            public GlowWindow(PpsWindow ownerWindow, GlowDirection direction)
                this.ownerWindow = ownerWindow;
                this.direction   = direction;

                    caption: String.Empty,
                    style: NativeMethods.WS_POPUP | NativeMethods.WS_CLIPCHILDREN | NativeMethods.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,
                    exStyle: NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | NativeMethods.WS_EX_LAYERED,
                    parentWindow: new WindowInteropHelper(ownerWindow).Owner
            }             // ctor
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.IsGlowing          = true;
            this.AllowsTransparency = true;
            this.Closing           += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !closing;

            this.Owner      = owner;
            glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush");

            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            b        = new Binding("NonActiveGlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                getLeft         = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Left - glowSize) * dpi);
                getTop          = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                getWidth        = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                getHeight       = (dpi) => (owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2.0) * dpi;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                getCursor = p =>
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE);

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                getLeft         = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Left + owner.ActualWidth) * dpi);
                getTop          = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                getWidth        = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                getHeight       = (dpi) => (owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2.0) * dpi;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                getCursor = p =>
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE);

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                getLeft         = (dpi) => owner.Left * dpi;
                getTop          = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                getWidth        = (dpi) => Math.Round(owner.ActualWidth * dpi);
                getHeight       = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                getCursor = p =>
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS);

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                getLeft         = (dpi) => owner.Left * dpi;
                getTop          = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top + owner.ActualHeight) * dpi);
                getWidth        = (dpi) => Math.Round(owner.ActualWidth * dpi);
                getHeight       = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                getCursor = p =>
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS);

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated       += (sender, e) =>
                glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) =>
                                 glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.LocationChanged           += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.SizeChanged      += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.StateChanged     += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.Closed           += (sender, e) =>
                closing = true;
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.Owner = owner;
            glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
                case GlowDirection.Left:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Left - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getTop = (dpi) =>  Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHeight = (dpi) => (owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2.0) * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                    getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Right:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Left + owner.ActualWidth) * dpi);
                    getTop = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHeight = (dpi) => (owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2.0) * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                    getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Top:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => owner.Left * dpi;
                    getTop = (dpi) =>  Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => Math.Round(owner.ActualWidth * dpi);
                    getHeight = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                    getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;
                case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => owner.Left * dpi;
                    getTop = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top + owner.ActualHeight) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => Math.Round(owner.ActualWidth * dpi);
                    getHeight = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                    getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated += (sender, e) => {
                                   glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) => glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.LocationChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.StateChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.Closed += (sender, e) => Close();
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowWindowBehavior behavior, GlowDirection direction)

            Title = $"GlowWindow_{direction}";
            Name  = Title;

            // We have to set the owner to fix #92
            Owner      = owner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(owner));
            this.owner = owner;

            IsGlowing = true;
            Closing  += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !closing;

            glow.Direction = direction;

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(nameof(ActualWidth)),
                    Source = this,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                glow.SetBinding(WidthProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(nameof(ActualHeight)),
                    Source = this,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                glow.SetBinding(HeightProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.GlowBrushProperty),
                    Source = behavior,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty),
                    Source = behavior,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(BorderThicknessProperty),
                    Source = owner,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                glow.SetBinding(BorderThicknessProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.ResizeBorderThicknessProperty),
                    Source = behavior
                SetBinding(ResizeBorderThicknessProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - ResizeBorderThickness.Left + 1;
                getTop          = rect => rect.Top - (ResizeBorderThickness.Top / 2);
                getWidth        = rect => ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                getHeight       = rect => rect.Height + ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, ResizeBorderThickness.Top * 2).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height - ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom, rect.Width, ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom * 2).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                            : HT.LEFT;

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                getLeft         = rect => rect.Right - 1;
                getTop          = rect => rect.Top - (ResizeBorderThickness.Top / 2);
                getWidth        = rect => ResizeBorderThickness.Right;
                getHeight       = rect => rect.Height + ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, ResizeBorderThickness.Top * 2).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height - ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom, rect.Width, ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom * 2).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.RIGHT;

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - (ResizeBorderThickness.Left / 2);
                getTop          = rect => rect.Top - ResizeBorderThickness.Top + 1;
                getWidth        = rect => rect.Width + ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                getHeight       = rect => ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, ResizeBorderThickness.Left * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width - ResizeBorderThickness.Right, 0, ResizeBorderThickness.Right * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                            : HT.TOP;

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - (ResizeBorderThickness.Left / 2);
                getTop          = rect => rect.Bottom - 1;
                getWidth        = rect => rect.Width + ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                getHeight       = rect => ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom;
                getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, ResizeBorderThickness.Left * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width - ResizeBorderThickness.Right, 0, ResizeBorderThickness.Right * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.BOTTOM;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(direction), direction, "Invalid direction.");

            owner.Activated        += OnOwnerActivated;
            owner.Deactivated      += OnOwnerDeactivated;
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += OnOwnerIsVisibleChanged;
            owner.Closed           += (sender, e) => InternalClose();
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.Owner  = owner;
            this._owner = owner;

            this.IsGlowing          = true;
            this.AllowsTransparency = true;
            this.Closing           += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !this.closing;

            this.ShowInTaskbar   = false;
            this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush");

            b.Source = owner;
            this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            b        = new Binding("NonActiveGlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

            b        = new Binding("BorderThickness");
            b.Source = owner;
            this.glow.SetBinding(BorderThicknessProperty, b);

            this.glow.Direction = direction;

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                this.getLeft         = (rect) => rect.left - glowSize + 1;
                this.getTop          = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                this.getWidth        = (rect) => glowSize;
                this.getHeight       = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                            : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                this.getLeft         = (rect) => rect.right - 1;
                this.getTop          = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                this.getWidth        = (rect) => glowSize;
                this.getHeight       = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                this.PreviewMouseDoubleClick += (sender, e) =>
                    if (this.ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        Standard.NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.ownerHandle, Standard.WM.NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, (IntPtr)Standard.HT.TOP, IntPtr.Zero);
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                this.getLeft         = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                this.getTop          = (rect) => rect.top - glowSize + 1;
                this.getWidth        = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                this.getHeight       = (rect) => glowSize;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                this.PreviewMouseDoubleClick += (sender, e) =>
                    if (this.ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        Standard.NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.ownerHandle, Standard.WM.NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, (IntPtr)Standard.HT.BOTTOM, IntPtr.Zero);
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                this.getLeft         = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                this.getTop          = (rect) => rect.bottom - 1;
                this.getWidth        = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                this.getHeight       = (rect) => glowSize;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated       += (sender, e) =>
                this.glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) =>
                this.glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.StateChanged     += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.Closed           += (sender, e) =>
                this.closing = true;
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.IsGlowing = true;
            this.AllowsTransparency = true;
            this.Closing += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !closing;

            this.Owner = owner;
            glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            b = new Binding("NonActiveGlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

            b = new Binding("BorderThickness");
            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.BorderThicknessProperty, b);

            glow.Direction = direction;

            switch (direction)
                case GlowDirection.Left:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    getLeft = (rect) => rect.left - glowSize + 1;
                    getTop = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                    getWidth = (rect) => glowSize;
                    getHeight = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Right:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    getLeft = (rect) => rect.right - 1;
                    getTop = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                    getWidth = (rect) => glowSize;
                    getHeight = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Top:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                    getLeft = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                    getTop = (rect) => rect.top - glowSize + 1;
                    getWidth = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                    getHeight = (rect) => glowSize;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;
                case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                    getLeft = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                    getTop = (rect) => rect.bottom - 1;
                    getWidth = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                    getHeight = (rect) => glowSize;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated += (sender, e) =>
                glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) => glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.StateChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.Closed += (sender, e) =>
                closing = true;
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.AllowsTransparency = true;
            this.Closing           += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !closing;

            this.Owner = owner;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush")
                Source = owner

            glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            b = new Binding("BorderThickness")
                Source = owner
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.BorderThicknessProperty, b);

            glow.Direction = direction;

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                getLeft         = (rect) => rect.left - glowSize + 1;
                getTop          = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                getWidth        = (rect) => glowSize;
                getHeight       = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                getCursor = p => {
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE);

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                getLeft         = (rect) => rect.right - 1;
                getTop          = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                getWidth        = (rect) => glowSize;
                getHeight       = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                getCursor = p => {
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE);

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                getLeft         = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                getTop          = (rect) => rect.top - glowSize + 1;
                getWidth        = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                getHeight       = (rect) => glowSize;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                getCursor = p => {
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS);

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                getLeft         = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                getTop          = (rect) => rect.bottom - 1;
                getWidth        = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                getHeight       = (rect) => glowSize;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                getCursor = p => {
                    return((owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS);

            owner.Closed += (sender, e) => {
                closing = true;
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowWindowBehavior behavior, GlowDirection direction)

            this.Title = $"GlowWindow_{direction}";
            this.Name  = this.Title;

            this.Owner = owner;
            this.owner = owner;

            this.IsGlowing = true;
            this.Closing  += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !this.closing;

            this.glow.Direction = direction;

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(nameof(this.ActualWidth)),
                    Source = this,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(WidthProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(nameof(this.ActualHeight)),
                    Source = this,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(HeightProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.GlowBrushProperty),
                    Source = behavior,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty),
                    Source = behavior,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(BorderThicknessProperty),
                    Source = owner,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(BorderThicknessProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.ResizeBorderThicknessProperty),
                    Source = behavior
                this.SetBinding(ResizeBorderThicknessProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left + 1;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Top - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top / 2;
                this.getWidth        = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                this.getHeight       = rect => rect.Height + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top * 2).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom * 2).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                            : HT.LEFT;

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Right - 1;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Top - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top / 2;
                this.getWidth        = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right;
                this.getHeight       = rect => rect.Height + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top * 2).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom * 2).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.RIGHT;

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                this.PreviewMouseDoubleClick += (sender, e) =>
                    if (this.IsOwnerHandleValid())
                        NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.ownerWindowHandle, WM.NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, (IntPtr)HT.TOP, IntPtr.Zero);
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left / 2;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Top - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top + 1;
                this.getWidth        = rect => rect.Width + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                this.getHeight       = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                            : HT.TOP;

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                this.PreviewMouseDoubleClick += (sender, e) =>
                    if (this.IsOwnerHandleValid())
                        NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.ownerWindowHandle, WM.NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, (IntPtr)HT.BOTTOM, IntPtr.Zero);
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left / 2;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Bottom - 1;
                this.getWidth        = rect => rect.Width + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                this.getHeight       = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.BOTTOM;

            owner.Activated += (sender, e) =>

                this.glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) =>
                this.glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.Closed           += (sender, e) => this.InternalClose();
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.Owner      = owner;
            glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush.Color");

            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowColorProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                getLeft         = () => Math.Ceiling(owner.Left - glowSize);
                getTop          = () => owner.Top - glowSize;
                getWidth        = () => glowSize;
                getHeight       = () => owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                getLeft         = () => owner.Left + owner.ActualWidth;
                getTop          = () => owner.Top - glowSize;
                getWidth        = () => glowSize;
                getHeight       = () => owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                getLeft         = () => owner.Left;
                getTop          = () => Math.Ceiling(owner.Top - glowSize);
                getWidth        = () => owner.ActualWidth;
                getHeight       = () => glowSize;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                getLeft         = () => owner.Left;
                getTop          = () => owner.Top + owner.ActualHeight;
                getWidth        = () => owner.ActualWidth;
                getHeight       = () => glowSize;
                getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated       += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.Activated       += (sender, e) => glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated     += (sender, e) => glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.LocationChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.SizeChanged     += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.StateChanged    += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.Closed          += (sender, e) => Close();
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.owner = owner;
            this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            switch (direction)
                case GlowDirection.Left:
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    this.getLeft = () => owner.Left - this.glowSize;
                    this.getTop = () => owner.Top - this.glowSize;
                    this.getWidth = () => this.glowSize;
                    this.getHeight = () => owner.ActualHeight + this.glowSize * 2;
                    this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                            : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                    this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Right:
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    this.getLeft = () => owner.Left + owner.ActualWidth;
                    this.getTop = () => owner.Top - this.glowSize;
                    this.getWidth = () => this.glowSize;
                    this.getHeight = () => owner.ActualHeight + this.glowSize * 2;
                    this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                        : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                    this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Top:
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                    this.getLeft = () => owner.Left;
                    this.getTop = () => owner.Top - this.glowSize;
                    this.getWidth = () => owner.ActualWidth;
                    this.getHeight = () => this.glowSize;
                    this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                    this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;
                case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                    this.getLeft = () => owner.Left;
                    this.getTop = () => owner.Top + owner.ActualHeight;
                    this.getWidth = () => owner.ActualWidth;
                    this.getHeight = () => this.glowSize;
                    this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                        : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                    this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.Activated += (sender, e) => this.glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) => this.glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.LocationChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.StateChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.Closed += (sender, e) => this.Close();
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowWindowBehavior behavior, GlowDirection direction)

            this.Title = $"GlowWindow_{direction}";
            this.Name  = this.Title;

            // We have to set the owner to fix #92
            this.Owner = owner;
            this.owner = owner;

            this.IsGlowing = true;
            this.Closing  += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !this.closing;

            this.glow.Direction = direction;

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(nameof(this.ActualWidth)),
                    Source = this,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(WidthProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(nameof(this.ActualHeight)),
                    Source = this,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(HeightProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.GlowBrushProperty),
                    Source = behavior,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty),
                    Source = behavior,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(BorderThicknessProperty),
                    Source = owner,
                    Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay
                this.glow.SetBinding(BorderThicknessProperty, b);

                var b = new Binding
                    Path   = new PropertyPath(GlowWindowBehavior.ResizeBorderThicknessProperty),
                    Source = behavior
                this.SetBinding(ResizeBorderThicknessProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left + 1;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Top - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top / 2;
                this.getWidth        = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                this.getHeight       = rect => rect.Height + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top * 2).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom * 2).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                            : HT.LEFT;

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Right - 1;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Top - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top / 2;
                this.getWidth        = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right;
                this.getHeight       = rect => rect.Height + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top * 2).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom, rect.Width, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom * 2).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.RIGHT;

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left / 2;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Top - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top + 1;
                this.getWidth        = rect => rect.Width + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                this.getHeight       = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Top;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                            : HT.TOP;

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                this.getLeft         = rect => rect.Left - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left / 2;
                this.getTop          = rect => rect.Bottom - 1;
                this.getWidth        = rect => rect.Width + this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left;
                this.getHeight       = rect => this.ResizeBorderThickness.Bottom;
                this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Left * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width - this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right, 0, this.ResizeBorderThickness.Right * 2, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.BOTTOM;

            owner.Activated        += OnOwnerActivated;
            owner.Deactivated      += OnOwnerDeactivated;
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += OnOwnerIsVisibleChanged;
            owner.Closed           += (sender, e) => this.InternalClose();
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)
            GlowWindow glowWindow = this;

            this.IsGlowing          = true;
            base.AllowsTransparency = true;
            base.Closing           += new CancelEventHandler((object sender, CancelEventArgs e) => e.Cancel = !this.closing);
            base.Owner           = owner;
            this.glow.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
            Binding binding = new Binding("GlowBrush")
                Source = owner

            this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, binding);
            binding = new Binding("NonActiveGlowBrush")
                Source = owner
            this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, binding);
            binding = new Binding("BorderThickness")
                Source = owner
            this.glow.SetBinding(Control.BorderThicknessProperty, binding);
            this.glow.Direction = direction;
            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                this.getLeft         = (RECT rect) => (double)rect.left - 6 + 1;
                this.getTop          = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.top - 2);
                this.getWidth        = (RECT rect) => 6;
                this.getHeight       = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.Height + 4);
                this.getHitTestValue = (Point p) => {
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, base.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(0, base.ActualHeight - 20, base.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))
                this.getCursor = (Point p) => {
                    if (owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, glowWindow.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(0, glowWindow.ActualHeight - 20, glowWindow.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                this.getLeft         = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.right - 1);
                this.getTop          = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.top - 2);
                this.getWidth        = (RECT rect) => 6;
                this.getHeight       = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.Height + 4);
                this.getHitTestValue = (Point p) => {
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, base.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(0, base.ActualHeight - 20, base.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))
                this.getCursor = (Point p) => {
                    if (owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, glowWindow.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(0, glowWindow.ActualHeight - 20, glowWindow.ActualWidth, 20)).Contains(p))

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                this.getLeft         = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.left - 2);
                this.getTop          = (RECT rect) => (double)rect.top - 6 + 1;
                this.getWidth        = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.Width + 4);
                this.getHeight       = (RECT rect) => 6;
                this.getHitTestValue = (Point p) => {
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, 14, base.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(base.Width - 20 + 6, 0, 14, base.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))
                this.getCursor = (Point p) => {
                    if (owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, 14, glowWindow.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(glowWindow.Width - 20 + 6, 0, 14, glowWindow.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
                this.getLeft         = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.left - 2);
                this.getTop          = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.bottom - 1);
                this.getWidth        = (RECT rect) => (double)(rect.Width + 4);
                this.getHeight       = (RECT rect) => 6;
                this.getHitTestValue = (Point p) => {
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, 14, base.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(base.Width - 20 + 6, 0, 14, base.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))
                this.getCursor = (Point p) => {
                    if (owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == System.Windows.ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                    if ((new Rect(0, 0, 14, glowWindow.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))
                    if (!(new Rect(glowWindow.Width - 20 + 6, 0, 14, glowWindow.ActualHeight)).Contains(p))
            owner.ContentRendered += new EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => this.glow.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible);
            owner.Activated       += new EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                this.glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated      += new EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => this.glow.IsGlow = false);
            owner.StateChanged     += new EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => this.Update());
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler((object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) => this.Update());
            owner.Closed           += new EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                this.closing = true;
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

//            var windowChrome = new WindowChrome();
//            windowChrome.ResizeBorderThickness = new Thickness(0);
//            windowChrome.CaptionHeight = 0;
//            windowChrome.CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(0);
//            windowChrome.GlassFrameThickness = new Thickness(-1);
//            windowChrome.UseAeroCaptionButtons = false;
//            this.SetValue(WindowChrome.WindowChromeProperty, windowChrome);
            this.IsGlowing = true;
            this.AllowsTransparency = true;

            this.Owner = owner;
            glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            b = new Binding("NonActiveGlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
                case GlowDirection.Left:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Left - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getTop = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHeight = (dpi) => (owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2.0) * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Right:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Left + owner.ActualWidth) * dpi);
                    getTop = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHeight = (dpi) => (owner.ActualHeight + glowSize * 2.0) * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                               : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - edgeSize, ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Top:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => owner.Left * dpi;
                    getTop = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top - glowSize) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => Math.Round(owner.ActualWidth * dpi);
                    getHeight = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;
                case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                    glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                    getLeft = (dpi) => owner.Left * dpi;
                    getTop = (dpi) => Math.Round((owner.Top + owner.ActualHeight) * dpi);
                    getWidth = (dpi) => Math.Round(owner.ActualWidth * dpi);
                    getHeight = (dpi) => glowSize * dpi;
                    getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                               ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                               : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize,
                                                     ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                     : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                    getCursor = p =>
                        return (owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                                    ? owner.Cursor
                                    : new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                         ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                         : new Rect(Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, ActualHeight).
                                               ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                               : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated += (sender, e) =>
                glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) => 
                glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.LocationChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.StateChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += (sender, e) => Update();
            owner.Closed += (sender, e) =>
                closing = true;
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.owner           = owner;
            this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                this.getLeft         = () => owner.Left - this.glowSize;
                this.getTop          = () => owner.Top - this.glowSize;
                this.getWidth        = () => this.glowSize;
                this.getHeight       = () => owner.ActualHeight + this.glowSize * 2;
                this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                                : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                        ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                        : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                                : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                                        : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                this.glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                this.getLeft         = () => owner.Left + owner.ActualWidth;
                this.getTop          = () => owner.Top - this.glowSize;
                this.getWidth        = () => this.glowSize;
                this.getHeight       = () => owner.ActualHeight + this.glowSize * 2;
                this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                        ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                        : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                                : new Rect(0, this.ActualHeight - edgeSize, this.ActualWidth, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                                                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                                        : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                this.getLeft         = () => owner.Left;
                this.getTop          = () => owner.Top - this.glowSize;
                this.getWidth        = () => owner.ActualWidth;
                this.getHeight       = () => this.glowSize;
                this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                                                : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                                                        : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                                : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                                        : Cursors.SizeNS;

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                this.glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                this.getLeft         = () => owner.Left;
                this.getTop          = () => owner.Top + owner.ActualHeight;
                this.getWidth        = () => owner.ActualWidth;
                this.getHeight       = () => this.glowSize;
                this.getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                                                : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                        ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                                                        : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                this.getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                                                : new Rect(this.Width - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, this.ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                                                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                                                        : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated       += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.Activated       += (sender, e) => this.glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated     += (sender, e) => this.glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.LocationChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.SizeChanged     += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.StateChanged    += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.Closed          += (sender, e) => this.Close();
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            this.Owner = owner;
            this._owner = owner;

            this.IsGlowing = true;
            this.AllowsTransparency = true;
            this.Closing += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = !this.closing;

            this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
            this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            b = new Binding("NonActiveGlowBrush");
            b.Source = owner;
            this.glow.SetBinding(Glow.NonActiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

            b = new Binding("BorderThickness");
            b.Source = owner;
            this.glow.SetBinding(BorderThicknessProperty, b);

            this.glow.Direction = direction;

            switch (direction)
                case GlowDirection.Left:
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    this.getLeft = (rect) => rect.left - glowSize + 1;
                    this.getTop = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                    this.getWidth = (rect) => glowSize;
                    this.getHeight = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                    this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                            : HitTestValues.HTLEFT;
                    this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;
                case GlowDirection.Right:
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                    this.glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    this.getLeft = (rect) => rect.right - 1;
                    this.getTop = (rect) => rect.top - 2;
                    this.getWidth = (rect) => glowSize;
                    this.getHeight = (rect) => rect.Height + 4;
                    this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTRIGHT;
                    this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(0, rect.Height + 4 - edgeSize, rect.Width, edgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;

                case GlowDirection.Top:
                    this.PreviewMouseDoubleClick += (sender, e) =>
                            if (this.ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                Standard.NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.ownerHandle, Standard.WM.NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, (IntPtr)Standard.HT.TOP, IntPtr.Zero);
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                    this.getLeft = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                    this.getTop = (rect) => rect.top - glowSize + 1;
                    this.getWidth = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                    this.getHeight = (rect) => glowSize;
                    this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTTOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTTOPRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTTOP;
                    this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;
                case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                    this.PreviewMouseDoubleClick += (sender, e) =>
                            if (this.ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                Standard.NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.ownerHandle, Standard.WM.NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, (IntPtr)Standard.HT.BOTTOM, IntPtr.Zero);
                    this.glow.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    this.glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                    this.getLeft = (rect) => rect.left - 2;
                    this.getTop = (rect) => rect.bottom - 1;
                    this.getWidth = (rect) => rect.Width + 4;
                    this.getHeight = (rect) => glowSize;
                    this.getHitTestValue = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMLEFT
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? HitTestValues.HTBOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HitTestValues.HTBOTTOM;
                    this.getCursor = (p, rect) => new Rect(0, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(rect.Width + 4 - edgeSize + glowSize, 0, edgeSize - glowSize, rect.Height).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;

            owner.ContentRendered += (sender, e) => this.glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            owner.Activated += (sender, e) =>
                    this.glow.IsGlow = true;
            owner.Deactivated += (sender, e) =>
                    this.glow.IsGlow = false;
            owner.StateChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.IsVisibleChanged += (sender, e) => this.Update();
            owner.Closed += (sender, e) =>
                    this.closing = true;
        public GlowWindow(Window owner, GlowDirection direction)

            Owner           = owner;
            glow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            glow.IsGlow     = false;

            var b = new Binding("GlowBrush")
                Source = owner

            glow.SetBinding(Glow.GlowBrushProperty, b);

            var b2 = new Binding("InactiveGlowBrush")
                Source = owner

            glow.SetBinding(Glow.InactiveGlowBrushProperty, b);

            switch (direction)
            case GlowDirection.Left:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                _getLeft   = rect => Math.Round(rect.Left - GlowSize);
                _getTop    = rect => Math.Round(rect.Top - GlowSize);
                _getWidth  = rect => GlowSize;
                _getHeight = rect => rect.Height + GlowSize * 2.0;

                _getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - EdgeSize, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                            : HT.LEFT;

                _getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - EdgeSize, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Right:
                glow.Orientation         = Orientation.Vertical;
                glow.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                _getLeft   = rect => rect.Right;
                _getTop    = rect => Math.Round((rect.Top - GlowSize));
                _getWidth  = rect => GlowSize;
                _getHeight = rect => (rect.Height + GlowSize * 2.0);

                _getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                        : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - EdgeSize, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.RIGHT;

                _getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(0, ActualHeight - EdgeSize, ActualWidth, EdgeSize).Contains(p)
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeWE;

            case GlowDirection.Top:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
                _getLeft   = rect => rect.Left;
                _getTop    = rect => Math.Round(rect.Top - GlowSize);
                _getWidth  = rect => rect.Width;
                _getHeight = rect => GlowSize;

                _getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.TOPLEFT
                        : new Rect(Width - EdgeSize + GlowSize, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                            ? HT.TOPRIGHT
                            : HT.TOP;

                _getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                        : new Rect(Width - EdgeSize + GlowSize, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize, ActualHeight).
                            ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;

            case GlowDirection.Bottom:
                glow.Orientation       = Orientation.Horizontal;
                glow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                _getLeft   = rect => rect.Left;
                _getTop    = rect => rect.Bottom;
                _getWidth  = rect => rect.Width;
                _getHeight = rect => GlowSize;

                _getHitTestValue = p => new Rect(0, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? HT.BOTTOMLEFT
                        : new Rect(Width - EdgeSize + GlowSize, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize,
                            ? HT.BOTTOMRIGHT
                            : HT.BOTTOM;

                _getCursor = p => new Rect(0, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize, ActualHeight).Contains(p)
                        ? Cursors.SizeNESW
                        : new Rect(Width - EdgeSize + GlowSize, 0, EdgeSize - GlowSize, ActualHeight).
                            ? Cursors.SizeNWSE
                            : Cursors.SizeNS;

            if (Owner.IsLoaded)
                glow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                glow.IsGlow     = Owner.IsActive;
                Owner.ContentRendered += OwnerOnContentRendered;

            Owner.Activated       += OwnerOnStateChanged;
            Owner.Deactivated     += OwnerOnStateChanged;
            Owner.LocationChanged += OwnerOnStateChanged;
            Owner.SizeChanged     += OwnerOnStateChanged;
            Owner.StateChanged    += OwnerOnStateChanged;
            Owner.Closed          += OwnerOnClosed;