        internal static string VerifyServiceChainingEvents(string urlFirstHop, string urlSecondHop, bool hasrequest, bool hasresponse)
            //expect exactly 4 transactions
            //one from the client, to the first hop
            //one from the service on first hop
            //one from the first hop client to second hop
            //one from the second hop service
            dataAccessService das = GetDASProxyAdmin();
            GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg req = new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();

            req.classification = new SecurityWrapper();
            req.offset = 0;
            req.offsetSpecified = true;
            req.records = 2;
            req.URL = urlFirstHop;
            GetMessageLogsResponseMsg firsthoprecords = das.GetRecentMessageLogs(req);

            req = new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();
            req= new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();
            req.classification = new SecurityWrapper();
            req.offset = 0;
            req.offsetSpecified = true;
            req.records = 2;
            req.URL = urlSecondHop;
            GetMessageLogsResponseMsg secondhoprecords = das.GetRecentMessageLogs(req);
            string ret = "";
            if (firsthoprecords == null || firsthoprecords == null || firsthoprecords.logs == null)
                ret += "no records returned for first hop at " + urlFirstHop;
            if (secondhoprecords == null || secondhoprecords== null || secondhoprecords.logs == null)
                ret += "no records returned for second hop at " + urlSecondHop;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
                return ret;
            if (firsthoprecords.logs.Length != 2)
                ret += "expected 2 records for " + urlFirstHop + " but recieved " + firsthoprecords.logs.Length;
            if (secondhoprecords.logs.Length != 2)
                ret += "expected 2 records for " + urlSecondHop + " but recieved " + secondhoprecords.logs.Length;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))

                return ret;
            //transaction thread id should be the same on all records
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t1 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t2 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t3 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t4 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg r = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg();
            r.classification = new SecurityWrapper();
            r.transactionID = firsthoprecords.logs[0].transactionId;

            r.transactionID = firsthoprecords.logs[1].transactionId;

            r.transactionID = secondhoprecords.logs[0].transactionId;
            r.transactionID = secondhoprecords.logs[1].transactionId;

            if (!t1.transactionthreadId.Equals(t2.transactionthreadId) ||
                !t1.transactionthreadId.Equals(t3.transactionthreadId) ||
                ret += "at least one of the thread id's didn't match up, meaning the chaining wasn't recorded correctly.";

            if (!t1.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t2.transactionId) || !t2.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t1.transactionId))
                ret += " the first hops related/transaction ids didn't match up";

            if (!t3.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t4.transactionId) || !t3.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t4.transactionId))
                ret += " the second hops related/transaction ids didn't match up";
            //message and related message ids should pair up

            //check request/response recording

              //  Assert.Inconclusive("i haven't finished this code yet");
            return ret;
         * Failed	TC00136_ASPNETMonitoredThickClienttoASPNETserviceMonitored	FGSMS.NETTestSuite	Assert.Fail failed.
         * VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more total transactions returned that expected 1 vs 2
         * VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more actual transactions returned that expected 1 vs 2
        public static string VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction(string url_internal)
            dataAccessService das = GetDASProxyAdmin();
            GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg req = new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();

            req.classification  = new SecurityWrapper();
            req.offset          = 0;
            req.offsetSpecified = true;
            req.records         = 2;
            req.URL             = url_internal;
            GetMessageLogsResponseMsg res = das.GetRecentMessageLogs(req);

            string ret = "";

            if (res == null || res == null || res.logs == null || res.logs.Length == 0)
                ret += ("VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, no results found");
            //  if (res.GetMessageLogsResult.TotalRecords != 2)
            //      ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more/less total transactions returned that expected " + res.GetMessageLogsResult.TotalRecords + " vs " + 2;
            if (res.logs.Length > 2)
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more transactional log verification results were returned than expected" + res.logs.Length;
            if (res.logs.Length < 2)
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, less actual transactions returned that expected " + res.logs.Length + " vs " + 2;

            //get the details
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t1 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t2 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg         r  = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg();

            r.classification = new SecurityWrapper();
            if (res.logs.Length > 0)
                r.transactionID = res.logs[0].transactionId;

                t1 = das.GetMessageTransactionLogDetails(r);
            if (res.logs.Length > 1)
                r.transactionID = res.logs[1].transactionId;
                t2 = das.GetMessageTransactionLogDetails(r);


            string agentsdata = "";

            // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
            if (t1 != null)
                agentsdata = t1.agentType + ":" + t1.transactionId;
            if (t2 != null)
                agentsdata = t2.agentType + ":" + t2.transactionId;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
                return(ret + agentsdata);
            //verify transaction thread id matches

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(t1.relatedTransactionID))
                ret = "the transaction " + t1.transactionId + " did not have a related transaction id, this means that an http header was not propagated,  either by either recording agent, agent " + t1.agentType + " " + t1.agentMemo;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(t2.relatedTransactionID))
                ret = "the transaction " + t2.transactionId + " did not have a related transaction id, this means that an http header was not propagated  either by either recording agent, agent " + t2.agentType + " " + t2.agentMemo;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
                return(ret);//prevent npe
            if (!t1.transactionthreadId.Equals(t2.transactionthreadId, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, the transaction thread id's do not match" + t1.transactionthreadId + " vs " + t2.transactionthreadId;
            if (!t1.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t2.transactionId, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, the transaction related message id's does not match. this probably means an http wasn't propagated t1 " + t1.relatedTransactionID + " vs t2 " + t2.transactionId;
            if (!t2.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t1.transactionId, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, the transaction related message id's does not match. this probably means an http wasn't propagated t1 " + t2.relatedTransactionID + " vs t2 " + t1.transactionId;

         * Failed	TC00136_ASPNETMonitoredThickClienttoASPNETserviceMonitored	FGSMS.NETTestSuite	Assert.Fail failed.
         * VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more total transactions returned that expected 1 vs 2
         * VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more actual transactions returned that expected 1 vs 2
        public static string VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction(string url_internal)
            dataAccessService das = GetDASProxyAdmin();
            GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg req = new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();

            req.classification = new SecurityWrapper();
            req.offset = 0;
            req.offsetSpecified = true;
            req.records = 2;
            req.URL = url_internal;
            GetMessageLogsResponseMsg res = das.GetRecentMessageLogs(req);

            string ret = "";
            if (res == null || res == null || res.logs == null || res.logs.Length == 0)
                ret += ("VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, no results found");
            //  if (res.GetMessageLogsResult.TotalRecords != 2)
            //      ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more/less total transactions returned that expected " + res.GetMessageLogsResult.TotalRecords + " vs " + 2;
            if (res.logs.Length > 2)
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, more transactional log verification results were returned than expected" + res.logs.Length;
            if (res.logs.Length < 2)
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, less actual transactions returned that expected " + res.logs.Length + " vs " + 2;

            //get the details
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t1 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t2 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg r = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg();
            r.classification = new SecurityWrapper();
            if (res.logs.Length > 0)
                r.transactionID = res.logs[0].transactionId;

                t1 = das.GetMessageTransactionLogDetails(r);
            if (res.logs.Length > 1)
                r.transactionID = res.logs[1].transactionId;


            string agentsdata = "";
            // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
            if (t1 != null)
                agentsdata = t1.agentType + ":" + t1.transactionId;
            if (t2 != null)
                agentsdata = t2.agentType + ":" + t2.transactionId;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
                return ret + agentsdata;
            //verify transaction thread id matches

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(t1.relatedTransactionID))
                ret = "the transaction " + t1.transactionId + " did not have a related transaction id, this means that an http header was not propagated,  either by either recording agent, agent " + t1.agentType + " " + t1.agentMemo;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(t2.relatedTransactionID))
                ret = "the transaction " + t2.transactionId + " did not have a related transaction id, this means that an http header was not propagated  either by either recording agent, agent " + t2.agentType + " " + t2.agentMemo;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
                return ret;//prevent npe
            if (!t1.transactionthreadId.Equals(t2.transactionthreadId, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, the transaction thread id's do not match" + t1.transactionthreadId + " vs " + t2.transactionthreadId;
            if (!t1.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t2.transactionId, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, the transaction related message id's does not match. this probably means an http wasn't propagated t1 " + t1.relatedTransactionID + " vs t2 " + t2.transactionId;
            if (!t2.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t1.transactionId, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                ret += "VerifyLastMessagePayloadsTwoAgentsOneTransaction, the transaction related message id's does not match. this probably means an http wasn't propagated t1 " + t2.relatedTransactionID + " vs t2 " + t1.transactionId;

            return ret;
        internal static string VerifyServiceChainingEvents(string urlFirstHop, string urlSecondHop, bool hasrequest, bool hasresponse)
            //expect exactly 4 transactions
            //one from the client, to the first hop
            //one from the service on first hop
            //one from the first hop client to second hop
            //one from the second hop service
            dataAccessService das = GetDASProxyAdmin();
            GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg req = new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();

            req.classification  = new SecurityWrapper();
            req.offset          = 0;
            req.offsetSpecified = true;
            req.records         = 2;
            req.URL             = urlFirstHop;
            GetMessageLogsResponseMsg firsthoprecords = das.GetRecentMessageLogs(req);

            req = new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();
            req = new GetRecentMessageLogsRequestMsg();
            req.classification  = new SecurityWrapper();
            req.offset          = 0;
            req.offsetSpecified = true;
            req.records         = 2;
            req.URL             = urlSecondHop;
            GetMessageLogsResponseMsg secondhoprecords = das.GetRecentMessageLogs(req);
            string ret = "";

            if (firsthoprecords == null || firsthoprecords == null || firsthoprecords.logs == null)
                ret += "no records returned for first hop at " + urlFirstHop;
            if (secondhoprecords == null || secondhoprecords == null || secondhoprecords.logs == null)
                ret += "no records returned for second hop at " + urlSecondHop;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
            if (firsthoprecords.logs.Length != 2)
                ret += "expected 2 records for " + urlFirstHop + " but recieved " + firsthoprecords.logs.Length;
            if (secondhoprecords.logs.Length != 2)
                ret += "expected 2 records for " + urlSecondHop + " but recieved " + secondhoprecords.logs.Length;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
            //transaction thread id should be the same on all records
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t1 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t2 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t3 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg t4 = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsResponseMsg();
            GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg         r  = new GetMessageTransactionLogDetailsMsg();

            r.classification = new SecurityWrapper();
            r.transactionID  = firsthoprecords.logs[0].transactionId;
            t1 = das.GetMessageTransactionLogDetails(r);

            r.transactionID = firsthoprecords.logs[1].transactionId;
            t2 = das.GetMessageTransactionLogDetails(r);

            r.transactionID = secondhoprecords.logs[0].transactionId;
            t3 = das.GetMessageTransactionLogDetails(r);
            r.transactionID = secondhoprecords.logs[1].transactionId;
            t4 = das.GetMessageTransactionLogDetails(r);

            if (!t1.transactionthreadId.Equals(t2.transactionthreadId) ||
                !t1.transactionthreadId.Equals(t3.transactionthreadId) ||
                ret += "at least one of the thread id's didn't match up, meaning the chaining wasn't recorded correctly.";

            if (!t1.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t2.transactionId) || !t2.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t1.transactionId))
                ret += " the first hops related/transaction ids didn't match up";

            if (!t3.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t4.transactionId) || !t3.relatedTransactionID.Equals(t4.transactionId))
                ret += " the second hops related/transaction ids didn't match up";
            //message and related message ids should pair up

            //check request/response recording

            //  Assert.Inconclusive("i haven't finished this code yet");