/// <summary> /// Every time RobotScene is loaded, attempt to retrieve intrensics /// and start updating the space pinning if successful /// </summary> private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) { if (scene.name.Equals("RobotScene")) { Intrensics?intr = CameraIntrensicsHelper.ReadIntrensics(); if (intr.HasValue) { _intrensics = intr.Value; StartCoroutine("PinSpace"); } else { Debug.Log("Failed to retrieve existing webcam parameters from disk. Manual calibration is required!"); // Tell the UI to prompt user for calibration GoalPoseClient gpc = FindObjectOfType <GoalPoseClient>(); if (gpc != null) { gpc.State = GoalPoseClient.GoalPoseClientState.NEEDING_CALIBRATION; } } } else { CancelInvoke("PipePhotoToSpacePinning"); } }
private void Start() { gpc = FindObjectOfType <GoalPoseClient>(); }