        public void DrawString(RenderVxFormattedString renderVx, double x, double y)
            //TODO: review here
            float ox = _painter.OriginX;
            float oy = _painter.OriginY;

            //1. update some props..
            //2. update current type face
            _glyphMeshStore.SetFont(_currentTypeface, this.FontSizeInPoints);
            _glyphMeshStore.SimulateOblique = this.SimulateSlant;

            //3. layout glyphs with selected layout technique
            //TODO: review this again, we should use pixel?
            float fontSizePoint = this.FontSizeInPoints;
            float scale         = _currentTypeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(fontSizePoint);

            RenderVxGlyphPlan[] glyphPlans = renderVx.GlyphList;
            int j = glyphPlans.Length;
            //consider use cached glyph, to increase performance

            //GlyphPosPixelSnapKind x_snap = this.GlyphPosPixelSnapX;
            //GlyphPosPixelSnapKind y_snap = this.GlyphPosPixelSnapY;
            float g_x   = 0;
            float g_y   = 0;
            float baseY = (int)y;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                RenderVxGlyphPlan glyphPlan = glyphPlans[i];
                //TODO: review here ***
                //PERFORMANCE revisit here
                //if we have create a vxs we can cache it for later use?
                VertexStore vxs = _glyphMeshStore.GetGlyphMesh(glyphPlan.glyphIndex);
                g_x = (float)(glyphPlan.x * scale + x);
                g_y = (float)glyphPlan.y * scale;

                _painter.SetOrigin(g_x, g_y);
            //restore prev origin
            _painter.SetOrigin(ox, oy);
 protected override void SetGlyphVxs(GlyphBox glyphBox, Typeface typeface, float sizeInPoint)
     if (glyphBox is VxsGlyphBox vxsGlyphBox)
         _glyphMeshStore.SetFont(typeface, sizeInPoint);//20= font size
         _glyphMeshStore.FlipGlyphUpward = true;
         if (glyphBox.IsItalic)
             _glyphMeshStore.SimulateOblique = glyphBox.IsItalic;
         vxsGlyphBox.GlyphVxs = _glyphMeshStore.GetGlyphMesh(glyphBox.GlyphIndex);
         if (_glyphMeshStore.SimulateOblique)
             _glyphMeshStore.SimulateOblique = false;
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //it should be faster if we use 'mesh' cache
            //instead of read-transform it every time like code above(button2_click)


            float font_size_in_Point = 20;

            _glyphMeshStore.SetFont(_latinModernMathFont, font_size_in_Point);//20= font size
            _glyphMeshStore.FlipGlyphUpward = true;

            float px_scale = _latinModernMathFont.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(font_size_in_Point);

            using (Tools.BorrowAggPainter(_memBmp, out var p))

                float prevX = p.OriginX;
                float prevY = p.OriginY;

                int line_left = 10;
                int line_top  = 50;

                p.SetOrigin(line_left, line_top);//*** test

                //draw reference point
                p.FillRect(0, 0, 5, 5, PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Red);

                char[] test_str    = "‽_x‾".ToCharArray();
                int    inline_left = 0;
                int    inline_top  = 0;

                GlyphLayout glyphLayout = new GlyphLayout();
                glyphLayout.ScriptLang = new ScriptLang("math");
                glyphLayout.Typeface   = _latinModernMathFont;

                //temp fix for some typeface

                glyphLayout.SetGlyphIndexNotFoundHandler((glyph_layout, codepoint, next_codepoint) =>
                    switch (codepoint)
                    //overline unicode
                    case 8254: return(2246);    //overline-combine, this will break into 3 parts in math layout process

                glyphLayout.Layout(test_str, 0, test_str.Length);

                List <UnscaledGlyphPlan> glyphPlans = new List <UnscaledGlyphPlan>();

                foreach (UnscaledGlyphPlan glypyPlan in glyphLayout.GetUnscaledGlyphPlanIter())
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphPlans.Count; ++i)
                    //ushort glyphIndex = _latinModernMathFont.GetGlyphIndex((int)test_str[i]);
                    ////do some glyph-substitution
                    //ushort advW = _latinModernMathFont.GetAdvanceWidth((int)test_str[i]);//unscale glyph width
                    //now scale it to specific font size

                    UnscaledGlyphPlan glyphPlan = glyphPlans[i];
                    int         advW_s          = (int)System.Math.Round(px_scale * glyphPlan.AdvanceX);
                    VertexStore v1 = _glyphMeshStore.GetGlyphMesh(glyphPlan.glyphIndex);
                    p.SetOrigin(line_left + inline_left, line_top + inline_top);
                    p.Fill(v1, PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Black);
                    inline_left += advW_s;//move
                p.SetOrigin(prevX, prevY);

        GlyphBitmap GetGlyphBitmapFromColorOutlineGlyph(ushort glyphIndex, GlyphMeshStore glyphMeshStore, ushort colorLayerStart)
            //not found=> create a newone
            Typography.OpenFont.Tables.COLR _colrTable = _typeface.COLRTable;
            Typography.OpenFont.Tables.CPAL _cpalTable = _typeface.CPALTable;

            Q1RectD totalBounds = Q1RectD.ZeroIntersection();
                //calculate bounds of this glyph
                ushort colorLayerCount = _colrTable.LayerCounts[glyphIndex];
                for (int c = colorLayerStart; c < colorLayerStart + colorLayerCount; ++c)
                    BoundingRect.GetBoundingRect(glyphMeshStore.GetGlyphMesh(_colrTable.GlyphLayers[c]), ref totalBounds);
            var memBmp   = new MemBitmap((int)Math.Round(totalBounds.Width), (int)Math.Round(totalBounds.Height));//???
            int offset_x = 0;
            int offset_y = 0;

            using (Tools.BorrowAggPainter(memBmp, out AggPainter painter))
                painter.SetOrigin(0, 0);

                offset_x = -(int)(totalBounds.Left);
                offset_y = -(int)(totalBounds.Bottom);

                ushort colorLayerCount = _colrTable.LayerCounts[glyphIndex];
                int    palette         = 0; // FIXME: assume palette 0 for now
                for (int c = colorLayerStart; c < colorLayerStart + colorLayerCount; ++c)
                        _cpalTable.Palettes[palette] + _colrTable.GlyphPalettes[c], //index
                        out byte r, out byte g, out byte b, out byte a);

                    ushort      gIndex = _colrTable.GlyphLayers[c];
                    VertexStore vxs    = glyphMeshStore.GetGlyphMesh(gIndex);
                    using (Tools.BorrowVxs(out var v1))
                        vxs.TranslateToNewVxs(offset_x, offset_y, v1);
                        painter.FillColor = new Color(r, g, b);//? a component
                //find ex
                //memBmp.SaveImage("a0x" + (dbugExportCount) + ".png");

            return(new GlyphBitmap
                Bitmap = memBmp,
                Width = memBmp.Width,
                Height = memBmp.Height,
                ImageStartX = -offset_x, //offset back
                ImageStartY = -offset_y  //offset back