protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int GiftCardID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["GiftCardID"]); int UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["UserId"]); decimal GiftCardCost = Convert.ToDecimal(Request["GiftCardCost"]); string GiftCardName = Request["GiftCardName"]; string GiveItToEmail = Request["GiveItToEmail"]; string GiftCardDescription = Request["GiftCardDescription"]; string GiftCardNotes = Request["GiftCardNotes"]; GiftCardTBx gift = new GiftCardTBx(); gift = GM.GetGiftCardByGiftCardID(GiftCardID); gift.GiftCardCost = GiftCardCost; gift.GiftCardName = GiftCardName; gift.GiveItToEmail = GiveItToEmail; gift.GiftCardDescription = GiftCardDescription; gift.GiftCardNote = GiftCardNotes; GM.Save(); ok = "1"; return; } catch (Exception ex) { ok = ex.ToString(); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GiftCardManager um = new GiftCardManager(); GiftCardTBx user = um.GetGiftCardByGiftCardID(Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"])); ok = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects }); return; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]); GiftCardManager pm = new GiftCardManager(); GiftCardTBx page = pm.GetGiftCardByGiftCardID(id); page.GiftCardStatus = Convert.ToInt32(Request["status"]); pm.Save(); ok = Request["status"]; return; } catch (Exception ex) { ok = ex.ToString(); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int modalid = Convert.ToInt32(Request["modalid"]); int GiftCardID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["GiftCardID"]); int userID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["userID"]); decimal GiftCardCost = Convert.ToDecimal(Request["giftcardcost"]); string GiftCardName = Request["giftcardname"]; string GiveItToEmail = Request["giveittoemail"]; string GiftCardDescription = Request["giftcarddesc"]; string GiftCardNotes = Request["giftcardnotes"]; int vouchernum = 9; string Password = RandomPassword(6); string GiftCardCode = CreateRandomVoucher(vouchernum); //kiem tra email da ton tai hay chuwa UserManager UM = new UserManager(); UsersTbx usersend = UM.GetUserByID(userID); string usernamesend = usersend.FirstName + " " + usersend.LastName; string useremailsend = usersend.Email; UsersTbx user = UM.GetUserByUserEmail(GiveItToEmail); string desc = ""; if (user != null) { if (user.Email != null) { desc = "You have recived gift card of NoaNailsSpa from: " + "<br/>" + "User: "******"<br/>" + "Email: " + useremailsend + "<br/>" + "Note: " + GiftCardNotes; desc += "<br/><br/>"; desc += "Please download our app for free to use" + "<a href='#'>" + " here " + "</a>" + "and login to use gift card."; desc += "<br/><br/>"; } } else { UsersTbx u = new UsersTbx(); u.FirstName = GiveItToEmail; u.Password = UTIL.Encrypt(Password, true); u.Email = GiveItToEmail; u.Status = 1; u.UserLevel = 0; u.TotalReward = 0; UM.AddUser(u); UM.Save(); desc = "You have recived gift card of NoaNailsSpa from: " + "<br/>" + "User: "******"<br/>" + "Email: " + useremailsend + "<br/>" + "Note: " + GiftCardNotes; desc += "<br/><br/>"; desc += "Please download our app for free to use" + "<a href='#'>" + " here " + "</a>" + "and login with the acount below to use gift card."; desc += "<br/><br/>"; desc += "Email: " + GiveItToEmail + "<br/>" + "Password: "******"*****@*****.**", GiveItToEmail, "Gift Card NailsSpa Salon", desc, "NoaNailsSpa", "*****@*****.**", "Kid3101@", ""); GiftCardManager r = new GiftCardManager(); GiftCardTBx reward = new GiftCardTBx(); if (GiftCardID != 0)//------- EDIT -----------------------------------------|| { reward = r.GetGiftCardByGiftCardID(GiftCardID); } reward.GiftCardName = GiftCardName; reward.GiftCardCost = GiftCardCost; reward.GiveItToEmail = GiveItToEmail; if (GiftCardID == 0) //-------- ADD -----------------------------------|| { DateTime current = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Now, DateTimeKind.Unspecified); TimeZoneInfo src = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id); TimeZoneInfo des = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("SA Western Standard Time"); reward.GiftCardAddedDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(current, src, des); reward.GiftCardStatus = 1; reward.GiftCardCode = GiftCardCode; reward.CreateByUserId = userID; reward.GiftCardName = GiftCardName; reward.GiftCardCost = GiftCardCost; reward.GiveItToEmail = GiveItToEmail; reward.GiftCardDescription = GiftCardDescription; reward.GiftCardNote = GiftCardNotes; r.AddGiftCard(reward); } r.Save(); ok = "1"; return; } catch (Exception ex) { ok = ex.ToString(); return; } }