        public void EscapeUri(string uri, string result, bool isEscaped)
            //ExSummary: Shows how to escape hyperlinks or not in the document.
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();

            builder.InsertHyperlink("Testlink", uri, false);

            // Set this property to false if you are sure that hyperlinks in document's model are already escaped
            PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

            options.EscapeUri = isEscaped;

            builder.Document.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\PdfSaveOptions.EscapedUri Out.pdf", options);

            Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDocument =
                new Aspose.Pdf.Document(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\PdfSaveOptions.EscapedUri Out.pdf");

            // get first page
            Page page = pdfDocument.Pages[1];
            // get the first link annotation
            LinkAnnotation linkAnnot = (LinkAnnotation)page.Annotations[1];

            GoToURIAction action  = (GoToURIAction)linkAnnot.Action;
            string        uriText = action.URI;

            Assert.AreEqual(result, uriText);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion();

            Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "SampleHtmlFile.html", new HtmlLoadOptions());

            doc.Save(new MemoryStream());
            foreach (Annotation a in doc.Pages[1].Annotations)
                if (a.AnnotationType == AnnotationType.Link)
                    LinkAnnotation la = (LinkAnnotation)a;
                    if (la.Action is GoToURIAction)
                        GoToURIAction gta = (GoToURIAction)la.Action;
                        gta.URI = "";
                        TextFragmentAbsorber tfa = new TextFragmentAbsorber();
                        tfa.TextSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(a.Rect);
                        foreach (TextFragment tf in tfa.TextFragments)
                            tf.TextState.Underline       = false;
                            tf.TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.Black;
            doc.Save(dataDir + "RemoveHyperlinksFromText_out.pdf");
            // ExEnd:1