public Enemy(string spriteMap, Vector2 pos, Globals.SpriteFace sprFace, Globals.battleEnemyTypes type) { sprites = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/" + spriteMap); spriteFace = sprFace; position = pos; moving = false; timer.Restart(); count = 0; delay = 500; aggro = false; aggroDelay = 100; aggroRadius = 5; types.Add(type); }
public void Update() { if (!moving) { if (!Globals.pause && !Globals.sleep) { int direction = 5; if (!aggro && timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= delay) { if (Math.Round(Math.Abs(Globals.position.X - position.X) + Math.Abs(Globals.position.Y - position.Y)) <= aggroRadius) { aggro = true; } direction = rand.Next(5); } else if (aggro && timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= aggroDelay) { if (Math.Round(Math.Abs(Globals.position.X - position.X)) >= Math.Round(Math.Abs(Globals.position.Y - position.Y))) { if (Globals.position.X > position.X) { direction = 3; } else { direction = 2; } } else if (Math.Round(Math.Abs(Globals.position.Y - position.Y)) > Math.Round(Math.Abs(Globals.position.X - position.X))) { if (Globals.position.Y > position.Y) { direction = 1; } else { direction = 0; } } if (Math.Round(Globals.position.X) == Math.Round(position.X) && Math.Round(Globals.position.Y) == Math.Round(position.Y)) { direction = 5; } } if ((!aggro && timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= delay) || (aggro && timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= aggroDelay)) { switch (direction) { case 0: // Up spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Up; if (Math.Round(position.Y) > 0 && Globals.permissions[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y) - 1)][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X))] == Globals.Permissions.Open && Globals.overlayPerms[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y) - 1)][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X))] == Globals.Permissions.Open) { step = Globals.spriteSrcUp.Count; moving = true; timer.Start(); } break; case 1: // Down spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Down; if (Math.Round(position.Y) < Globals.mapBounds.Height / Globals.bitWidth - 1 && Globals.permissions[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y) + 1)][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X))] == Globals.Permissions.Open && Globals.overlayPerms[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y) + 1)][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X))] == Globals.Permissions.Open) { step = Globals.spriteSrcDown.Count; moving = true; timer.Start(); } break; case 2: // Left spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Left; if (Math.Round(position.X) > 0 && Globals.permissions[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y))][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X) - 1)] == Globals.Permissions.Open && Globals.overlayPerms[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y))][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X) - 1)] == Globals.Permissions.Open) { step = Globals.spriteSrcLeft.Count; moving = true; timer.Start(); } break; case 3: // Right spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Right; if (Math.Round(position.X) < Globals.mapBounds.Width / Globals.bitWidth - 1 && Globals.permissions[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y))][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X) + 1)] == Globals.Permissions.Open && Globals.overlayPerms[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.Y))][Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(position.X) + 1)] == Globals.Permissions.Open) { step = Globals.spriteSrcRight.Count; moving = true; timer.Start(); } break; default: timer.Restart(); break; } } } } else if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= Globals.STEP_DELAY) { if (spriteFace == Globals.SpriteFace.Up) { position.Y -= (float)1 / Globals.spriteSrcUp.Count; } if (spriteFace == Globals.SpriteFace.Down) { position.Y += (float)1 / Globals.spriteSrcDown.Count; } if (spriteFace == Globals.SpriteFace.Left) { position.X -= (float)1 / Globals.spriteSrcLeft.Count; } if (spriteFace == Globals.SpriteFace.Right) { position.X += (float)1 / Globals.spriteSrcRight.Count; } count++; step--; timer.Restart(); // When movement is done if (step == 0) { moving = false; count = 0; timer.Restart(); } } }
/* DEPRECATED. Also was getting in the way of the overloaded constructor. And that's kinda annoying. * public Map(ContentManager c, SpriteBatch s, Vector2 screenBounds, Rectangle windowBounds, string spriteMap) * { * Globals.Content = c; * Globals.spriteBatch = s; * Globals.screenBounds = screenBounds; * Globals.windowBounds = windowBounds; * * sprites = Globals.Content.Load<Texture2D>(spriteMap); * * = new List<List<Vector2>>(); * for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++) * { * List<Vector2> newRow = new List<Vector2>(); * for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) * { * newRow.Add(new Vector2(10, 4)); * } *; * } * * Globals.startPoint = Vector2.Zero; // Change this ASAP * }*/ public Map(ContentManager c, SpriteBatch s, Vector2 screenBounds, Rectangle windowBounds, string spriteMap) { Globals.Content = c; Globals.spriteBatch = s; Globals.screenBounds = screenBounds; Globals.windowBounds = windowBounds; sprites = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>(spriteMap); = new List <List <Vector2> >(); Globals.enemies = new List <Enemy>(); XmlDocument reader = new XmlDocument(); XmlDocument overlayReader = new XmlDocument(); string filename = "Maps/"; if (Globals.fileOpen) { filename = "Saves/" + Globals.slotOpen + "/" + filename; } if (!File.Exists(filename + Globals.currentMap + "_new.xml")) { reader.Load(filename + Globals.currentMap + ".xml"); } else { reader.Load(filename + Globals.currentMap + "_new.xml"); } if (!File.Exists(filename + Globals.currentMap + "_events_new.xml")) { overlayReader.Load(filename + Globals.currentMap + "_events.xml"); } else { overlayReader.Load(filename + Globals.currentMap + "_events_new.xml"); } XmlNodeList mapx = reader.GetElementsByTagName("mapx"); XmlNodeList mapy = reader.GetElementsByTagName("mapy"); XmlNodeList tileset = reader.GetElementsByTagName("tileset"); XmlNodeList overlayset = overlayReader.GetElementsByTagName("overlayset"); mapSize = new Vector2(Convert.ToInt32(mapx[0].InnerText), Convert.ToInt32(mapy[0].InnerText)); fillEmptyMap(mapSize); fillEmptyOverlayMap(mapSize); fillEmptyPerms(mapSize); fillEmptyOverlayPerms(mapSize); fillEmptyEvents(mapSize); fillEmptyThrows(mapSize); foreach (XmlNode i in tileset) { int x = Convert.ToInt32(i.Attributes["x"].Value); int y = Convert.ToInt32(i.Attributes["y"].Value); int tilex = Convert.ToInt32(i.SelectSingleNode("tilex").InnerText); int tiley = Convert.ToInt32(i.SelectSingleNode("tiley").InnerText); Globals.Permissions perm = (Globals.Permissions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.Permissions), i.SelectSingleNode("perms").InnerText);[y][x] = new Vector2(tilex, tiley); Globals.permissions[y][x] = perm; } foreach (XmlNode i in overlayset) { int x = Convert.ToInt32(i.Attributes["x"].Value); int y = Convert.ToInt32(i.Attributes["y"].Value); int tilex = Convert.ToInt32(i.SelectSingleNode("tilex").InnerText); int tiley = Convert.ToInt32(i.SelectSingleNode("tiley").InnerText); Globals.Permissions perm = (Globals.Permissions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.Permissions), i.SelectSingleNode("perms").InnerText); if (i.SelectSingleNode("enemies") != null) { XmlNodeList enemies = i.SelectSingleNode("enemies").ChildNodes; string src = "Paul"; Globals.SpriteFace sprFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Down; foreach (XmlAttribute j in i.SelectSingleNode("enemies").Attributes) { if (j.Name == "src") { src = j.Value; } if (j.Name == "facing") { sprFace = (Globals.SpriteFace)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.SpriteFace), j.Value); } } for (int j = 0; j < enemies.Count; j++) { Globals.battleEnemyTypes type = (Globals.battleEnemyTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.battleEnemyTypes), enemies[j].InnerText); if (j == 0) { Globals.enemies.Add(new Enemy(src, new Vector2(x, y), sprFace, type)); } else { Globals.enemies[Globals.enemies.Count - 1].addEnemy(type); } } } string evnt = i.SelectSingleNode("event").InnerText; foreach (XmlAttribute j in i.SelectSingleNode("event").Attributes) { if (j.Name == "throw") { Globals.eventThrows[y][x] = (Globals.EventThrow)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.EventThrow), j.Value); } } Globals.overlayMap[y][x] = new Vector2(tilex, tiley); Globals.overlayPerms[y][x] = perm; if (evnt != "nil") {[y][x] = evnt; } } }
public static void modMapEnemy(string mapName, Vector2 pos, string src, Globals.SpriteFace sprFace, List <Globals.battleEnemyTypes> types) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string filename = "Maps/" + mapName; if (Globals.fileOpen) { filename = "Saves/" + Globals.slotOpen + "/" + filename; } filename += "_events"; if (!File.Exists(filename + "_new.xml")) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename + ".xml"); fi.CopyTo(filename + "_new.xml"); } filename += "_new"; doc.Load(filename + ".xml"); XmlNodeList docset; docset = doc.GetElementsByTagName("overlayset"); bool xFound, yFound; foreach (XmlNode i in docset) { xFound = false; yFound = false; foreach (XmlAttribute j in i.Attributes) { if (j.Name == "x" && j.Value == Convert.ToInt32(pos.X).ToString()) { xFound = true; } if (j.Name == "y" && j.Value == Convert.ToInt32(pos.Y).ToString()) { yFound = true; } } if (xFound && yFound) { if (i.SelectSingleNode("enemies") != null) { i.RemoveChild(i.SelectSingleNode("enemies")); } XmlNode newenemy = doc.CreateElement("enemies"); XmlAttribute newAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("src"); newAttr.Value = src; newenemy.Attributes.Append(newAttr); newAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("facing"); newAttr.Value = sprFace.ToString(); newenemy.Attributes.Append(newAttr); foreach (Globals.battleEnemyTypes type in types) { XmlNode childenemy = doc.CreateElement("enemy"); childenemy.InnerText = type.ToString(); newenemy.AppendChild(childenemy); } i.AppendChild(newenemy); } } doc.Save(filename + ".xml"); }
public bool Parse(string script) { if (!Globals.sleep) { if (eoe) // Previous event ended, or none have started, read new event { reader = new XmlDocument(); string filename = "Maps/" + script + ".xml"; if (Globals.fileOpen) { filename = "Saves/" + Globals.slotOpen + "/" + filename; } reader.Load(filename); commands = reader.GetElementsByTagName("root"); t = commands[0].FirstChild; eoe = false; line = ""; Globals.fade = new Fade(); Globals.sleep = false; } if (advance) // Ready to advance, parse next line { advance = false; if (tStack.Count == 0 && commands[0].LastChild != t) { t = t.NextSibling; } else if (tStack.Count > 0 && tStack.Peek().LastChild != t) { t = t.NextSibling; } else if (tStack.Count > 0) { while (tStack.Count > 0 && tStack.Peek().LastChild == t) { t = tStack.Pop(); } if (commands[0].LastChild == t) { eoe = true; Globals.pause = false; return(false); } t = t.NextSibling; } else { eoe = true; Globals.pause = false; return(false); } if (t.Name == "fadefrom") { Globals.fade.level = 1f; } } } Globals.pause = false; if (t.Name == "if") { bool stack = true; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "has" && Globals.keyItems.ContainsKey(t.Attributes[i].Value) && !Globals.keyItems[t.Attributes[i].Value]) { stack = false; } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "flagged" && Globals.flags.ContainsKey(t.Attributes[i].Value) && !Globals.flags[t.Attributes[i].Value]) { stack = false; } } if (stack) { tStack.Push(t); t = t.FirstChild; } } if (t.Name == "nif") { bool stack = true; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "has" && Globals.keyItems.ContainsKey(t.Attributes[i].Value) && Globals.keyItems[t.Attributes[i].Value]) { stack = false; } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "flagged" && Globals.flags.ContainsKey(t.Attributes[i].Value) && Globals.flags[t.Attributes[i].Value]) { stack = false; } } if (stack) { tStack.Push(t); t = t.FirstChild; } } if (t.Name == "cutscene") { profile = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/full/" + Globals.currentPlayer); profileTo = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/full/" + Globals.currentPlayer); speaker = Globals.currentPlayer; ifTo = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "speaker" && t.Attributes[i].Value != "this") { speaker = t.Attributes[i].Value; } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "from" && t.Attributes[i].Value != "this") { profile = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/full/" + t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "to") { ifTo = true; if (t.Attributes[i].Value != "this") { profileTo = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/full/" + t.Attributes[i].Value); } } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "audio") { dialogue = Globals.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Audio/" + t.Attributes[i].Value); lineInst = dialogue.CreateInstance(); lineInst.Stop(); lineInst.Play(); } } line = t.InnerText; Globals.pause = true; } if (t.Name == "message") { profile = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/pixel"); speaker = ""; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "from") { if (t.Attributes[i].Value != "this") { profile = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/message/" + t.Attributes[i].Value); speaker = t.Attributes[i].Value; } else { profile = Globals.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assets/message/" + Globals.currentPlayer); speaker = Globals.currentPlayer; } } } line = t.InnerText; Globals.pause = true; } if (t.Name == "give") { if (Globals.keyItems.ContainsKey(t.InnerText)) { Globals.keyItems[t.InnerText] = !Globals.keyItems[t.InnerText]; } } if (t.Name == "flag") { if (Globals.flags.ContainsKey(t.InnerText)) { Globals.flags[t.InnerText] = !Globals.flags[t.InnerText]; } } if (t.Name == "warp") { Vector2 startPos = new Vector2(); for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "x") { startPos.X = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "y") { startPos.Y = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } } Map.changeMap(t.InnerText, startPos); } if (t.Name == "fadeto") { if (t.InnerText != "nil") { Globals.fade.delay = Convert.ToInt32(t.InnerText); } for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "r") { Globals.fade.color.R = Convert.ToByte(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "g") { Globals.fade.color.G = Convert.ToByte(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "b") { Globals.fade.color.B = Convert.ToByte(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "step") { Globals.fade.step = (float)double.Parse(t.Attributes[i].Value); } } Globals.sleep = true; Globals.timer.Start(); if (Globals.timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= Globals.fade.delay) { Globals.fade.stepUp(); Globals.timer.Restart(); if (Globals.fade.level >= 1.0f) { Globals.fade.level = 1.0f; Globals.sleep = false; Globals.timer.Reset(); } } } if (t.Name == "fadefrom") { if (t.InnerText != "nil") { Globals.fade.delay = Convert.ToInt32(t.InnerText); } for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "r") { Globals.fade.color.R = Convert.ToByte(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "g") { Globals.fade.color.G = Convert.ToByte(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "b") { Globals.fade.color.B = Convert.ToByte(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "step") { Globals.fade.step = (float)double.Parse(t.Attributes[i].Value); } } Globals.sleep = true; Globals.timer.Start(); if (Globals.timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= Globals.fade.delay) { Globals.fade.stepDown(); Globals.timer.Restart(); if (Globals.fade.level <= 0f) { Globals.fade.level = 0f; Globals.sleep = false; Globals.timer.Reset(); } } } if (t.Name == "shove") { if (t.InnerText == "up") { Globals.spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Up; Globals.step = Globals.spriteSrcUp.Count; Globals.moving = true; Globals.timer.Start(); } if (t.InnerText == "down") { Globals.spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Down; Globals.step = Globals.spriteSrcDown.Count; Globals.moving = true; Globals.timer.Start(); } if (t.InnerText == "left") { Globals.spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Left; Globals.step = Globals.spriteSrcLeft.Count; Globals.moving = true; Globals.timer.Start(); } if (t.InnerText == "right") { Globals.spriteFace = Globals.SpriteFace.Right; Globals.step = Globals.spriteSrcRight.Count; Globals.moving = true; Globals.timer.Start(); } } if (t.Name == "retile") { string mapName = Globals.currentMap; Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero; Vector2 newset = Vector2.Zero; bool overlay = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "x") { pos.X = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "y") { pos.Y = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "overlay" && t.Attributes[i].Value == "yes") { overlay = true; } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "newx") { newset.X = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "newy") { newset.Y = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } } if (t.InnerText != "this") { mapName = t.InnerText; } Map.modMapTile(mapName, pos, newset, overlay); if (mapName == Globals.currentMap && !overlay) {[Convert.ToInt32(pos.Y)][Convert.ToInt32(pos.X)] = newset; } else if (mapName == Globals.currentMap && overlay) { Globals.overlayMap[Convert.ToInt32(pos.Y)][Convert.ToInt32(pos.X)] = newset; } } if (t.Name == "reperm") { string mapName = Globals.currentMap; Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero; Globals.Permissions newperm = Globals.Permissions.Open; bool overlay = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "x") { pos.X = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "y") { pos.Y = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "overlay" && t.Attributes[i].Value == "yes") { overlay = true; } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "perm") { newperm = (Globals.Permissions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.Permissions), t.Attributes[i].Value); } } if (t.InnerText != "this") { mapName = t.InnerText; } Map.modMapPerm(mapName, pos, newperm, overlay); if (mapName == Globals.currentMap && !overlay) { Globals.permissions[Convert.ToInt32(pos.Y)][Convert.ToInt32(pos.X)] = newperm; } else if (mapName == Globals.currentMap && overlay) { Globals.overlayPerms[Convert.ToInt32(pos.Y)][Convert.ToInt32(pos.X)] = newperm; } } if (t.Name == "reevent") { string mapName = Globals.currentMap; Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero; string thrower = "None"; string eventscript = "nil"; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "x") { pos.X = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "y") { pos.Y = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "throw") { thrower = t.Attributes[i].Value; } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "script") { eventscript = t.Attributes[i].Value; } } if (t.InnerText != "this") { mapName = t.InnerText; } Map.modMapEvent(mapName, pos, thrower, eventscript); if (mapName == Globals.currentMap) { Globals.eventThrows[Convert.ToInt32(pos.Y)][Convert.ToInt32(pos.X)] = (Globals.EventThrow)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.EventThrow), thrower);[Convert.ToInt32(pos.Y)][Convert.ToInt32(pos.X)] = eventscript; } } if (t.Name == "reenemy") { string mapName = Globals.currentMap; Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero; string src = "Paul"; Globals.SpriteFace facing = Globals.SpriteFace.Down; List <Globals.battleEnemyTypes> types = new List <Globals.battleEnemyTypes>(); for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "x") { pos.X = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "y") { pos.Y = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "src") { src = t.Attributes[i].Value; } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "facing") { facing = (Globals.SpriteFace)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.SpriteFace), t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "map" && t.Attributes[i].Value != "this") { mapName = t.Attributes[i].Value; } } for (int i = 0; i < t.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { types.Add((Globals.battleEnemyTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(Globals.battleEnemyTypes), t.ChildNodes[i].InnerText)); } Map.modMapEnemy(mapName, pos, src, facing, types); } if (t.Name == "remenemy") { string mapName = Globals.currentMap; Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < t.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "x") { pos.X = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } if (t.Attributes[i].Name == "y") { pos.Y = Convert.ToInt32(t.Attributes[i].Value); } } if (t.InnerText != "this") { mapName = t.InnerText; } Map.modMapEnemy(mapName, pos); } advance = true; return(true); }