public async Task <IActionResult> GetMyData(int?idNgo, int?idObserver, int?pollingStationNumber, string county, DateTime?from, DateTime?to)
            var filter = new GetDataForExport
                NgoId                = idNgo,
                ObserverId           = idObserver,
                PollingStationNumber = pollingStationNumber,
                County               = county,
                From = from,
                To   = to

            var data = await _mediator.Send(filter);

            var excelFileBytes = await _mediator.Send(new GenerateExcelFile(data));

            if (excelFileBytes == null || excelFileBytes.Length == 0)

                       fileContents: excelFileBytes,
                       contentType: Utility.EXCEL_MEDIA_TYPE,
                       fileDownloadName: "data.xlsx"
        public async Task <List <ExportModel> > Handle(GetDataForExport request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //var exportData = await _context.Answers
            //      .Where(a => a.IdObserver > 10)
            //      .Where(a => a.LastModified >= new DateTime(2019, 11, 08, 6, 0, 0))
            //      .Where(a => a.Observer.IdNgo != 1)
            //      .Where(a => a.OptionAnswered != null && a.OptionAnswered.Question != null)
            //      .SelectMany(a => a.OptionAnswered.Question.Notes.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, note) => new ExportModel
            //      {
            //          ObserverPhone = a.Observer.Phone,
            //          IdNgo = a.Observer.IdNgo,
            //          FormCode = a.OptionAnswered.Question.FormSection.Form.Code,
            //          QuestionText = a.OptionAnswered.Question.Text,
            //          OptionText = a.OptionAnswered.Option.Text,
            //          AnswerFreeText = a.Value,
            //          NoteText = note.Text,
            //          NoteAttachmentPath = note.AttachementPath,
            //          LastModified = a.LastModified,
            //          CountyCode = a.CountyCode,
            //          PollingStationNumber = a.PollingStationNumber
            //      })
            //      .ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            var query = @" SELECT
            NEWID() as Id,   
			obs.Phone as [ObserverPhone],
			f.Code as FormCode,
			q.Text as QuestionText,
			o.Text as [OptionText],
			a.[Value] as [AnswerFreeText],
			n.Text as NoteText,
			n.AttachementPath as [NoteAttachmentPath],
			(Answers a 
			INNER JOIN Observers obs
				ON a.IdObserver = obs.Id
			INNER JOIN OptionsToQuestions oq
				ON a.IdOptionToQuestion = oq.Id
			INNER JOIN Options o 
				ON oq.IdOption = o.Id
			INNER JOIN Questions q
				ON oq.IdQuestion = q.Id
			INNER JOIN FormSections fs
				ON q.IdSection = fs.Id
			INNER JOIN Forms f
				ON fs.IdForm = f.Id)
			LEFT JOIN Notes n
				ON n.IdQuestion = q.Id AND n.IdObserver = obs.Id AND n.IdPollingStation = a.IdPollingStation
			a.LastModified >= @from
            AND obs.IsTestObserver = 0


            var parameters = new List <SqlParameter>
                new SqlParameter("@from", request.From ?? new DateTime(2019, 11, 08, 6, 0, 0)),

            if (request.ApplyFilters)
                if (request.To.HasValue)
                    query += " AND a.LastModified <= @to ";
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@to", request.To ?? DateTime.Now.AddDays(2)));

                if (request.ObserverId.HasValue)
                    query += " AND obs.Id = @ObserverId ";
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ObserverId", request.ObserverId));

                if (request.NgoId.HasValue)
                    query += " AND obs.IdNgo = @IdNgo ";
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IdNgo", request.NgoId));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.County))
                    query += " AND a.CountyCode = @County ";
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@County", request.County));

                if (request.PollingStationNumber.HasValue)
                    query += " AND a.PollingStationNumber = @PollingStationNumber ";
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PollingStationNumber", request.PollingStationNumber));

            var exportData = _context.ExportModels.FromSqlRaw(query, parameters.ToArray());

            return(await exportData.ToListAsync(cancellationToken));