        /// <summary>
        /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
        /// </summary>
        public List <OfferType> GetAllBidders(string ItemID, GetAllBiddersModeCodeType CallMode)
            this.ItemID   = ItemID;
            this.CallMode = CallMode;

		/// <summary>
		/// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
		/// </summary>
		public OfferTypeCollection GetAllBidders(string ItemID, GetAllBiddersModeCodeType CallMode)
			this.ItemID = ItemID;
			this.CallMode = CallMode;

			return ApiResponse.BidArray;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the base request type for the <b>GetAllBidders</b> call, which is used to retrieve bidders from an active or recently-ended auction listing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ItemID">
        /// This is the unique identifier of the auction listing for which bidders are being retrieved. This auction listing can be active or recently ended. However, to retrieve bidders for an active auction listing, the only <b>CallMode</b> enumeration value that can be used is <code>ViewAll</code>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CallMode">
        /// The enumeration value that is passed into this field will control the set of bidders that will be retrieved in the response. To retrieve bidders from a recently-ended auction listing, any of the three values can be used. To retrieve bidders for an active auction listing, only the <code>ViewAll</code> enumeration value can be used. These values are discussed in <b>GetAllBiddersModeCodeType</b>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeBiddingSummary">
        /// The user must include this field and set its value to <code>true</code> if the user wishes to retrieve the  <b>BiddingSummary</b> container for each bidder. The <b>BiddingSummary</b> container consists of more detailed bidding information on each bidder.
        /// </param>
        public List <OfferType> GetAllBidders(string ItemID, GetAllBiddersModeCodeType CallMode, bool IncludeBiddingSummary)
            this.ItemID   = ItemID;
            this.CallMode = CallMode;
            this.IncludeBiddingSummary = IncludeBiddingSummary;

		/// <summary>
		/// Provides three modes for retrieving a list of the users that bid on
		/// a listing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ItemID">
		/// The ID of the item. The bidders who bid on this item are returned.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="CallMode">
		/// Specifies which bidder information to return.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="IncludeBiddingSummary">
		/// Specifies whether return BiddingSummary container for each offer.
		/// </param>
		public OfferTypeCollection GetAllBidders(string ItemID, GetAllBiddersModeCodeType CallMode, bool IncludeBiddingSummary)
			this.ItemID = ItemID;
			this.CallMode = CallMode;
			this.IncludeBiddingSummary = IncludeBiddingSummary;

			return ApiResponse.BidArray;