        static private void GetEvents(Journal.OptionsRow or, ILJServer iLJ, ref SyncItemCollection sic,
                                      ref SyncItemCollection deletedsic, ref EventCollection ec)
            // for an explanation of this algorithm, see
            // http://www.livejournal.com/community/lj_clients/143312.html
            // note that this is a very painful algorithm.  it will loop an extra time for each
            // deleted syncitem that getevents doesn't return an event for.  if LJ decides to revise
            // how they return syncitems, this algorithm can be made more efficient.
            int total = sic.Count;

            while (sic.Count > 0)
                SyncItem             oldest     = sic.GetOldest();
                DateTime             oldestTime = DateTime.Parse(oldest.time, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).AddSeconds(-1);
                GetChallengeResponse gcr        = iLJ.GetChallenge();
                string          auth_response   = MD5Hasher.Compute(gcr.challenge + or.HPassword);
                GetEventsParams gep             = new GetEventsParams(or.UserName, "challenge", gcr.challenge,
                                                                      auth_response, 1, 0, 0, 0, "syncitems", oldestTime.ToString(_datetimeformat), 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                      string.Empty, 0, "unix", (or.IsUseJournalNull() ? string.Empty : or.UseJournal));
                GetEventsResponse ger;
                socb(new SyncOperationEventArgs(SyncOperation.GetEvents, total - sic.Count, total));
                ger = iLJ.GetEvents(gep);
                // remove this item in case it isn't returned by getevents
                // this signifies that the item has been deleted
                // this also ensures we don't get stuck in an endless loop
        static private void SessionGenerate(Journal.OptionsRow or, ILJServer iLJ, ref SessionGenerateResponse sgr)
            // a session needs to be generated to talk to the livejournal web server
            // right now there is no export comments method on xmlrpc, so we get comments the ol' fashioned way -
            // with a web request
            GetChallengeResponse gcr  = iLJ.GetChallenge();
            string auth_response      = MD5Hasher.Compute(gcr.challenge + or.HPassword);
            SessionGenerateParams sgp = new SessionGenerateParams(or.UserName, "challenge", gcr.challenge,
                                                                  auth_response, 1, "long", 0);

            sgr = iLJ.SessionGenerate(sgp);