protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int n = 1;

            while (n > 0)

                //  int n = 100;

                // int j = 1;
                //   for(int j=1;j<=50;j++)
                // {

                /*   double MU1 = GlobalMembers.random_weight(0, 1);
                 * double MU2 = GlobalMembers.random_weight(0, 1);
                 * double MU3 = GlobalMembers.random_weight(0, 1);
                 * // double a1 = 1;
                 * double NU1 = (double)1 - MU1;
                 * double NU2 = (double)1 - MU2;
                 * double NU3 = (double)1 - MU3;
                 *///    double w1=random_weight(0,1),w2=random_weight(0,1),w3=random_weight(0,1);

                //double MU=1-((1-pow(MU1,w1))*(1-pow(MU2,w2))*(1-pow(MU3,w3)));

                /*     double MU1 = Convert.ToDouble(Session["MU1"]);
                 *   double MU2 = Convert.ToDouble(Session["MU2"]);
                 *   double MU3 = Convert.ToDouble(Session["MU3"]);
                 *   double NU1 = Convert.ToDouble(Session["NU1"]);
                 *   double NU2 = Convert.ToDouble(Session["NU2"]);
                 *   double NU3 = Convert.ToDouble(Session["NU3"]);
                string        semail = Session["email"].ToString();
                string        sname  = Session["name"].ToString();
                SqlCommand    cmd    = new SqlCommand("Select MU_Aggregate,NU_Aggregate from LearningForm Where Email='" + semail + "'", con);
                SqlDataReader dr     = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                DataTable     dt     = new DataTable();
                int flag = 1;
                if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    //   ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Please fill the Learning Style questionnaire first.')", true);
                    Session["flag"] = 0;
                double MU1 = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0][0]);
                double NU1 = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0][1]);

                SqlCommand    cmd1 = new SqlCommand("Select MU,NU from PersonalityForm Where Email='" + semail + "'", con);
                SqlDataReader dr1  = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
                DataTable     dt1  = new DataTable();

                if (dt1.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    Session["flag"] = 0;
                double        MU2  = Convert.ToDouble(dt1.Rows[0][0]);
                double        NU2  = Convert.ToDouble(dt1.Rows[0][1]);
                SqlCommand    cmd2 = new SqlCommand("Select MU,NU from Knowledgeform Where Email='" + semail + "'", con);
                SqlDataReader dr2  = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
                DataTable     dt2  = new DataTable();

                if (dt2.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    Session["flag"] = 0;
                double MU3 = Convert.ToDouble(dt2.Rows[0][0]);
                double NU3 = Convert.ToDouble(dt2.Rows[0][1]);

                double averageMU     = (MU1 + MU2 + MU3) / 3;
                double diffMU1       = MU1 - NU1;
                double diffMU2       = MU2 - NU2;
                double diffMU3       = MU3 - NU3;
                double averagediffMU = (diffMU1 + diffMU2 + diffMU3) / 3;
                int    generation    = 0;

                List <Individual> population = new List <Individual>();
                bool         found           = false;
                List <Indiv> pop             = new List <Indiv>();
                for (int i = 0; i < DefineConstants.POPULATION_SIZE; i++)
                    //string gnome = create_gnome();
                    population.Add(new Individual(MU1, MU2, MU3));
                    pop.Add(new Indiv(NU1, NU2, NU3));
                    //cout<<population[i].fitness<<" ";

                while (!found)
                    if (generation == 100)
                        found = true;
                    // List<int> integers = new List<int>();
                    List <Individual> new_generation = new List <Individual>();
                    List <Indiv>      new_gen        = new List <Indiv>();
                    int s = (80 * DefineConstants.POPULATION_SIZE) / 100;
                    for (int i = 10; i < s + 10; i++)
                        // cout<<population[i].fitness<<" ";
                    s = (20 * DefineConstants.POPULATION_SIZE) / 100;
                    for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
                        //  int len = population.size();
                        int        r       = GlobalMembers.random_num(0, 5);
                        Individual parent1 = population[r];
                        Indiv      par1    = pop[r];
                        //cout<<population[r].fitness<<" ";
                        r = GlobalMembers.random_num(0, 5);
                        Individual parent2 = population[r];
                        Indiv      par2    = pop[r];
                        //cout<<population[r].fitness<<" ";
                        Individual offspring = parent1.mate(parent2);
                        Indiv      offsp     = par1.mat(par2);
                        //cout<<new_generation[i].fitness<<" ";
                    population = new_generation;
                    pop        = new_gen;
                    //	cout<< "Generation: " << generation << "\t";
                    //cout<< population[0].chromosome <<endl;

                //cout<< generation << "\t";
                double X = Convert.ToDouble(population[0].chromosome);
                double Y = Convert.ToDouble(pop[0].chromo);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MU-" + X);
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("NU-" + Y);
                if (X + Y > 1)
                    Y = (double)1 - X;
                Session["Mu"] = X;
                Session["Nu"] = Y;
                knn a = new knn();
                int c;
                c = Convert.ToInt32(Session["class"]);

                SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("insert into Class (Email,Name,MU,NU,Class,Generation,Mu1,Mu2,Mu3,AverageMu,Mu1diff,Mu2diff,Mu3diff,averageMudiff) values('" + semail + "','" + sname + "','" + X + "','" + Y + "','" + c + "','" + generation + "','" + MU1 + "','" + MU2 + "','" + MU3 + "','" + averageMU + "','" + diffMU1 + "','" + diffMU2 + "','" + diffMU3 + "','" + averagediffMU + "')", con);

                //    Response.Redirect("knn.aspx");
                string cl;
                if (c == 1)
                    cl = "Low";
                else if (c == 2)
                    cl = "Low-Medium";
                else if (c == 3)
                    cl = "Medium";
                else if (c == 4)
                    cl = "Medium-High";
                    cl = "High";

            //Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('You belong to class "+cl+"');window.location='WebForm2.aspx';</script>");