public async Task GetPlacesDetail(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { if (_isPickupFocused) { PickupText = place.Name; _originLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _originLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; _isPickupFocused = false; FocusOriginCommand.Execute(null); } else { _destinationLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _destinationLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; RecentPlaces.Add(placeA); if (_originLatitud == _destinationLatitud && _originLongitud == _destinationLongitud) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "Origin route should be different than destination route", "Ok"); } else { LoadRouteCommand.Execute(null); await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopAsync(false); CleanFields(); } } } }
public async Task GetPlacesDetail(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { if (isPickupFocused) { PickupText = place.Name; latitude = $"{place.Latitude}"; longitude = $"{place.Longitude}"; isPickupFocused = false; FocusOriginCommand.Execute(null); } else { destinationLatitude = $"{place.Latitude}"; destiantionLongitude = $"{place.Longitude}"; RecentPlaces.Add(placeA); CleanFields(); searchedPlace = true; await GetActualName(); } } }
public async Task SaveEntry(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { PickupText = place.Name; Entry.Latitude = place.Latitude; Entry.Longitude = place.Longitude; Entry.Address = place.Name; if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { await _cateringService.AddEntryAsync(Entry); await NavService.NavigateTo <MainViewModel>(); await NavService.ClearBackStack(); await NavService.ClearBackStack(); } finally { IsBusy = false; } } }
private async Task SetPlaceSelectedOnMap(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { if (_isOriginFocused) { Origin = place.Name; _originLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _originLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; _isOriginFocused = false; if (StartPin != null) { Map.Pins.Remove(StartPin); } StartPin = CreatePin(Constants.ORIGEN_LABEL, place.Latitude, place.Longitude); Start = new Geocode(place.Latitude, place.Longitude); Map.Pins.Add(StartPin); if (!_isOriginFocused && isOneDirection) { await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(false); _isOriginFocused = true; CleanFields(); return; } } else { Destination = place.Name; _destinationLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _destinationLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; if (EndPin != null) { Map.Pins.Remove(EndPin); } EndPin = CreatePin(Constants.DESTINO_LABEL, place.Latitude, place.Longitude); End = new Geocode(place.Latitude, place.Longitude); Map.Pins.Add(EndPin); if (_originLatitud == _destinationLatitud && _originLongitud == _destinationLongitud) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Ups", "El origen y el destino no pueden ser los mismos.", "Ok"); } else { LoadRouteCommand.Execute(null); await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(false); CleanFields(); } } } }
public async Task GetPlacesDetail(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { DestinationCoordinates = new Location(place.Latitude, place.Longitude); LoadRouteCommand.Execute(null); RecentPlaces.Add(placeA); } }
public async Task GetPlacesDetail(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { _destinationLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _destinationLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; RecentPlaces.Add(placeA); } }
public async Task GetPlacesDetail(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { if (_isPickupFocused) { PickupText = place.Name; _originLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _originLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; _isPickupFocused = false; FocusOriginCommand.Execute(null); } else { _destinationLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _destinationLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; RecentPlaces.Add(placeA); if (_originLatitud == _destinationLatitud && _originLongitud == _destinationLongitud) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "Origin route should be different than Destination route", "Ok"); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_originLatitud) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_originLongitud)) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "Enter and select Origin from the list", "Ok"); } else { LoadRouteCommand.Execute(null); var masterDetailPage = Application.Current.MainPage as MasterDetailPage; await masterDetailPage.Detail.Navigation.PopAsync(); CleanFields(); } } } } }
public async Task GetPlacesDetail(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { try { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { if (_isPickupFocused) { PickupText = place.Name; startLabel = placeA.StructuredFormatting.MainText; startAdd = placeA.StructuredFormatting.SecondaryText; _originLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _originLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; _isPickupFocused = false; destEntry.Focus(); } else { OriginText = place.Name; endLabel = placeA.StructuredFormatting.MainText; endAdd = placeA.StructuredFormatting.SecondaryText; _destinationLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _destinationLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; if (_originLatitud == _destinationLatitud && _originLongitud == _destinationLongitud) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "Origin route should be different than destination route", "Ok"); } else { LoadRouteCommand.Execute(null); await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(true); CleanFields(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private async void ExecuteSelect(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction address) { try { //_navigationService.Navigate<AddressMapViewModel, GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction>(address); var place = await _googleMapsApiService.GetPlaceDetails(address.PlaceId); address.Place = place; _messenger.Publish(new AddressResult(this, address.ToMapTable())); } catch (Exception ex) { _quickMessageDependency.ShowToastMessage(ex.Message); } await _navigationService.Close(this); //ShowViewModel<AddressMapViewModel, GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction>(address); }
public async Task GetPlacesDetail(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { if (_isPickupFocused) { PickupText = place.Name; _originLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _originLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; _isPickupFocused = false; FocusOriginCommand.Execute(null); } else { _destinationLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _destinationLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; RecentPlaces.Add(placeA); if (_originLatitud == _destinationLatitud && _originLongitud == _destinationLongitud) { var search = new MapView(); await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Please Click the Search Button", "Ok"); } else { LoadRouteCommand.Execute(null); await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(false); CleanFields(); } } } }