public async Task SetAnnouncementChannel(ITextChannel channel) { var guildAcc = _globalGuildAccounts.GetById(Context.Guild.Id); guildAcc.Modify(g => g.SetAnnouncementChannelId(channel.Id), _globalGuildAccounts); await ReplyAsync("The Announcement-Channel has been set to " + channel.Mention); }
public async Task ShowTag(string tagName) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagName)) { await ReplyAsync("You need to use this with some more input...\n" + "Try the `help tag` command to get more information on how to use this command."); return; } var guildAcc = _globalGuildAccounts.GetById(Context.Guild.Id); var response = TagFunctions.GetTag(tagName, guildAcc); await ReplyAsync(response); }
public async Task AddPrefix([Remainder] string prefix) { var guildAcc = _globalGuildAccounts.GetById(Context.Guild.Id); var response = $"Failed to add the Prefix... Was `{prefix}` already a prefix?"; if (!guildAcc.Prefixes.Contains(prefix)) { var prefixes = guildAcc.Prefixes.ToList(); guildAcc.Modify(g => g.SetPrefixes(prefixes.Append(prefix).ToList()), _globalGuildAccounts); response = $"Successfully added `{prefix}` as prefix!"; } await ReplyAsync(response); }
public async Task UserJoined(SocketGuildUser user) { var dmChannel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); var possibleMessages = _globalGuildAccounts.GetById(user.Guild.Id).WelcomeMessages; var messageString = possibleMessages[Global.Rng.Next(possibleMessages.Count)]; messageString = messageString.ReplacePlacehoderStrings(user); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageString)) { return; } await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync(messageString); }
public async Task AddWelcomeMessage([Remainder] string message) { var guildAcc = _globalGuildAccounts.GetById(Context.Guild.Id); var response = $"Failed to add this Welcome Message..."; if (!guildAcc.WelcomeMessages.Contains(message)) { var messages = guildAcc.WelcomeMessages.ToList(); messages.Add(message); guildAcc.Modify(g => g.SetWelcomeMessages(messages), _globalGuildAccounts); response = $"Successfully added ```\n{message}\n``` as Welcome Message!"; } await ReplyAsync(response); }
public static Task Init(GlobalGuildAccounts globalGuildAccounts) { data = new AllGuildsData(); foreach (SocketGuild guild in Global.Client.Guilds) { GuildData savedData = globalGuildAccounts.GetById(guild.Id).BotData; if (savedData == null) { AddGuild(guild.Id); } else { data.guilds.Add(savedData); } StoreData(guild.Id, globalGuildAccounts); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private bool CheckPrefix(ref int argPos, SocketCommandContext context) { if (context.Guild is null) { return(false); } var prefixes = _globalGuildAccounts.GetById(context.Guild.Id).Prefixes; var tmpArgPos = 0; var success = prefixes.Any(pre => { if (!context.Message.Content.StartsWith(pre)) { return(false); } tmpArgPos = pre.Length; return(true); }); argPos = tmpArgPos; return(success); }
private static void StoreData(ulong id, GlobalGuildAccounts globalGuildAccounts) { var guildAccount = globalGuildAccounts.GetById(id); guildAccount.Modify(g => g.SetBotData(data.GetGuild(id)), globalGuildAccounts); }