public void AssignSourceName(GlobalPath filePath) { AssignSourcePathToSection(filePath, FunctionsCode); AssignSourcePathToSection(filePath, InitializationCode); AssignSourcePathToSection(filePath, MainCode); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Vector3 position; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { //if there is a valid position if (this.MouseClickPosition(out position)) { //if this is the first click we're setting the start point if (this.currentClickNumber == 1) { //show the start sphere, hide the end one //this is just a small adjustment to better see the debug sphere this.startDebugSphere.transform.position = position + Vector3.up; this.startDebugSphere.SetActive(true); this.endDebugSphere.SetActive(false); this.currentClickNumber = 2; this.startPosition = position; this.currentSolution = null; this.draw = false; } else { //we're setting the end point //this is just a small adjustment to better see the debug sphere this.endDebugSphere.transform.position = position + Vector3.up; this.endDebugSphere.SetActive(true); this.currentClickNumber = 1; this.endPosition = position; this.draw = true; //initialize the search algorithm this.AStarPathFinding.InitializePathfindingSearch(this.startPosition, this.endPosition); } } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p5.transform.localPosition, this.p6.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p1.transform.localPosition, this.p2.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p2.transform.localPosition, this.p4.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p2.transform.localPosition, this.p5.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p1.transform.localPosition, this.p3.transform.localPosition); } //call the pathfinding method if the user specified a new goal if (this.AStarPathFinding.InProgress) { var finished = this.AStarPathFinding.Search(out this.currentSolution); } }
public PathValue(GlobalPath path, SafeSharedObjects sharedObjects) : this() { Path = path; this.sharedObjects = sharedObjects; }
public void CanHandleGlobalPathWithLessThanZeroDepth() { GlobalPath.FromString("othervolume:/test/../../"); }
private static void CreateClusterGraph() { Cluster cluster; Gateway gateway; //get cluster game objects var clusters = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Cluster"); //sort by name to be able to manually create the master clusters Array.Sort(clusters, CompareObNames); //get gateway game objects var gateways = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gateway"); //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph; ClusterGraph clusterGraph = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ClusterGraph>(); //create gateway instances for each gateway game object for (int i = 0; i < gateways.Length; i++) { var gatewayGO = gateways[i]; gateway = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Gateway>(); gateway.Initialize(i, gatewayGO); clusterGraph.gateways.Add(gateway); } //create cluster instances for each cluster game object and check for connections through gateways foreach (var clusterGO in clusters) { cluster = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Cluster>(); cluster.Initialize(clusterGO); clusterGraph.clusters.Add(cluster); //determine intersection between cluster and gateways and add connections when they intersect foreach (var gate in clusterGraph.gateways) { if (MathHelper.BoundingBoxIntersection(cluster.min, cluster.max, gate.min, gate.max)) { cluster.gateways.Add(gate); gate.clusters.Add(cluster); } } } //Creating master clusters clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[1], clusterGraph.clusters[2])); clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[3], clusterGraph.clusters[4], clusterGraph.clusters[5], clusterGraph.clusters[18])); clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[19], clusterGraph.clusters[20], clusterGraph.clusters[21], clusterGraph.clusters[22], clusterGraph.clusters[23])); clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[24], clusterGraph.clusters[25], clusterGraph.clusters[26], clusterGraph.clusters[27], clusterGraph.clusters[28], clusterGraph.clusters[29])); clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[7], clusterGraph.clusters[8], clusterGraph.clusters[9], clusterGraph.clusters[10], clusterGraph.clusters[11], clusterGraph.clusters[12], clusterGraph.clusters[13], clusterGraph.clusters[14])); clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[6], clusterGraph.clusters[16], clusterGraph.clusters[17])); clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[0])); clusterGraph.MasterClusters.Add(new MasterCluster(clusterGraph.clusters[15])); // Second stage of the algorithm, calculation of the Gateway table GlobalPath solution = null; float cost; Gateway startGate; Gateway endGate; int gatewaysCount = gateways.Length; int k, j; var pathfindingAlgorithm = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(navMesh, new EuclidianHeuristic()); GatewayDistanceTableRow[] distanceTable = new GatewayDistanceTableRow[gatewaysCount]; for (k = 0; k < gatewaysCount; k++) { GatewayDistanceTableRow distanceTableRow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <GatewayDistanceTableRow>(); distanceTableRow.Initialize(gatewaysCount); startGate = clusterGraph.gateways[k]; for (j = 0; j < gatewaysCount; j++) { endGate = clusterGraph.gateways[j]; if (startGate == endGate) { cost = 0; } else { pathfindingAlgorithm.InitializePathfindingSearch(startGate.Localize(), endGate.Localize()); pathfindingAlgorithm.Search(out solution); solution.CalculateLength(); cost = solution.Length; } GatewayDistanceTableEntry entry = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <GatewayDistanceTableEntry>(); entry.Initialize(startGate.Localize(), endGate.Localize(), cost); distanceTableRow.AddEntry(entry, j); } distanceTable[k] = distanceTableRow; } clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable = distanceTable; //create a new asset that will contain the ClusterGraph and save it to disk (DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE) clusterGraph.SaveToAssetDatabase(); }
public void SetPath(GlobalPath path) { FollowPathMovement.Path = path; }
public void CanHandleChangingExtensionOfRootPaths() { GlobalPath path = GlobalPath.FromString("othervolume:"); path.ChangeExtension("txt"); }
public bool Search(out GlobalPath solution, bool returnPartialSolution = false) { //TODO put the code from the previous LAB here //you will get compiler errors, because I change the method names in the IOpenSet and IClosedSet interfaces //sorry but I had to do it because if not, Unity profiler would consider the Search method in Open and Closed to be the same //and you would not be able to see the difference in performance searching the Open Set and in searching the closed set //so just replace this.Open.Search(...) by this.Open.SearchInOpen(...) and all other methods where you get the compilation errors var CurrentSearchNodes = 0; var NodesProcessed = 0; var MaxOpenSize = 0; float StartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; while (true) { if (Open.CountOpen() > MaxOpenSize) { MaxOpenSize = Open.CountOpen(); } if (Open.CountOpen() == 0) { solution = null; TotalProcessedNodes = (uint)NodesProcessed; MaxOpenNodes = MaxOpenSize; this.InProgress = false; TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - StartTime; return(true); } if (NodesPerSearch < CurrentSearchNodes) { if (returnPartialSolution) { solution = CalculateSolution(this.Open.PeekBest(), returnPartialSolution); } else { solution = null; } TotalProcessedNodes = (uint)NodesProcessed; MaxOpenNodes = MaxOpenSize; TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - StartTime; return(false); } NodeRecord CurrentNode = Open.GetBestAndRemove(); if (CurrentNode.node == GoalNode) { InProgress = false; TotalProcessedNodes = (uint)NodesProcessed; MaxOpenNodes = MaxOpenSize; TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - StartTime; solution = CalculateSolution(CurrentNode, false); return(true); } Closed.AddToClosed(CurrentNode); CurrentSearchNodes++; NodesProcessed++; var NodeActions = CurrentNode.node.OutEdgeCount; for (int i = 0; i < NodeActions; i++) { ProcessChildNode(CurrentNode, CurrentNode.node.EdgeOut(i)); } } }
//devolve true se acabou (porque encontrou sol ou nao ha nenhuma) ou false se ainda nao acabou public bool Search(out GlobalPath solution, bool returnPartialSolution = false) { //TODO: implement this //to determine the connections of the selected nodeRecord you need to look at the NavigationGraphNode' EdgeOut list //something like this //var outConnections = bestNode.node.OutEdgeCount; //for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++) //{ //this.ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(i)); var startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; var processedNodes = 0; while (processedNodes < this.NodesPerFrame) { //se houver nos no conj open if (this.Open.CountOpen() > 0) { NodeRecord bestNode = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove(); if (bestNode.node == this.GoalNode) { //encontrou a sol this.InProgress = false; solution = this.CalculateSolution(bestNode, returnPartialSolution); this.TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; return(true); } //se nao passa ao proximo no this.Closed.AddToClosed(bestNode); this.TotalExploredNodes++; processedNodes++; //para ver as ligacoes do no que acabamos de ver var outConnections = bestNode.node.OutEdgeCount; for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++) { this.ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(i)); } this.MaxOpenNodes = Mathf.Max(this.Open.CountOpen(), this.MaxOpenNodes); } else { //se nao ha solucao retorna null e true this.InProgress = false; solution = null; this.TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; return(true); } } //se ja corremos o metodo ate ao numero de nos estabelecido e ainda nao encontrou o no if (returnPartialSolution) { //vai devolver o melhor ate agora solution = this.CalculateSolution(this.Open.PeekBest(), returnPartialSolution); } else { solution = null; } this.TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; return(false); }
public PathValue FromPath(VolumePath volumePath, string volumeId) { return(new PathValue(GlobalPath.FromVolumePath(volumePath, volumeId), sharedObjects)); }
private void Update() { foreach (var pedestrian in this.Pedestrians) { pedestrian.Update(); } Vector3 testMouseClickPosition; if (TargeterComponent.GetGoalPosition(out testMouseClickPosition)) { this.mouseClickPosition = testMouseClickPosition; Actuator.SetGoalPosition(this.mouseClickPosition); DecomposerComponent.Initialize(this.mouseClickPosition); this.startPosition = this.character.KinematicData.position; currentSmoothedSolution = null; } if (this.character.KinematicData.Arrived) { //NOTE: stops the char from going forward before it flips back this.character.KinematicData.velocity =; return; } // Path recalculation for the car actuator if (currentSmoothedSolution != null) { float distanceToPath = (character.KinematicData.position - currentSmoothedSolution.GetPosition((Actuator.GetMovement() as DynamicFollowPath).CurrentParam)).sqrMagnitude; if (distanceToPath > 400 && DecomposerComponent.Initialize(this.mouseClickPosition)) // 400 = 20^2 { Debug.Log("searching"); this.startPosition = this.character.KinematicData.position; Actuator.SetGoalPosition(this.mouseClickPosition); this.CalculatePath = true; currentSmoothedSolution = null; currentSolution = null; } } if (this.CalculatePath) { //Debug.Log("CALCULATE PATH"); DecomposerComponent.CalculatePath(out this.currentSolution); } if (this.currentSolution != null && (this.currentSmoothedSolution == null || DecomposerComponent.InNewLocalPath(this.currentSmoothedSolution) || this.violation)) { //Debug.Log("NEW LINE"); this.currentSmoothedSolution = DecomposerComponent.SmoothPath(this.currentSolution); Actuator.SetPath(currentSmoothedSolution); } if (this.currentSmoothedSolution == null) { return; } GlobalPath actuatorPath = null; GlobalPath pathToFollow = currentSmoothedSolution; violation = false; for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS_LIMIT; i++) { actuatorPath = Actuator.GetPath(pathToFollow); foreach (IConstraint constraint in PathConstraints) { Vector3 suggestedPosition; violation = constraint.WillViolate(actuatorPath, out suggestedPosition); if (violation) { pathToFollow = new GlobalPath(); pathToFollow.LocalPaths.Add(new LineSegmentPath(character.KinematicData.position, suggestedPosition)); //Debug.Log("Path collision violation"); break; } } if (violation) { continue; } // restrições de output foreach (IConstraint constraint in MovementConstraints) { Vector3 suggestedPosition; violation = constraint.WillViolate(actuatorPath, out suggestedPosition); if (violation) { pathToFollow = new GlobalPath(); pathToFollow.LocalPaths.Add(new LineSegmentPath(character.KinematicData.position, suggestedPosition)); //Debug.Log("Movement collision violation"); break; } } if (!violation) { break; } } Debug.DrawLine(this.character.KinematicData.position, actuatorPath.LocalPaths[0].EndPosition,; //NOTE: setting new legal path for the actuator and clearing auxiliary variable if (!violation) { Actuator.SetPath(actuatorPath); actuatorPath = null; } character.MovementOutput = Actuator.GetOutput(actuatorPath, character); this.character.Update(); }
public override void LoadDump(Dump dump) { Path = GlobalPath.FromString(dump[DumpPath] as string); }
void Update() { if (Time.time > this.nextUpdateTime) { this.nextUpdateTime = Time.time + DECISION_MAKING_INTERVAL; //first step, perceptions //update the agent's goals based on the state of the world this.SurviveGoal.InsistenceValue = this.GameManager.characterData.MaxHP - this.GameManager.characterData.HP; this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue += DECISION_MAKING_INTERVAL * 0.1f; if (this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue > 10.0f) { this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue = 10.0f; } this.GainXPGoal.InsistenceValue += 0.1f; //increase in goal over time if (this.GameManager.characterData.XP > this.previousXP) { this.GainXPGoal.InsistenceValue -= this.GameManager.characterData.XP - this.previousXP; this.previousXP = this.GameManager.characterData.XP; } this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue += 0.05f; //increase in goal over time if (this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue > 10) { this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue = 10.0f; } if (this.GameManager.characterData.Money > this.previousGold) { this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue -= this.GameManager.characterData.Money - this.previousGold; this.previousGold = this.GameManager.characterData.Money; } this.SurviveGoalText.text = "Survive: " + this.SurviveGoal.InsistenceValue; this.GainXPGoalText.text = "Gain XP: " + this.GainXPGoal.InsistenceValue.ToString("F1"); this.BeQuickGoalText.text = "Be Quick: " + this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue.ToString("F1"); this.GetRichGoalText.text = "GetRich: " + this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue.ToString("F1"); //initialize GOAP Decision Making Proccess this.GOAPDecisionMaking.InitializeDecisionMakingProcess(); } if (this.GOAPDecisionMaking.InProgress) { //choose an action using the GOB Decision Making process var action = this.GOAPDecisionMaking.ChooseAction(); if (action != null) { action.Execute(); this.CurrentAction = action; } } this.TotalProcessingTimeText.text = "Process. Time: " + this.GOAPDecisionMaking.TotalProcessingTime.ToString("F"); this.BestDiscontentmentText.text = "Best Discontentment: " + this.GOAPDecisionMaking.BestDiscontentmentValue.ToString("F"); this.ProcessedActionsText.text = "Act. comb. processed: " + this.GOAPDecisionMaking.TotalActionCombinationsProcessed; if (this.GOAPDecisionMaking.BestAction != null) { var actionText = ""; foreach (var action in this.GOAPDecisionMaking.BestActionSequence) { if (action != null) { actionText += "\n" + action.Name; } } this.BestActionText.text = "Best Action Sequence: " + actionText; } else { this.BestActionText.text = "Best Action Sequence:\nNone"; } //call the pathfinding method if the user specified a new goal if (this.AStarPathFinding.InProgress) { var finished = this.AStarPathFinding.Search(out this.currentSolution); if (finished && this.currentSolution != null) { //lets smooth out the Path this.startPosition = this.Character.KinematicData.position; this.currentSmoothedSolution = StringPullingPathSmoothing.SmoothPath(this.Character.KinematicData, this.currentSolution); this.currentSmoothedSolution.CalculateLocalPathsFromPathPositions(this.Character.KinematicData.position); //TODO: use your own configuration for the DynamicFollowPath //throw new System.NotImplementedException(); this.Character.Movement = new DynamicFollowPath(this.Character.KinematicData, this.currentSmoothedSolution) { MaxAcceleration = 40.0f, MaxSpeed = 20.0f }; } } this.Character.Update(); }
public override Path GetPath(GlobalPath path) { return(path); }
private static void CreateClusterGraph() { Cluster cluster; Gateway gateway; //get cluster game objects var clusters = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Cluster"); //get gateway game objects var gateways = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gateway"); //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph; ClusterGraph clusterGraph = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ClusterGraph>(); //create gateway instances for each gateway game object for (int i = 0; i < gateways.Length; i++) { var gatewayGO = gateways[i]; gateway = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Gateway>(); gateway.Initialize(i, gatewayGO); clusterGraph.gateways.Add(gateway); } //create cluster instances for each cluster game object and check for connections through gateways foreach (var clusterGO in clusters) { cluster = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Cluster>(); cluster.Initialize(clusterGO); clusterGraph.clusters.Add(cluster); //determine intersection between cluster and gateways and add connections when they intersect foreach (var gate in clusterGraph.gateways) { if (MathHelper.BoundingBoxIntersection(cluster.min, cluster.max, gate.min, gate.max)) { cluster.gateways.Add(gate); gate.clusters.Add(cluster); } } } // Second stage of the algorithm, calculation of the Gateway table GlobalPath solution = null; float cost; Gateway startGate; Gateway endGate; var pathfindingAlgorithm = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic()); //TODO implement the rest of the algorithm here, i.e. build the GatewayDistanceTable clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable = new GatewayDistanceTableRow[clusterGraph.gateways.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < clusterGraph.gateways.Count; i++) { startGate = clusterGraph.gateways[i]; clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <GatewayDistanceTableRow>(); clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i].entries = new GatewayDistanceTableEntry[clusterGraph.gateways.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < clusterGraph.gateways.Count; j++) { endGate = clusterGraph.gateways[j]; pathfindingAlgorithm.InitializePathfindingSearch(,; pathfindingAlgorithm.Search(out solution); cost = solution.Length; clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i].entries[j] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <GatewayDistanceTableEntry>(); clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i].entries[j].startGatewayPosition =; clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i].entries[j].endGatewayPosition =; clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i].entries[j].shortestDistance = cost; } } //create a new asset that will contain the ClusterGraph and save it to disk (DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE) clusterGraph.SaveToAssetDatabase(); }
public void Start() { this.draw = true; this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0]; this.Character = new DynamicCharacter(this.gameObject); this.currentSmoothedSolution = new GlobalPath(); //initialize your pathfinding algorithm here! //use goalBoundingPathfinding for a more efficient algorithm this.Initialize(NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0], new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0], new EuclidianHeuristic())); //initialization of the GOB decision making //let's start by creating 4 main goals this.SurviveGoal = new Goal(SURVIVE_GOAL, 2.0f); this.GainXPGoal = new Goal(GAIN_XP_GOAL, 1.0f) { ChangeRate = 0.1f }; this.GetRichGoal = new Goal(GET_RICH_GOAL, 1.0f) { InsistenceValue = 5.0f, ChangeRate = 0.2f }; this.BeQuickGoal = new Goal(BE_QUICK_GOAL, 1.0f) { ChangeRate = 0.1f }; this.Goals = new List <Goal>(); this.Goals.Add(this.SurviveGoal); this.Goals.Add(this.BeQuickGoal); this.Goals.Add(this.GetRichGoal); this.Goals.Add(this.GainXPGoal); //initialize the available actions this.Actions = new List <Action>(); foreach (var chest in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Chest")) { this.Actions.Add(new PickUpChest(this, chest)); } foreach (var potion in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ManaPotion")) { this.Actions.Add(new GetManaPotion(this, potion)); } foreach (var potion in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("HealthPotion")) { this.Actions.Add(new GetHealthPotion(this, potion)); } foreach (var enemy in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Skeleton")) { this.Actions.Add(new SwordAttack(this, enemy)); this.Actions.Add(new Fireball(this, enemy)); } foreach (var enemy in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Orc")) { this.Actions.Add(new SwordAttack(this, enemy)); this.Actions.Add(new Fireball(this, enemy)); } foreach (var enemy in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Dragon")) { this.Actions.Add(new SwordAttack(this, enemy)); this.Actions.Add(new Fireball(this, enemy)); } var worldModel = new CurrentStateWorldModel(this.GameManager, this.Actions, this.Goals); if (this.MCTSActive) { //this.MCTSDecisionMaking = new MCTS(worldModel); //this.MCTSDecisionMaking = new MCTSBiasedPlayout(worldModel); this.MCTSDecisionMaking = new MCTSRave(worldModel); } else { this.GOAPDecisionMaking = new DepthLimitedGOAPDecisionMaking(worldModel, this.Actions, this.Goals); } }
public static YieldFinishedCompile CompileScriptToFile(GlobalPath scriptPath, int lineNumber, string fileContent, CompilerOptions compilerOptions, Volume storageVolume, GlobalPath storagePath) { var ret = new YieldFinishedCompile(scriptPath, lineNumber, fileContent, string.Empty, compilerOptions); ret.compileMode = CompileMode.FILE; ret.volume = storageVolume; ret.outPath = storagePath; return(ret); }
public override void Execute(SafeSharedObjects shared) { // run() is strange. It needs two levels of args - the args to itself, and the args it is meant to // pass on to the program it's invoking. First, these are the args to run itself: object volumeId = PopValueAssert(shared, true); object pathObject = PopValueAssert(shared, true); AssertArgBottomAndConsume(shared); // Now the args it is going to be passing on to the program: var progArgs = new List <object>(); int argc = CountRemainingArgs(shared); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { progArgs.Add(PopValueAssert(shared, true)); } AssertArgBottomAndConsume(shared); if (shared.VolumeMgr == null) { return; } GlobalPath path = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(pathObject); Volume volume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(path); VolumeFile volumeFile = volume.Open(path) as VolumeFile; FileContent content = volumeFile != null?volumeFile.ReadAll() : null; if (content == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' not found", path)); } if (shared.ScriptHandler == null) { return; } if (volumeId != null) { throw new KOSObsoletionException("v1.0.2", "run [file] on [volume]", "None", ""); } else { // clear the "program" compilation context shared.Cpu.StartCompileStopwatch(); shared.ScriptHandler.ClearContext("program"); //string filePath = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeRawIdentifier(shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume) + "/" + fileName; var options = new CompilerOptions { LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager }; var programContext = shared.Cpu.SwitchToProgramContext(); List <CodePart> codeParts; if (content.Category == FileCategory.KSM) { string prefix = programContext.Program.Count.ToString(); codeParts = content.AsParts(path, prefix); programContext.AddParts(codeParts); shared.Cpu.StopCompileStopwatch(); } else { shared.Cpu.YieldProgram(YieldFinishedCompile.RunScript(path, 1, content.String, "program", options)); } } // Because run() returns FIRST, and THEN the CPU jumps to the new program's first instruction that it set up, // it needs to put the return stack in a weird order. Its return value needs to be buried UNDER the args to the // program it's calling: UsesAutoReturn = false; shared.Cpu.PushArgumentStack(0); // dummy return that all functions have. // Put the args for the program being called back on in the same order they were in before (so read the list backward): shared.Cpu.PushArgumentStack(new KOSArgMarkerType()); for (int i = argc - 1; i >= 0; --i) { shared.Cpu.PushArgumentStack(progArgs[i]); } }
public MovementOutput GetOutput(GlobalPath suggestedPath, DynamicCharacter character) { return(base.GetOutput(suggestedPath, character)); }
public override bool Search(out GlobalPath solution, bool returnPartialSolution = false) { var startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; var processedNodes = 0; int count; while (processedNodes < this.NodesPerSearch) { count = this.Open.CountOpen(); if (count == 0) { solution = null; this.InProgress = false; this.CleanUp(); this.TotalProcessingTime += Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; return(true); } if (count > this.MaxOpenNodes) { this.MaxOpenNodes = count; } var bestNode = this.NodeRecordArray.GetBestAndRemove(); //goal node found, return the shortest Path if (bestNode.node == this.GoalNode) { solution = this.CalculateSolution(bestNode, false); this.InProgress = false; this.CleanUp(); this.TotalProcessingTime += Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; return(true); } this.NodeRecordArray.AddToClosed(bestNode); processedNodes++; this.TotalProcessedNodes++; //put your code here //or if you would like, you can change just these lines of code this in the original A* Pathfinding Class, //create a ProcessChildNode method in the base class with the code from the previous A* algorithm. //if you do this, then you don't need to implement this search method method. Don't forget to override the ProcessChildMethod if you do this var outConnections = bestNode.node.OutEdgeCount; for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++) { this.ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(i)); } } this.TotalProcessingTime += Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; //this is very unlikely but it might happen that we process all nodes alowed in this cycle but there are no more nodes to process if (this.Open.CountOpen() == 0) { solution = null; this.InProgress = false; this.CleanUp(); return(true); } //if the caller wants create a partial Path to reach the current best node so far if (returnPartialSolution) { var bestNodeSoFar = this.Open.PeekBest(); solution = this.CalculateSolution(bestNodeSoFar, true); } else { solution = null; } return(false); }
public void CanFailToCombineOutside() { GlobalPath path = GlobalPath.FromString("othervolume:123"); path.Combine("..", ".."); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Vector3 position; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { //if there is a valid position if (this.MouseClickPosition(out position)) { //if this is the first click we're setting the start point if (this.currentClickNumber == 1) { //show the start sphere, hide the end one //this is just a small adjustment to better see the debug sphere this.startDebugSphere.transform.position = position + Vector3.up; this.startDebugSphere.SetActive(true); this.endDebugSphere.SetActive(false); this.currentClickNumber = 2; this.startPosition = position; this.currentSolution = null; this.draw = false; } else { //we're setting the end point //this is just a small adjustment to better see the debug sphere this.endDebugSphere.transform.position = position + Vector3.up; this.endDebugSphere.SetActive(true); this.currentClickNumber = 1; this.endPosition = position; this.draw = true; //initialize the search algorithm this.AStarPathFinding.InitializePathfindingSearch(this.startPosition, this.endPosition); } } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p5.transform.localPosition, this.p6.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p1.transform.localPosition, this.p2.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p2.transform.localPosition, this.p4.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p2.transform.localPosition, this.p5.transform.localPosition); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5)) { this.InitializePathFinding(this.p1.transform.localPosition, this.p3.transform.localPosition); } //call the pathfinding method if the user specified a new goal if (this.AStarPathFinding.InProgress) { var finished = this.AStarPathFinding.Search(out this.currentSolution, false); if (finished) { followThePath = true; this.AStarPathFinding.InProgress = false; this.dynamicFollowPath.SetPath(this.currentSolution); this.dynamicFollowPath.finished = false; this.dynamicFollowPath.currentParam = 0; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { var finished = this.AStarPathFinding.Search(out this.currentSolution, true); if (finished) { this.AStarPathFinding.InProgress = false; } } if (followThePath) { if (this.dynamicFollowPath.finished == true) { //ignore because it reached the end //Debug.Log("ACABOU"); } else { this.character.Movement = this.dynamicFollowPath; if (this.character.Movement != null) { this.character.Update(); } } } }
public abstract Path GetPath(GlobalPath path);
//this method should return true if the Search process finished (i.e either because it found a solution or because there was no solution //it should return false if the search process didn't finish yet //when returning true, the solution parameter should be set to null if there is no solution. Otherwise it must contain the found solution //if the parameter returnPartialSolution is true, then the user wants to have a partial path to the best node so far even when the search has not finished searching public virtual bool Search(out GlobalPath solution, bool returnPartialSolution = false) { var startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; NodeRecord bestNode; uint nodes = this.NodesPerSearch; for (; nodes > 0; nodes--) { if (this.Open.CountOpen() == 0) { this.CleanUp(); solution = null; this.InProgress = false; if (returnPartialSolution) { this.TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.StartTime; } else { this.TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; } return(true); } bestNode = this.Open.GetBestAndRemove(); if (bestNode.node.Equals(this.GoalNode)) { this.CleanUp(); solution = this.CalculateSolution(bestNode, returnPartialSolution); this.InProgress = false; if (returnPartialSolution) { this.TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.StartTime; } else { this.TotalProcessingTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; } return(true); } this.Open.RemoveFromOpen(bestNode); this.Closed.AddToClosed(bestNode); this.TotalProcessedNodes++; var outConnections = bestNode.node.OutEdgeCount; for (int i = 0; i < outConnections; i++) { this.ProcessChildNode(bestNode, bestNode.node.EdgeOut(i)); } if (this.Open.CountOpen() > this.MaxOpenNodes) { this.MaxOpenNodes = this.Open.CountOpen(); } } if (returnPartialSolution == true) { solution = this.CalculateSolution(this.Open.PeekBest(), returnPartialSolution); return(true); } solution = null; return(false); }
private static void CreateClusterGraph() { Cluster cluster; Gateway gateway; //get cluster game objects var clusters = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Cluster"); //get gateway game objects var gateways = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gateway"); //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph; ClusterGraph clusterGraph = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ClusterGraph>(); //create gateway instances for each gateway game object for (int i = 0; i < gateways.Length; i++) { var gatewayGO = gateways[i]; gateway = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Gateway>(); gateway.Initialize(i, gatewayGO); clusterGraph.gateways.Add(gateway); } //create cluster instances for each cluster game object and check for connections through gateways foreach (var clusterGO in clusters) { cluster = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Cluster>(); cluster.Initialize(clusterGO); clusterGraph.clusters.Add(cluster); //determine intersection between cluster and gateways and add connections when they intersect foreach (var gate in clusterGraph.gateways) { if (MathHelper.BoundingBoxIntersection(cluster.min, cluster.max, gate.min, gate.max)) { cluster.gateways.Add(gate); gate.clusters.Add(cluster); } } } // Second stage of the algorithm, calculation of the Gateway table GlobalPath solution = null; float cost; var pathfindingManager = new PathfindingManager(); pathfindingManager.Initialize(navMesh, new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic())); //TODO implement the rest of the algorithm here, i.e. build the GatewayDistanceTable clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable = new GatewayDistanceTableRow[clusterGraph.CountGateways()]; foreach (Gateway startGate in clusterGraph.gateways) { Vector3 startGatePosition = startGate.Localize(); GatewayDistanceTableRow startGateToOthers = new GatewayDistanceTableRow(); startGateToOthers.entries = new GatewayDistanceTableEntry[clusterGraph.CountGateways()]; foreach (Gateway endGate in clusterGraph.gateways) { Vector3 endGatePosition = endGate.Localize(); GatewayDistanceTableEntry cell = new GatewayDistanceTableEntry(); cell.startGatewayPosition = startGatePosition; cell.endGatewayPosition = endGatePosition; if (startGatePosition == endGatePosition) { cost = 0; } else { pathfindingManager.AStarPathFinding.InitializePathfindingSearch(startGatePosition, endGatePosition); while (pathfindingManager.AStarPathFinding.InProgress) { var finished = pathfindingManager.AStarPathFinding.Search(out solution); if (finished) { pathfindingManager.AStarPathFinding.InProgress = false; } } cost = solution.Length; } cell.shortestDistance = cost; startGateToOthers.entries[] = cell; } clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[] = startGateToOthers; } //create a new asset that will contain the ClusterGraph and save it to disk (DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE) clusterGraph.SaveToAssetDatabase(); }
public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared) { // run() is strange. It needs two levels of args - the args to itself, and the args it is meant to // pass on to the program it's invoking. First, these are the args to run itself: object volumeId = PopValueAssert(shared, true); object pathObject = PopValueAssert(shared, true); AssertArgBottomAndConsume(shared); // Now the args it is going to be passing on to the program: var progArgs = new List <object>(); int argc = CountRemainingArgs(shared); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { progArgs.Add(PopValueAssert(shared, true)); } AssertArgBottomAndConsume(shared); if (shared.VolumeMgr == null) { return; } GlobalPath path = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(pathObject); Volume volume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(path); VolumeFile volumeFile = volume.Open(path) as VolumeFile; FileContent content = volumeFile != null?volumeFile.ReadAll() : null; if (content == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' not found", path)); } if (shared.ScriptHandler == null) { return; } if (volumeId != null) { Volume targetVolume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volumeId); if (targetVolume != null) { if (shared.ProcessorMgr != null) { var options = new CompilerOptions { LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager }; List <CodePart> parts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(path, 1, volumeFile.ReadAll().String, "program", options); var builder = new ProgramBuilder(); builder.AddRange(parts); List <Opcode> program = builder.BuildProgram(); shared.ProcessorMgr.RunProgramOn(program, targetVolume); } } else { throw new KOSFileException("Volume not found"); } } else { // clear the "program" compilation context shared.Cpu.StartCompileStopwatch(); shared.ScriptHandler.ClearContext("program"); //string filePath = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeRawIdentifier(shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume) + "/" + fileName; var options = new CompilerOptions { LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager }; var programContext = ((CPU)shared.Cpu).SwitchToProgramContext(); List <CodePart> codeParts; if (content.Category == FileCategory.KSM) { string prefix = programContext.Program.Count.ToString(); codeParts = content.AsParts(path, prefix); } else { try { codeParts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(path, 1, content.String, "program", options); } catch (Exception) { // If it died due to a compile error, then we won't really be able to switch to program context // as was implied by calling Cpu.SwitchToProgramContext() up above. The CPU needs to be // told that it's still in interpreter context, or else it fails to advance the interpreter's // instruction pointer and it will just try the "call run()" instruction again: shared.Cpu.BreakExecution(false); throw; } } programContext.AddParts(codeParts); shared.Cpu.StopCompileStopwatch(); } // Because run() returns FIRST, and THEN the CPU jumps to the new program's first instruction that it set up, // it needs to put the return stack in a weird order. Its return value needs to be buried UNDER the args to the // program it's calling: UsesAutoReturn = false; shared.Cpu.PushStack(0); // dummy return that all functions have. // Put the args for the program being called back on in the same order they were in before (so read the list backward): shared.Cpu.PushStack(new KOSArgMarkerType()); for (int i = argc - 1; i >= 0; --i) { shared.Cpu.PushStack(progArgs[i]); } }
void Update() { if (Time.time > this.nextUpdateTime || this.GameManager.WorldChanged) { this.GameManager.WorldChanged = false; this.nextUpdateTime = Time.time + DECISION_MAKING_INTERVAL; //first step, perceptions //update the agent's goals based on the state of the world this.SurviveGoal.InsistenceValue = this.GameManager.characterData.MaxHP - this.GameManager.characterData.HP; this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue += DECISION_MAKING_INTERVAL * 0.1f; if (this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue > 10.0f) { this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue = 10.0f; } this.GainXPGoal.InsistenceValue += 0.1f; //increase in goal over time if (this.GameManager.characterData.XP > this.previousXP) { this.GainXPGoal.InsistenceValue -= this.GameManager.characterData.XP - this.previousXP; this.previousXP = this.GameManager.characterData.XP; } this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue += 0.1f; //increase in goal over time if (this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue > 10) { this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue = 10.0f; } if (this.GameManager.characterData.Money > this.previousGold) { this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue -= this.GameManager.characterData.Money - this.previousGold; this.previousGold = this.GameManager.characterData.Money; } this.SurviveGoalText.text = "Survive: " + this.SurviveGoal.InsistenceValue; this.GainXPGoalText.text = "Gain XP: " + this.GainXPGoal.InsistenceValue.ToString("F1"); this.BeQuickGoalText.text = "Be Quick: " + this.BeQuickGoal.InsistenceValue.ToString("F1"); this.GetRichGoalText.text = "GetRich: " + this.GetRichGoal.InsistenceValue.ToString("F1"); //initialize Decision Making Proccess this.CurrentAction = null; if (!MCTSActive) { this.GOAPDecisionMaking.InitializeDecisionMakingProcess(); } else { this.MCTSAlgorithm.InitializeMCTSearch(); } } if (!MCTSActive) { this.UpdateDLGOAP(); } else { this.UpdateMCTS(); } if (this.CurrentAction != null) { if (this.CurrentAction.CanExecute()) { this.CurrentAction.Execute(); } } //call the pathfinding method if the user specified a new goal if (this.AStarPathFinding.InProgress) { var finished = this.AStarPathFinding.Search(out this.currentSolution); if (finished && this.currentSolution != null) { //lets smooth out the Path this.startPosition = this.Character.KinematicData.position; this.currentSmoothedSolution = PathSmoothing.Instance.SmoothPath(this.currentSolution); this.currentSmoothedSolution.CalculateLocalPathsFromPathPositions(this.Character.KinematicData.position); this.Character.Movement = new DynamicFollowPath(this.Character.KinematicData, this.currentSmoothedSolution) { MaxAcceleration = 200.0f, MaxSpeed = 40.0f }; } } this.Character.Update(); //manage the character's animation if (this.Character.KinematicData.velocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.1) { this.characterAnimator.SetBool("Walking", true); } else { this.characterAnimator.SetBool("Walking", false); } }
public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared) { // NOTE: The built-in load() function actually ends up returning // two things on the stack: on top is a boolean for whether the program // was already loaded, and under that is an integer for where to jump to // to call it. The load() function is NOT meant to be called directly from // a user script. // (unless it's being called in compile-only mode, in which case it // returns the default dummy zero on the stack like everything else does). bool defaultOutput = false; bool justCompiling = false; // is this load() happening to compile, or to run? GlobalPath outPath = null; object topStack = PopValueAssert(shared, true); // null if there's no output file (output file means compile, not run). if (topStack != null) { justCompiling = true; string outputArg = topStack.ToString(); if (outputArg.Equals("-default-compile-out-")) { defaultOutput = true; } else { outPath = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(outputArg); } } object skipAlreadyObject = PopValueAssert(shared, false); bool skipIfAlreadyCompiled = (skipAlreadyObject is bool) ? (bool)skipAlreadyObject : false; object pathObject = PopValueAssert(shared, true); AssertArgBottomAndConsume(shared); if (pathObject == null) { throw new KOSFileException("No filename to load was given."); } GlobalPath path = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(pathObject); Volume volume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(path); VolumeFile file = volume.Open(path, !justCompiling) as VolumeFile; // if running, look for KSM first. If compiling look for KS first. if (file == null) { throw new KOSFileException(string.Format("Can't find file '{0}'.", path)); } path = GlobalPath.FromVolumePath(file.Path, shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeId(volume)); if (skipIfAlreadyCompiled && !justCompiling) { var programContext = ((CPU)shared.Cpu).SwitchToProgramContext(); int programAddress = programContext.GetAlreadyCompiledEntryPoint(path.ToString()); if (programAddress >= 0) { // TODO - The check could also have some dependancy on whether the file content changed on // disk since last time, but that would also mean having to have a way to clear out the old // copy of the compiled file from the program context, which right now doesn't exist. (Without // that, doing something like a loop that re-wrote a file and re-ran it 100 times would leave // 100 old dead copies of the compiled opcodes in memory, only the lastmost copy being really used.) // We're done here. Skip the compile. Point the caller at the already-compiled version. shared.Cpu.PushStack(programAddress); this.ReturnValue = true; // tell caller that it already existed. return; } } FileContent fileContent = file.ReadAll(); // filename is now guaranteed to have an extension. To make default output name, replace the extension with KSM: if (defaultOutput) { outPath = path.ChangeExtension(Volume.KOS_MACHINELANGUAGE_EXTENSION); } if (path.Equals(outPath)) { throw new KOSFileException("Input and output paths must differ."); } if (shared.VolumeMgr == null) { return; } if (shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume == null) { throw new KOSFileException("Volume not found"); } if (shared.ScriptHandler != null) { shared.Cpu.StartCompileStopwatch(); var options = new CompilerOptions { LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager }; // add this program to the address space of the parent program, // or to a file to save: if (justCompiling) { // since we've already read the file content, use the volume from outPath instead of the source path volume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(outPath); List <CodePart> compileParts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(path, 1, fileContent.String, string.Empty, options); VolumeFile written = volume.SaveFile(outPath, new FileContent(compileParts)); if (written == null) { throw new KOSFileException("Can't save compiled file: not enough space or access forbidden"); } } else { var programContext = ((CPU)shared.Cpu).SwitchToProgramContext(); List <CodePart> parts; if (fileContent.Category == FileCategory.KSM) { string prefix = programContext.Program.Count.ToString(); parts = fileContent.AsParts(path, prefix); } else { parts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(path, 1, fileContent.String, "program", options); } int programAddress = programContext.AddObjectParts(parts, path.ToString()); // push the entry point address of the new program onto the stack shared.Cpu.PushStack(programAddress); this.ReturnValue = false; // did not already exist. } shared.Cpu.StopCompileStopwatch(); } }
public PathValue FromPath(GlobalPath path) { return(new PathValue(path, sharedObjects)); }
public bool InNewLocalPath(GlobalPath currentSolution) { return(currentSolution.Switched); }