async void MoveToCurrentLocation() { await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); if (geolocatorService.Latitude != 0 && geolocatorService.Longitude != 0) { var position = new Position(geolocatorService.Latitude, geolocatorService.Longitude); MyMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(position, Distance.FromMiles(.3))); } Task.Run(async() => backgroundThread()); }
async void MoveToCurrentLocation() { await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); if (geolocatorService.Latitude != 0 && geolocatorService.Longitude != 0) { var position = new Position(geolocatorService.Latitude, geolocatorService.Longitude); MyMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(position, Distance.FromMiles(.3))); } await ShowPoins(); }
async void MoveMapToCurrentPosition() { await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); if (geolocatorService.Latitude != 0 || geolocatorService.Longitude != 0) { var position = new Position( geolocatorService.Latitude, geolocatorService.Longitude); MyMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( position, Distance.FromKilometers(.5))); } await LoadPins(); }
private async void saveCurrentPosittion() { await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); if (geolocatorService.Latitude == 0 || geolocatorService.Longitude == 0) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert( "Error", "No se a logrado ubicar tu localizacion", "Aceptar"); return; } var user = MainViewModel.GetInstance().User; user.Latitude = (decimal)geolocatorService.Latitude; user.Longitude = (decimal)geolocatorService.Longitude; var apiSecurity = Application.Current.Resources["APISecurity"].ToString(); var response = await this.apiService.Put( apiSecurity, "/api", "/Users", MainViewModel.GetInstance().Token.TokenType, MainViewModel.GetInstance().Token.AccessToken, user); if (!response.IsSuccess) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert( "Error", response.Message, "Aceptar"); return; } //TODO: Notificacion push //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert( // "Confirmación", // "Tu pocicion esta siendo rastreada por nuestros sistemas", // "Aceptar"); }
private async void OnInitAsync() { MyMap.Tapped += MyMap_Tapped; MyMap.PinTapped += MyMap_PinTapped; await _geolocatorService.GetLocation(); if (_geolocatorService.Lat > 0 || _geolocatorService.Lon > 0) { var position = new Position(_geolocatorService.Lat, _geolocatorService.Lon); MyMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(position, Distance.FromKilometers(.5))); } else { await DisplayAlert("Geolocation", "Geolocation service not available!", "Ok"); } GetParkings(); }
async void Save() { if (ProjectId == 0) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "You must select a project."); return; } if (ActivityId == 0) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "You must select an activity."); return; } ConvertHours(); if (To <= From) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "The hour 'To' must be greather hour 'From'."); return; } IsEnabled = false; IsRunning = true; var checkConnetion = await apiService.CheckConnection(); if (!checkConnetion.IsSuccess) { IsRunning = false; IsEnabled = true; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", checkConnetion.Message); return; } var urlAPI = Application.Current.Resources["URLAPI"].ToString(); var mainViewModel = MainViewModel.GetInstance(); var employee = mainViewModel.Employee; await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); var newTimeRequest = new NewTimeRequest { ActivityId = ActivityId, DateReported = DateReported, EmployeeId = employee.EmployeeId, From = From, Latitude = geolocatorService.Latitude, Longitude = geolocatorService.Longitude, IsRepeated = IsRepeated, IsRepeatFriday = IsRepeatFriday, IsRepeatMonday = IsRepeatMonday, IsRepeatSaturday = IsRepeatSaturday, IsRepeatSunday = IsRepeatSunday, IsRepeatThursday = IsRepeatThursday, IsRepeatTuesday = IsRepeatTuesday, IsRepeatWednesday = IsRepeatWednesday, ProjectId = ProjectId, Remarks = Remarks, To = To, Until = Until, }; var response = await apiService.Post( urlAPI, "/api", "/Times", employee.TokenType, employee.AccessToken, newTimeRequest); IsEnabled = true; IsRunning = false; if (!response.IsSuccess) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", response.Message); return; } await navigationService.Back(); }
private async void NewCustomer() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName)) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar un Email."); return; } if (!Utilities.IsValidEmail(UserName)) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar un Email valido."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName)) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar un Nombres."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName)) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar un Apellidos."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone)) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar un Telefono."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address)) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar una Direccion."); return; } if (DepartmentId == 0) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar un Departamento."); return; } if (CityId == 0) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Debe ingresar un Telefono."); return; } IsRunning = true; await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); var customer = new Customer { Address = Address, CityId = CityId, DepartmentId = DepartmentId, FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, IsUpdated = true, Phone = Phone, Latitude = geolocatorService.Latitude, Longitude = geolocatorService.Longitude, UserName = UserName, }; var response = await apiService.NewCustomer(customer); if (response.IsSucces && file != null) { var newCustomer = (Customer)response.Result; var response2 = await apiService.SetPhoto(newCustomer.CustomerId, file.GetStream()); var filenName = string.Format("{0}.jpg", newCustomer.CustomerId); var folder = "~/Content/Customers"; var fullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", folder, filenName); customer.Photo = fullPath; } IsRunning = false; if (!response.IsSucces) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", response.Message); return; } await dialogService.ShowMessage("Confirmación.", response.Message); await navigationService.Back(); }
async void Save() { if (ProjectId == 0) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "You must select a project."); return; } if (ActivityId == 0) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "You must select an activity."); return; } ConvertHours(); if (To <= From) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "The hour 'To' must be greather hour 'From'."); return; } IsEnabled = false; IsRunning = true; var checkConnetion = await apiService.CheckConnection(); if (!checkConnetion.IsSuccess) { IsRunning = false; IsEnabled = true; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", checkConnetion.Message); return; } await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); var activitySelected = Activities.ElementAt(ActivityIndex); var projectSelected = Projects.ElementAt(ProjectIndex); var time = new Time { Activity = activitySelected, ActivityId = activitySelected.ActivityId, DateRegistered = DateTime.Today, DateReported = DateReported, EmployeeId = employee.EmployeeId, From = From, Project = projectSelected, ProjectId = projectSelected.ProjectId, Remarks = Remarks, TimeId = editTime.TimeId, To = To, }; var response = await apiService.Put( urlAPI, "/api", "/Times", employee.TokenType, employee.AccessToken, time); IsEnabled = true; IsRunning = false; if (!response.IsSuccess) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", response.Message); return; } await navigationService.Back(); }
private async void BuscarParqueaderoPorUsuario(User user) { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); Longitude = geolocatorService.Longitude; Latitud = geolocatorService.Latitud; if (Longitude != 0 && Latitud != 0) { searchParkForm.Longitude = Longitude.ToString(); searchParkForm.Latitud = Latitud.ToString(); var isReachable = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsRemoteReachable(""); if (isReachable) { var sear = new SearchParkForm { Latitud = searchParkForm.Latitud, Longitude = searchParkForm.Longitude }; var respuesta = await apiService.Post <SearchParkForm, ResponseT <List <Parqueadero> > >(Configuration.SERVER, "/api", "/Parking/SearchParking", user.TokenType, user.AccessToken, sear); if (respuesta != null) { if (respuesta.IsSuccess) { var result = (ResponseT <List <Parqueadero> >)respuesta.Resullt; var parqExits = dataService.Get <Parqueadero>(false).ToList(); if (result.IsSuccess) { var listParqueaderos = (List <Parqueadero>)result.Result; ReloadParqueaderos(listParqueaderos); await navigationService.Navigate("MapUbicateParkingPage"); IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", result.Message); return; } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "Servicio no encontrado"); return; } } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "Es necesario tener conexión a internet para poder registrarse"); return; } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "Es necesario tener encendido el Gps para poder ubicar los sitios más cercanos"); return; } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "Active su Wifi o su paquete de datos."); return; } }
private async void Conectarse(ParkForm parkForm) { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); Longitude = geolocatorService.Longitude; Latitud = geolocatorService.Latitud; AdminArea = geolocatorService.AdminArea; Thoroughfare = geolocatorService.Thoroughfare; Locality = geolocatorService.Locality; CountryCode = geolocatorService.CountryCode; CountryName = geolocatorService.CountryName; PostalCode = geolocatorService.PostalCode; SubLocality = geolocatorService.SubLocality; SubThoroughfare = geolocatorService.SubThoroughfare; SubAdminArea = geolocatorService.SubAdminArea; Response response = null; if (parkForm != null) { if (Longitude != 0 && Latitud != 0) { parkForm.Longitud = Longitude; parkForm.Latitud = Latitud; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Direccion)) { var cadena = ""; var UrlServerMethod = "json?latlng=" + Latitud + "," + Longitude; var request = await apiService.GetGoogleService <ResponseGoogle>(cadena, UrlServerMethod); if (request != null) { if (request.status.Equals("OK")) { if (request.results.Count() > 0) { string[] caracteres = request.results.FirstOrDefault().formatted_address.Split(','); Thoroughfare = caracteres[0]; } } } Direccion = Thoroughfare; } var currentUser = dataService.First <User>(false); if (currentUser != null && currentUser.UserId > 0) { parkForm.UserTypeId = currentUser.UserTypeId; parkForm.UserId = currentUser.UserId; parkForm.Direccion = Direccion; } else { isBusy = false; IsEnabled = !isBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "Usuario no identifiacado, revise su configuración"); return; } var isReachable = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsRemoteReachable(""); if (isReachable) { var respuesta = await apiService.Post <ParkForm, Response>(Configuration.SERVER, "/api", "/Parking/RegisterParking", currentUser.TokenType, currentUser.AccessToken, parkForm); if (respuesta != null) { if (respuesta.IsSuccess) { var result = (Response)respuesta.Resullt; IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; if (result.IsSuccess) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Confirmación", result.Message); await navigationService.Navigate("MainPage"); ClearFormParqueadero(); } else { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", result.Message); return; } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "Servicio no encontrado"); return; } } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "Es necesario tener conexión a internet para poder registrarse"); return; } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; ImageSource = "icon.png"; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", response.Message); return; } } else { IsBusy = false; IsEnabled = !IsBusy; ImageSource = "icon.png"; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "No se pudo crear el parqueadero verifique la información agregada"); return; } } else { ImageSource = "icon.png"; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Confimación", "Es necesario tener acceso a Internet, active el Wifi o su paquete de datos por favor."); return; } }
private async void Start() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyRoute)) { await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Seleccione una ruta."); return; } //IsEnabledStart = false; //var checkConnection = await apiService.CheckConnection(); //if (!checkConnection.IsSuccess) //{ // IsRunning = false; // await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", checkConnection.Message); // return; //} var mainViewModel = MainViewModel.GetInstance(); var urlAPI = Application.Current.Resources["URLAPI"].ToString(); var response = await apiService.GetByField <Location>( urlAPI, "/locations.json", "placa", mainViewModel.Driver.Placa, mainViewModel.Driver.Token); if (response.IsSuccess) { //IsEnabledStart = true; //await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Problemas registrando el viaje."); var responseDelete = await apiService.Delete( urlAPI, "/locations", mainViewModel.Driver.Token, response.Extra); } await geolocatorService.GetLocation(); var newLocation = new Location { Placa = mainViewModel.Driver.Placa, Vehiculo = mainViewModel.Driver.Vehiculo, Ruta = MyRoute, Latitud = geolocatorService.Latitude, Longitud = geolocatorService.Longitude, Hora = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString() }; var responsePost = await apiService.Post <Location>( urlAPI, "/locations", ".json", newLocation, mainViewModel.Driver.Token); if (!responsePost.IsSuccess) { IsEnabledStart = true; await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "No se ha podido iniciar el viaje"); return; } var postResponse = (PostResponse)responsePost.Result; key = postResponse.Name; IsEnabledEnd = true; IsEnabledStart = false; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => backgroundThread(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); //Task.Run(async () => backgroundThread()); }