public void GetAttribute(string type, string message, GetSessionAttributesEventData eventData) { Dictionary <string, string> messageToAlexa = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Vessel vessel = this.vessel; switch (message) { case "mass": messageToAlexa.Add("object", vessel.RevealMass().ToString()); break; case "altitude": messageToAlexa.Add("object", vessel.RevealAltitude().ToString()); break; case "body": messageToAlexa.Add("object", vessel.mainBody.ToString()); break; case "velocity": messageToAlexa.Add("object", vessel.RevealSpeed().ToString()); break; default: messageToAlexa.Add("object", "nothing"); break; } alexaManager.SendToAlexaSkill(messageToAlexa, OnMessageSent); }
public void ConfirmSetup(GetSessionAttributesEventData eventData) { //Step 7: Notify the skill that setup has completed by updating the skills persistant attributes (in DynamoDB) attributes = eventData.Values; attributes["SETUP_STATE"] = new AttributeValue { S = "COMPLETED" }; //Set SETUP_STATE attribute to a string, COMPLETED alexaManager.SetSessionAttributes(attributes, SetAttributesCallback); }
public void UpdateLight(string type, string value, GetSessionAttributesEventData eventData) { //Update the light based on the incoming message, then save the state of the light through the skill's session attributes attributes = eventData.Values; if (type == "Color") { attributes["color"] = new AttributeValue { S = value }; //Set color attribute to a string value } else if (type == "State") { attributes["state"] = new AttributeValue { S = value }; //Set state attribute to a string value } switch (value) { case "white": lightCube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white; break; case "red": lightCube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; break; case "green": lightCube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; break; case "yellow": lightCube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.yellow; break; case "blue": lightCube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; break; case "on": lightCube.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true; break; case "off": lightCube.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; break; } alexaManager.SetSessionAttributes(attributes, SetAttributesCallback); //Save Attributes for Alexa to use }
public void ExecuteCommand(string type, string message, float time, float value, GetSessionAttributesEventData eventData) { Vessel vessel = this.vessel; FlightCtrlState flightCtrl = new FlightCtrlState(); switch (message) { case "roll": rollTime = time; rollVal = value; vessel.OnFlyByWire += new FlightInputCallback(Roll); break; case "pitch": pitchTime = time; pitchVal = value; vessel.OnFlyByWire += new FlightInputCallback(Pitch); break; case "yaw": yawTime = time; yawVal = value; vessel.OnFlyByWire += new FlightInputCallback(Yaw); break; } }