protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Console.Write(hidEventName.Value); //Console.Write(hidEventValue.Value); //Fire event for Pushpin Move if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinMoved") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinMoved(hidEventValue.Value); } if (!IsPostBack) { Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } else { GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; if (GoogleMapObject == null) { GoogleMapObject = new GoogleObject(); Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "onLoadCall", "<script language='javascript'> if (window.DrawGoogleMap) { DrawGoogleMap(); } </script>"); }
public GoogleObject GetGoogleObject() { GoogleObject objGoogle = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"] = new GoogleObject(objGoogle); return(objGoogle); }
/// <summary> /// This checks to see whether or not the user passed the Google reCAPTCHA. /// </summary> /// <returns>A boolean indicating whether or not the user passed the Google reCAPTCHA.</returns> private bool CaptchaPass() { // First lets build a response message that requests from Google. string responseMessage = Request["g-recaptcha-response"]; bool validResponse = false; // Now we need to actually request the information from google by passing it the message that was generated client-side. The secret=xxxxx part is a secret key generated by Google upon asking for a reCAPTCHA test. HttpWebRequest googleRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("" + responseMessage); try { // Now we have to get Google's response from the request we just sent. The response is actually a JSON object and we need to get the string from the key-value pair of "success":"xxxx". using (WebResponse googleResponse = googleRequest.GetResponse()) using (StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(googleResponse.GetResponseStream())) { string jsonResponse = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); // Read the response. JavaScriptSerializer deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); // Create a serializer so we can deserialize the data. GoogleObject data = deserializer.Deserialize <GoogleObject>(jsonResponse); // Deserialize the only part we care about into this object. validResponse = Convert.ToBoolean(data.success); // Convert the "true" or "false" string to a boolean to return. } } catch (WebException) { return(false); // Something problematic arose? Return false, then. } return(validResponse); // Otherwise, return the value that Google gave us back. }
public void RecenterMapComplete() { GoogleObject objGoogleNew = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; GoogleObject objGoogleOld = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"]; objGoogleNew.RecenterMap = false; objGoogleOld.RecenterMap = false; }
public void SetZoom(string pID, int pZoomLevel) { GoogleObject objGoogleNew = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; GoogleObject objGoogleOld = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"]; objGoogleNew.ZoomLevel = pZoomLevel; objGoogleOld.ZoomLevel = pZoomLevel; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Console.Write(hidEventName.Value); //Console.Write(hidEventValue.Value); //Fire event for Pushpin Move if (hidEventName.Value == "MapClicked") { string[] sLatLng = hidEventValue.Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (sLatLng.Length > 0) { double dLat = double.Parse(sLatLng[0]); double dLng = double.Parse(sLatLng[1]); //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnMapClicked(dLat, dLng); } } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinClicked") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinClicked(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinDrag") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinDrag(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "ZoomChanged") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnZoomChanged(int.Parse(hidEventValue.Value)); } if (!IsPostBack) { Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } else { GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; if (GoogleMapObject == null) { GoogleMapObject = new GoogleObject(); Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } } string sScript = "<script src='" + GoogleMapObject.APIVersion + ">&key=" + GoogleMapObject.APIKey + "' type='text/javascript'></script>"; sScript += "<script type='text/javascript' src='GoogleMapAPIWrapper.js'></script>"; sScript += "<script language='javascript'> if (window.DrawGoogleMap) { DrawGoogleMap(); } </script>"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "onLoadCall", sScript); }
public void SetLatLon(string pID, double pLatitude, double pLongitude) { GoogleObject objGoogleNew = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; GoogleObject objGoogleOld = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"]; objGoogleNew.Points[pID].Latitude = pLatitude; objGoogleNew.Points[pID].Longitude = pLongitude; objGoogleOld.Points[pID].Latitude = pLatitude; objGoogleOld.Points[pID].Longitude = pLongitude; }
// The method which fires the Event public void OnPushpinMoved(string pID) { // Check if there are any Subscribers if (PushpinMoved != null) { // Call the Event GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; PushpinMoved(pID); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } else { GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; } }
public GoogleObject(GoogleObject prev) { Points = GooglePoints.CloneMe(prev.Points); Polylines = GooglePolylines.CloneMe(prev.Polylines); Polygons = GooglePolygons.CloneMe(prev.Polygons); ZoomLevel = prev.ZoomLevel; ShowZoomControl = prev.ShowZoomControl; ShowMapTypesControl = prev.ShowMapTypesControl; Width = prev.Width; Height = prev.Height; MapType = prev.MapType; APIKey = prev.APIKey; ShowTraffic = prev.ShowTraffic; RecenterMap = prev.RecenterMap; }
internal void createMapDataObject(ref GoogleObject GObj, List <VehicleMapInfo> list) { foreach (VehicleMapInfo info in list) { EDT.WebAPI.Models.Map.Google.GooglePoint point = new EDT.WebAPI.Models.Map.Google.GooglePoint(); point.ToolTip = info.VEHICLE_LABEL; point.ID = info.VEHICLE_ID.ToString(); point.Latitude = info.VEHICLE_LATITUDE; point.Longitude = info.VEHICLE_LONGITUDE; point.IconImage = info.VEHICLE_TYPE_IMAGE_FILENAME.Split('.').First() + "/" + info.Vehicle_Online_Status; point.Heading = info.VEHICLE_ANGLE; string temp1 = point.InfoHTML1; string temp2 = point.InfoHTML2; this.ParseCarsInfo(point, info.VEHICLE_TOOL_TIP); GObj.Points.Add(point); } }
//[RestAuthenticationAttribute]/*only with DB connection*/ public IEnumerable <VehicleMapInfo> GetMapData(GetMapDataRequest request) { request.DecodeAuthToken(); BLUser userData = new BLUser(); //userData = GlobalData.GetSessionProperty(request.SID, userData.GetType()); userData = CachingLayer.GetCacheObjectByType(request.SID, userData.GetType()); IEnumerable <VehicleMapInfo> vehicleMapInfo = null; if (userData != null) { vehicleMapInfo = MapsDAL.GetVehicleList(-180, -90, 180, 90, userData.CompanyId, request.VehicleIDs, -1).DataTableToList <VehicleMapInfo>(); GoogleObject GObj = new GoogleObject(); GetMapDataFacade facade = new GetMapDataFacade(); facade.createMapDataObject(ref GObj, vehicleMapInfo.ToList()); } return(vehicleMapInfo); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Console.Write(hidEventName.Value); //Console.Write(hidEventValue.Value); //Fire event for Pushpin Move if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinMoved") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinMoved(hidEventValue.Value); } if (!IsPostBack) { Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } else { GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; } }
public GoogleObject(GoogleObject prev) { try { Directions = prev.Directions; Points = GooglePoints.CloneMe(prev.Points); Polylines = GooglePolylines.CloneMe(prev.Polylines); Polygons = GooglePolygons.CloneMe(prev.Polygons); ZoomLevel = prev.ZoomLevel; ShowZoomControl = prev.ShowZoomControl; ShowMapTypesControl = prev.ShowMapTypesControl; Width = prev.Width; Height = prev.Height; MapType = prev.MapType; APIKey = prev.APIKey; ShowTraffic = prev.ShowTraffic; RecenterMap = prev.RecenterMap; AutomaticBoundaryAndZoom = prev.AutomaticBoundaryAndZoom; } catch (Exception) {} }
/// <summary> /// If you are interested in how this works, read the comments on the EventsWebForm.aspx.cs page. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool CaptchaPass() { string responseMessage = Request["g-recaptcha-response"]; bool validResponse = false; HttpWebRequest googleRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("" + responseMessage); try { using (WebResponse googleResponse = googleRequest.GetResponse()) using (StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(googleResponse.GetResponseStream())) { string jsonResponse = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); GoogleObject data = deserializer.Deserialize <GoogleObject>(jsonResponse); validResponse = Convert.ToBoolean(data.success); } } catch (WebException) { return(false); } return(validResponse); }
public GoogleObject GetOptimizedGoogleObject() { GoogleObject objGoogleNew = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; GoogleObject objGoogleOld = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"]; GoogleObject objGoogle = new GoogleObject(); if (objGoogleOld != null) { for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleNew.Points.Count; i++) { string pointStatus = ""; GooglePoint NewPoint = objGoogleNew.Points[i]; GooglePoint OldPoint = objGoogleOld.Points[NewPoint.ID]; //if old point not found, means this is a new point. if (OldPoint == null) { pointStatus = "N"; //New } else { //If old point found and old not equal to new point, means it's value is changed. if (!OldPoint.Equals(NewPoint)) { pointStatus = "C"; //Changed } //Remove found point from old object. This is to reduce iteration in next loop. objGoogleOld.Points.Remove(OldPoint.ID); } if (pointStatus != "") { //If new point is changed, add it in list which is to be sent to client. NewPoint.PointStatus = pointStatus; objGoogle.Points.Add(NewPoint); } } //Loop through rest of old points to mark them as deleted. for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleOld.Points.Count; i++) { GooglePoint OldPoint = objGoogleOld.Points[i]; OldPoint.PointStatus = "D"; objGoogle.Points.Add(OldPoint); } //******************************************** for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleNew.Polylines.Count; i++) { string lineStatus = ""; GooglePolyline NewLine = objGoogleNew.Polylines[i]; GooglePolyline OldLine = objGoogleOld.Polylines[NewLine.ID]; //if old point not found, means this is a new point. if (OldLine == null) { lineStatus = "N"; //New } else { //If old point found and old not equal to new point, means it's value is changed. if (!OldLine.Equals(NewLine)) { lineStatus = "C"; //Changed } //Remove found point from old object. This is to reduce iteration in next loop. objGoogleOld.Polylines.Remove(OldLine.ID); } if (lineStatus != "") { //If new point is changed, add it in list which is to be sent to client. NewLine.LineStatus = lineStatus; objGoogle.Polylines.Add(NewLine); } } //Loop through rest of old points to mark them as deleted. for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleOld.Polylines.Count; i++) { GooglePolyline OldPolyline = objGoogleOld.Polylines[i]; OldPolyline.LineStatus = "D"; objGoogle.Polylines.Add(OldPolyline); } //******************************************** for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleNew.Polygons.Count; i++) { string gonStatus = ""; GooglePolygon NewGon = objGoogleNew.Polygons[i]; GooglePolygon OldGon = objGoogleOld.Polygons[NewGon.ID]; //if old point not found, means this is a new point. if (OldGon == null) { gonStatus = "N"; //New } else { //If old point found and old not equal to new point, means it's value is changed. if (!OldGon.Equals(NewGon)) { gonStatus = "C"; //Changed } //Remove found point from old object. This is to reduce iteration in next loop. objGoogleOld.Polygons.Remove(OldGon.ID); } if (gonStatus != "") { //If new point is changed, add it in list which is to be sent to client. NewGon.Status = gonStatus; objGoogle.Polygons.Add(NewGon); } } //Loop through rest of old points to mark them as deleted. for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleOld.Polygons.Count; i++) { GooglePolygon OldPolygon = objGoogleOld.Polygons[i]; OldPolygon.Status = "D"; objGoogle.Polygons.Add(OldPolygon); } } objGoogle.CenterPoint = objGoogleNew.CenterPoint; objGoogle.ZoomLevel = objGoogleNew.ZoomLevel; objGoogle.ShowTraffic = objGoogleNew.ShowTraffic; objGoogle.RecenterMap = objGoogleNew.RecenterMap; objGoogle.MapType = objGoogleNew.MapType; objGoogle.AutomaticBoundaryAndZoom = objGoogleNew.AutomaticBoundaryAndZoom; //Save new Google object state in session variable. //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"] = objGoogleNew; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"] = new GoogleObject(objGoogleNew); return objGoogle; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Console.Write(hidEventName.Value); //Console.Write(hidEventValue.Value); //Fire event for Pushpin Move if (hidEventName.Value == "MapClicked") { string[] sLatLng = hidEventValue.Value.Split(new char[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.None); if (sLatLng.Length > 0) { double dLat = double.Parse(sLatLng[0]); double dLng = double.Parse(sLatLng[1]); //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnMapClicked(dLat,dLng); } } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinClicked") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinClicked(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinDrag") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinDrag(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "ZoomChanged") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnZoomChanged(int.Parse(hidEventValue.Value)); } if (!IsPostBack) { Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } else { GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; if (GoogleMapObject == null) { GoogleMapObject = new GoogleObject(); Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } } string sScript = "<script src='"+GoogleMapObject.APIVersion+">&key="+GoogleMapObject.APIKey+"' type='text/javascript'></script>"; sScript += "<script type='text/javascript' src='GoogleMapAPIWrapper.js'></script>"; sScript+= "<script language='javascript'> if (window.DrawGoogleMap) { DrawGoogleMap(); } </script>"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "onLoadCall", sScript); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en"); if (!IsPostBack) { Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } else { GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; GoogleMapObject.IsPostback = true; if (GoogleMapObject == null) { GoogleMapObject = new GoogleObject(); Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } } if (hidEventName.Value == "MapClicked") { string[] sLatLng = hidEventValue.Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None); string remp; string remp2; if (sLatLng.Length > 0) { remp = sLatLng[0].Replace(".", ","); remp2 = sLatLng[1].Replace(".", ","); // double dLat = double.Parse(sLatLng[0]); //double dLat = double.Parse(sLatLng[0]); //double dLng = double.Parse(sLatLng[1]); //double dLat = double.Parse(remp); //double dLng = double.Parse(remp2); double dLat = double.Parse(sLatLng[0], culture); double dLng = double.Parse(sLatLng[1], culture); //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnMapClicked(dLat, dLng); } } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinClicked") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinClicked(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinDrag") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinDrag(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "ZoomChanged") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnZoomChanged(int.Parse(hidEventValue.Value)); } //API initialization is now moved to GoogleMapForASPNet.ascx page code. /*string sScript = "<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>\n"; * sScript += "<script type='text/javascript' src='GoogleMapAPIWrapper.js'></script>\n"; * //sScript+= "<script language='javascript'> if (window.DrawGoogleMap) { DrawGoogleMap(); } </script>"; * // sScript += "<script language='javascript'> </script>\n"; * Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "onLoadCall", sScript);*/ }
public GoogleObject(GoogleObject prev) { try { Points = GooglePoints.CloneMe(prev.Points); Polylines = GooglePolylines.CloneMe(prev.Polylines); Polygons = GooglePolygons.CloneMe(prev.Polygons); ZoomLevel = prev.ZoomLevel; ShowZoomControl = prev.ShowZoomControl; ShowMapTypesControl = prev.ShowMapTypesControl; Width = prev.Width; Height = prev.Height; MapType = prev.MapType; APIKey = prev.APIKey; ShowTraffic = prev.ShowTraffic; } catch (Exception) {} }
public void CreateGoogleMap() { GoogleMapObject = new GoogleObject(); //Specify Center Point for map. Map will be centered on this point. ds = new DataSet(); string mainApn = Request.QueryString["mainapn"].ToString(); objreal.MainAPN = mainApn; ds = objreal.GetAddressInfo(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //if ((ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs2"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "VENTURA") && (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "CA")) //{ // imglogo1.ImageUrl = ""; // imglogo1.Height = 80; // imglogo1.Width = 400; // imglogo2.ImageUrl = ""; // imglogo2.Height = 80; // imglogo2.Width = 400; //} //else //{ // imglogo1.ImageUrl = "~/images/defaultlogo.jpg"; // imglogo2.ImageUrl = "~/images/defaultlogo.jpg"; //} } GooglePoint[] GP21 = new GooglePoint[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count]; GooglePoint GPCenter = new GooglePoint(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { // lbladd.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs2"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString(); //lbladd0.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs2"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString(); _mainAddress = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs2"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString(); string Cen_cnt = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString().Substring(0, 2); string Cen_post = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs3"].ToString().Substring(2); string Cen_address = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString() + "-" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs2"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Situs2"].ToString()) + "-" + Cen_cnt + " " + Cen_post; GPCenter.Address = Cen_address; if (GPCenter.GeocodeAddressV3()) { GoogleMapObject.CenterPoint = new GooglePoint("CenterPoint", GPCenter.Latitude, GPCenter.Longitude); } for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { //Char[] ch = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString().ToCharArray(); /*string cnt = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString().Substring(0, 2); * string post = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString().Substring(2); * string address = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Address"].ToString() + "-" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs2"].ToString() + "-" + cnt + " " + post;*/ string cnt = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString().Substring(0, 2); string post = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString().Substring(2); string address = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Address"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Address"].ToString() + "-" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs2"].ToString()) ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs2"].ToString()) + "-" + cnt + " " + post; GP21[i] = new GooglePoint(); GP21[i].ID = i.ToString(); GP21[i].Address = address; //GeocodeAddress() function will geocode address and set Latitude and Longitude of GP(GooglePoint) to it's respected value. if (GP21[i].GeocodeAddressV3()) { string name = "<table width='220px' height='30px'>"; name += "<tr>"; name += "<td width='10%'>"; name += "</td>"; name += "<td align='center' style='font-weight: bold;'>"; name += "<br />"; name += ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Address"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs2"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situs3"].ToString(); name += "</td>"; name += "</tr>"; name += "<tr>"; name += "<td width='10%'>"; name += "</td>"; name += "<td width='90%' align='center'>"; //name += "Click <a target='_blank' href=',,,0,-9.25&cbll=" + GP21[i].Latitude + "," + GP21[i].Longitude + "&panoid=&v=1&gl=us&output=svembed&layer=c'>"; //name += "Click <a target='_blank' href=',,,0,-9.25&cbll=" + GP21[i].Latitude + "," + GP21[i].Longitude + "&panoid=&v=1&gl=us&layer=c'>"; name += "Click <a target='_blank' href=',0,0,0,-9.25&cbll=" + GP21[i].Latitude + "," + GP21[i].Longitude + "&q=" + GP21[i].Latitude + "," + GP21[i].Longitude + "&panoid=&v=1&gl=us&output=classic&layer=c'>"; name += "Here</a> to see StreetView"; name += "</td>"; name += "</tr>"; name += "</table>"; //Once GP is geocoded, you can add it to google map. GP21[i].InfoHTML = name; if (i == 0) { GP21[i].IconImage = "images/marker1.gif"; } else { GP21[i].IconImage = "images/marker.gif"; } //Set GP as center point. GoogleMapObject.CenterPoint = GP21[i]; //Add geocoded GP to GoogleMapObject GoogleMapObject.Points.Add(GP21[i]); GoogleMapObject.ZoomLevel = 17; //Recenter map to GP. GoogleMapObject.RecenterMap = true; GoogleMapObject.APIVersion = "3"; } } } else { _mainAddress = "Not Available"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { GoogleMapObject.APIKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleAPIKey"]; GoogleMapObject.APIVersion = "2"; GoogleMapObject.CenterPoint = new GooglePoint("CenterPoint", 42.680872, 23.310297); Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; //GoogleMapObject.Points.Add(new GooglePoint("1", 43.65669, -79.45278)); //GoogleMapObject.Width = "800px"; //GoogleMapObject.Height = "600px"; } else { GoogleMapObject = (GoogleObject)Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; GoogleMapObject.IsPostback = true; if (GoogleMapObject == null) { GoogleMapObject = new GoogleObject(); Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"] = GoogleMapObject; } } if (hidEventName.Value == "MapClicked") { string[] sLatLng = hidEventValue.Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (sLatLng.Length > 0) { double dLat = double.Parse(sLatLng[0]); double dLng = double.Parse(sLatLng[1]); //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnMapClicked(dLat, dLng); } } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinClicked") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinClicked(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "PushpinDrag") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnPushpinDrag(hidEventValue.Value); } if (hidEventName.Value == "ZoomChanged") { //Set event name to blank string, so on next postback same event doesn't fire again. hidEventName.Value = ""; OnZoomChanged(int.Parse(hidEventValue.Value)); } //API initialization is now moved to GoogleMapForASPNet.ascx page code. /*string sScript = "<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>\n"; * sScript += "<script type='text/javascript' src='GoogleMapAPIWrapper.js'></script>\n"; * //sScript+= "<script language='javascript'> if (window.DrawGoogleMap) { DrawGoogleMap(); } </script>"; * // sScript += "<script language='javascript'> </script>\n"; * Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "onLoadCall", sScript);*/ }
public GoogleObject GetOptimizedGoogleObject() { GoogleObject objGoogleNew = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT"]; GoogleObject objGoogleOld = (GoogleObject)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"]; GoogleObject objGoogle = new GoogleObject(); if (objGoogleOld != null) { for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleNew.Points.Count; i++) { string pointStatus = ""; GooglePoint NewPoint = objGoogleNew.Points[i]; GooglePoint OldPoint = objGoogleOld.Points[NewPoint.ID]; //if old point not found, means this is a new point. if (OldPoint == null) { pointStatus = "N"; //New } else { //If old point found and old not equal to new point, means it's value is changed. if (!OldPoint.Equals(NewPoint)) { pointStatus = "C"; //Changed } //Remove found point from old object. This is to reduce iteration in next loop. objGoogleOld.Points.Remove(OldPoint.ID); } if (pointStatus != "") { //If new point is changed, add it in list which is to be sent to client. NewPoint.PointStatus = pointStatus; objGoogle.Points.Add(NewPoint); } } //Loop through rest of old points to mark them as deleted. for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleOld.Points.Count; i++) { GooglePoint OldPoint = objGoogleOld.Points[i]; OldPoint.PointStatus = "D"; objGoogle.Points.Add(OldPoint); } //******************************************** for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleNew.Polylines.Count; i++) { string lineStatus = ""; GooglePolyline NewLine = objGoogleNew.Polylines[i]; GooglePolyline OldLine = objGoogleOld.Polylines[NewLine.ID]; //if old point not found, means this is a new point. if (OldLine == null) { lineStatus = "N"; //New } else { //If old point found and old not equal to new point, means it's value is changed. if (!OldLine.Equals(NewLine)) { lineStatus = "C"; //Changed } //Remove found point from old object. This is to reduce iteration in next loop. objGoogleOld.Polylines.Remove(OldLine.ID); } if (lineStatus != "") { //If new point is changed, add it in list which is to be sent to client. NewLine.LineStatus = lineStatus; objGoogle.Polylines.Add(NewLine); } } //Loop through rest of old points to mark them as deleted. for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleOld.Polylines.Count; i++) { GooglePolyline OldPolyline = objGoogleOld.Polylines[i]; OldPolyline.LineStatus = "D"; objGoogle.Polylines.Add(OldPolyline); } //******************************************** for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleNew.Polygons.Count; i++) { string gonStatus = ""; GooglePolygon NewGon = objGoogleNew.Polygons[i]; GooglePolygon OldGon = objGoogleOld.Polygons[NewGon.ID]; //if old point not found, means this is a new point. if (OldGon == null) { gonStatus = "N"; //New } else { //If old point found and old not equal to new point, means it's value is changed. if (!OldGon.Equals(NewGon)) { gonStatus = "C"; //Changed } //Remove found point from old object. This is to reduce iteration in next loop. objGoogleOld.Polygons.Remove(OldGon.ID); } if (gonStatus != "") { //If new point is changed, add it in list which is to be sent to client. NewGon.Status = gonStatus; objGoogle.Polygons.Add(NewGon); } } //Loop through rest of old points to mark them as deleted. for (int i = 0; i < objGoogleOld.Polygons.Count; i++) { GooglePolygon OldPolygon = objGoogleOld.Polygons[i]; // OldPolygon.Status = "D"; objGoogle.Polygons.Add(OldPolygon); } } objGoogle.CenterPoint = objGoogleNew.CenterPoint; objGoogle.ZoomLevel = objGoogleNew.ZoomLevel; objGoogle.ShowTraffic = objGoogleNew.ShowTraffic; objGoogle.RecenterMap = objGoogleNew.RecenterMap; objGoogle.MapType = objGoogleNew.MapType; objGoogle.AutomaticBoundaryAndZoom = objGoogleNew.AutomaticBoundaryAndZoom; //Save new Google object state in session variable. //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"] = objGoogleNew; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["GOOGLE_MAP_OBJECT_OLD"] = new GoogleObject(objGoogleNew); return(objGoogle); }