public void click() { googleAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory("Button") .SetEventLabel("credit") .SetEventAction("click")); credits.SetActive(true); this.transform.parent.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void ShowLogScoreOfSingle(int _score) { m_myAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory("HighScore") .SetEventAction(GamePlayConfig.Instance.ModeLevel.ToString()) .SetEventLabel(DataManager.instance.m_choosenCategory.m_category) .SetEventValue(_score) ); }
private void trackGACustomEvent(string eventType, Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { foreach (var entry in parameters) { googleAnalyticsTracker.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory(eventType) .SetEventAction(entry.Key) .SetEventLabel(Convert.ToString(entry.Value))); //.SetEventValue(5)); } }
public void gameOver(bool outOfMoves) { isGameOver = true; pauzeButtonScript.pauseNoMenu(); pauzeButton.interactable = false; if (outOfMoves) { outOfMovesSprite.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true; } else { gameOverSprite.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true; } gameOverPanel.SetActive(true); int playerId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("playerId"); googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Level failed - " + getLevelManager().currentLevelIndex, "Player: " + playerId + ", level failed - " + getLevelManager().currentLevelIndex, "BecauseOutOfMoves: " + outOfMoves, 1); googleAnalytics.DispatchHits(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { replayCoroutineDone = true; GameSaveSystem.Instance.LoadGame(); AutoTimeMode(); BackDropSwap.Instance.Swap(timeMode); CalculateHeight(); InitializeGlobalTime(); googleAnalytics.StartSession(); AchievementMonitor.Instance.AParams.noOfSessions++; googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Game", "Language", versionName, 0); }
public void click() { playSound.Play(); googleAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory("Button") .SetEventLabel("play") .SetEventAction("click")); miniGamesMenu.SetActive(true); miniGamesMenu.GetComponentInChildren <AnimationGUI>().animIt(); this.transform.parent.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void LogEvent(gaEventCategories eventType, string actionTaken, string label, long eventValue) { if (isAnalyticsEnabled == true && googleAnalytics != null) { try { googleAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory(eventType.ToString()) .SetEventAction(actionTaken) .SetEventLabel(label) .SetEventValue(eventValue)); } catch (System.Exception exception) { //Debug.Log(exception); } } }
// Use this for initialization public void click() { googleAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory("Button") .SetEventLabel("removeAds") .SetEventAction("click")); if (StoreInventory.GetItemBalance(boutique.NO_ADS_LTVG.ItemId) <= 0) { try { SoomlaStore.RestoreTransactions(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("SOOMLA/UNITY " + e.Message); } try { StoreInventory.BuyItem(boutique.NO_ADS_LTVG.ItemId); } catch (Exception e) { popUpErreur.SetActive(true); Debug.LogError("SOOMLA/UNITY " + e.Message); } } }
public void OpenSealifeTrustPage() { // Debug.Log("ANALYTICS FIRE"); googleAnalytics.LogEvent("URL_link", "Clicked", "", 1); Application.OpenURL(""); }
IEnumerator RequestPermissions() { // wait for the first frame... yield return(null); var receiver = PermissionCallbackReceiver.GetPermissionCallbackReceiver(); if (Debug.isDebugBuild) { Debug.Log("Showing permissions explanation..."); } if (Debug.isDebugBuild) { Debug.Log("Requesting CAMERA permission..."); } receiver.EnsureRequiredPermission(PermissionCallbackReceiver.CAMERA_PERMISSION, cameraPermissionRequiredTitle, cameraPermissionRequiredMessage, permissionInstructionsAfterNeverAskAgainOrHomeOut, () => { hasCameraPermission = true; googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Permissions", "Camera", "True", 1); }); while (!hasCameraPermission.HasValue || hasCameraPermission.Value == false) { yield return(null); } if (Debug.isDebugBuild) { Debug.Log("All permissions granted."); } AllPermissionsGranted = true; }
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D colInfo) { if (firstCollision) { firstCollision = false; return; } if (colInfo.collider.tag == "Enemy") { return; } // reset early detection at every wall collision earlyDetection = null; // reset swipe lock lastTouch = ""; // determine the side of the player that collided String dir = getCollisionSide(colInfo); if (GameSetup.debugMode) { Debug.Log("collision detected on player side: " + dir); } if (direction == dir && !areaCapture.colliderPartOfPath(colInfo.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>())) { if (GameSetup.debugMode) { Debug.Log("setting current wall"); } currentWall = colInfo.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); } // if the player did not collide in the direction he was going => corner problem, do nothing if (direction != dir) { badWall = colInfo.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); if (GameSetup.debugMode) { Debug.Log("badwall"); } return; } // stop generating trail if (!areaCapture.colliderPartOfPath(colInfo.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>())) { // check if asynchronous collision ended game if (!setup.isGameOverBool()) { trailRenderer.stopTrail(); } } String lastWallSide = wallSide; // set wall side setWallSide(); //Debug.Log(wallSide); // create new captured area and move player in right direction if (!onSide) { if (GameSetup.debugMode) { Debug.Log("building wall"); } areaCapture.createCollisionIfRequired(true, colInfo.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>()); int playerId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("playerId"); googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Moves per capture - level" + GameSetup.getLevelManager().currentLevelIndex, "Player: " + playerId + ", Moves per capture - level" + GameSetup.getLevelManager().currentLevelIndex, "CaptureMoves: " + (movesInPath - 1), 1); //googleAnalytics.DispatchHits(); } else { if (lastWallSide == "bottom") { moveDown(); } if (lastWallSide == "top") { moveUp(); } if (lastWallSide == "left") { moveLeft(); } if (lastWallSide == "right") { moveRight(); } rb.position = (setup.findClosestGridElement(rb.position).transform.position); } if ( == "rightWall" || == "leftWall" || == "topWall" || == "bottomWall") { onSide = true; movesInPath = 0; } else { if (!areaCapture.colliderPartOfPath(colInfo.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>())) { foreach (BoxCollider2D collider in areaCapture.walls) { if (collider == colInfo.collider) { onSide = true; movesInPath = 0; } } } } if (!areaCapture.colliderPartOfPath(colInfo.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>())) { areaCapture.setLastMovePointNull(); } }
public void SendAnalyticsData(int gmScore, bool mode) { score = gmScore; easyMode = mode; googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Gameplay", "Score", "Player's Final Score", score); if (easyMode) { googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Gameplay", "Mode", "Game Mode Selected", 0); // googleAnalytics.LogEvent (new EventHitBuilder () // .SetEventCategory ("Gameplay") // .SetEventAction ("Mode") // .SetEventLabel ("Easy or Hard Mode") // .SetEventValue (0) // .SetCustomMetric (0, "Easy")); } else { googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Gameplay", "Mode", "Game Mode Selected", 1); // googleAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() // .SetEventCategory("Gameplay") // .SetEventAction("Mode") // .SetEventLabel("Easy or Hard Mode") // .SetEventValue(1) // .SetCustomMetric(1, "Hard")); } if (ones - free >= 1) { googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Payment", "Cash", "$1 Bill", ones); } if (fives >= 1) { googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Payment", "Cash", "$5 Bill", fives); } if (tens >= 1) { googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Payment", "Cash", "$10 Bill", tens); } if (credit >= 1) { googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Payment", "Credit", "Paid with Credit Card", credit); } if (free >= 1) { googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Payment", "Free", "Free play", free); } googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Payment", "Total", "Total Amount Paid Per Session", totalPayment); googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Gameplay", "Plays", "Plays paid for", plays); googleAnalytics.LogEvent("Time", "Time of day game was played", System.DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0); ResetData(); }
public void Init() { sessionId = guid(); PLAYER_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "User"; TUTORIAL_ONE_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Tut1"; TUTORIAL_ONE_REPEAT_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Tut1Repeat"; TUTORIAL_TWO_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Tut2"; FEEDBACK_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Fdbk"; VIEW_COUNT_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "VC"; try { gav3 = GetComponent <GoogleAnalyticsV3> (); if (Application.isEditor) { gav3.androidTrackingCode = gav3.otherTrackingCode = preProdTrackingCode; } } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error setting up gav3", false); } // check and register repeat user if (File.Exists(PLAYER_FILE)) { try { var sr = new StreamReader(PLAYER_FILE); userId = sr.ReadLine(); if (userId != null && !userId.Trim().Equals("")) { sessionCount = int.Parse(sr.ReadLine()); } sessionCount++; sr.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error reading player file", false); } try { var sw = new StreamWriter(PLAYER_FILE); sw.Write(userId + "\n" + sessionCount); sw.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error writing player file for new user", false); } LogEvent("Application", "ReturnUser"); // LogEvent("Application", "SessionCount:" + sessionCount); gav3.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("Application:" + sessionId).SetEventAction("SessionCount:" + sessionCount)); } else { firstTimeUser = true; } // else assign userId (even if file is corrupted) if (userId == null || userId.Trim().Equals("")) { userId = "U" + guid(); sessionCount = 1; try { var sw = new StreamWriter(PLAYER_FILE); sw.Write(userId + "\n" + sessionCount); sw.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error writing player file for new/null user", false); } firstTimeUser = true; } tutorialOneFinished = File.Exists(TUTORIAL_ONE_FILE); tutorialOneRepeatFinished = File.Exists(TUTORIAL_ONE_REPEAT_FILE); tutorialTwoFinished = File.Exists(TUTORIAL_TWO_FILE); feedbackFinished = File.Exists(FEEDBACK_FILE); if (File.Exists(VIEW_COUNT_FILE)) { try { var sr = new StreamReader(VIEW_COUNT_FILE); monoViewCount = int.Parse(sr.ReadLine()); string svc = sr.ReadLine(); stereoViewCount = (svc != null && !svc.Trim().Equals("") ? int.Parse(svc) : 0); string sivc = sr.ReadLine(); stereoImgViewCount = (sivc != null && !sivc.Trim().Equals("") ? int.Parse(sivc) : 0); sr.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error reading view count file", false); } } // register session with timestamp System.TimeSpan t = System.DateTime.UtcNow - new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1); double secondsSinceEpoch = t.TotalSeconds; if (gav3) { gav3.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("UserSessions").SetEventAction(userId).SetEventValue(1)); gav3.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("Sessions").SetEventAction(secondsSinceEpoch + ":" + gav3.bundleVersion + ":" + userId + ":" + sessionId)); } LogEvent("Application", "Platform-" + Application.platform); ready = true; }
void Start() { aSources = gameObject.GetComponents<AudioSource>(); aliveScript = gameObject.GetComponent<AliveScript>(); animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>(); spriteRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); if (playerSpeed != startPlayerSpeed) playerSpeed = startPlayerSpeed; spriteRenderer.color = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1f); DrawLives(); lifeIcons = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("LifeIcon"); googleAnalytics = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GoogleAnalyticsObject").GetComponent<GoogleAnalyticsV3>(); googleAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("Level Start").SetEventAction("Level Started")); timeFromStart = Time.time; }
void OnApplicationQuit() { Debug.Log("Application ending after " + Time.time + " seconds"); googleAnalytics.LogEvent("App", "Quit", "current view: " + currentView.Name, 1); }
public void Init() { sessionId = guid(); PLAYER_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "User"; TUTORIAL_ONE_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Tut1"; TUTORIAL_ONE_REPEAT_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Tut1Repeat"; TUTORIAL_TWO_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Tut2"; FEEDBACK_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Fdbk"; VIEW_COUNT_FILE = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "VC"; try { gav3 = GetComponent<GoogleAnalyticsV3> (); if (Application.isEditor) { gav3.androidTrackingCode = gav3.otherTrackingCode = preProdTrackingCode; } } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error setting up gav3", false); } // check and register repeat user if (File.Exists(PLAYER_FILE)) { try { var sr = new StreamReader(PLAYER_FILE); userId = sr.ReadLine(); if (userId != null && !userId.Trim().Equals("")) { sessionCount = int.Parse(sr.ReadLine()); } sessionCount++; sr.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error reading player file", false); } try { var sw = new StreamWriter(PLAYER_FILE); sw.Write(userId + "\n" + sessionCount); sw.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error writing player file for new user", false); } LogEvent("Application", "ReturnUser"); // LogEvent("Application", "SessionCount:" + sessionCount); gav3.LogEvent( new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("Application:"+sessionId).SetEventAction("SessionCount:" + sessionCount) ); } else { firstTimeUser = true; } // else assign userId (even if file is corrupted) if (userId == null || userId.Trim().Equals("")) { userId = "U" + guid(); sessionCount = 1; try { var sw = new StreamWriter(PLAYER_FILE); sw.Write(userId + "\n" + sessionCount); sw.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error writing player file for new/null user", false); } firstTimeUser = true; } tutorialOneFinished = File.Exists (TUTORIAL_ONE_FILE); tutorialOneRepeatFinished = File.Exists (TUTORIAL_ONE_REPEAT_FILE); tutorialTwoFinished = File.Exists (TUTORIAL_TWO_FILE); feedbackFinished = File.Exists (FEEDBACK_FILE); if (File.Exists (VIEW_COUNT_FILE)) { try { var sr = new StreamReader(VIEW_COUNT_FILE); monoViewCount = int.Parse(sr.ReadLine()); string svc = sr.ReadLine(); stereoViewCount = (svc != null && !svc.Trim().Equals("") ? int.Parse(svc) : 0); string sivc = sr.ReadLine(); stereoImgViewCount = (sivc != null && !sivc.Trim().Equals("") ? int.Parse(sivc) : 0); sr.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { LogException("Error reading view count file", false); } } // register session with timestamp System.TimeSpan t = System.DateTime.UtcNow - new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1); double secondsSinceEpoch = t.TotalSeconds; if (gav3) { gav3.LogEvent( new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("UserSessions").SetEventAction(userId).SetEventValue(1) ); gav3.LogEvent( new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("Sessions").SetEventAction(secondsSinceEpoch + ":" + gav3.bundleVersion + ":" + userId + ":" + sessionId) ); } LogEvent("Application", "Platform-" + Application.platform); ready = true; }