private DbRepresentation CreateTransactionWithWeirdRelationshipGroupRecord(File path) { _db = StartGraphDatabase(path); int i = 0; Node node; RelationshipType typeToDelete = RelationshipType.withName("A"); RelationshipType theOtherType = RelationshipType.withName("B"); int defaultDenseNodeThreshold = int.Parse(GraphDatabaseSettings.dense_node_threshold.DefaultValue); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { node = _db.createNode(); for ( ; i < defaultDenseNodeThreshold - 1; i++) { node.CreateRelationshipTo(_db.createNode(), theOtherType); } node.CreateRelationshipTo(_db.createNode(), typeToDelete); tx.Success(); } using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { node.CreateRelationshipTo(_db.createNode(), theOtherType); foreach (Relationship relationship in node.GetRelationships(Direction.BOTH, typeToDelete)) { relationship.Delete(); } tx.Success(); } DbRepresentation result = DbRepresentation.of(_db); _db.shutdown(); return(result); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testMultipleCreate() throws InterruptedException //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void TestMultipleCreate() { const int numThreads = 25; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final String uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); string uuid = System.Guid.randomUUID().ToString(); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.graphdb.Node commonNode; Node commonNode; using (Transaction tx = _graphDb.beginTx()) { commonNode = _graphDb.createNode(); tx.Success(); } ExecutorCompletionService <Node> ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService <Node>(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads)); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { ecs.submit(() => { using (Transaction tx = _graphDb.beginTx()) { Node node = _graphDb.createNode(); // Acquire lock tx.AcquireWriteLock(commonNode); Index <Node> index = _graphDb.index().forNodes("uuids"); Node existing = index.get("uuid", uuid).Single; if (existing != null) { throw new Exception("Node already exists"); } node.setProperty("uuid", uuid); index.add(node, "uuid", uuid); tx.Success(); return(node); } }); } int numSucceeded = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { try { ecs.take().get(); ++numSucceeded; } catch (ExecutionException) { } } assertEquals(1, numSucceeded); }
private Node CreateNode(Label label, params object[] properties) { Node node = _db.createNode(label); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> property in map(properties).entrySet()) { node.SetProperty(property.Key, property.Value); } return(node); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Before public void createInitialData() public virtual void CreateInitialData() { BeginTx(); _index = _graphDb.index().forNodes(INDEX_NAME); _index.delete(); RestartTx(); _index = _graphDb.index().forNodes(INDEX_NAME); _key = "key"; _value = "my own value"; _node = _graphDb.createNode(); _index.add(_node, _key, _value); _workers = new List <WorkThread>(); }
internal virtual Node CreateNode() { Node node = Db.createNode(); Nodes.Add(node); return(node); }
public override void Run() { try { while (!outerInstance.stop) { try { using (Transaction transaction = Database.beginTx()) { Label[] createdLabels = outerInstance.Labels; Node node = Database.createNode(createdLabels); IEnumerable <Label> nodeLabels = node.Labels; assertEquals(asSet(asList(createdLabels)), asSet(nodeLabels)); transaction.Success(); } } catch (Exception e) { outerInstance.stop = true; throw e; } } } finally { CreateLatch.Signal(); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldNotMakeIndexWritesVisibleUntilCommit() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldNotMakeIndexWritesVisibleUntilCommit() { Node commonNode; using (Transaction tx = _graphDatabaseService.beginTx()) { commonNode = _graphDatabaseService.createNode(); tx.Success(); } using (Transaction transaction = _graphDatabaseService.beginTx()) { // index write first so that that datastore is added first _graphDatabaseService.index().forNodes(INDEX_NAME).add(commonNode, INDEX_KEY, INDEX_VALUE); commonNode.SetProperty(PROPERTY_NAME, PROPERTY_VALUE); AssertNodeIsNotIndexedOutsideThisTransaction(); AssertNodeIsUnchangedOutsideThisTransaction(commonNode); transaction.Success(); AssertNodeIsNotIndexedOutsideThisTransaction(); AssertNodeIsUnchangedOutsideThisTransaction(commonNode); } AssertNodeIsIndexed(commonNode); AssertNodeHasBeenUpdated(commonNode); }
private void CreateNode() { using (Transaction transaction = _db.beginTx()) { _db.createNode(); transaction.Success(); } }
public override void Run() { using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { Index <Node> index = Db.index().forNodes("myIndex"); index.Add(Db.createNode(), "one", "two"); tx.Success(); } }
private DbRepresentation CreateInitialDataSet(File path) { _db = StartGraphDatabase(path); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { _db.createNode().setProperty("name", "Goofy"); Node donald = _db.createNode(); donald.SetProperty("name", "Donald"); Node daisy = _db.createNode(); daisy.SetProperty("name", "Daisy"); Relationship knows = donald.CreateRelationshipTo(daisy, RelationshipType.withName("LOVES")); knows.SetProperty("since", 1940); tx.Success(); } DbRepresentation result = DbRepresentation.of(_db); _db.shutdown(); return(result); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(timeout = TEST_TIMEOUT) public void indexCreationDoNotBlockQueryExecutions() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void IndexCreationDoNotBlockQueryExecutions() { Label nodeLabel = Label.label("nodeLabel"); using (Transaction transaction = _database.beginTx()) { _database.createNode(nodeLabel); transaction.Success(); } using (Transaction transaction = _database.beginTx()) { _database.schema().indexFor(Label.label("testLabel")).on("testProperty").create(); Future <Number> countFuture = _executorService.submit(CountNodes()); assertEquals(1, countFuture.get().intValue()); transaction.Success(); } }
public virtual Node NewState(ClusterState state) { using (Transaction tx = _gds.beginTx()) { Node node = _gds.createNode(label("State")); node.SetProperty("description", state.ToString()); tx.Success(); _stateNodes[state] = node; return(node); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void addingUniquenessConstraintWhenDuplicateDataExistsGivesNiceError() public virtual void AddingUniquenessConstraintWhenDuplicateDataExistsGivesNiceError() { // GIVEN using (Transaction transaction = _db.beginTx()) { _db.createNode(_label).setProperty(_propertyKey, "value1"); _db.createNode(_label).setProperty(_propertyKey, "value1"); transaction.Success(); } // WHEN try { CreateUniquenessConstraint(_label, _propertyKey); fail("Expected exception to be thrown"); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { assertThat(e.Message, containsString("Unable to create CONSTRAINT ON ( my_label:MY_LABEL ) ASSERT my_label.my_property_key IS UNIQUE")); } }
private void InitDatabase() { using (Transaction transaction = _db.beginTx()) { Node fry = _db.createNode(); fry.SetProperty("name", "Fry"); fry.SetProperty("profession", "Delivery Boy"); fry.SetProperty("planet", "Earth"); fry.SetProperty("city", "New York"); Node lila = _db.createNode(); lila.SetProperty("name", "Lila"); lila.SetProperty("profession", "Pilot"); lila.SetProperty("planet", "Earth"); lila.SetProperty("city", "New York"); Node amy = _db.createNode(); amy.SetProperty("name", "Amy"); amy.SetProperty("profession", "Student"); amy.SetProperty("planet", "Mars"); transaction.Success(); } }
public override void Run() { for (int i = 0; i < OPERATIONS_COUNT; i++) { using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { Db.createNode(); tx.Success(); } MaybeRunIdMaintenance(Db, i); } }
public override void Run() { while (!Start.get()) { // spin } using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { Node node = Db.createNode(); node.SetProperty(PropertyKey, PropertyValue); Db.index().forNodes(INDEX_NAME).add(node, PropertyKey, PropertyValue); tx.Success(); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void testGetIndexPopulationProgress() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: internal virtual void TestGetIndexPopulationProgress() { assertFalse(IndexExists(_userLabel)); // Create some nodes using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { Label label = Label.label("User"); // Create a huge bunch of users so the index takes a while to build for (int id = 0; id < 100000; id++) { Node userNode = _db.createNode(label); userNode.SetProperty("username", "user" + id + ""); } tx.Success(); } // Create an index IndexDefinition indexDefinition; using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { Schema schema = _db.schema(); indexDefinition = Schema.indexFor(_userLabel).on("username").create(); tx.Success(); } // Get state and progress using (Transaction ignore = _db.beginTx()) { Schema schema = _db.schema(); Org.Neo4j.Graphdb.schema.Schema_IndexState state; IndexPopulationProgress progress; do { state = Schema.getIndexState(indexDefinition); progress = Schema.getIndexPopulationProgress(indexDefinition); assertTrue(progress.CompletedPercentage >= 0); assertTrue(progress.CompletedPercentage <= 100); Thread.Sleep(10); } while (state == Org.Neo4j.Graphdb.schema.Schema_IndexState.Populating); assertSame(state, Org.Neo4j.Graphdb.schema.Schema_IndexState.Online); assertEquals(100.0, progress.CompletedPercentage, 0.0001); } }
public override void Run() { RandomValues randomValues = RandomValues.create(); awaitLatch(StartSignal); while (!EndSignal.get()) { using (Transaction transaction = DatabaseService.beginTx()) { try { int operationType = randomValues.NextIntValue(3).value(); switch (operationType) { case 0: long targetNodeId = randomValues.NextLongValue(TotalNodes).value(); DatabaseService.getNodeById(targetNodeId).delete(); break; case 1: long nodeId = randomValues.NextLongValue(TotalNodes).value(); Node node = DatabaseService.getNodeById(nodeId); IDictionary <string, object> allProperties = node.AllProperties; foreach (string key in allProperties.Keys) { node.SetProperty(key, randomValues.NextValue().asObject()); } break; case 2: Node nodeToUpdate = DatabaseService.createNode(Label.label("label10")); nodeToUpdate.SetProperty("property", randomValues.NextValue().asObject()); break; default: throw new System.NotSupportedException("Unknown type of index operation"); } transaction.Success(); } catch (Exception) { transaction.Failure(); } } } }
public virtual Node MakeNode(string id, IDictionary <string, object> properties) { Node node = GraphDb.createNode(); Nodes[id] = node; NodeNames[node] = id; node.SetProperty(KEY_ID, id); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> property in properties.SetOfKeyValuePairs()) { if (property.Key.Equals(KEY_ID)) { throw new Exception("Can't use '" + property.Key + "'"); } node.SetProperty(property.Key, property.Value); } return(node); }
private DbRepresentation AddMoreData2(File path) { _db = StartGraphDatabase(path); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { Node donald = _db.getNodeById(2); Node gladstone = _db.createNode(); gladstone.SetProperty("name", "Gladstone"); Relationship hates = donald.CreateRelationshipTo(gladstone, RelationshipType.withName("HATES")); hates.SetProperty("since", 1948); tx.Success(); } DbRepresentation result = DbRepresentation.of(_db); _db.shutdown(); return(result); }
public override void Run() { ThreadLocalRandom localRandom = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); while (!Canceled) { PageCursorCounters pageCursorCounters; using (Transaction transaction = Db.beginTx(), KernelStatement kernelStatement = GetKernelStatement((GraphDatabaseAPI)Db)) { pageCursorCounters = kernelStatement.PageCursorTracer; Node node = Db.createNode(); node.SetProperty("name", RandomStringUtils.random(localRandom.Next(100))); node.SetProperty("surname", RandomStringUtils.random(localRandom.Next(100))); node.SetProperty("age", localRandom.Next(100)); transaction.Success(); StoreCounters(pageCursorCounters); } } }
internal virtual int InsertBatchNodes(GraphDatabaseService db, System.Func <string> stringValueSupplier, System.Func <long> longSupplier) { using (Transaction transaction = Db.beginTx()) { for (int i = 0; i < _batchSize; i++) { Node node = Db.createNode(Label.label(LABEL)); string stringValue = stringValueSupplier(); long longValue = longSupplier(); node.SetProperty(StringProperty, stringValue); node.SetProperty(LongProperty, longValue); node.SetProperty(UniqueStringProperty, stringValue); node.SetProperty(UniqueLongProperty, longValue); } transaction.Success(); } return(_batchSize); }
public override void Run() { AwaitStartSignal(); while (Failure.get() == null && !StopSignal.get()) { try { using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx()) { // ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException happens here Iterables.count(ParentNode.getRelationships(RELTYPE, OUTGOING)); ParentNode.createRelationshipTo(Db.createNode(), RELTYPE); tx.Success(); } } catch (Exception e) { Failure.compareAndSet(null, e); } } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void createAndVerifyGraphStartingWithId(long startId, int requiredHeapMb) throws Exception private void CreateAndVerifyGraphStartingWithId(long startId, int requiredHeapMb) { assumeTrue(MachineIsOkToRunThisTest(requiredHeapMb)); /* * Will create a layout like this: * * (refNode) --> (node) --> (highNode) * ... * ... * * Each node/relationship will have a bunch of different properties on them. */ Node refNode = CreateReferenceNode(_db); HighIds = startId - 1000; sbyte[] bytes = new sbyte[45]; bytes[2] = 5; bytes[10] = 42; IDictionary <string, object> properties = map("number", 11, "short string", "test", "long string", "This is a long value, long enough", "array", bytes); Transaction tx = _db.beginTx(); int count = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Node node = _db.createNode(); SetProperties(node, properties); Relationship rel1 = refNode.CreateRelationshipTo(node, this); SetProperties(rel1, properties); Node highNode = _db.createNode(); Relationship rel2 = node.CreateRelationshipTo(highNode, _otherType); SetProperties(rel2, properties); SetProperties(highNode, properties); if (i % 100 == 0 && i > 0) { tx.Success(); tx.Close(); tx = _db.beginTx(); } } tx.Success(); tx.Close(); _db = DbRule.restartDatabase(); // Verify the data int verified = 0; using (Transaction transaction = _db.beginTx()) { refNode = _db.getNodeById(refNode.Id); foreach (Relationship rel in refNode.GetRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING)) { Node node = rel.EndNode; AssertProperties(properties, node); AssertProperties(properties, rel); Node highNode = node.GetSingleRelationship(_otherType, Direction.OUTGOING).EndNode; AssertProperties(properties, highNode); verified++; } transaction.Success(); } assertEquals(count, verified); }
public virtual void CreateNode() { Db.createNode(); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testNodeWithProperties() public virtual void TestNodeWithProperties() { _gdb.createNode().setProperty("name", "Andres"); assertEquals("create (_0 {`name`:\"Andres\"})" + lineSeparator() + ";" + lineSeparator(), DoExportGraph(_gdb)); }