        public IActionResult GetPublicProducts(GetPublicProductPagingRequest requet)
            var products = _productService.GetPublicProducts(requet);

            if (products == null)
                return(BadRequest("Không có sản phẩm nào"));
        public async Task <ActionResult> Get(string languageId, [FromQuery] GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var result = await _publicProductService.GetAllPaging(languageId, request);

            if (result == null)
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetPaggingProduct(string languageId, [FromQuery] GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var product = await _publicProductService.GetAllByCategoryId(languageId, request);

            if (product == null)
        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllByCategoryId(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            //1. Select join
            var query = from p in _context.Products
                        join pt in _context.ProductTranslations on p.Id equals pt.ProductId
                        join pic in _context.ProductInCategories on p.Id equals pic.ProductId
                        join c in _context.Categories on pic.CategoryId equals c.Id
                        where pt.LanguageId == request.LanguageId
                        select new { p, pt, pic };

            //2. filter
            if (request.CategoryId.HasValue && request.CategoryId.Value > 0)
                query = query.Where(p => p.pic.CategoryId == request.CategoryId);
            //3. Paging
            int totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Id             = x.p.Id,
                Name           = x.pt.Name,
                DateCreated    = x.p.DateCreated,
                Description    = x.pt.Description,
                Details        = x.pt.Details,
                LanguageId     = x.pt.LanguageId,
                OriginalPrice  = x.p.OriginalPrice,
                Price          = x.p.Price,
                SeoAlias       = x.pt.SeoAlias,
                SeoDescription = x.pt.SeoDescription,
                SeoTitle       = x.pt.SeoTitle,
                Stock          = x.p.Stock,
                ViewCount      = x.p.ViewCount

            //4. Select and projection
            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecord = totalRow,
                Items       = data

        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductVm> > GetAllByCategoryId(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var query = from p in _context.products
                        join pt in _context.productCategories on p.idCategory equals pt.idCategory
                        select new { p, pt };

            //2. filter
            if (request.idCategory != null)
                query = query.Where(p => p.pt.idCategory == request.idCategory);

            //3. Paging
            int totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductVm()
                idProduct   = x.p.idProduct,
                productName = x.p.productName,
                idSize      = x.p.idSize,
                idBrand     = x.p.idBrand,
                idColor     = x.p.idColor,
                idType      = x.p.idType,
                idCategory  = x.p.idCategory,
                price       = x.p.price,
                salePrice   = x.p.salePrice,
                detail      = x.p.detail,
                dateAdded   = DateTime.Now,
                photoReview = "a",

            //4. Select and projection
            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductVm>()
                TotalRecords = totalRow,
                PageIndex    = request.PageIndex,
                PageSize     = request.PageSize,
                Items        = data

        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllByCategoryId(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            //Buoc 1: Select join
            var query = from p in _context.Products
                        join pd in _context.ProductDetails on p.Id equals pd.ProductId
                        join pic in _context.ProductInCategories on p.Id equals pic.ProductId
                        join c in _context.Categories on pic.ProductId equals c.Id
                        select new { p, pd, pic };

            //Buoc 2: Filter
            if (request.CategoryId.HasValue && request.CategoryId.Value > 0) //HasValue = true và Value hớn hơn 0
                query = query.Where(p => p.pic.CategoryId == request.CategoryId);

            //Buoc 3: Paging
            int totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel() //x là kết quả tìm kiếm được
                Id            = x.p.Id,
                Name          = x.pd.Name,
                DateCreated   = x.p.DateCreated,
                Description   = x.pd.Description,
                Details       = x.pd.Details,
                OriginalPrice = x.p.OriginalPrice,
                Price         = x.p.Price,
                Stock         = x.p.Stock,
                ViewCount     = x.p.ViewCount

            //Buoc 4: Select and projection
            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecords = totalRow,
                PageSize     = request.PageSize,
                PageIndex    = request.PageIndex,
                Items        = data

        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetPublicProducts(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient();

            client.BaseAddress = new Uri(_configuration["BaseAddress"]);
            var sessions = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.GetString("Token");

            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", sessions);

            var json        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request);
            var httpContent = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            var respone = await client.PostAsync($"/api/product/publicfilter", httpContent);

            var body = await respone.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var product = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> >(body);

        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllByCategoryId(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var query = from p in _context.products
                        join pt in _context.productDetails on p.idProduct equals pt.idProduct
                        join pic in _context.ProductInCategories on p.idProduct equals pic.idProduct
                        join c in _context.productCategories on pic.idCategory equals c.idCategory
                        select new { p, pt, pic };

            //2. filter
            if (request.idCategory.HasValue && request.idCategory.Value > 0)
                query = query.Where(p => p.pic.idCategory == request.idCategory);

            //3. Paging
            int totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Id          = x.p.idProduct,
                ProductName = x.pt.ProductName,
                price       = x.pt.price,
                salePrice   = x.pt.salePrice,
                ViewCount   = x.p.ViewCount,
                detail      = x.pt.detail,

            //4. Select and projection
            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecords = totalRow,
                PageIndex    = request.PageIndex,
                PageSize     = request.PageSize,
                Items        = data

        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllByCategoryId(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var query = from p in shopDBContext.Products
                        join pt in shopDBContext.ProductTranslations on p.ID equals pt.ProductId
                        join pic in shopDBContext.ProductInCategories on p.ID equals pic.ProductID
                        join c in shopDBContext.Categories on pic.CategoryID equals c.ID
                        where pt.LanguageId == request.LanguageID && pic.CategoryID == request.CategoryID
                        select new { p, pt, pic };

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Id             = x.p.ID,
                Name           = x.pt.Name,
                DateCreated    = x.p.DateCreated,
                Description    = x.pt.Description,
                Details        = x.pt.Details,
                LanguageId     = x.pt.LanguageId,
                OriginalPrice  = x.p.OriginalPrice,
                Price          = x.p.Price,
                SeoAlias       = x.pt.SeoAlias,
                SeoDescription = x.pt.SeoDescription,
                SeoTitle       = x.pt.SeoTitle,
                Stock          = x.p.Stock,
                ViewCount      = x.p.ViewCount

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecords = await query.CountAsync(),
                Items        = data

        public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllPaging(string languageId, [FromQuery] GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var products = await _productService.GetAllByCategoryId(languageId, request);

 public Task <PageResult <ProductVm> > GetAllByCategoryId(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllByCategoryId(string languageId, GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var query = from p in _context.ProductRepository.GetQuery()
                        join pt in _context.ProductTranslationRepository.GetQuery() on p.Id equals pt.ProductId
                        join pic in _context.ProductInCategoryRepository.GetQuery() on p.Id equals pic.ProductId
                        join c in _context.CategoryRepository.GetQuery() on pic.CategoryId equals c.Id
                        where pt.LanguageId == languageId
                        select(new { p, pt, pic });

            if (request.CategoryId.HasValue && request.CategoryId.Value > 0)
                query = query.Where(x => x.pic.CategoryId == request.CategoryId);

            var totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize).Take(request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Id             = x.p.Id,
                Price          = x.p.Price,
                Original       = x.p.Original,
                Stock          = x.p.Stock,
                ViewCount      = x.p.ViewCount,
                DateCreated    = x.p.DateCreated,
                Name           = x.pt.Name,
                Description    = x.pt.Description,
                Details        = x.pt.Details,
                SeoDescription = x.pt.SeoDescription,
                SeoTitle       = x.pt.SeoTitle,
                SeoAlias       = x.pt.SeoAlias,
                LanguageId     = x.pt.LanguageId

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>
                PageSize     = request.PageSize,
                PageIndex    = request.PageIndex,
                Items        = data,
                TotalRecords = totalRow

        public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllPaging(string languageId, [FromQuery] GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
        {//FROMQUERY là tất cá các tham số Get...PagingRequest là nó lấy từ query ra
            var products = await _publicProductService.GetAllByCategoryId(languageId, request);

        public async Task <ApiResult <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > > GetAllBySupplierID(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var query = from p in _context.ProductImage
                        join pis in _context.ProductInSuppliers on p.Prod_ID equals pis.Prod_ID
                        join s in _context.Suppliers on pis.Supplier_ID equals s.Supplier_ID
                        select new { p, pis, s };

            if (request.Supplier_ID.HasValue && request.Supplier_ID.Value > 0)
                query = query.Where(p => p.pis.Supplier_ID == request.Supplier_ID);

            int totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Prod_ID     = x.p.Prod_ID,
                Prod_Name   = x.p.Prod_Name,
                DateCreate  = x.p.DateCreate,
                Description = x.p.Description,
                Price       = x.p.Price,
                Quantity    = x.p.Quantity,
                Status      = x.p.Status

            //Select and projection
            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecords = totalRow,
                Items        = data

            return(new ApiSuccessResult <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> >(pagedResult));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromQuery] GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var products = await _publicProductService.GetAllCategoryId(request);

        public PagedResult <ProductOverViewModel> GetPublicProducts(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
                var query = from p in _context.Products
                            join pic in _context.CategoryProducts on p.id equals pic.product_id
                            join c in _context.Categories on pic.cate_id equals c.id
                            where p.isDelete == false
                            select new { p, pic, c };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Keyword))
                    query = query.Where(x => EF.Functions.Like(x.p.name, $"%{request.Keyword}%"));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.CategorySlug))
                    query = query.Where(x => x.c.cate_slug.Equals(request.CategorySlug));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.BrandSlug))
                    query = query.Where(x => x.p.Brand.brand_slug.Equals(request.BrandSlug));
                switch (request.idSortType)
                case 1:
                    query = query.OrderBy(x => x.p.name);

                case 2:
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.p.name);

                case 3:
                    query = query.OrderBy(x => x.p.promotion_price > 0 ? x.p.promotion_price : x.p.unit_price);

                case 4:
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.p.promotion_price > 0 ? x.p.promotion_price : x.p.unit_price);
                if (request.Lowestprice != null && request.Highestprice != null)
                    query = query.Where(x => (x.p.promotion_price > 0 ? x.p.promotion_price : x.p.unit_price) >= request.Lowestprice &&
                                        (x.p.promotion_price > 0 ? x.p.promotion_price : x.p.unit_price) <= request.Highestprice);
                else if (request.Lowestprice != null && request.Highestprice == null)
                    query = query.Where(x => (x.p.promotion_price > 0 ? x.p.promotion_price : x.p.unit_price) >= request.Lowestprice);
                else if (request.Lowestprice == null && request.Highestprice != null)
                    query = query.Where(x => (x.p.promotion_price > 0 ? x.p.promotion_price : x.p.unit_price) <= request.Highestprice);

                var data = query.AsEnumerable()
                           .GroupBy(g => g.p);

                int totalRow = data.Count();

                List <ProductOverViewModel> result = data.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) * request.PageSize)
                                                     .Select(a => new ProductOverViewModel()
                    id              = a.Key.id,
                    name            = a.Key.name,
                    best_seller     = a.Key.best_seller,
                    create_at       = a.Key.create_at,
                    featured        = a.Key.featured,
                    image           = a.Key.image,
                    instock         = a.Key.instock,
                    promotion_price = a.Key.promotion_price,
                    short_desc      = a.Key.short_desc,
                    slug            = a.Key.slug,
                    isActive        = a.Key.isActive,
                    unit_price      = a.Key.unit_price,

                var pageResult = new PagedResult <ProductOverViewModel>()
                    TotalRecords = totalRow,
                    PageSize     = request.PageSize,
                    PageIndex    = request.PageIndex,
                    Items        = result,
                var pageResult = new PagedResult <ProductOverViewModel>()
                    TotalRecords = 0,
                    PageSize     = request.PageSize,
                    PageIndex    = request.PageIndex,
                    Items        = null,
 Task <PageResult <ProductViewModel> > IPublicProductService.GetAllByCategoryId(String languageId, GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllByCategoryId(GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var output = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>();
            //b1. select join
            var query = from p in _context.Products
                        join pt in _context.ProductTranslations on p.Id equals pt.ProductId
                        join pic in _context.ProductInCategories on p.Id equals pic.ProductId
                        join c in _context.Categories on pic.CategoryId equals c.Id
                        where pt.LanguageId == request.LanguageId
                        select new { p, pt, pic };

            //b2. filter
            if (request.CategoryId.HasValue && request.CategoryId.Value > 0)
                query = query.Where(p => p.pic.CategoryId == request.CategoryId);
                output.Message    = "CategoryId ko duoc de trong!!!";
                output.ResultCode = 0;
            //var user = (_context.Categories.Find(x => x. == request.CategoryId)).FirstOrDefault();
            //if (user == null)
            //    output.ResultCode = 0;
            //    output.Message = "Invalid User!";
            //    return output;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.LanguageId))
                output.Message    = "LanguageId ko duoc de trong!!!";
                output.ResultCode = 0;

            //b3. paging
            int totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.pageIndex - 1) *request.pageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Id            = x.p.Id,
                Name          = x.pt.Name,
                DateCreated   = x.p.DateCreated,
                Description   = x.pt.Description,
                Details       = x.pt.Details,
                SeoDesciption = x.pt.SeoDesciption,
                SeoAlias      = x.pt.SeoAlias,
                SeoTitle      = x.pt.SeoTitle,
                LanguageId    = x.pt.LanguageId,
                OriginalPrice = x.p.OriginalPrice,
                Price         = x.p.Price,
                Stock         = x.p.Stock,
                ViewCount     = x.p.ViewCount,

            //b4. select and projection
            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecords = totalRow,
                Items        = data,
                PageSize     = request.pageSize,
                PageIndex    = request.pageIndex,
                Message      = "Success!",
                ResultCode   = 1

        public async Task <PageResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllByCategoryId(string languageId, GetPublicProductPagingRequest request)
            var query = from p in _context.Products
                        join pt in _context.ProductTranslations on p.Id equals pt.ProductId
                        join pic in _context.ProductInCategories on p.Id equals pic.ProductId
                        select new { p, pt, pic };

            if (request.CategoryId.HasValue && request.CategoryId.Value > 0)
                query = query.Where(x => x.pic.CategoryId == request.CategoryId);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(languageId))
                query = query.Where(x => x.pt.LanguageId == languageId);

            int totalRows = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.pageIndex - 1) *request.pageSize).Take(request.pageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Id             = x.p.Id,
                Price          = x.p.Price,
                OriginalPrice  = x.p.Price,
                Stock          = x.p.Stock,
                ViewCount      = x.p.ViewCount,
                DateCreated    = x.p.DateCreated,
                SeoAlias       = x.pt.SeoAlias,
                SeoDescription = x.pt.SeoDescription,
                SeoTitle       = x.pt.SeoTitle,
                Description    = x.pt.Description,
                Details        = x.pt.Details,
                Name           = x.pt.Name,
                LanguageId     = x.pt.LanguageId

            var pageResult = new PageResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecord = totalRows,
                Items       = data
