        private static void GetTicketCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref string data)
            GCHandle         h        = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
            GetTicketHandler callback = (GetTicketHandler)h.Target;

            callback(result, ref data);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the signed app ticket for the current user.
        ///     The structure of the ticket is: <c>version.signature.base64encodedjson</c>, so you should split the string by the
        ///     <c>.</c> character.
        ///     Ensure that the <c>version</c> matches the current version. The <c>signature</c> is used to verify the ticket using
        ///     the libsodium library of your choice,
        ///     and the <c>base64encodedjson</c> is what you can transform after verification. It contains:
        ///     <list type="bullet">
        ///         <item>the application id tied to the ticket</item>
        ///         <item>the user's user id</item>
        ///         <item>a timestamp for the ticket</item>
        ///         <item>the list of the user's <see cref="Store.Entitlement" />s for the application id</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///     These values can be accessed by transforming the string into a
        ///     <a href="https://discord.com/developers/docs/game-sdk/applications#data-models-signedappticket-struct">SignedAppTicket</a>
        ///     with your application's private key. The ticket is signed using
        ///     <a href="https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium">libsodium</a> which should be available for any programming
        ///     language. Here's a
        ///     <a href="https://download.libsodium.org/doc/bindings_for_other_languages">list of available libraries</a>.
        ///     <para>
        ///         Note that both the public key you receive from Discord and the signature within the app ticket from the SDK
        ///         are both in hex, and will need to be converted to <see cref="byte" />[] before use with libsodium.
        ///     </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        public void GetTicket(GetTicketHandler callback)
            GCHandle wrapped = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);

            Methods.GetTicket(methodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(wrapped), GetTicketCallbackImpl);