public int GetPageCount(int pageNumber) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.rowPerPage && this.rowPerPage * pageNumber + i < this.GoodsCount.Length; i++) { GoodsCount gc = this.GoodsCount[this.rowPerPage * pageNumber + i]; count += gc.Count; } return(count); }
public double GetPageMoney(int pageNumber) { double money = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.rowPerPage && this.rowPerPage * pageNumber + i < this.GoodsCount.Length; i++) { GoodsCount gc = this.GoodsCount[this.rowPerPage * pageNumber + i]; money += gc.Money * gc.Count; } return(money); }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.OrderReturns.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("没有需要打印的数据"); return; } try { string printer = LocalConfigService.GetValue(SystemNames.CONFIG_PRINTER_A4, ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(printer)) { throw new Exception("请在系统配置里面,配置要使用的打印机"); } if (MessageBox.Show("是否使用打印机:" + printer + Environment.NewLine + "打印?", "提示", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return; } var pd = PrintUtil.GetPrinter(printer); VendorService vs = ServiceContainer.GetService <VendorService>(); var goodsCountDoc = new OrderReturnOutPrintDocument(); List <GoodsCount> counts = new List <GoodsCount>(); foreach (var item in this.OrderReturns) { string[] infos = item.Source.GoodsInfo.Split(new char[] { ' ', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (infos.Length < 4) { MessageBox.Show("退货信息不正确,请检查:" + item.Source.Id); continue; } var vendor = vs.GetByAll(infos[0], "", "", "", 0, 0).First; if (vendor == null) { vendor = vs.GetByAll(infos[0] + infos[1], "", "", "", 0, 0).First; } if (vendor == null) { MessageBox.Show("退货信息厂家找不到,请检查:" + item.Source.Id); continue; } GoodsCount count = null; if (infos.Length >= 5) { count = counts.FirstOrDefault( obj => obj.Vendor == VendorService.FormatVendorName(infos[0]) && obj.Number == infos[1] && obj.Edtion == infos[2] && obj.Color == infos[3] && obj.Size == infos[4]); } else { count = counts.FirstOrDefault( obj => obj.Vendor == VendorService.FormatVendorName(infos[0]) && obj.Number == infos[1] && obj.Color == infos[2] && obj.Size == infos[3]); } if (count == null) { count = new GoodsCount { Vendor = infos[0].Trim(), Number = infos[1].Trim(), Money = (int)(item.Source.GoodsMoney / item.Source.Count), Count = 0, FirstPayTime = item.Source.ProcessTime, }; if (infos.Length >= 5) { count.Edtion = infos[2].Trim(); count.Color = infos[3].Trim(); count.Size = infos[4].Trim(); } else { count.Edtion = ""; count.Color = infos[2].Trim(); count.Size = infos[3].Trim(); } count.Address = vendor.MarketAddressShort; count.Vendor = VendorService.FormatVendorName(count.Vendor); counts.Add(count); } foreach (var c in counts.Where(obj => obj.Vendor == count.Vendor && obj.Number == count.Number && obj.Edtion == count.Edtion)) { //取消最大金额值 if (c.Money < count.Money) { c.Money = count.Money; } else { count.Money = c.Money; } } if (count.FirstPayTime >= item.Source.ProcessTime) { count.FirstPayTime = item.Source.ProcessTime; } count.Count += item.Source.Count; } IComparer <GoodsCount> comparer = new OrderGoodsCountSortByDoor(); counts.Sort(comparer); //拿货地址 counts.Sort(comparer); //货号 counts.Sort(comparer); //版本 counts.Sort(comparer); //颜色 counts.Sort(comparer); //尺码 goodsCountDoc.PageSize = new Size(793, 1122.24); goodsCountDoc.SetGoodsCount(counts.ToArray()); pd.PrintDocument(goodsCountDoc, "退货统计"); foreach (var item in this.OrderReturns) { this.OrderReturnService.Update(item.Source); } MessageBox.Show("打印完成"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "打印出错"); } }
public DataCollectionResponse <GoodsCount> GetOrderGoodsCount(ColorFlag[] flags, string shipper, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { ISession session = null; try { string f = string.Join(" or ", flags.Select(obj => "PopFlag=" + ((int)obj).ToString())); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f) == false) { f = " and " + "(" + f + ")"; } String hsqlWhere = String.Format("from Order order,OrderGoods orderGoods where order.Id=orderGoods.OrderId and order.Type<>2 and order.PopPayTime>='{0}' and order.PopPayTime<='{1}' and orderGoods.GetedCount<orderGoods.Count and (PopPayType=1 or (PopPayType=2 {2})) and order.State>={3} and order.State<{4} ", this.FormatDateTime(startTime), this.FormatDateTime(endTime), f, (int)OrderState.PAYED, (int)OrderState.SHIPPED); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shipper) == false) { hsqlWhere += " and Shipper like '%" + shipper + "%'"; } String contenthsql = "select order.Id,orderGoods.Vendor,orderGoods.Number,orderGoods.Edtion,orderGoods.Color,orderGoods.Size,orderGoods.Count,orderGoods.GetedCount,orderGoods.Price,order.PopPayTime,orderGoods.State, orderGoods.GoodsId,order.PopType,order.DeliveryCompany "; string hsqlData = contenthsql + hsqlWhere; string hsqlCount = "select count( " + hsqlWhere; session = OpenSession(); var query = session.CreateQuery(hsqlData); if (pageSize > 0) { query.SetFirstResult(pageIndex * pageSize); query.SetMaxResults(pageSize); } var rs = query.List <object>(); List <GoodsCount> counts = new List <GoodsCount>(); foreach (Object list in rs) { Object[] l = (Object[])list; GoodsCount gc = new GoodsCount(); gc.OrderId = l[0].ToString(); gc.Vendor = l[1].ToString(); gc.Number = l[2].ToString(); gc.Edtion = l[3] == null ? "" : l[3].ToString(); gc.Color = l[4].ToString(); gc.Size = l[5].ToString(); gc.Count = (OrderState)l[10] == OrderState.GETED ? (int)l[6] - (int)l[7] : (int)l[6]; gc.Money = (float)l[8]; gc.FirstPayTime = (DateTime)l[9]; gc.State = (OrderState)l[10]; gc.GoodsId = (long)l[11]; gc.PopType = (PopType)l[12]; if ((OrderState)l[10] != OrderState.PAYED) { gc.DeliveryCompany = l[13].ToString(); } else { gc.DeliveryCompany = ""; } if ((int)gc.State < (int)OrderState.PAYED || (int)gc.State >= (int)OrderState.SHIPPED) { continue; } counts.Add(gc); } var countQuery = session.CreateQuery(hsqlCount); long count = (long)(countQuery.UniqueResult()); DataCollectionResponse <GoodsCount> ret = new DataCollectionResponse <GoodsCount>(counts, (int)count); return(ret); } finally { if (session != null) { session.Close(); } } }
public override DocumentPage GetPage(int pageNumber) { DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual(); var rendor = visual.RenderOpen(); rendor.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, null, new Rect(this.PageSize)); //绘制标题 double money = GetPageMoney(pageNumber); double totalMoney = GetTotalMoney(); string strTitle = string.Format("页码: {0}/{1} 本页数量:{2} 本页金额:{3:F0} 打印时间:{4},打印人员:{5}", pageNumber + 1, this.pageCount, this.GetPageCount(pageNumber), money, this.time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), OperatorService.LoginOperator.Number); FormattedText textTitle = CreateText(strTitle, 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(textTitle, new System.Windows.Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT, TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT)); double eachItemHeight = textTitle.Height + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT * 2; double[] itemWidth = this.GetItemWidth(); Pen linePen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 2); int currentPageCount = (pageNumber + 1) == this.PageCount ? (this.GoodsCount.Length - this.rowPerPage * pageNumber) : this.rowPerPage; //绘制网格横线 for (int i = 0; i <= currentPageCount + 1; i++) { double y = TOP_MARGIN + eachItemHeight + eachItemHeight * i - 1; rendor.DrawLine(linePen, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN, y), new Point(this.PageSize.Width - LEFT_MARGIN, y)); } //绘制网格竖线 double lineHeight = currentPageCount * eachItemHeight + eachItemHeight; for (int i = 0; i <= itemWidth.Length; i++) { double x = LEFT_MARGIN + GetPreWidth(itemWidth, i) - 1; rendor.DrawLine(linePen, new Point(x, TOP_MARGIN + eachItemHeight - 1), new Point(x, TOP_MARGIN + eachItemHeight + lineHeight)); } //绘制标题 var title = this.CreateText("门牌编号", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 0), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("日期", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 1), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("厂家名称", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 2), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("厂家货号", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 3), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("版本", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 4), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("颜色", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 5), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("尺码", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 6), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("价格", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 7), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("数量", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 8), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); title = this.CreateText("备注", 16, "黑体"); rendor.DrawText(title, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 9), TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight)); //绘制数据 for (int i = 0; i < this.rowPerPage && this.rowPerPage * pageNumber + i < this.GoodsCount.Length; i++) { GoodsCount gc = this.GoodsCount[this.rowPerPage * pageNumber + i]; double currentY = TOP_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_HEIGHT + eachItemHeight * 2 + i * eachItemHeight; //厂家门牌号 var doorText = this.CreateText(gc.Address); rendor.DrawText(doorText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 0), currentY)); //日期标记 string mark = ""; if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(gc.FirstPayTime).TotalHours >= 20) { mark = gc.FirstPayTime.ToString("dd-HH") + " "; } if (gc.PopType == PopType.TMALL || gc.PopType == PopType.CHUCHUJIE) { mark += gc.PopType == PopType.TMALL ? "T" : "C"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mark) == false) { var markText = this.CreateText(mark); rendor.DrawText(markText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 1), currentY)); } //厂家名称 string vendor = gc.Vendor; if (vendor.Length > 4) { vendor = vendor.Substring(0, 4); } var vendorText = this.CreateText(vendor); rendor.DrawText(vendorText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 2), currentY)); //厂家货号 var numberText = this.CreateText(gc.Number); rendor.DrawText(numberText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 3), currentY)); //版本 var edtioText = this.CreateText(gc.Edtion); rendor.DrawText(edtioText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 4), currentY)); //颜色 var colorText = this.CreateText(gc.Color); rendor.DrawText(colorText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 5), currentY)); //尺码 var sizeText = this.CreateText(gc.Size); rendor.DrawText(sizeText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 6), currentY)); //单价 var priceText = this.CreateText(gc.Money.ToString("F0")); rendor.DrawText(priceText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 7), currentY)); //数量 var countText = this.CreateText(gc.Count.ToString()); rendor.DrawText(countText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 8), currentY)); //快递打印在备注那里 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gc.Comment) == false) { var dText = this.CreateText(gc.Comment); rendor.DrawText(dText, new Point(LEFT_MARGIN + ITEM_MARGIN_WIDGHT + this.GetPreWidth(itemWidth, 9), currentY)); } } rendor.Close(); return(new DocumentPage(visual, this.PageSize, new System.Windows.Rect(this.PageSize), new System.Windows.Rect(this.PageSize))); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Title = PagesTitles.ManagerUserTicketEditTitle + BackendHelper.TagToValue("page_title_part"); OtherMethods.ActiveRightMenuStyleChanche("hlTickets", this.Page); Form.DefaultButton = btnCreate.UniqueID; AppKey = Globals.Settings.AppServiceSecureKey; FirstUserApiKey = Globals.Settings.FirstUserApiKey; #region Блок доступа к странице var userInSession = (Users)Session["userinsession"]; var rolesList = Application["RolesList"] as List <Roles>; var currentRole = Role = (Roles)rolesList.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Name.ToLower() == userInSession.Role.ToLower()); if (currentRole.PageUserTicketEdit != 1) { Response.Redirect("~/Error.aspx?id=1"); } #endregion #region Блок доступа к данным на странице IsVisibleUserProfileData = true; IsVisibleUserAccountData = true; if (currentRole.PageUserProfileView == 0) { IsVisibleUserProfileData = false; } if (currentRole.PageClientsView == 0) { IsVisibleUserAccountData = false; } trUserProfileData.Visible = IsVisibleUserProfileData; trUserAccountData.Visible = IsVisibleUserAccountData; #endregion #region едирект на страницу всех заявок если заявки нет if (Page.Request.Params["id"] == null || Page.Request.Params["id"] == String.Empty) { Page.Response.Redirect("~/ManagerUI/Menu/Tickets/UserTicketView.aspx"); } #endregion if (!IsPostBack) { #region Загрузка tickets по SecureID или FullSecureID. Метод на очистку. DAL.DataBaseObjects.Tickets ticket; if (Page.Request.Params["id"].Length > 7) { ticket = new DAL.DataBaseObjects.Tickets { FullSecureID = Page.Request.Params["id"] }; ticket.GetByFullSecureId(); } else { ticket = new DAL.DataBaseObjects.Tickets { SecureID = Page.Request.Params["id"] }; ticket.GetBySecureId(); } #endregion #region Создание форм для груза GoodsCount = GoodsHelper.GoodsCount(ticket.FullSecureID); hfHowManyControls.Value = GoodsCount.ToString(); AddGodsInPanel(GoodsCount); #endregion #region Заполнение созданных формы var goods = new Goods { TicketFullSecureID = ticket.FullSecureID }; var ds = goods.GetAllItems("ID", "ASC", "TicketFullSecureID"); var goodsIterator = 1; foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var tbGoodsDescription = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsDescription" + goodsIterator); var tbGoodsModel = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsModel" + goodsIterator); var tbGoodsNumber = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsNumber" + goodsIterator); var tbGoodsCost = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsCost" + goodsIterator); var hfGoodsID = (HiddenField)pnlBooks.FindControl("hfGoodsID" + goodsIterator); var hfWithoutAkciza = (HiddenField)pnlBooks.FindControl("hfWithoutAkciza" + goodsIterator); var hfGoodsNumber = (HiddenField)pnlBooks.FindControl("hfGoodsNumber" + goodsIterator); var hfGoodsCost = (HiddenField)pnlBooks.FindControl("hfGoodsCost" + goodsIterator); var hfGoodsDescription = (HiddenField)pnlBooks.FindControl("hfGoodsDescription" + goodsIterator); var hfGoodsModel = (HiddenField)pnlBooks.FindControl("hfGoodsModel" + goodsIterator); tbGoodsDescription.Text = hfGoodsDescription.Value = row["Description"].ToString(); tbGoodsModel.Text = hfGoodsModel.Value = row["Model"].ToString(); tbGoodsNumber.Text = hfGoodsNumber.Value = row["Number"].ToString(); tbGoodsCost.Text = hfGoodsCost.Value = MoneyMethods.MoneySeparator(row["Cost"].ToString()); hfGoodsID.Value = row["ID"].ToString(); hfWithoutAkciza.Value = row["WithoutAkciza"].ToString(); goodsIterator++; } #endregion #region Вывод старых грузов. Метод на очистку. if (GoodsCount == 0) { lblOldGoods.Visible = true; lblOldGoods.Text = "<b>" + OtherMethods.GoodsStringFromTicketID(ticket.ID.ToString()) + "</b><br/>"; } #endregion #region Инициализация сущностей var user = new Users(); user.ID = Convert.ToInt32(ticket.UserID); user.GetById(); #region Блок конфигурации удаления заявки if (currentRole.ActionUserTicketDelete != 1) { btnDelete.Visible = false; } #endregion var profile = new UsersProfiles(); profile.ID = Convert.ToInt32(ticket.UserProfileID); profile.GetById(); #endregion #region блок общей информации SpecialClient = user.SpecialClient; hfID.Value = ticket.ID.ToString(); hfDriverID.Value = ticket.DriverID.ToString(); hfStatusID.Value = ticket.StatusID.ToString(); hfStatusIDOld.Value = ticket.StatusIDOld.ToString(); hfStatusDescription.Value = ticket.StatusDescription; hfAdmissionDate.Value = ticket.AdmissionDate.ToString(); hfUserID.Value = UserID = ticket.UserID.ToString(); hfUserDiscount.Value = user.Discount.ToString(); hfUserProfileType.Value = profile.TypeID.ToString(); hfFullSecureID.Value = ticket.FullSecureID; lblID.Text = ticket.SecureID; hlUser.Text = user.Family + ' ' + user.Name; hlUser.NavigateUrl = "~/ManagerUI/Menu/Souls/ClientEdit.aspx?id=" + ticket.UserID; hlProfile.Text = profile.TypeID == 1 ? (profile.FirstName + ' ' + profile.LastName) : profile.CompanyName; hlProfile.NavigateUrl = "~/ManagerUI/Menu/Souls/ProfileView.aspx?id=" + ticket.UserProfileID; lblProfileType.Text = UsersProfilesHelper.UserProfileTypeToText(Convert.ToInt32(profile.TypeID)); lblCreateDate.Text = OtherMethods.DateConvert(ticket.CreateDate.ToString()); lblAdmissionDate.Text = OtherMethods.DateConvert(ticket.AdmissionDate.ToString()); lblDeliveryDateStatic.Text = OtherMethods.DateConvert(ticket.DeliveryDate.ToString()); lblIsExchange.Text = ticket.IsExchange == 0 ? "нет" : "да"; cbWithoutMoney.Checked = ticket.WithoutMoney != 0; lblNN.Text = ticket.PrintNaklInMap == 0 ? "нет" : "да"; lblPN.Text = ticket.PrintNakl == 0 ? "нет" : "да"; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ticket.Comment)) { tdComment.Visible = false; } else { lblComment.Text = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(ticket.Comment); } var regionText = CityHelper.CityToTrack(Convert.ToInt32(ticket.CityID), ticket.ID.ToString()); if (ticket.TrackIDUser != 0 || regionText == "Не задано") { ddlUserTrack.Visible = true; lblTrack.Visible = false; var region = new Tracks(); ddlUserTrack.DataSource = region.GetAllItems(); ddlUserTrack.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlUserTrack.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlUserTrack.DataBind(); ddlUserTrack.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Не задано", "0")); ddlUserTrack.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(ticket.TrackIDUser); } else { lblTrack.Text = regionText; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblAdmissionDate.Text)) { lblAdmissionDate.Text = "Груз пока не на складе"; } #endregion #region блок информации, заполняемой пользователем AssessedCost = MoneyMethods.MoneySeparator(ticket.AssessedCost.ToString()); hfAssessedCost.Value = ticket.AssessedCost.ToString(); lblAssessedCost.Text = MoneyMethods.MoneySeparator(ticket.AssessedCost.ToString()); tbDeliveryCost.Text = MoneyMethods.MoneySeparator(ticket.DeliveryCost.ToString()); ddlRecipientStreetPrefix.SelectedValue = ticket.RecipientStreetPrefix; tbRecipientStreet.Text = ticket.RecipientStreet; tbRecipientStreetNumber.Text = ticket.RecipientStreetNumber; tbRecipientKorpus.Text = ticket.RecipientKorpus; tbRecipientKvartira.Text = ticket.RecipientKvartira; tbRecipientPhone.Text = ticket.RecipientPhone; tbRecipientPhone2.Text = ticket.RecipientPhoneTwo; ddlSenderStreetPrefix.SelectedValue = ticket.SenderStreetPrefix; tbSenderStreetName.Text = ticket.SenderStreetName; tbSenderStreetNumber.Text = ticket.SenderStreetNumber; tbSenderHousing.Text = ticket.SenderHousing; tbSenderApartmentNumber.Text = ticket.SenderApartmentNumber; tbNote.Text = ticket.Note; tbBoxesNumber.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ticket.BoxesNumber.ToString()) ? "1" : ticket.BoxesNumber.ToString(); tbDeliveryDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(ticket.DeliveryDate).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); tbRecipientFirstName.Text = ticket.RecipientFirstName; tbRecipientLastName.Text = ticket.RecipientLastName; tbRecipientThirdName.Text = ticket.RecipientThirdName; tbTtnSeria.Text = ticket.TtnSeria; tbTtnNumber.Text = ticket.TtnNumber; tbOtherDocuments.Text = ticket.OtherDocuments; tbPassportNumber.Text = ticket.PassportNumber; tbPassportSeria.Text = ticket.PassportSeria; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ticket.DeliveryCost.ToString()) && ticket.DeliveryCost != 0) { cbIsDeliveryCost.Checked = true; } //автокомплит наименования var titles = new Titles(); var availableTitles = titles.GetAllItems("Name", "ASC", null).Tables[0].Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Aggregate(String.Empty, (current, items) => current + ("\"" + items["Name"] + "\",")); AvailableTitles = availableTitles.Remove(availableTitles.Length - 1); #endregion #region Заполнение города var allCity = Application["CityList"] as List <City>; if (allCity != null) { tbCity.Text = CityHelper.CityIDToAutocompleteString(allCity.FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == ticket.CityID)); hfCityID.Value = ticket.CityID.ToString(); var senderCity = allCity.First(u => u.ID == ticket.SenderCityID); tbSenderCity.Text = CityHelper.CityIDToAutocompleteString(senderCity); hfSenderCityID.Value = ticket.SenderCityID.ToString(); } #endregion hfWharehouse.Value = ticket.WharehouseId.ToString(); #region блок информации, заполняемой менеджером ddlStatus.DataSource = DAL.DataBaseObjects.Tickets.TicketStatuses; ddlStatus.DataTextField = "Value"; ddlStatus.DataValueField = "Key"; ddlStatus.DataBind(); ddlStatus.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(ticket.StatusID); var ddrivers = new Drivers { StatusID = 1 }; var dataSet5 = ddrivers.GetAllActivatedDrivers(); dataSet5.Tables[0].Columns.Add("FIOAndID", typeof(string), "'(' + ID + ') ' + FirstName + ' ' + SUBSTRING(LastName,1,1) + '.' + SUBSTRING(ThirdName,1,1) + '.'"); ddlDrivers.DataSource = dataSet5; ddlDrivers.DataTextField = "FIOAndID"; ddlDrivers.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlDrivers.DataBind(); ddlDrivers.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Водитель не назначен", "0")); tbAgreedCost.Text = MoneyMethods.MoneySeparator(ticket.AgreedCost.ToString()); tbGruzobozCost.Text = MoneyMethods.MoneySeparator(ticket.GruzobozCost.ToString()); #region Блок блокировки полей if (currentRole.ActionControlGruzobozCost != 1) { tbGruzobozCost.Enabled = false; } if (currentRole.ActionStatusAdd != 1) { ddlStatus.Enabled = false; tbDeliveryDate.Enabled = false; tbStatusDescription.Enabled = false; } if (currentRole.ActionDriverAdd != 1) { ddlDrivers.Enabled = false; } if (currentRole.ActionAllowChangeMoneyAndCourse != 1) { tbAgreedCost.Enabled = false; tbGruzobozCost.Enabled = false; } #endregion //если id водителя 0 или -1 - водитель не назначен if (ticket.DriverID != 0 && ticket.DriverID != -1) { ddlDrivers.SelectedValue = ticket.DriverID.ToString(); } else { ddlDrivers.SelectedValue = "0"; } //если статусы На складе (перенесен), Отказ (у курьера), Возврат (на складе), Отмена (на складе), Отмена то показываем почему if (ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "7" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "8" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "4" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "9" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "10") { lblStatusDescription.Visible = true; tbStatusDescription.Visible = true; tbStatusDescription.Text = ticket.StatusDescription; } #endregion #region Ограничения на правку текстбоксов //если админ или статусы "Не обработана" или "На складе" или "На складе (перенесено)", или "Отмена" или "Отмена (на складе)" - можно изменять все поля пользователя if (currentRole.ActionDisallowEditSomeFieldInTickets != 1 && (ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "1" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "2" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "4" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "9" || ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "10") && currentRole.ActionDisallowTicketChangeWithoutManagerInfo != 1) { tbCity.Enabled = tbRecipientStreetNumber.Enabled = tbRecipientKorpus.Enabled = tbRecipientFirstName.Enabled = tbRecipientLastName.Enabled = tbRecipientThirdName.Enabled = tbRecipientKvartira.Enabled = tbRecipientPhone.Enabled = tbBoxesNumber.Enabled = tbDeliveryDate.Enabled = tbOtherDocuments.Enabled = tbTtnNumber.Enabled = tbTtnSeria.Enabled = tbPassportNumber.Enabled = tbPassportSeria.Enabled = tbRecipientPhone2.Enabled = tbRecipientStreet.Enabled = tbNote.Enabled = true; for (var i = 1; i <= GoodsCount; i++) { var tbGoodsDescription = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsDescription" + i); var tbGoodsModel = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsModel" + i); var tbGoodsNumber = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsNumber" + i); tbGoodsDescription.Enabled = true; tbGoodsModel.Enabled = true; tbGoodsNumber.Enabled = true; } } if (currentRole.ActionDisallowTicketChangeWithoutManagerInfo == 1) { ddlUserTrack.Enabled = false; tbRecipientFirstName.Enabled = false; tbRecipientLastName.Enabled = false; tbRecipientThirdName.Enabled = false; } //только админ может изменять курсы if (currentRole.ActionAllowChangeMoneyAndCourse == 1 && currentRole.ActionDisallowTicketChangeWithoutManagerInfo != 1) { cbIsDeliveryCost.Enabled = tbDeliveryCost.Enabled = true; for (var i = 1; i <= GoodsCount; i++) { var tbGoodsCost = (TextBox)pnlBooks.FindControl("tbGoodsCost" + i); tbGoodsCost.Enabled = true; } } #endregion } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hfCityID.Value)) { var coefficientDeviationCost = Convert.ToDouble(BackendHelper.TagToValue("coefficient_deviation_cost")); var city = new City { ID = Convert.ToInt32(hfCityID.Value) }; city.GetById(); var district = new Districts { ID = Convert.ToInt32(city.DistrictID) }; district.GetById(); lblCityCost.Text = MoneyMethods.MoneySeparatorForCityTableView((city.DistanceFromCity * Convert.ToDecimal(coefficientDeviationCost)).ToString()); lblCityDeliveryDate.Text = DistrictsHelper.DeliveryDateStringToRuss(DistrictsHelper.DeliveryDateString(city.DistrictID)); lblCityDeliveryTerms.Text = DistrictsHelper.DeliveryTermsToRuss(DistrictsHelper.DeliveryTerms(city.DistrictID)); } }