        //step 2:

        private void CheckWithin5kmRadius(string address)
            // Find the START LOCATION (entered by the user)
            GeoLoc startLocation = Geocoder.LocateGoogle(address + "," + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Country"]) ?? new GeoLoc();
            SortedList <Double, Supplier> nearest = new SortedList <double, Supplier>();

            List <Supplier> doctors = entity.Suppliers.Where(i => i.IsNetworkSupplier.Value && i.IdDiscipline == 10 || i.IdDiscipline == 11).ToList();

            foreach (Supplier o in doctors)
                GeoLoc location = new GeoLoc
                    Lat = o.Latitude.Value,
                    Lon = o.Longitude.Value
                if (location.Lat != 0 && location.Lon != 0)
                    Double distance = Distance(startLocation, location);
                    if (distance > 0 && distance <= 15)
                        Console.WriteLine("Doctor found within 15 km");

            if (startLocation.Lon != 0)
            {   // starting point was resolved
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //List<Supplier> suppliers = entity.Suppliers.Where(p => p.IsNetworkSupplier.Value).ToList();
            List <SupplierAddress> supplierAddresses = entity.SupplierAddresses.Where(p => !p.IsPostalAddress.Value).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Found " + supplierAddresses.Count() + " Network Suppliers");
                int i = 0;
                int d = 0;
                foreach (var item in supplierAddresses)
                    Console.WriteLine(i + "Getting GeoLocation for " + item.IdSupplier);

                    Console.WriteLine(i + "Getting GeoLoc for " + item.Address2 + "," + item.Address3 + "," + item.Address4);
                    Province prov = entity.Provinces.Where(p => p.IdProvince == item.IdProvince).FirstOrDefault();
                    GeoLoc?  loc  = Geocoder.LocateGoogle(item.Address2 + "," + item.Address3 + "," + item.Address4 + "," + prov.Name);
                    if (loc.HasValue)
                        Console.WriteLine(i + "Supplier " + item.IdSupplier + loc.Value.ToString());
                        item.Latitude  = loc.Value.Lat;
                        item.Longitude = loc.Value.Lon;
                        Console.WriteLine(i + "No co-ordinates found for supplier " + item.IdSupplier);

                 * //SupplierAddress address = entity.SupplierAddresses.Where(p => !p.IsPostalAddress.Value && p.IdSupplier == item.IdSupplier).FirstOrDefault();
                 * // if (address != null)
                 * //{
                 *  //Province prov = entity.Provinces.Where(p => p.IdProvince == address.IdProvince).FirstOrDefault();
                 *  //if (prov != null)
                 *  //{
                 *  //    if (prov.IdProvince == 11)
                 *  /*    {
                 *          prov = null;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  if (!address.Latitude.HasValue)
                 *  {
                 *      Console.WriteLine(i + "Getting GeoLoc for " + address.Address1 + "," + address.Address2 + "," + (prov != null ? prov.Name: "") + "," + (address.PostalCode != null ? address.PostalCode.Trim(): ""));
                 *      GeoLoc? loc = Geocoder.LocateGoogle(address.Address1 + "," + address.Address2 + "," + (prov != null ? prov.Name : "") + "," + (address.PostalCode != null ? address.PostalCode.Trim() : ""));
                 *      if (loc.HasValue)
                 *      {
                 *          Console.WriteLine(i + "Supplier " + item.SupplierName + loc.Value.ToString());
                 *          item.Latitude = loc.Value.Lat;
                 *          item.Longitude = loc.Value.Lon;
                 *          d++;
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          Console.WriteLine(i + "No co-ordinates found for supplier " + item.SupplierName);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      Console.WriteLine(i + "Supplier " + item.SupplierName + " has co-ordinates and is skipped");
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine(i + "Could not find an address for " + item.SupplierName);
                 * }
                 * }
                 * */
                Console.WriteLine(d + "has been updated");
            catch (Exception ex)

            // List<CareCrossDoctors> doctors = entity.CareCrossDoctors.ToList();