public void Backend_DbAccess_CreateOneGovBodyTest()
            // ARRANGE

            // Database.SetInitializer(
            //    new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<MeetingContext>());

            GovernmentBody BodyWritten = new GovernmentBody()
                Name     = "U.S. Senate",
                Country  = "U.S.A.",
                Meetings = new List <Meeting>()

            // ACT

            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext())
                //if (context.Database.Exists()) context.Database.Delete();


                // ASSERT

                var query = from g in context.GovernmentBodies
                            select g;
                var BodyRetrieved = query.SingleOrDefault();
                Assert.That(BodyRetrieved, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(BodyRetrieved.Name, Is.EqualTo(BodyWritten.Name));
                Assert.That(BodyRetrieved.Country, Is.EqualTo(BodyWritten.Country));
        public GovernmentBody Get(string country, string state, string county, string municipality)
            GovernmentBody g = testGovBodies.Find(element =>
                                                  (element.Country == country) &&
                                                  (element.County == county) &&
                                                  (element.State == state) &&
                                                  (element.Municipality == municipality)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an existing government body in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="govBody">The gov body.</param>
        /// <returns>existing government body or null.</returns>
        public GovernmentBody GetExistingBody(GovernmentBody govBody)
            GovernmentBody gBody;
            var            query = from g in applicationDbContext.GovernmentBodies
                                   where g.Name == govBody.Name &&
                                   g.Country == govBody.Country &&
                                   g.State == govBody.State &&
                                   g.County == govBody.County &&
                                   govBody.Municipality == govBody.Municipality
                                   select g;

            gBody = query.SingleOrDefault();
        public string GetWorkFolderPath(long meetingId)
            Meeting        meeting  = meetingRepository.Get(meetingId);
            GovernmentBody g        = govBodyRepository.Get(meeting.GovernmentBodyId);
            string         language = g.Languages[0].Name;

            MeetingFolder meetingFolder = new MeetingFolder(g.Country, g.State, g.County, g.Municipality, meeting.Date, g.Name, language);

            string meetingFolderPath = meetingFolder.path;
            string workFolder        = _config.DatafilesPath + "\\PROCESSING\\" + meetingFolderPath + "\\" + WORK_FOLDER_NAME;

            //string workFolderPath = Path.Combine(_config.DatafilesPath,workFolder);
        private string GetPartFolder(long meetingId, int part)
            Meeting        meeting  = meetingRepository.Get(meetingId);
            GovernmentBody g        = govBodyRepository.Get(meeting.GovernmentBodyId);
            string         language = g.Languages[0].Name;

            MeetingFolder meetingFolder     = new MeetingFolder(g.Country, g.State, g.County, g.Municipality, meeting.Date, g.Name, language);
            string        meetingFolderPath = meetingFolder.path;

            string workFolder = datafiles + @"\PROCESSING\" + meetingFolderPath + @"\" + WORK_FOLDER_NAME + $"\\part{part:D2}";

            //string partFolder = workFolder + $"\\part{part:D2}";
            //string partFolderPath = Path.Combine(datafiles, partFolder);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an existing government body if it is in the database.
        /// Otherwise it add the one that is passed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="govBody">The gov body.</param>
        /// <returns>existing government body already exists in the database, return that one. Otherwise
        /// return null so that call will use the one that was passed to this routine.</returns>
        public GovernmentBody GetOrAddGovernmentBody(GovernmentBody govBody)
            GovernmentBody gBody = GetExistingBody(govBody);

            // If the government body is already in the database, use it.
            if (gBody != null)
                // Otherwise add the new one that the caller created.
                // Create an empty meeting list.
                govBody.Meetings = new List <Meeting>();
 public MeetingFolder(IGovBodyRepository govBodyRepository, Meeting meeting)
         GovernmentBody g = govBodyRepository.Get(meeting.GovernmentBodyId);
         language     = g.Languages[0].Name;
         country      = g.Country;
         state        = g.State;
         county       = g.County;
         municipality = g.Municipality;
         date         = date = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", meeting.Date);
         valid = true;
         valid = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Call methods on the ReadTranscriptFile object in the correct sequence to read and parse the data.
        /// When reading and parsing is complete, write the data to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="readTranscript">The load transcript.</param>
        public void LoadAndSave(ReadTranscriptFile readTranscript)
            //using (dBOperations dbOps = new dBOperations())
            List <Category> categories = dbOps.GetCategories();

            // Get the governent body info from the transcipt header
            GovernmentBody govBody = readTranscript.LoadHeadingInfo();

            if (govBody != null)
                GovernmentBody gBody;
                List <Topic>   topics;
                // See if that government body already exists in the database
                // If it is present, get the existing topics
                if ((gBody = dbOps.GetOrAddGovernmentBody(govBody)) != null)
                    topics = dbOps.GetExistingTopics(govBody.Id);
                // otherwise create a new empty list of topics
                    topics = new List <Topic>();

                // Add new topics from new transcript to the topic list

                // Get the meeting body info from the transcript
                Meeting meeting = readTranscript.LoadMeetingData(categories, topics);
                if (meeting != null)
                    // Add the meeting to the database

        public GovernmentBody Get(long governmentBodyId)
            GovernmentBody govBody = dBOperations.GetGovernmentBody(governmentBodyId);

        public GovernmentBody Get(long governmentBodyId)
            GovernmentBody location = GetTestMeeting(governmentBodyId);

        private GovernmentBody GetTestMeeting(long govBodyId)
            GovernmentBody govBody = testGovBodies.Single(m => m.Id == govBodyId);

        public GovernmentBody Get(int govBodyId)
            GovernmentBody ret = govBodies.Get(govBodyId);

        public void Backend_DbAccess_CreateOneGovBodyAndMeetingTest()
            // ARRANGE

            TopicDiscussion topicDiscussion1 = new TopicDiscussion()
                Topic = new Topic()
                    Name       = "Bill #124643",
                    Categories = new List <Category>()
                        new Category()
                            Name = "Health"
                Sequence = 1,
                Talks    = new List <Talk>()
                    new Talk()
                        Text     = "I disagree.",
                        Sequence = 1,
                        Speaker  = new Citizen()
                            Name = "Harry"
                    new Talk()
                        Text     = "I agree.",
                        Sequence = 1,
                        Speaker  = new Official()
                            Name = "Town Manager Sally"

            TopicDiscussion topicDiscussion2 = new TopicDiscussion()
                Topic = new Topic()
                    Name       = "Bill #987698",
                    Categories = new List <Category>()
                        new Category()
                            Name = "Defense"
                Sequence = 2,
                Talks    = new List <Talk>()
                    new Talk()
                        Text     = "I agree.",
                        Sequence = 1,
                        Speaker  = new Citizen()
                            Name = "Mary"
                    new Talk()
                        Text     = "I disagree.",
                        Sequence = 2,
                        Speaker  = new Representative()
                            Name = "Assemblyman Pete"

            GovernmentBody BodyWritten = new GovernmentBody()
                Name     = "U.S. Congress",
                Country  = "U.S.A.",
                Meetings = new List <Meeting>()
                    new Meeting()
                        Name             = "Regular Session Meeting",
                        Date             = DateTime.Parse("Nov 1, 1945 10:11 GMT"),
                        TopicDiscussions = new List <TopicDiscussion>()

            // ACT

            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext())
                //if (context.Database.Exists()) context.Database.Delete();

            // ASSERT

            // Re-create the context.
            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext())
                Assert.That(context.GovernmentBodies.Local.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));

                // Re-load the context from the database.

                var query = from g in context.GovernmentBodies
                            select g;
                var BodyRetrieved = query.SingleOrDefault();

                Assert.That(BodyRetrieved, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(BodyRetrieved.Name, Is.EqualTo(BodyWritten.Name));
                Assert.That(BodyRetrieved.Meetings[0], Is.Not.Null);

                // Check meeting object.
                Meeting meetingWritten   = BodyWritten.Meetings[0];
                Meeting meetingRetrieved = BodyRetrieved.Meetings[0];
                Assert.That(meetingRetrieved.Name, Is.EqualTo(meetingWritten.Name));
                Assert.That(meetingRetrieved.Date, Is.EqualTo(meetingWritten.Date));
                Assert.That(meetingRetrieved.TopicDiscussions[0], Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(meetingRetrieved.TopicDiscussions.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    TopicDiscussion tdWritten   = meetingWritten.TopicDiscussions[i];
                    TopicDiscussion tdRetrieved = meetingRetrieved.TopicDiscussions[i];

                    Assert.That(tdRetrieved.Sequence, Is.EqualTo(tdWritten.Sequence));

                    // Check topic.
                    Assert.That(tdRetrieved.Topic, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(tdRetrieved.Topic.Name, Is.EqualTo(tdWritten.Topic.Name));

                    // Check categories.
                    Assert.That(tdRetrieved.Topic.Categories, Is.Not.Null);
                    List <Category> cWritten   = tdWritten.Topic.Categories;
                    List <Category> cRetrieved = tdRetrieved.Topic.Categories;
                    Assert.That(cRetrieved.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
                    Assert.That(cRetrieved[0].Name, Is.EqualTo(cWritten[0].Name));

                    // Check talks and speakers
                    Assert.That(tdRetrieved.Talks, Is.Not.Null);
                    List <Talk> tkWritten   = tdWritten.Talks;
                    List <Talk> tkRetrieved = tdRetrieved.Talks;
                    Assert.That(tkRetrieved.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
                    // talk 0
                    Assert.That(tkRetrieved[0].Text, Is.EqualTo(tkWritten[0].Text));
                    Assert.That(tkRetrieved[0].Speaker, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(tkRetrieved[0].Speaker.Name, Is.EqualTo(tkWritten[0].Speaker.Name));
                    // talk 1
                    Assert.That(tkRetrieved[1].Text, Is.EqualTo(tkWritten[1].Text));
                    Assert.That(tkRetrieved[1].Speaker, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(tkRetrieved[1].Speaker.Name, Is.EqualTo(tkWritten[1].Speaker.Name));