public void Begin(Rect zoomRect) { // Ends group that Unity implicity begins for every editor window zoomAreaRect = zoomRect; GUI.EndGroup(); Vector2 offset = GetContentOffset(); //float xFactor = offset.x / bgTexture.width; //float yFactor = offset.y / bgTexture.height; //GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(zoomAreaRect, bgTexture, // texcoords are between 0 and 1! 1 == fullwrap! // new Rect(xFactor, -yFactor, zoomAreaRect.width / (bgTexture.width * zoomScale), // zoomAreaRect.height / (bgTexture.height * zoomScale))); GraphBackground.DrawGraphBackground(zoomAreaRect, -offset, zoomScale); Rect clippedArea = ScaleSizeBy(zoomAreaRect, 1.0f / zoomScale, new Vector2(zoomAreaRect.xMin, zoomAreaRect.yMin)); GUI.BeginGroup(clippedArea); prevGUIMatrix = GUI.matrix; Matrix4x4 translation = Matrix4x4.TRS( new Vector2(clippedArea.xMin, clippedArea.yMin), Quaternion.identity,; Matrix4x4 scale = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(zoomScale, zoomScale, 1f)); GUI.matrix = translation * scale * translation.inverse * GUI.matrix; }
public override void DrawPreview(Rect rect) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle( { fontSize = 12, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }; rect = GetCenteredRect(rect); // Draw background of the rect we plot points in GraphBackground.DrawGraphBackground(rect, rect); //EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f)); float dotSize = 15; // size in pixels of the point we draw float halfDotSize = dotSize * 0.5f; float viewportSize = 5; // size of our viewport in Units // a value of 10 means we can display any vector from -5,-5 to 5,5 within our rect. // change this value for your needs for (int i = 0; i < Pattern.arraySize; i++) { SerializedProperty vectorProperty = Pattern.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); Vector2 vector = new Vector2(vectorProperty.vector2Value.x, vectorProperty.vector2Value.y); Vector2 normalizedPosition = vector / new Vector2(viewportSize, -viewportSize); if (Mathf.Abs(normalizedPosition.x) > 0.5f || Mathf.Abs(normalizedPosition.y) > 0.5f) { // don't draw points outside our viewport continue; } float l = (float)i / (float)Pattern.arraySize; Color32 lerpedColor = Color32.Lerp(low, high, l); Vector2 pixelPosition = + rect.size * normalizedPosition; EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(pixelPosition.x - halfDotSize, pixelPosition.y - halfDotSize, dotSize, dotSize), lerpedColor); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(pixelPosition.x - halfDotSize, pixelPosition.y - halfDotSize, dotSize, dotSize), i.ToString(), style); } }