 private static void DrawGradientToolItem(
     Graphics g,
     ToolStripItem item,
     GradientItemColors colors)
     DrawGradientItem(g, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, item.Bounds.Size), colors);
        private static void DrawGradientContextMenuItem(
            Graphics g,
            ToolStripItem item,
            GradientItemColors colors)
            var backRect = new Rectangle(2, 0, item.Bounds.Width - 3, item.Bounds.Height);

            DrawGradientItem(g, backRect, colors);
        public static void DrawGradientBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle outline, Color color)
            GradientItemColors colors = Office2007Renderer._itemToolItemSelectedColors.Clone();

            colors.FillTop1    = AdobeColors.ModifySaturation(color, 0.2);
            colors.FillTop2    = AdobeColors.ModifySaturation(color, 0.4);
            colors.FillBottom1 = color;
            colors.FillBottom2 = AdobeColors.ModifyBrightness(colors.FillTop2, 1.2);

            Instance.DrawGradientBorder(g, outline, colors);
        private static void DrawGradientToolSplitItem(
            Graphics g,
            ToolStripSplitButton splitButton,
            GradientItemColors colorsButton,
            GradientItemColors colorsDrop,
            GradientItemColors colorsSplit)
            var backRect     = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, splitButton.Bounds.Size);
            var backRectDrop = splitButton.DropDownButtonBounds;

            if ((backRect.Width <= 0) || (backRectDrop.Width <= 0) || (backRect.Height <= 0) || (backRectDrop.Height <= 0))

            var backRectButton = backRect;

            int splitOffset;

            if (backRectDrop.X > 0)
                backRectButton.Width = backRectDrop.Left;
                backRectDrop.X      -= 1;
                splitOffset = backRectDrop.X;
                backRectButton.Width -= backRectDrop.Width - 2;
                backRectButton.X      = backRectDrop.Right - 1;
                splitOffset = backRectDrop.Right - 1;

            using (CreateBorderPath(backRect, CutMenuItemBack))
                DrawGradientBack(g, backRectButton, colorsButton);
                DrawGradientBack(g, backRectDrop, colorsDrop);

                using (var splitBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(
                           new Rectangle(backRect.X + splitOffset, backRect.Top, 1, backRect.Height + 1),
                    using (var splitPen = new Pen(splitBrush))
                        g.DrawLine(splitPen, backRect.X + splitOffset, backRect.Top + 1, backRect.X + splitOffset, backRect.Bottom - 1);

                DrawGradientBorder(g, backRect, colorsButton);
        private static void DrawGradientItem(
            Graphics g,
            Rectangle backRect,
            GradientItemColors colors)
            if ((backRect.Width <= 0) || (backRect.Height <= 0))

            DrawGradientBack(g, backRect, colors);
            DrawGradientBorder(g, backRect, colors);
        private static void DrawGradientBack(
            Graphics g,
            Rectangle backRect,
            GradientItemColors colors)
            backRect.Inflate(-1, -1);

            var y2         = backRect.Height / 2;
            var backRect1  = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y, backRect.Width, y2);
            var backRect2  = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y + y2, backRect.Width, backRect.Height - y2);
            var backRect1I = backRect1;
            var backRect2I = backRect2;

            backRect1I.Inflate(1, 1);
            backRect2I.Inflate(1, 1);

            using (LinearGradientBrush insideBrush1 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect1I, colors.InsideTop1, colors.InsideTop2, 90f),
                   insideBrush2 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect2I, colors.InsideBottom1, colors.InsideBottom2, 90f))
                g.FillRectangle(insideBrush1, backRect1);
                g.FillRectangle(insideBrush2, backRect2);

            y2         = backRect.Height / 2;
            backRect1  = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y, backRect.Width, y2);
            backRect2  = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y + y2, backRect.Width, backRect.Height - y2);
            backRect1I = backRect1;
            backRect2I = backRect2;
            backRect1I.Inflate(1, 1);
            backRect2I.Inflate(1, 1);

            using (LinearGradientBrush fillBrush1 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect1I, colors.FillTop1, colors.FillTop2, 90f),
                   fillBrush2 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect2I, colors.FillBottom1, colors.FillBottom2, 90f))
                backRect.Inflate(-1, -1);

                y2        = backRect.Height / 2;
                backRect1 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y, backRect.Width, y2);
                backRect2 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y + y2, backRect.Width, backRect.Height - y2);

                g.FillRectangle(fillBrush1, backRect1);
                g.FillRectangle(fillBrush2, backRect2);
        private static void DrawGradientBorder(
            Graphics g,
            Rectangle backRect,
            GradientItemColors colors)
            using (new UseAntiAlias(g))
                var backRectI = backRect;
                backRectI.Inflate(1, 1);

                using (var borderBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(backRectI, colors.Border1, colors.Border2, 90f))

                    using (var borderPen = new Pen(borderBrush))
                        using (var borderPath = CreateBorderPath(backRect, CutMenuItemBack))
                            g.DrawPath(borderPen, borderPath);
        private void DrawGradientItem(Graphics g,
                                      Rectangle backRect,
                                      GradientItemColors colors)
            // Cannot paint a zero sized area
            if ((backRect.Width > 0) && (backRect.Height > 0))
                // Draw the background of the entire item
                this.DrawGradientBack(g, backRect, colors);

                // Draw the border of the entire item
                this.DrawGradientBorder(g, backRect, colors);
        private void DrawGradientContextMenuItem(Graphics g,
                                                 ToolStripItem item,
                                                 GradientItemColors colors)
            // Do we need to draw with separator on the opposite edge?
            Rectangle backRect = new Rectangle(2, 0, item.Bounds.Width - 3, item.Bounds.Height);

            // Perform actual drawing into the background
            this.DrawGradientItem(g, backRect, colors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Office2007Renderer"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textColorIsRed">if set to <c>true</c> [text color is red].</param>
        /// <param name="colors">The colors.</param>
        private Office2007Renderer(bool textColorIsRed, ProfessionalColorTable colors) : base(colors) 
            if (textColorIsRed) _textColor = Color.FromArgb(137, 22, 22);
            else _textColor = Color.FromArgb(21, 66, 139); // blue

            // Palette Initialization
            _textDisabled = _disabledTextColor;
            _textMenuStripItem = _textColor;
            _textStatusStripItem = _textColor;
            _textContextMenuItem = _textColor;
            _arrowDisabled = _disabledTextColor;
            _arrowLight = Color.FromArgb(106, 126, 197);
            _arrowDark = Color.FromArgb(64, 70, 90);
            _separatorMenuLight = Color.FromArgb(245, 245, 245);
            _separatorMenuDark = Color.FromArgb(197, 197, 197);
            _contextMenuBack = _c4;
            _contextCheckBorder = Color.FromArgb(242, 149, 54);
            _contextCheckTick = Color.FromArgb(66, 75, 138);
            _statusStripBorderDark = Color.FromArgb(86, 125, 176);
            _statusStripBorderLight = Color.White;
            _gripDark = Color.FromArgb(114, 152, 204);
            _gripLight = _c5;
            _itemContextItemEnabledColors = new GradientItemColors(
                _r1, _r2, _r3, _r4, _r5, _r6, _r7, _r8, Color.FromArgb(217, 203, 150), Color.FromArgb(192, 167, 118));
            _itemDisabledColors = new GradientItemColors(
                _c4, _c6, Color.FromArgb(236, 236, 236), 
                Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 230), _c6, Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224),
                Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200), Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210), Color.FromArgb(212, 212, 212), 
                Color.FromArgb(195, 195, 195));
            _itemToolItemSelectedColors = new GradientItemColors(_r1, _r2, _r3, _r4, _r5, _r6, _r7, _r8, _r9, _rA);
            _itemToolItemPressedColors = new GradientItemColors(_rD, _rE, _rF, _rG, _rH, _rI, _rJ, _rK, _r9, _rA);
            _itemToolItemCheckedColors = new GradientItemColors(_rL, _rM, _rN, _rO, _rP, _rQ, _rR, _rS, _r9, _rA);
            _itemToolItemCheckPressColors = new GradientItemColors(_rT, _rU, _rV, _rW, _rX, _rI, _rY, _rZ, _r9, _rA);            
        private static void DrawGradientBack(Graphics g,
                                             Rectangle backRect,
                                             GradientItemColors colors)
            backRect.Width -= 1;

            using (RenderContext context = new RenderContext(null, g, backRect, null))
                using (GraphicsPath backPath = CreateBorderPath(backRect, _cutMenuItemBack))
                    backRect.Width -= 1;
                    backRect.Height -= 1;

                    RenderGlassHelpers.DrawBackGlassBottom(context, backRect,
                                                           colors.Begin, colors.End,
                                                           VisualOrientation.Top, backPath, null);
        private void UpdateCache()
            // Only need to create the cache objects first time around
            if (_gradientItem == null)
                _linearItem = new LinearItemColors(KCT.ButtonSelectedGradientMiddle,
                                                   CommonHelper.BlackenColor(KCT.ButtonSelectedGradientMiddle, 0.91f, 0.91f, 0.91f),
                                                   CommonHelper.BlackenColor(KCT.ButtonSelectedGradientMiddle, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f));

                _gradientItem = new GradientItemColors(KCT.CheckBackground,

                _gradientTracking = new GradientItemColors(KCT.ButtonSelectedBorder,

                _gradientPressed = new GradientItemColors(KCT.ButtonPressedBorder,

                _gradientChecked = new GradientItemColors(KCT.ButtonPressedBorder,

                _gradientCheckedTracking = new GradientItemColors(KCT.ButtonSelectedBorder,
 private void DrawGradientToolItem(Graphics g,
                                   ToolStripItem item,
                                   GradientItemColors colors)
     // Perform drawing into the entire background of the item
     this.DrawGradientItem(g, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, item.Bounds.Size), colors);
        private static void DrawGradientBorder(Graphics g,
                                               Rectangle backRect,
                                               GradientItemColors colors)
            var backRectI = backRect;
            backRectI.Inflate(1, 1);

            // Finally draw the border around the menu item
            using (var borderBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(backRectI, colors.Border1, colors.Border2, 90f))
                // Sigma curve, so go from color1 to color2 and back to color1 again

                // Convert the brush to a pen for DrawPath call
                using (var borderPen = new Pen(borderBrush))
                    // Create border path around the entire item
                    using (var borderPath = CreateBorderPath(backRect, _cutMenuItemBack))
                        g.DrawPath(borderPen, borderPath);
        private void DrawGradientContextMenuItem(Graphics g,
            ToolStripItem item,
            GradientItemColors colors)
            // Do we need to draw with separator on the opposite edge?
            var backRect = new Rectangle(2, 0, item.Bounds.Width - 3, item.Bounds.Height);

            // Perform actual drawing into the background

            backRect.Width -= 2;

            if ((backRect.Width > 0) && (backRect.Height > 0))
                // Draw the background of the entire item
                DrawGradientBack(g, backRect, colors);

                // Draw the border of the entire item
                DrawGradientBorder(g, backRect, colors);
                // g.Clear(Color.Red);

            // DrawGradientItem(g, backRect, colors);
        private void DrawGradientBack(Graphics g,
                                      Rectangle backRect,
                                      GradientItemColors colors)
            // Reduce rect draw drawing inside the border
            backRect.Inflate(-1, -1);

            int y2 = backRect.Height/2;
            Rectangle backRect1 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y, backRect.Width, y2);
            Rectangle backRect2 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y + y2, backRect.Width, backRect.Height - y2);
            Rectangle backRect1I = backRect1;
            Rectangle backRect2I = backRect2;
            backRect1I.Inflate(1, 1);
            backRect2I.Inflate(1, 1);

            using (
                LinearGradientBrush insideBrush1 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect1I, colors.InsideTop1,
                                                                           colors.InsideTop2, 90f),
                                    insideBrush2 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect2I, colors.InsideBottom1,
                                                                           colors.InsideBottom2, 90f))
                g.FillRectangle(insideBrush1, backRect1);
                g.FillRectangle(insideBrush2, backRect2);

            y2 = backRect.Height/2;
            backRect1 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y, backRect.Width, y2);
            backRect2 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y + y2, backRect.Width, backRect.Height - y2);
            backRect1I = backRect1;
            backRect2I = backRect2;
            backRect1I.Inflate(1, 1);
            backRect2I.Inflate(1, 1);

            using (
                LinearGradientBrush fillBrush1 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect1I, colors.FillTop1, colors.FillTop2,
                                    fillBrush2 = new LinearGradientBrush(backRect2I, colors.FillBottom1,
                                                                         colors.FillBottom2, 90f))
                // Reduce rect one more time for the innermost drawing
                backRect.Inflate(-1, -1);

                y2 = backRect.Height/2;
                backRect1 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y, backRect.Width, y2);
                backRect2 = new Rectangle(backRect.X, backRect.Y + y2, backRect.Width, backRect.Height - y2);

                g.FillRectangle(fillBrush1, backRect1);
                g.FillRectangle(fillBrush2, backRect2);
        private void DrawGradientBorder(Graphics g,
                                        Rectangle backRect,
                                        GradientItemColors colors)
            // Drawing with anti aliasing to create smoother appearance
            using (UseAntiAlias uaa = new UseAntiAlias(g))
                Rectangle backRectI = backRect;
                backRectI.Inflate(1, 1);

                // Finally draw the border around the menu item
                using (
                    LinearGradientBrush borderBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(backRectI, colors.Border1, colors.Border2,
                    // Sigma curve, so go from color1 to color2 and back to color1 again

                    // Convert the brush to a pen for DrawPath call
                    using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(borderBrush))
                        // Create border path around the entire item
                        using (GraphicsPath borderPath = this.CreateBorderPath(backRect, _cutMenuItemBack))
                            g.DrawPath(borderPen, borderPath);
        private static void DrawSolidBorder(Graphics g,
                                            Rectangle backRect,
                                            GradientItemColors colors)
            // Drawing with anti aliasing to create smoother appearance
            using (AntiAlias aa = new AntiAlias(g))
                Rectangle backRectI = backRect;
                backRectI.Inflate(1, 1);

                // Use solid color for the border
                using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(colors.Border))
                    using (GraphicsPath borderPath = CreateBorderPath(backRect, _cutMenuItemBack))
                        g.DrawPath(borderPen, borderPath);
        private void DrawGradientToolSplitItem(Graphics g,
                                               ToolStripSplitButton splitButton,
                                               GradientItemColors colorsButton,
                                               GradientItemColors colorsDrop,
                                               GradientItemColors colorsSplit)
            // Create entire area and just the drop button area rectangles
            Rectangle backRect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, splitButton.Bounds.Size);
            Rectangle backRectDrop = splitButton.DropDownButtonBounds;

            // Cannot paint zero sized areas
            if ((backRect.Width > 0) && (backRectDrop.Width > 0) &&
                (backRect.Height > 0) && (backRectDrop.Height > 0))
                // Area that is the normal button starts as everything
                Rectangle backRectButton = backRect;

                // The X offset to draw the split line
                int splitOffset;

                // Is the drop button on the right hand side of entire area?
                if (backRectDrop.X > 0)
                    backRectButton.Width = backRectDrop.Left;
                    backRectDrop.X -= 1;
                    splitOffset = backRectDrop.X;
                    backRectButton.Width -= backRectDrop.Width - 2;
                    backRectButton.X = backRectDrop.Right - 1;
                    splitOffset = backRectDrop.Right - 1;

                // Create border path around the item
                using (GraphicsPath borderPath = this.CreateBorderPath(backRect, _cutMenuItemBack))
                    // Draw the normal button area background
                    this.DrawGradientBack(g, backRectButton, colorsButton);

                    // Draw the drop button area background
                    this.DrawGradientBack(g, backRectDrop, colorsDrop);

                    // Draw the split line between the areas
                    using (
                        LinearGradientBrush splitBrush =
                            new LinearGradientBrush(
                                new Rectangle(backRect.X + splitOffset, backRect.Top, 1, backRect.Height + 1),
                                colorsSplit.Border1, colorsSplit.Border2, 90f))
                        // Sigma curve, so go from color1 to color2 and back to color1 again

                        // Convert the brush to a pen for DrawPath call
                        using (Pen splitPen = new Pen(splitBrush))
                            g.DrawLine(splitPen, backRect.X + splitOffset, backRect.Top + 1, backRect.X + splitOffset,
                                       backRect.Bottom - 1);

                    // Draw the border of the entire item
                    this.DrawGradientBorder(g, backRect, colorsButton);
        private void DrawGradientToolSplitItem(Graphics g,
                                               ToolStripSplitButton splitButton,
                                               GradientItemColors colorsButton,
                                               GradientItemColors colorsDrop,
                                               GradientItemColors colorsSplit)
            // Create entire area and just the drop button area rectangles
            Rectangle backRect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, splitButton.Bounds.Size);
            Rectangle backRectDrop = splitButton.DropDownButtonBounds;

            // Cannot paint zero sized areas
            if ((backRect.Width > 0) && (backRectDrop.Width > 0) &&
                (backRect.Height > 0) && (backRectDrop.Height > 0))
                // Area that is the normal button starts as everything
                Rectangle backRectButton = backRect;

                // The X offset to draw the split line
                int splitOffset;

                // Is the drop button on the right hand side of entire area?
                if (backRectDrop.X > 0)
                    splitOffset = backRectDrop.X;
                    splitOffset = backRectDrop.Right - 1;

                // Create border path around the item
                using (GraphicsPath borderPath = CreateBorderPath(backRect, _cutMenuItemBack))
                    // Draw the entire background area
                    DrawGradientBack(g, backRect, colorsButton);

                    // Draw the split line between the areas
                    using (Pen splitPen = new Pen(colorsSplit.Border))
                        g.DrawLine(splitPen, backRect.X + splitOffset, backRect.Top + 1, backRect.X + splitOffset, backRect.Bottom - 1);

                    // Draw the border of the entire item
                    DrawSolidBorder(g, backRect, colorsButton);