///<summary> /// Parameters: none ///</summary> /* structure btl91 format: * 1 line of file information * 1 batches consisting of * x payments consisting of * 4 payment transaction records * y currency total records * 1 line of file closing information. */ private void buildInfo(List <Erp.Internal.EI.Payment_Def.TmpElec> TmpElecRows) { string CurGroupCurrencyCode = string.Empty; DateTime?CurCheckDate = null; string BankCurrencySymbol = string.Empty; string VendorBankISOCountryCode = string.Empty; string VendorISOCountryCode = string.Empty; string SAmount = string.Empty; string TAmount = string.Empty; int TotalRecords = 0; string PaymentNumber = string.Empty; int TotalOrders = 0; string Selfbanknumber = string.Empty; string Description_1 = string.Empty; int TotalInvoice = 0; string TransferCost = string.Empty; string VendorBankSWIFTAddress = string.Empty; string IsoCurrencySymbol = string.Empty; string v_CurrCode = string.Empty; int lineLevel = 0; SFCommon.OutFileLine OutFileLineRow; SFCommon.OutFileLine OutFileLineRow2; #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //FIND first Currency WHERE Currency.Company = cur-comp and // Currency.BaseCurr = true no-lock // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< Currency = this.FindFirstCurrency(Session.CompanyID, true); if (Currency != null) { v_CurrCode = Currency.CurrencyCode; } else { v_CurrCode = ""; } #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //find first TmpElec no-lock no-error; // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< var TmpElec = (from row in TmpElecRows select row).FirstOrDefault(); if (TmpElec == null) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.InterErrorTmpElecHasNoRecords); } else { CurGroupCurrencyCode = TmpElec.GroupCurrCode; CurCheckDate = TmpElec.ProcessDate; } #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //FIND first Company WHERE Company.Company = CUR-COMP no-lock // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< Company = this.FindFirstCompany(Session.CompanyID); if (Company == null) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.CompanyNotFound); } #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //FIND first Country WHERE Country.Company = CUR-COMP and Country.CountryNum = Company.CountryNum no-lock // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< Country = this.FindFirstCountry(Session.CompanyID, Company.CountryNum); if (Country == null) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.AValidCountryOfYourCompanyIsRequi); } #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //FIND first BankAcct WHERE BankAcct.Company = Cur-comp and BankAcct.BankAcctID = TmpElec.FromBankAcctID no-lock // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< BankAcct = this.FindFirstBankAcct(Session.CompanyID, TmpElec.FromBankAcctID); if (BankAcct == null) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.AValidFromBankAcctIsRequired); } //Selfbanknumber = Payment_Common.BankAccount(BankAcct.CheckingAccount); //needs to be right justified, zero filled //Selfbanknumber = String.Format("{0:00000000000000000000}", Payment_Common.BankAccount(BankAcct.CheckingAccount)); //Selfbanknumber = String.Format("{0:00000000000000000000}", Convert.ToInt32(Payment_Common.BankAccount(BankAcct.CheckingAccount))); Selfbanknumber = String.Format("{0:00000000000000000000}", Convert.ToDouble(Payment_Common.BankAccount(BankAcct.CheckingAccount))); BankCurrencySymbol = GetCurrencyID(BankAcct.CurrencyCode); IsoCurrencySymbol = GetCurrencyID(CurGroupCurrencyCode);/* CurGroupCurrencyCode will be blank if more than one currency in the group 67341*/ /* The line below is commented out per SCR # 64216 */ /*if CurGroupCurrencyCode = v-CurrCode then IsoCurrencySymbol = "EUR":U.*/ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Selfbanknumber)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.AValidYourBankAccountNumberIsRequi); } /* if the currency of the bankaccount is not Dutch Guilder or Euro then * the currency of the bankaccount must be equal to the currency of the payment */ if ((!(BankCurrencySymbol.Compare("NLG") == 0 || BankCurrencySymbol.Compare("EUR") == 0 || BankCurrencySymbol.Compare("?") == 0)) && (IsoCurrencySymbol.Compare(BankCurrencySymbol) != 0)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.OnlyPaymeInTheCurreOfThisBankAccountAreAllowed); } SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows = new List <SFCommon.OutFileLine>(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Clear(); /* 11: file information */ lineLevel = 11; TotalRecords = 0; //zzz fix the doc notes: /* This code adds information from the specified payment method into a document. * The document will have the structure like this: * * 1 line of payment method information * 1 line of file information * 1 batches consisting of * x payments consisting of * 4 payment transaction records * y currency total records * 1 line of file closing information. * * SCR 40680 - uncomment the string below if you want insert payment method information */ /* * create OutFileLine. * {ei/SoftFormat.i &TableName = PayMethodProp * &EFTHeadUID = EFTHeadUID * &LineOut = OutFileLine.Line-out * &LineLen = lineLen * &LineLevel = lineLevel * &LineLevelFormat = lineLevelFormat * &TotalRecords = TotalRecords} */ OutFileLineRow = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow); // FILE HEADER RECORD (1) string line_out = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); // field 1 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 0, "1", 1); // field 2 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 1, "01", 2); // field 3 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 3, "0021000021", 10); // field 4 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 13, "0000000000", 10); // field 5 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 23, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd"), 6); // field 6 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 29, DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm"), 4); // field 7 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 33, "A", 1); // field 8 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 34, "094", 3); // field 9 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 37, "10", 2); // field 10 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 39, "1", 1); // field 11 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 40, "JPMORGAN CHASE", 23); // field 12 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 63, Company.Name, 23); // field 13 line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 86, "", 8); TotalRecords = TotalRecords + 1; lineLevel = lineLevel + 1; PaymentNumber = ""; TotalOrders = 0; OutFileLineRow.Line_out = line_out; // BATCH HEADER RECORD (5) OutFileLineRow2 = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow2); string line_out2 = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); // field 1 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 0, "5", 1); //need logic here // 220 for credits // 225 for debits // can't combine both // field 2 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 1, "???", 3); // field 3 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 4, "", 16); // field 4 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 20, Selfbanknumber, 20); // field 5 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 40, "0000000000", 10); // field 6 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 50, "CCD", 3); // field 7 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 53, "ACH PMT", 10); // field 8 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 63, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM dd"), 6); // field 9 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 69, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd"), 6); // field 10 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 75, "", 3); // field 11 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 78, "1", 1); // field 12 line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 79, "02100002", 8); //zzzz //batch number need to figure out: //for each APTran where APTran.Company = Cur-Comp and APTran.HeadNum = TmpElec.HeadNum no-lock // by APTran.Company // by APTran.HeadNum // by APTranNo // by InvoiceNum: // field 13 //line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 87, TmpElec.HeadNum.ToString(), 7); //Selfbanknumber = String.Format("{0:00000}", Payment_Common.BankAccount(BankAcct.CheckingAccount)); //this is not the check number: //line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 87, String.Format("{0:0000000}", TmpElec.HeadNum), 7); // >> yields: 0000774 //note: CheckHed.CheckNum is currently 8 digits, field 13 is only 7 // that is bad anyway because it's per payment, not ap batch //not a line, just for testing: string x = GetPaymentBankBatchID(string.Empty); line_out2 = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out2, 87, x, 7); TotalRecords = TotalRecords + 1; lineLevel = lineLevel + 1; PaymentNumber = ""; TotalOrders = 0; //zzzz OutFileLineRow2.Line_out = line_out2; //zzz fix the doc notes: /* This code adds information from the specified payment method into a document. * The document will have the structure like this: * * 1 line of file information * 1 line of payment method information * 1 batches consisting of * x payments consisting of * 4 payment transaction records * y currency total records * 1 line of file closing information. * * SCR 40680 - uncomment the string below if you want insert payment method information */ /* * create OutFileLine. * {ei/SoftFormat.i &TableName = PayMethodProp * &EFTHeadUID = EFTHeadUID * &LineOut = OutFileLine.Line-out * &LineLen = lineLen * &LineLevel = lineLevel * &LineLevelFormat = lineLevelFormat * &TotalRecords = TotalRecords} */ #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //for each TmpElec no-lock: // // // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< foreach (var _TmpElec in TmpElecRows) { TmpElec = _TmpElec; lineLevel = 21; Description_1 = ""; TotalInvoice = 0; TotalOrders = TotalOrders + 1; TransferCost = "3"; PaymentNumber = Compatibility.Convert.ToString(TotalOrders, "9999"); VendorBankSWIFTAddress = TmpElec.VendorBankSwiftNum; IsoCurrencySymbol = GetCurrencyID(TmpElec.CurrencyCode); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TmpElec.VendorBankAcctNumber)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.AValidSupplBankAccountNumberIsRequi); } #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //FIND first Country WHERE Country.Company = CUR-COMP and Country.CountryNum = TmpElec.VendorCountryNum no-lock // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< Country = this.FindFirstCountry2(Session.CompanyID, TmpElec.VendorCountryNum); if (Country == null) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.AValidCountryOfTheSupplIsRequi); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country.ISOCode)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.TheISOCountryCodeOfTheSupplIsRequi(TmpElec.VendorName)); } VendorISOCountryCode = Country.ISOCode; #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //FIND first Country WHERE Country.Company = CUR-COMP and Country.CountryNum = TmpElec.VendorBankCountryNum no-lock // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< Country = this.FindFirstCountry3(Session.CompanyID, TmpElec.VendorBankCountryNum); if (Country == null) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.AValidCountryOfTheBankOfTheSupplIsRequi); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country.ISOCode)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.AValidCountryISOCodeOfTheBankOfTheSupplIsRequi); } VendorBankISOCountryCode = Country.ISOCode; /* fill the Description with invoice numbers, * unless there are too many invoices */ #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //for each APTran where APTran.Company = Cur-Comp and APTran.HeadNum = TmpElec.HeadNum no-lock // by APTran.Company // by APTran.HeadNum // by APTranNo // by InvoiceNum: // // // // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< //invoices: //this is a list of invoice numbers foreach (var APTran_iterator in (this.SelectAPTran(Session.CompanyID, TmpElec.HeadNum))) { APTran = APTran_iterator; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(APTran.InvoiceNum) && TotalInvoice < 35) { if (TotalInvoice == 0) { TotalInvoice = TotalInvoice + 1; Description_1 = GlobalStrings.Ref(APTran.InvoiceNum); } else if (Description_1.Length + APTran.InvoiceNum.Length <= 35) { TotalInvoice = TotalInvoice + 1; Description_1 = Description_1 + APTran.InvoiceNum + " "; } else { TotalInvoice = 99; Description_1 = ""; break; } } } SAmount = this.cnvAmount(IsoCurrencySymbol, Compatibility.Convert.ToString((TmpElec.DocCheckAmt * 100), "999999999999999"), 14); /* 21: batch payment record part 1 */ //zzz OutFileLineRow = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow); line_out = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); /* 1 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 0, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(lineLevel), 2); /* 2 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 2, PaymentNumber, 4); /* 3 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 6, BankCurrencySymbol, 3); /* 4 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 9, Selfbanknumber, 10); /* 5 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 19, IsoCurrencySymbol, 3); /* 6 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 22, SAmount, 15); //testing: line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 22, "12345", 15); /* 7 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 37, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(((DateTime)CurCheckDate).Year, "9999") + Compatibility.Convert.ToString(((DateTime)CurCheckDate).Month, "99") + Compatibility.Convert.ToString(((DateTime)CurCheckDate).Day, "99"), 8); /* 8 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 45, "1", 1); /* Standard for euro transfer */ /* 9 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 46, TransferCost, 1); /* 10 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 47, "0", 1); /* banktransfer */ /* 11 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 48, "0", 1); /* Swift normal speed */ /* 12 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 49, " ", 1); /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 13 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 50, " ", 1); /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 14 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 51, " ", 2); /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 15 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 53, " ", 2); /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 16 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 55, " ", 2); /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 17 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 57, " ", 2); /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 18 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 59, "1", 1); /* 19 */ /* not required */ /* 20 */ /* not required */ /* 21 */ /* not required */ /* 22 */ /* not required */ /* 23 */ /* not required */ /* 24 */ /* not required */ TotalRecords = TotalRecords + 1; lineLevel = lineLevel + 1; OutFileLineRow.Line_out = line_out; OutFileLineRow.HeadNum = TmpElec.HeadNum; /* 22: batch payment record part 2 */ OutFileLineRow = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow); line_out = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); /* 1 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 0, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(lineLevel), 2); /* 2 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 2, PaymentNumber, 4); /* 3 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 6, TmpElec.VendorBankAcctNumber, 34); /* 4 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 40, ((TmpElec.VendorBankNameOnAccount.Trim().Length > 0) ? TmpElec.VendorBankNameOnAccount : TmpElec.VendorName), 35); /* 5 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 75, TmpElec.VendorAddress1, 35); /* 6 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 110, TmpElec.VendorCity, 35); /* 7 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 145, VendorISOCountryCode, 2); /* 8 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 147, TmpElec.VendorCountry, 35); TotalRecords = TotalRecords + 1; lineLevel = lineLevel + 1; OutFileLineRow.Line_out = line_out; if ((VendorBankISOCountryCode.Compare("NL") == 0 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(VendorBankISOCountryCode))) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(VendorBankSWIFTAddress)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.TheSWIFTAddressOfTheBankOfTheSupplIsRequi(TmpElec.VendorName)); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TmpElec.VendorBankName)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.TheNameOfTheBankOfTheSupplIsRequi(TmpElec.VendorName)); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TmpElec.VendorBankCity)) { throw new BLException(GlobalStrings.TheCityOfTheBankOfSupplIsRequi(TmpElec.VendorName)); } } /* 23: batch payment record part 3 */ OutFileLineRow = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow); line_out = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); /* 1 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 0, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(lineLevel), 2); /* 2 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 2, PaymentNumber, 4); /* 3 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 6, VendorBankSWIFTAddress, 11); /* 4 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 17, TmpElec.VendorBankName, 35); /* 5 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 52, TmpElec.VendorBankAddress1, 35); /* 6 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 87, TmpElec.VendorBankCity, 35); /* 7 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 122, VendorBankISOCountryCode, 2); /* 8 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 124, TmpElec.VendorBankCountry, 35); TotalRecords = TotalRecords + 1; lineLevel = lineLevel + 1; OutFileLineRow.Line_out = line_out; /* 24: batch payment record part 4 */ OutFileLineRow = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow); line_out = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); /* 1 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 0, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(lineLevel), 2); /* 2 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 2, PaymentNumber, 4); /* 3 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 6, Description_1, 35); /* 4 */ /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 5 */ /* not allowed for euro transfer */ /* 6 */ /* not allowed for euro transfer */ TotalRecords = TotalRecords + 1; lineLevel = lineLevel + 1; OutFileLineRow.Line_out = line_out; #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //find TmpCurrTotal where TmpCurrTotal.ISOCurrencyCode = IsoCurrencySymbol exclusive-lock no-error; // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< ttTmpCurrTotal = (from TmpCurrTotal_Row in ttTmpCurrTotalRows where TmpCurrTotal_Row.ISOCurrencyCode.Compare(IsoCurrencySymbol) == 0 select TmpCurrTotal_Row).FirstOrDefault(); if (ttTmpCurrTotal == null) { ttTmpCurrTotal = new TmpCurrTotal(); ttTmpCurrTotalRows.Add(ttTmpCurrTotal); ttTmpCurrTotal.ISOCurrencyCode = IsoCurrencySymbol; ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalAmount = TmpElec.DocCheckAmt; ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalPayments = 1; } else { ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalAmount = ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalAmount + TmpElec.DocCheckAmt; ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalPayments = ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalPayments + 1; } }/* for each TmpElec... */ lineLevel = 31; #region >>===== ABL Source ================================>> // //for each TmpCurrTotal: // // // #endregion == ABL Source =================================<< foreach (var ttTmpCurrTotal in ttTmpCurrTotalRows) { TAmount = this.cnvAmount(ttTmpCurrTotal.ISOCurrencyCode, Compatibility.Convert.ToString((ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalAmount * 100), "999999999999999"), 14); /* 31: batch currency total record */ OutFileLineRow = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow); line_out = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); /* 1 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 0, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(lineLevel), 2); /* 2 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 2, ttTmpCurrTotal.ISOCurrencyCode, 3); /* 3 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 5, TAmount, 15); /* 4 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 20, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(ttTmpCurrTotal.TotalPayments, "9999"), 4); TotalRecords = TotalRecords + 1; lineLevel = lineLevel + 1; OutFileLineRow.Line_out = line_out; } /* 41: Batch Closing record */ lineLevel = 41; /* This code adds information from the specified payment method into a document. * The document will have the structure like this: * * 1 line of file information * 1 batches consisting of * x payments consisting of * 4 payment transaction records * y currency total records * 1 line of payment method information * 1 line of file closing information. * * SCR 40680 - uncomment the string below if you want insert payment method information */ /* * create OutFileLine. * {ei/SoftFormat.i &TableName = PayMethodProp * &EFTHeadUID = EFTHeadUID * &LineOut = OutFileLine.Line-out * &LineLen = lineLen * &LineLevel = lineLevel * &LineLevelFormat = lineLevelFormat * &TotalRecords = TotalRecords} */ OutFileLineRow = new SFCommon.OutFileLine(); SFCommon.ttOutFileLineRows.Add(OutFileLineRow); line_out = ((lineLen > 0) ? " ".PadRight(lineLen + " ".Length, ' ') : null); /* 1 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 0, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(lineLevel), 2); /* 2 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 2, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(TotalRecords + 1, "999999"), 6); /* 3 */ line_out = ErpUtilities.Overlay(line_out, 8, Compatibility.Convert.ToString(TotalOrders, "9999"), 4); OutFileLineRow.Line_out = line_out; }