public void GlobalIdMap_ReadWriteShouldCopy() { var globalId = new GlobalIdMap(); globalId.Set(808034, new VertexId() { TileId = 80912, LocalId = 184 }); globalId.Set(808035, new VertexId() { TileId = 80915, LocalId = 1823 }); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { globalId.WriteTo(stream); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var copy = GlobalIdMap.ReadFrom(stream); Assert.True(globalId.TryGet(808034, out var vertex)); Assert.Equal((uint)80912, vertex.TileId); Assert.Equal((uint)184, vertex.LocalId); Assert.True(globalId.TryGet(808035, out vertex)); Assert.Equal((uint)80915, vertex.TileId); Assert.Equal((uint)1823, vertex.LocalId); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds data from an individual tile. /// </summary> /// <param name="routerDb">The router db to fill.</param> /// <param name="globalIdMap">The global id map.</param> /// <param name="tile">The tile to load.</param> /// <param name="vehicleCache">The vehicle cache.</param> /// <param name="baseUrl">The base url of the routable tile source.</param> internal static bool AddOsmTile(this RouterDb routerDb, GlobalIdMap globalIdMap, Tile tile, VehicleCache vehicleCache = null, string baseUrl = BaseUrl) { var updated = false; try { var url = baseUrl + $"/{tile.Zoom}/{tile.X}/{tile.Y}"; var stream = DownloadFunc(url); if (stream == null) { return(false); } var nodeLocations = new Dictionary <long, (Coordinate location, bool inTile)>(); var waysData = new Dictionary <long, (List <long> nodes, AttributeCollection attributes)>(); var nodes = new HashSet <long>(); var coreNodes = new HashSet <long>(); using (var textReader = new StreamReader(stream)) { var json = textReader.ReadToEnd(); var jsonObject = JObject.Parse(json); if (!(jsonObject["@graph"] is JArray graph)) { return(false); } foreach (var graphObject in graph) { if (!(graphObject["@id"] is JToken idToken)) { continue; } var id = idToken.Value <string>(); if (id == null) { continue; } if (id.StartsWith("")) { // parse as a node. var nodeId = long.Parse(id.Substring("".Length, id.Length - "".Length)); if (!(graphObject["geo:long"] is JToken longToken)) { continue; } var lon = longToken.Value <double>(); if (!(graphObject["geo:lat"] is JToken latToken)) { continue; } var lat = latToken.Value <double>(); // determine if node is in tile or not. var inTile = Tile.WorldToTile(lon, lat, tile.Zoom).LocalId == tile.LocalId; nodeLocations[nodeId] = (new Coordinate((float)lat, (float)lon), inTile); } else if (id.StartsWith("")) { // parse as a way. var wayId = long.Parse(id.Substring("".Length, id.Length - "".Length)); // interpret all tags with defined semantics. var attributes = GetTags(graphObject, ReverseMappingLazy.Value); attributes.AddOrReplace("way_id", wayId.ToInvariantString()); attributes.AddOrReplace("tile_x", tile.X.ToInvariantString()); attributes.AddOrReplace("tile_y", tile.Y.ToInvariantString()); // include all raw tags (if any). if ((graphObject["osm:hasTag"] is JArray rawTags)) { for (var n = 0; n < rawTags.Count; n++) { var rawTag = rawTags[n]; if (!(rawTag is JValue rawTagValue)) { continue; } var keyValue = rawTagValue.Value <string>(); var keyValueSplit = keyValue.Split('='); if (keyValueSplit.Length != 2) { continue; } attributes.AddOrReplace(keyValueSplit[0], keyValueSplit[1]); } } // parse nodes. if (!(graphObject["osm:hasNodes"] is JArray wayNodes)) { continue; } var nodeIds = new List <long>(); for (var n = 0; n < wayNodes.Count; n++) { var nodeToken = wayNodes[n]; var nodeIdString = nodeToken.Value <string>(); var nodeId = long.Parse(nodeIdString.Substring( "".Length, nodeIdString.Length - "".Length)); nodeIds.Add(nodeId); if (n == 0 || n == wayNodes.Count - 1) { // first and last nodes always core. coreNodes.Add(nodeId); } else if (nodes.Contains(nodeId)) { // second time this node was hit. coreNodes.Add(nodeId); } nodes.Add(nodeId); } waysData[wayId] = (nodeIds, attributes); } else if (id.StartsWith("")) { // parse as a relation. // TODO: parse as a relation. } } var shape = new List <Coordinate>(); foreach (var wayPairs in waysData) { // prepare for next way. shape.Clear(); var previousVertex = Itinero.Constants.NO_VERTEX; // get way data. var wayNodes = wayPairs.Value.nodes; var attributes = wayPairs.Value.attributes; // verify way data and spit out a warning if a way has <= 1 node. if (wayNodes.Count <= 1) { Itinero.Logging.Logger.Log($"{nameof(TileParser)}.{nameof(AddOsmTile)}", TraceEventType.Warning, $"A way was detected with <= 1 nodes."); continue; } // iterate over the way segments and add them as edges or part of the next edge. for (var n = 0; n < wayNodes.Count - 1; n++) { var node1Id = wayNodes[n]; var node2Id = wayNodes[n + 1]; // get the nodes data. if (!nodeLocations.TryGetValue(node1Id, out var node1Data)) { Itinero.Logging.Logger.Log(nameof(TileParser), TraceEventType.Warning, $"Could not load way {wayPairs.Key} in {tile}: node {node1Id} missing."); break; } if (!nodeLocations.TryGetValue(node2Id, out var node2Data)) { Itinero.Logging.Logger.Log(nameof(TileParser), TraceEventType.Warning, $"Could not load way {wayPairs.Key} in {tile}: node {node2Id} missing."); break; } // add attributes and move on if failed. var(profile, meta) = AddProfileAndMeta(routerDb, vehicleCache, attributes); if (profile == ushort.MaxValue) { continue; } // always add segments that cross tile boundaries. // TODO: we can probably do better and add only one of the nodes as core but for now to keep complexity down we add both. if (!node1Data.inTile || !node2Data.inTile) { coreNodes.Add(node1Id); coreNodes.Add(node2Id); } // if node1 is core make sure to add it. if (coreNodes.Contains(node1Id)) { // add node1 as vertex but check if it already exists. if (!globalIdMap.TryGet(node1Id, out var vertex)) { vertex = routerDb.Network.VertexCount; routerDb.Network.AddVertex(vertex, node1Data.location.Latitude, node1Data.location.Longitude); globalIdMap.Set(node1Id, vertex); updated = true; } // check if this segment wasn't just opened the iteration before. if (vertex != previousVertex) { // close previous segment if any. if (previousVertex != Itinero.Constants.NO_VERTEX) { routerDb.Network.AddEdge(previousVertex, vertex, new Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData() { MetaId = meta, Distance = Distance(routerDb, previousVertex, vertex, shape), Profile = profile }, new ShapeEnumerable(shape)); updated = true; shape.Clear(); } // start a new segment if the end of this one is in tile. previousVertex = Itinero.Constants.NO_VERTEX; if (node1Data.inTile) { previousVertex = vertex; } } } // if the second node is also core, close the segment. if (coreNodes.Contains(node2Id)) { // add node2 as vertex but check if it already exists. if (!globalIdMap.TryGet(node2Id, out var vertex)) { vertex = routerDb.Network.VertexCount; routerDb.Network.AddVertex(vertex, node2Data.location.Latitude, node2Data.location.Longitude); globalIdMap.Set(node2Id, vertex); updated = true; } // if this segment overlaps, always add it. if (!node1Data.inTile || !node2Data.inTile) { if (!globalIdMap.TryGet(node1Id, out previousVertex)) { throw new Exception( "Cannot add segment overlapping tile boundary, node should have already been added."); } routerDb.Network.AddEdge(previousVertex, vertex, new Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData() { MetaId = meta, Distance = Distance(routerDb, previousVertex, vertex, shape), Profile = profile }, new ShapeEnumerable(shape)); updated = true; shape.Clear(); } else { // close previous segment if any. if (previousVertex != Itinero.Constants.NO_VERTEX) { routerDb.Network.AddEdge(previousVertex, vertex, new Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData() { MetaId = meta, Distance = Distance(routerDb, previousVertex, vertex, shape), Profile = profile }, new ShapeEnumerable(shape)); updated = true; shape.Clear(); } } // start a new segment if the end of this one is in tile. previousVertex = Itinero.Constants.NO_VERTEX; if (node2Data.inTile) { previousVertex = vertex; } } else { // add as shape point if there is an active segment. if (previousVertex != Itinero.Constants.NO_VERTEX) { shape.Add(node2Data.location); } } } } return(updated); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(updated); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds data from an individual tile. /// </summary> /// <param name="routerDb">The router db to fill.</param> /// <param name="globalIdMap">The global id map.</param> /// <param name="tile">The tile to load.</param> internal static void AddOsmTile(this RouterDb routerDb, GlobalIdMap globalIdMap, Tile tile, VehicleCache vehicleCache = null) { var url = BaseUrl + $"/{tile.Zoom}/{tile.X}/{tile.Y}"; var stream = Download.DownloadHelper.Download(url); if (stream == null) { return; } Logger.Log(nameof(TileParser), Logging.TraceEventType.Information, $"Loading tile: {tile}"); // build the vehicle cache. if (vehicleCache == null) { vehicleCache = new VehicleCache(routerDb.GetSupportedVehicles().ToArray()); } var nodeLocations = new Dictionary <long, Coordinate>(); using (var textReader = new StreamReader(stream)) { var jsonObject = JObject.Parse(textReader.ReadToEnd()); if (!(jsonObject["@graph"] is JArray graph)) { return; } foreach (var graphObject in graph) { if (!(graphObject["@id"] is JToken idToken)) { continue; } var id = idToken.Value <string>(); if (id == null) { continue; } if (id.StartsWith("")) { var nodeId = long.Parse(id.Substring("".Length, id.Length - "".Length)); if (globalIdMap.TryGet(nodeId, out var vertexId)) { continue; } if (!(graphObject["geo:long"] is JToken longToken)) { continue; } var lon = longToken.Value <double>(); if (!(graphObject["geo:lat"] is JToken latToken)) { continue; } var lat = latToken.Value <double>(); nodeLocations[nodeId] = new Coordinate((float)lat, (float)lon); } else if (id.StartsWith("")) { var attributes = new AttributeCollection(); foreach (var child in graphObject.Children()) { if (!(child is JProperty property)) { continue; } if (property.Name == "@id" || property.Name == "osm:nodes" || property.Name == "@type") { continue; } if (property.Name == "rdfs:label") { attributes.AddOrReplace("name", property.Value.Value <string>()); continue; } var key = property.Name; if (key.StartsWith("osm:")) { key = key.Substring(4, key.Length - 4); } var value = property.Value.Value <string>(); if (value.StartsWith("osm:")) { value = value.Substring(4, value.Length - 4); } attributes.AddOrReplace(key, value); } // add the edge if the attributes are of use to the vehicles defined. var wayAttributes = attributes; var profileWhiteList = new Whitelist(); if (!vehicleCache.AddToWhiteList(wayAttributes, profileWhiteList)) { continue; } // way has some use. // build profile and meta-data. var profileTags = new AttributeCollection(); var metaTags = new AttributeCollection(); foreach (var tag in wayAttributes) { if (profileWhiteList.Contains(tag.Key)) { profileTags.AddOrReplace(tag); } else if (vehicleCache.Vehicles.IsOnProfileWhiteList(tag.Key)) { metaTags.AddOrReplace(tag); } else if (vehicleCache.Vehicles.IsOnMetaWhiteList(tag.Key)) { metaTags.AddOrReplace(tag); } } if (!vehicleCache.AnyCanTraverse(profileTags)) { // way has some use, add all of it's nodes to the index. continue; } // get profile and meta-data id's. var profileCount = routerDb.EdgeProfiles.Count; var profile = routerDb.EdgeProfiles.Add(profileTags); if (profileCount != routerDb.EdgeProfiles.Count) { var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var att in profileTags) { stringBuilder.Append(att.Key); stringBuilder.Append('='); stringBuilder.Append(att.Value); stringBuilder.Append(' '); } Logger.Log(nameof(TileParser), Logging.TraceEventType.Information, "Normalized: # profiles {0}: {1}", routerDb.EdgeProfiles.Count, stringBuilder.ToInvariantString()); } if (profile > Data.Edges.EdgeDataSerializer.MAX_PROFILE_COUNT) { throw new Exception( "Maximum supported profiles exceeded, make sure only routing tags are included in the profiles."); } var meta = routerDb.EdgeMeta.Add(metaTags); if (!(graphObject["osm:nodes"] is JArray nodes)) { continue; } // add first as vertex. var node = nodes[0]; if (!(node is JToken nodeToken)) { continue; } var nodeIdString = nodeToken.Value <string>(); var nodeId = long.Parse(nodeIdString.Substring("".Length, nodeIdString.Length - "".Length)); if (!globalIdMap.TryGet(nodeId, out var previousVertex)) { if (!nodeLocations.TryGetValue(nodeId, out var nodeLocation)) { throw new Exception($"Could not load tile {tile}: node {nodeId} missing."); } previousVertex = routerDb.Network.VertexCount; routerDb.Network.AddVertex(previousVertex, nodeLocation.Latitude, nodeLocation.Longitude); globalIdMap.Set(nodeId, previousVertex); } // add last as vertex. node = nodes[nodes.Count - 1]; nodeToken = (node as JToken); if (nodeToken == null) { continue; } nodeIdString = nodeToken.Value <string>(); nodeId = long.Parse(nodeIdString.Substring("".Length, nodeIdString.Length - "".Length)); if (!globalIdMap.TryGet(nodeId, out var vertexId)) { if (!nodeLocations.TryGetValue(nodeId, out var nodeLocation)) { throw new Exception($"Could not load tile {tile}: node {nodeId} missing."); } vertexId = routerDb.Network.VertexCount; routerDb.Network.AddVertex(vertexId, nodeLocation.Latitude, nodeLocation.Longitude); globalIdMap.Set(nodeId, vertexId); } var shape = new List <Coordinate>(); for (var n = 1; n < nodes.Count; n++) { node = nodes[n]; nodeToken = node as JToken; if (node == null) { continue; } nodeIdString = nodeToken.Value <string>(); nodeId = long.Parse(nodeIdString.Substring("".Length, nodeIdString.Length - "".Length)); if (globalIdMap.TryGet(nodeId, out vertexId)) { shape.Insert(0, routerDb.Network.GetVertex(previousVertex)); shape.Add(routerDb.Network.GetVertex(vertexId)); var distance = Itinero.LocalGeo.Coordinate.DistanceEstimateInMeter(shape); if (distance > Itinero.Constants.DefaultMaxEdgeDistance) { distance = Itinero.Constants.DefaultMaxEdgeDistance; } shape.RemoveAt(0); shape.RemoveAt(shape.Count - 1); routerDb.Network.AddEdge(previousVertex, vertexId, new Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData() { MetaId = meta, Distance = distance, Profile = (ushort)profile }, new ShapeEnumerable(shape)); shape.Clear(); previousVertex = vertexId; } else { if (!nodeLocations.TryGetValue(nodeId, out var nodeLocation)) { throw new Exception($"Could not load tile {tile}: node {nodeId} missing."); } shape.Add(nodeLocation); } } } } } }