async partial void LoginPressed(UIButton sender)
            var providers = new[] { "microsoft", "facebook", "twitter", "googleplus", "linkedin", "vkontakte", "yahoo" };

                var user = await Gigya.ShowLoginProvidersDialogAsync(this, providers, null);

                var tabBarController      = (UITabBarController)Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("TabBarViewController");
                var accountViewController = (GDAccountViewController)tabBarController.ViewControllers[2];
                accountViewController.User = user;
                await PresentViewControllerAsync(tabBarController, true);
            catch (NSErrorException ex)
                // If the login was canceled by the user - do nothing. Otherwise, display an error.
                if (ex.Error.Code != (int)GSErrorCode.CanceledByUser)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Error.UserInfo);
                    var alert = new UIAlertView("Error", "An error has occured. Please try again later.", null, "OK");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);