        public void CacheReadReference(string cacheBlock)
            int blockIndex = -1;

            this.totalCacheAccesses++; //Increment the total number of references we've seen in the cache so far
            this.refreshCounter++;     //increment the refresh counter

            GhostCacheElement ghostBlock = null;

            if (this.reverseLookup.TryGetValue(cacheBlock, out ghostBlock))          //O(1)
            {                                                                        //hit, it's in the cache
                blockIndex = this.stack.IndexOfKey(ghostBlock.refreshCounter);       // O(log n)
                ghostBlock.refreshCounter = this.refreshCounter;                     //update counter in the block
                //update the counter at its current depth
                Debug.Assert(this.depthsAccesses[blockIndex] + 1 < UInt32.MaxValue); //make sure we don't overflow the counter
                this.depthsAccesses[blockIndex] += 1;
                //Move it to the right place in the stack (new counter value == "0th position")

                this.stack.RemoveAt(blockIndex);                 //O(log n)
                this.stack.Add(this.refreshCounter, ghostBlock); //O(log n)
                this.Evict(); //check if we need to free up space (should rarely have to...)
                ghostBlock = new GhostCacheElement(refreshCounter, cacheBlock);

                this.stack.Add(refreshCounter, ghostBlock);
                this.reverseLookup.Add(cacheBlock, ghostBlock);
                this.coldMisses++; //this is only true (ie: a cold miss) until the ghost cache has to start evicting things
        public void CacheReadReference(string cacheBlock)
            this.refreshCounter++;       //increment the refresh counter
            this.totalCacheReferences++; //Increment the total number of references we've seen in the cache so far

            Int32 blockIndex = -1;

            byte[] hashedByteValue = this.Murmur3HashFunction.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cacheBlock));
            UInt64 hashedValue     = IntHelpers.GetUInt64(hashedByteValue, 8);

            if ((hashedValue & (this.modulusP - 1)) < this.thresholdT)

                GhostCacheElement ghostBlock = null;

                if (this.hashTableLookup.TryGetValue(hashedValue, out ghostBlock))        //O(1)
                {                                                                         //hit, it's in the ghost cache
                    blockIndex = this.distanceTree.IndexOfKey(ghostBlock.refreshCounter); // O(log n)

                    Int32 scaledReuseDistance = (Int32)Math.Round((double)blockIndex / this.samplingRateR);

                    ghostBlock.refreshCounter = this.refreshCounter;                                    //update counter in the block
                    //update the counter at its current depth
                    Debug.Assert(this.reuseAccessHistogram[scaledReuseDistance] + 1 < UInt32.MaxValue); //make sure we don't overflow the counter
                    this.reuseAccessHistogram[scaledReuseDistance] += 1;
                    //Move it to the right place in the stack (new counter value == "0th position")
                    this.distanceTree.RemoveAt(blockIndex);                 //O(log n)
                    this.distanceTree.Add(this.refreshCounter, ghostBlock); //O(log n)
                    this.Evict(); //check if we need to free up space (should rarely have to...)
                    ghostBlock = new GhostCacheElement(refreshCounter, hashedValue);

                    this.distanceTree.Add(refreshCounter, ghostBlock);
                    this.hashTableLookup.Add(hashedValue, ghostBlock);
                    this.coldMisses++; //this is only true (ie: a cold miss) until the ghost cache has to start evicting things
        public void CacheReadReference(string cacheBlock)
            this.refreshCounter++; //increment the refresh counter
            this.totalCacheReferences++; //Increment the total number of references we've seen in the cache so far

            Int32 blockIndex = -1;
            byte[] hashedByteValue = this.Murmur3HashFunction.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cacheBlock));
            UInt64 hashedValue = IntHelpers.GetUInt64(hashedByteValue, 8);

            if ((hashedValue & (this.modulusP - 1)) < this.thresholdT){

                GhostCacheElement ghostBlock = null;

                if (this.hashTableLookup.TryGetValue(hashedValue, out ghostBlock)) //O(1)
                { //hit, it's in the ghost cache
                    blockIndex = this.distanceTree.IndexOfKey(ghostBlock.refreshCounter); // O(log n)

                    Int32 scaledReuseDistance = (Int32)Math.Round((double)blockIndex / this.samplingRateR);

                    ghostBlock.refreshCounter = this.refreshCounter; //update counter in the block
                    //update the counter at its current depth
                    Debug.Assert(this.reuseAccessHistogram[scaledReuseDistance] + 1 < UInt32.MaxValue); //make sure we don't overflow the counter
                    this.reuseAccessHistogram[scaledReuseDistance] += 1;
                    //Move it to the right place in the stack (new counter value == "0th position")
                    this.distanceTree.RemoveAt(blockIndex); //O(log n)
                    this.distanceTree.Add(this.refreshCounter, ghostBlock); //O(log n)
                    this.Evict(); //check if we need to free up space (should rarely have to...)
                    ghostBlock = new GhostCacheElement(refreshCounter, hashedValue);

                    this.distanceTree.Add(refreshCounter, ghostBlock);
                    this.hashTableLookup.Add(hashedValue, ghostBlock);
                    this.coldMisses++; //this is only true (ie: a cold miss) until the ghost cache has to start evicting things