196.39,-167.23 196.39,4 -4,4""/> <!-- String age --> <g id=""node1"" class=""node""> <title>String age</title> <polygon fill=""green"" stroke=""green"" points=""72,-66.12 0,-66.12 0,-30.12 72,-30.12 72,-66.12""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""36"" y=""-44.42"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">String age</text> </g> <!-- Int64.Parse() --> <g id=""node2"" class=""node""> <title>Int64.Parse()</title> <polygon fill=""lightgrey"" stroke=""black"" points=""37.91,-65 109.41,-52.56 180.91,-65 180.85,-85.12 37.98,-85.12 37.91,-65""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""109.41"" y=""-66.86"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">Int64.Parse()</text> </g> <!-- String age->Int64.Parse() --> <g id=""edge1"" class=""edge""> <title>String age->Int64.Parse()</title> <path fill=""none"" stroke=""black"" d=""M72.28,-59.21C72.35,-59.23 72.42,-59.25 72.49,-59.27""/> <polygon fill=""black"" stroke=""black"" points=""62.12,-59.76 72.71,-59.34 64.17,-53.07 62.12,-59.76""/> </g> <!-- Int64 --> <g id=""node3"" class=""node""> <title>Int64</title> <polygon fill=""#9fbff4"" stroke=""#9fbff4"" points=""192.39,-36 138.39,-36 138.39,0 192.39,0 192.39,-36""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""165.39"" y=""-14.3"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">Int64</text> </g> <!-- Int64.Parse()->Int64 --> <g id=""edge2"" class=""edge""> <title>Int64.Parse()->Int64</title> <path fill=""none"" stroke=""black"" d=""M125.6,-55.36C129.66,-51.55 134.12,-47.36 138.54,-43.21""/> <polygon fill=""black"" stroke=""black"" points=""140.97,-45.73 145.86,-36.33 136.18,-40.63 140.97,-45.73""/> </g> <!-- Collector --> <g id=""node4"" class=""node""> <title>Collector</title> <polygon fill=""#c361f4"" stroke=""#c361f4"" points=""161.24,-163.23 93.24,-163.23 93.24,-127.23 161.24,-127.23 161.24,-163.23""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""127.24"" y=""-141.53"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">Collector</text> </g> <!-- Int64.Parse()->Collector --> <g id=""edge3"" class=""edge""> <title>Int64.Parse()->Collector</title> <path fill=""none"" stroke=""black"" d=""M112.94,-85.31C115.1,-94.4 117.96,-106.33 120.54,-117.16""/> <polygon fill=""black"" stroke=""black"" points=""117.18,-118.16 122.91,-127.08 123.99,-116.54 117.18,-118.16""/> </g> </g> </svg> "; var graphViz = new GraphViz(); // ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo byte[] result = graphViz.LayoutAndRender(null, graph, null, "neato", "svg"); string output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, output); }
public void RenderToOutput() { const string graph = @"digraph G { node [style=filled, shape=rect] # Nodes ""String age"" -> ""Int64.Parse()"" -> {""Int64"", ""Collector""} # Formatting ""String age"" [color=green] ""Int64"" [color=""#9fbff4""] ""Int64.Parse()"" [shape=invhouse] ""Collector"" [color = ""#c361f4""] { rank=same; ""Int64.Parse()"", ""Collector""} }"; const string expectedOutput = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""no""?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"" """"> <!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.43.20200408.0903 (20200408.0903) --> <!-- Title: G Pages: 1 --> <svg width=""238pt"" height=""188pt"" viewBox=""0.00 0.00 237.50 188.00"" xmlns="""" xmlns:xlink=""""> <g id=""graph0"" class=""graph"" transform=""scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 184)""> <title>G</title> <polygon fill=""white"" stroke=""transparent"" points=""-4,4 -4,-184 233.5,-184 233.5,4 -4,4""/> <!-- String age --> <g id=""node1"" class=""node""> <title>String age</title> <polygon fill=""green"" stroke=""green"" points=""107.5,-180 35.5,-180 35.5,-144 107.5,-144 107.5,-180""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""71.5"" y=""-158.3"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">String age</text> </g> <!-- Int64.Parse() --> <g id=""node2"" class=""node""> <title>Int64.Parse()</title> <polygon fill=""lightgrey"" stroke=""black"" points=""-0,-84.44 71.5,-72 143,-84.44 142.93,-104.56 0.07,-104.56 -0,-84.44""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""71.5"" y=""-86.3"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">Int64.Parse()</text> </g> <!-- String age->Int64.Parse() --> <g id=""edge1"" class=""edge""> <title>String age->Int64.Parse()</title> <path fill=""none"" stroke=""black"" d=""M71.5,-143.7C71.5,-134.99 71.5,-124.3 71.5,-114.83""/> <polygon fill=""black"" stroke=""black"" points=""75,-114.82 71.5,-104.82 68,-114.82 75,-114.82""/> </g> <!-- Int64 --> <g id=""node3"" class=""node""> <title>Int64</title> <polygon fill=""#9fbff4"" stroke=""#9fbff4"" points=""98.5,-36 44.5,-36 44.5,0 98.5,0 98.5,-36""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""71.5"" y=""-14.3"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">Int64</text> </g> <!-- Int64.Parse()->Int64 --> <g id=""edge2"" class=""edge""> <title>Int64.Parse()->Int64</title> <path fill=""none"" stroke=""black"" d=""M71.5,-71.7C71.5,-63.98 71.5,-54.71 71.5,-46.11""/> <polygon fill=""black"" stroke=""black"" points=""75,-46.1 71.5,-36.1 68,-46.1 75,-46.1""/> </g> <!-- Collector --> <g id=""node4"" class=""node""> <title>Collector</title> <polygon fill=""#c361f4"" stroke=""#c361f4"" points=""229.5,-108 161.5,-108 161.5,-72 229.5,-72 229.5,-108""/> <text text-anchor=""middle"" x=""195.5"" y=""-86.3"" font-family=""Times New Roman,serif"" font-size=""14.00"">Collector</text> </g> <!-- Int64.Parse()->Collector --> <g id=""edge3"" class=""edge""> <title>Int64.Parse()->Collector</title> <path fill=""none"" stroke=""black"" d=""M143.19,-90C145.81,-90 148.43,-90 151.05,-90""/> <polygon fill=""black"" stroke=""black"" points=""151.17,-93.5 161.17,-90 151.17,-86.5 151.17,-93.5""/> </g> </g> </svg> "; var graphViz = new GraphViz(); byte[] result = graphViz.LayoutAndRender(null, graph, null, null, "svg"); string output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, output); }
public void AllNullParameters() { string arguments = GraphViz.BuildCommandLineArguments(null, null, null, null); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, arguments); }
public void DotToPngUsingLayout() { string arguments = GraphViz.BuildCommandLineArguments("", "file.png", "neato", "png"); Assert.AreEqual(" -Kneato -Tpng -o\"file.png\" \"\"", arguments); }
public void DotToPng() { string arguments = GraphViz.BuildCommandLineArguments("", "file.png", null, "png"); Assert.AreEqual(" -Tpng -o\"file.png\" \"\"", arguments); }
private void removeVariable(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (cmbSelectVariable.SelectedItem != null) { booleanFunctions.Remove(cmbSelectVariable.SelectedItem.ToString()); cmbSelectVariable.Items.Remove(cmbSelectVariable.SelectedItem); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a Boolean variable first!"); return; } wiringDiagram = Graph.Directed("adiagram"); wiringDiagram.WithGraphAttributesOf( RankDir.TB, Font.Name("Arial"), Font.Size(55)) .WithNodeAttributesOf( Shape.Ellipse, Color.Black); foreach (string key in booleanFunctions.Keys) { wiringDiagram.Containing(DotBuilder.Statements.Node.Name(key)); //make sure all variables are displayed string value; booleanFunctions.TryGetValue(key, out value); foreach (string k in booleanFunctions.Keys) { if (value.Contains(k)) { wiringDiagram.Containing(Edge.Between(k, key).WithAttributesOf(Color.Black)); } } } // to get the raw dot output var dot = wiringDiagram.Render(); // to render to a file stream var graphviz = new GraphViz(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin", OutputFormat.Png); GraphViewer.Source = null; System.GC.Collect(); System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); File.Delete(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Graphs", "wiringdiagram.png")); var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Graphs", "wiringdiagram.png"); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { graphviz.RenderGraph(wiringDiagram, stream); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; bitmap.StreamSource = stream; bitmap.EndInit(); GraphViewer.Source = bitmap; stream.Close(); } }
private void createGraph(List <Token> ListToken) { GraphViz graphViz = new GraphViz(); graph = null; for (int i = 0; i < ListToken.Count; i++) { if (ListToken[i].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Grafica")) { string graphName = removeQuotes(ListToken[i + 5].Value); // Continents List <Continent> continents = new List <Continent>(); for (int j = i + 1; j < ListToken.Count; j++) { if (ListToken[j].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Continente")) { string continentName = removeQuotes(ListToken[j + 5].Value); int continentSaturation = 0; int continentPopulation = 0; // Countries List <Country> countries = new List <Country>(); for (int k = j + 1; k < ListToken.Count; k++) { if (ListToken[k].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Pais")) { string countryName = ""; int countryPopulation = 0; int countrySaturation = 0; string countryFlag = ""; for (int l = k + 1; l < ListToken.Count; l++) { if (ListToken[l].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Poblacion")) { countryPopulation = int.Parse(ListToken[l + 2].Value); } else if (ListToken[l].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Saturacion")) { countrySaturation = int.Parse(ListToken[l + 2].Value); } else if (ListToken[l].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Bandera")) { countryFlag = removeQuotes(ListToken[l + 2].Value); } else if (ListToken[l].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Nombre")) { countryName = removeQuotes(ListToken[l + 2].Value); } else if (ListToken[l].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Pais") || ListToken[l].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Continente")) { break; } } countries.Add(new Country(countryName, countryPopulation, countrySaturation, countryFlag)); } else if (ListToken[k].TypeToken.Equals("Reservada Continente")) { break; } } foreach (Country item in countries) { continentSaturation += item.Saturation; continentPopulation += item.Population; } continentSaturation = continentSaturation / countries.Count; continents.Add(new Continent(continentName, continentPopulation, countries, continentSaturation)); } } graph = new Graph(graphName, continents); graphViz.generateGraphViz(graph); } } }