GenerateMeshFromGmsh(string path)
     using (var reader = new GmshReader <Node>(path))
         return(reader.CreateMesh((id, x, y, z) => new Node(id: id, x: x, y:  y, z: z)));
 private static (IReadOnlyList <Node> nodes, IReadOnlyList <CellConnectivity <Node> > elements) GenerateMeshFromGmsh(string path)
     using (var reader = new GmshReader <Node>(path))
         return(reader.CreateMesh((id, x, y, z) => new Node(id: id, x: x, y:  y, z: z)));
        private static void SolveDynamicLinearWall()
            // Some values
            string workingDirectory = @"C:\Users\Serafeim\Desktop\Presentation";
            double thickness        = 0.1;
            double youngModulus     = 2E6;
            double poissonRatio     = 0.3;

            // Initialize model
            PreprocessorModel model = PreprocessorModel.Create2DPlaneStress(thickness);

            // Materials
            ElasticMaterial2D material = new ElasticMaterial2D(StressState2D.PlaneStress)
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio
            DynamicMaterial dynamicProperties = new DynamicMaterial(25, 0.05, 0.05, true);

            // Read mesh from GMSH file
            string meshPath = workingDirectory + "\\wall.msh";
            IReadOnlyList <Node> nodes;
            IReadOnlyList <CellConnectivity <Node> > elements;

            using (var reader = new GmshReader <Node>(meshPath))
                (nodes, elements) = reader.CreateMesh((id, x, y, z) => new Node(id: id, x: x, y:  y, z: z));
            model.AddMesh2D(nodes, elements, material, dynamicProperties);

            // Prescribed displacements
            double             tol = 1E-10;
            IEnumerable <Node> constrainedNodes = nodes.Where(node => Math.Abs(node.Y) <= tol);

            model.ApplyPrescribedDisplacements(constrainedNodes, StructuralDof.TranslationX, 0.0);
            model.ApplyPrescribedDisplacements(constrainedNodes, StructuralDof.TranslationY, 0.0);

            // Loads
            string accelerogramPath = workingDirectory + "\\elcentro_NS.txt";
            Dictionary <IDofType, double> magnifications = new Dictionary <IDofType, double>
                { StructuralDof.TranslationX, 1.0 }

            model.SetGroundMotion(accelerogramPath, magnifications, 0.02, 53.74);

            // Define output
            OutputRequests output = new OutputRequests(workingDirectory + "\\Plots");

            output.Displacements    = true;
            output.Strains          = true;
            output.Stresses         = true;
            output.StressesVonMises = true;

            // Set up the simulation procedure
            Job job = new Job(model);

            job.Procedure           = Job.ProcedureOptions.DynamicImplicit;
            job.Integrator          = Job.IntegratorOptions.Linear;
            job.Solver              = Job.SolverOptions.DirectSkyline;
            job.FieldOutputRequests = output;

            // Run the simulation
        private static void SolveStaticLinearWall()
            // Some values
            string workingDirectory = @"C:\Users\Serafeim\Desktop\Presentation";
            double height           = 3.5;
            double thickness        = 0.1;
            double youngModulus     = 2E6;
            double poissonRatio     = 0.3;
            double horizontalLoad   = 1000.0;

            // Initialize model
            PreprocessorModel model = PreprocessorModel.Create2DPlaneStress(thickness);

            // Materials
            ElasticMaterial2D material = new ElasticMaterial2D(StressState2D.PlaneStress)
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio

            // Read mesh from GMSH file
            string meshPath = workingDirectory + "\\wall.msh";
            IReadOnlyList <Node> nodes;
            IReadOnlyList <CellConnectivity <Node> > elements;

            using (var reader = new GmshReader <Node>(meshPath))
                (nodes, elements) = reader.CreateMesh((id, x, y, z) => new Node(id: id, x: x, y:  y, z: z));
            model.AddMesh2D(nodes, elements, material);

            // Prescribed displacements
            double             tol = 1E-10;
            IEnumerable <Node> constrainedNodes = nodes.Where(node => Math.Abs(node.Y) <= tol);

            model.ApplyPrescribedDisplacements(constrainedNodes, StructuralDof.TranslationX, 0.0);
            model.ApplyPrescribedDisplacements(constrainedNodes, StructuralDof.TranslationY, 0.0);

            // Loads
            Node[] loadedNodes = nodes.Where(
                node => (Math.Abs(node.Y - height) <= tol) && ((Math.Abs(node.X) <= tol))).ToArray();
            if (loadedNodes.Length != 1)
                throw new Exception("Only 1 node was expected at the top left corner");
            model.ApplyNodalLoad(loadedNodes[0], StructuralDof.TranslationX, horizontalLoad);

            // Define output
            OutputRequests output = new OutputRequests(workingDirectory + "\\Plots");

            output.Displacements    = true;
            output.Strains          = true;
            output.Stresses         = true;
            output.StressesVonMises = true;

            // Set up the simulation procedure
            Job job = new Job(model);

            job.Procedure           = Job.ProcedureOptions.Static;
            job.Integrator          = Job.IntegratorOptions.Linear;
            job.Solver              = Job.SolverOptions.DirectSkyline;
            job.FieldOutputRequests = output;

            // Run the simulation
        private void CreateMesh()
            Model.Subdomains.Add(subdomainID, new XSubdomain(subdomainID));

            // Mesh generation
            var reader = new GmshReader <XNode>(meshPath);

            (IReadOnlyList <XNode> nodes, IReadOnlyList <CellConnectivity <XNode> > elementConnectivities) = reader.CreateMesh(
                (id, x, y, z) => new XNode(id, x, y, z));

            // Nodes
            foreach (XNode node in nodes)

            // Integration rules
            var integration = new IntegrationForCrackPropagation2D(
                new RectangularSubgridIntegration2D <XContinuumElement2D>(8, GaussLegendre2D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(2, 2)),
                new RectangularSubgridIntegration2D <XContinuumElement2D>(8, GaussLegendre2D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(2, 2)));
            var jIntegration =
                new RectangularSubgridIntegration2D <XContinuumElement2D>(8, GaussLegendre2D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(4, 4));

            // Elements
            var material = HomogeneousElasticMaterial2D.CreateMaterialForPlaneStrain(E, v);
            var factory  = new XContinuumElement2DFactory(integration, jIntegration, material);
            var cells    = new XContinuumElement2D[elementConnectivities.Count];

            for (int e = 0; e < cells.Length; ++e)
                XContinuumElement2D element = factory.CreateElement(e, CellType.Quad4, elementConnectivities[e].Vertices);
                cells[e] = element;

            // Mesh usable for crack-mesh interaction
            var boundary = new HolesBoundary();

            Model.Boundary = boundary;
            Mesh           = new BidirectionalMesh2D <XNode, XContinuumElement2D>(Model.Nodes, cells, boundary);
        private static (XModel model, IMesh2D <XNode, XContinuumElement2D> mesh) CreateModel(string meshPath)
            // Mesh generation
            var reader = new GmshReader <XNode>(meshPath);

            (IReadOnlyList <XNode> nodes, IReadOnlyList <CellConnectivity <XNode> > elementConnectivities) = reader.CreateMesh(
                (id, x, y, z) => new XNode(id, x, y, z));

            // Nodes
            var model = new XModel();

            foreach (XNode node in nodes)

            // Integration rules
            var integration = new IntegrationForCrackPropagation2D(
                new RectangularSubgridIntegration2D <XContinuumElement2D>(8, GaussLegendre2D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(2, 2)),
                new RectangularSubgridIntegration2D <XContinuumElement2D>(8, GaussLegendre2D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(2, 2)));
            var jIntegration =
                new RectangularSubgridIntegration2D <XContinuumElement2D>(8, GaussLegendre2D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(4, 4));

            // Elements
            var material = HomogeneousElasticMaterial2D.CreateMaterialForPlaneStrain(2.1E7, 0.3);
            var factory  = new XContinuumElement2DFactory(integration, jIntegration, material);
            var cells    = new XContinuumElement2D[elementConnectivities.Count];

            for (int e = 0; e < cells.Length; ++e)
                XContinuumElement2D element = factory.CreateElement(e, CellType.Quad4, elementConnectivities[e].Vertices);
                cells[e] = element;

            // Mesh usable for crack-mesh interaction
            //var boundary = new FilletBoundary();
            IDomain2DBoundary boundary = null;

            model.Boundary = boundary;
            var mesh = new BidirectionalMesh2D <XNode, XContinuumElement2D>(model.Nodes, cells, boundary);

            return(model, mesh);